25 research outputs found

    The role of social network sites in romantic relationships: Effects on jealousy and relationship happiness

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    On social network sites (SNS), information about one's romantic partner is readily available and public for friends. The paper focuses on the negative (SNS jealousy) and positive (SNS relationship happiness) consequences of SNS use for romantic relationships. We examined whether relationship satisfaction, trait jealousy, SNS use and need for popularity predicted these emotional consequences of SNS use and tested the moderating role of self-esteem. For low self-esteem individuals, need for popularity predicted jealousy and relationship happiness. For high-self-esteem individuals, SNS use for grooming was the main predictor. Low-self-esteem individuals try to compensate their low self-esteem by creating an idealized picture. Undesirable information threatens this picture, and especially individuals with a high need for popularity react with SNS jealousy. © 2011 International Communication Association

    Online Social Networking and Addiction—A Review of the Psychological Literature

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    Social Networking Sites (SNSs) are virtual communities where users can create individual public profiles, interact with real-life friends, and meet other people based on shared interests. They are seen as a ‘global consumer phenomenon’ with an exponential rise in usage within the last few years. Anecdotal case study evidence suggests that ‘addiction’ to social networks on the Internet may be a potential mental health problem for some users. However, the contemporary scientific literature addressing the addictive qualities of social networks on the Internet is scarce. Therefore, this literature review is intended to provide empirical and conceptual insight into the emerging phenomenon of addiction to SNSs by: (1) outlining SNS usage patterns, (2) examining motivations for SNS usage, (3) examining personalities of SNS users, (4) examining negative consequences of SNS usage, (5) exploring potential SNS addiction, and (6) exploring SNS addiction specificity and comorbidity. The findings indicate that SNSs are predominantly used for social purposes, mostly related to the maintenance of established offline networks. Moreover, extraverts appear to use social networking sites for social enhancement, whereas introverts use it for social compensation, each of which appears to be related to greater usage, as does low conscientiousness and high narcissism. Negative correlates of SNS usage include the decrease in real life social community participation and academic achievement, as well as relationship problems, each of which may be indicative of potential addiction

    Prototype of the domestic CHP ORC energy system

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    The Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery (IMP PAN) in Gdansk pursues its own research in fields such as technologies that use renewable energy sources efficiently, including in particular the small-scale combined heat and power (CHP) systems. This article discusses the design concepts for the prototype of small CHP ORC (organic Rankine cycle) energy system, developed under the research project. The source of heat is a boiler designed for biomass combustion. Electricity was generated using specially designed oil-free vapour micro-turbine. The turbo-generator has compact structure and hermetical casing thanks to the use of gas bearings lubricated by working medium. All energy system components are controlled and continuously monitored by a coherent automation and control system. The article also discusses selected experimental results conducted under laboratory conditions. Thermal-flow tests were presented that allow for an assessment of the operation of energy system components. Additionally, energy performance results of the turbo-generator were given including power obtained at various cycle parameters. The achieved results have shown that the developed energy system operated in accordance with design solutions. Electricity derived from the energy system prototype was around 2 kW, with boiler’s thermal power of 25 kW. The research has also confirmed that this system can be used in a domestic environment

    Dynamic state assessment of the steam micro-turbines with a capacity of 3 kW at operation in CHP ORC system

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    Workshop byl částečně podpořen projektem CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0139. Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky

    Flora naczyniowa wybranych cmentarzy Ostrowa Wielkopolskiego i okolicy

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    Effects of examinations carried out on seven cemeteries in Ostrów Wlkp. and of its nearest surrounding (Southern Wielkopolska) were presented in this work. The flora of vascular plants and its anthropogenic transformation was the object of examinations. In this work among others the geographical-historical composition, spectrum of life forms and sociological-ecological groups were analysed. Among 228 watched species of vascular plants 15% almost constituted taxa running wild from cultivation. They are among others often found on other cemeteries of Central Europe namely Cerastium tomentosum, Dianthus barbatus, Viola × wittrockiana, Galan- thus nivalis and Sedum spurium

    Zmiany wlasciwosci fizycznych miesa w czasie procesu peklowania

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    Badano wodochłonność, barwę, właściwości elektryczne i mikrostrukturę mięsa wołowego poddanego procesowi peklowania przez 4 doby w temp. 4°C, solanką zawierającą 10 % NaCl i 0,115 % NaNO₂. Stwierdzono istotne zmiany fizyczne i mikrostrukturalne. Dominująca dł. fali dla mięsa peklowanego wynosiła średnio 607,5 nm, jasność fotometryczna 39,16 % a czystość kolorymetryczna 0,456 jednostek. Średni stopień przereagowania barwników wyniósł 72 %. Mięso peklowane charakteryzowało się wartością wymuszonego wycieku solanki na średnim poziomie 20 %. W strukturze tkanki mięśniowej peklowanej nastąpiły istotne zmiany w obrębie miofibryli, polegające na całkowitym lub częściowym zaniku heksagonalnego układu miofilamentów, rozpadzie lub fragmentaryzacji linii z, zaniku klasycznego podziału sarkomeru na poszczególne odcinki. W obrębie włókien obserwowano uszkodzenia struktury mitochondriów (obrzmienie, uszkodzenie grzebieni, rozjaśnienie macierzy), zanik lub fragmentację błony sarkoplazmatycznej, rozpad lub fragmentację siateczki sarkoplazmatycznej, zanik glikogenu struktury włókienek mięśniowych, zatarcie wyraźnych granic pomiędzy prążkami w sarkomerze, zwłaszcza dezintegracja linii z, daleko posunięte zniszczenie struktury wewnętrznej mitochondriów oraz ich spęcznienie.The water absorption, colour, electrical properties and microstructure of beef meat cured during 96 hrs at 4°C with brine contained 16 % NaCl and 0,115 % NaNO₂ were investigated. Significant physical and microstructural changes were found. Predominant wave length for cured meat was on an average 607,5 nm, photometric brightness 39,16 and colorimetric purity 0,456 units. The average reaction degree of pigments was 72 %. The cured meat was characterised by the value of forced brine effluent on the medium level of 20 %. In the structure of the cured meat tissue took place significant changes within miofibrille, which were connected with complete or partial disappearance of hexagonal arrangement of miofilaments, disintegration or fragmentation of z line, division on particular sections. Within fibres were observed damages of mitochondria structure (swollen mitochondrium, cristae damage, brightening of the matrix), disappearance or fragmentation of sarcoplasmic membrane, disintegration or fragmentation of sarcoplasmic reticulum, loss of glycogen from muscle fibres structure, obliteration of distinct limits between stripes in sarcomer; particularly disintegration of z line, advanced destruction of the internal structure of mitochondria and their swelling

    Uklad automatycznego sterowania procesem elektrostymulacji wysokonapieciowej

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    W pracy przedstawiono opis budowy i zasadę działania układu sterowania procesem elektrostymulacji wysokonapięciowej. Wykazano, iż zastosowanie opisanego układu w określonej linii uboju bydła zapewnia: przepływ prądu elektrycznego przez całą tuszę, utrzymanie czasu trwania zabiegu ES w zakresie od 90 do 120 s, zabezpieczenie wymaganych warunków higieniczno-sanitarnych, ograniczenie do minimum niebezpieczeństwa porażenia prądem elektrycznym, zsynchronizowanie pracy poszczególnych urządzeń z pracą transportera. Układ zamontowano w zmodernizowanej linii uboju bydła w Zakładach Mięsnych w Olsztynie.In this paper construction and the operating principle of an appliance for high voltage electrostimulation have been described. One proved that the device applied in the beef slaughter line ensure: running the electric current throughout all the carcass, maintaining the electrostimulation process in a range from 90 to 120 sec., ensuring the sanitary conditions, limiting electrocution to the minimum, synchronizing the work of the separate devices with the conveyer. The appliance is established in modern beef slaughter line in Meat Factory in Olsztyn

    Effect of particulated whey protein concentrate [PWPC] added to cheese milk on its electrical properties

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    W pracy podjęto badania nad określeniem wpływu dodatku koncentratu partykułowanych białek serwatkowych (PWPC) do mleka serowarskiego na wybrane właściwości elektryczne tego mleka. Materiał badawczy stanowił koncentrat partykułowanych białek serwatkowych, mleko serowarskie bez dodatku PWPC oraz z dodatkiem wynoszącym 1 i 2 % PWPC. Wszystkie próby poddawane analizie otrzymano w warunkach przemysłowych. Przebadano takie wyróżniki, jak: impedancję, admitancję, pojemność szeregową i kąt przesunięcia fazowego. Badania wykazały, że dodatek PWPC do mleka serowarskiego powodował znaczącą zmianę współczynników przewodnościowych dopiero przy 2 % dodatku PWPC. Natomiast przy dodatku 1 % wartości tych współczynników nie różniły się statystycznie od wyników mleka bez dodatku koncentratu. Przy 1 % dodatku partykulatu do mleka istotnie malał współczynnik pojemnościowy Cs w porównaniu z mlekiem bez dodatku partykulatu. Jednak różnica wielkości zmniejszenia tego współczynnika w przypadku mleka z 1- i 2 % dodatkiem była już statystycznie nieistotna. Ponadto zmiana częstotliwości pomiaru w każdym przypadku miała wpływ na mierzone wielkości, przy czym największe zmiany obserwowano w zakresie 20 Hz ÷ 200 Hz, natomiast powyżej 400 Hz zmiany te były już istotne. Podsumowując wyniki przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że na podstawie zmian przedstawionych właściwości elektrycznych mleka serowarskiego nie można określić dodatku PWPC pod względem ilościowym, a jedynie pod względem jakościowym.The investigations discussed in this paper were performed in order to determine the effect of particulated whey protein concentrate (PWPC) added to cheese milk on its electrical proprieties. A concentrate of particulated whey proteins and cheese milk without the addition of PWPC and with 1 and 2 % additions of PWPC constituted the material for investigations. All of the analysed samples were produced under the industrial conditions. The following characteristics were investigated: impedance, admittance, Cs capacitance, and the phase angle. The investigations proved that the addition of PWPC to cheese milk caused a significant change in the conductance coefficients only when the amount of PWPC added was 2 %. When the PWPC addition was close to 1 %, the values of the characteristics studied did not statistically differ from the obtained in the case of cheese milk with no PWPC added. When the PWPC addition was 1 %, the Cs capacitance was significantly reduced compared to the cheese milk without PWPC added. Yet, as for the milk with 1 and with 2 % of PWPC, the difference in their Cs capacitance reduction scale was not statistically significant. Furthermore, in all the cases studied, a change in the measurement frequency impacted the measured characteristics: the highest changes were found in the range from 20 Hz to 200 Hz of frequency, and above 400 Hz of frequency, those changes were not essential. While summing up the investigation results, it was found based on the changes in the measured electrical characteristics of cheese milk that it was possible to determine the PWPC addition exclusively qualitatively and not quantitatively