18 research outputs found

    The impact of the injection protocol on an impurity's stationary state

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    We examine stationary state properties of an impurity particle injected into a one-dimensional quantum gas. We show that the value of the impurity's end velocity lies between zero and the speed of sound in the gas, and is determined by the injection protocol. This way, the impurity's constant motion is a dynamically emergent phenomenon whose description goes beyond accounting for the kinematic constraints of Landau approach to superfluidity. We provide exact analytic results in the thermodynamic limit, and perform finite-size numerical simulations to demonstrate that the predicted phenomena are within the reach of the existing ultracold gases experiments.Comment: main text+supplemental, 14 pages, 3 figures; v2: title, introduction, and summary modified, 3 refs. adde

    Finite temperature spin diffusion in the Hubbard model in the strong coupling limit

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    We investigate finite temperature spin transport in one spatial dimension by considering the spin-spin correlation function of the Hubbard model in the limiting case of infinitely strong repulsion. We find that in the absence of bias the transport is diffusive, and derive the spin diffusion constant. Our approach is based on asymptotic analysis of a Fredholm determinant representation. The obtained results are in agreement with Generalized Hydrodynamics approach.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figur

    Dynamical quantum Cherenkov transition of fast impurities in quantum liquids

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    The challenge of understanding the dynamics of a mobile impurity in an interacting quantum many-body medium comes from the necessity of including entanglement between the impurity and excited states of the environment in a wide range of energy scales. In this paper, we investigate the motion of a finite mass impurity injected into a three-dimensional quantum Bose fluid as it starts shedding Bogoliubov excitations. We uncover a transition in the dynamics as the impurity's velocity crosses a critical value which depends on the strength of the interaction between the impurity and bosons as well as the impurity's recoil energy. We find that in injection experiments, the two regimes differ not only in the character of the impurity velocity abatement, but also exhibit qualitative differences in the Loschmidt echo, density ripples excited in the BEC, and momentum distribution of scattered bosonic particles. The transition is a manifestation of a dynamical quantum Cherenkov effect, and should be experimentally observable with ultracold atoms using Ramsey interferometry, RF spectroscopy, absorption imaging, and time-of-flight imaging.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures + 4 pages, 3 figure

    Statics and dynamics of weakly coupled antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 ladders in a magnetic field

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    We investigate weakly coupled spin-1/2 ladders in a magnetic field. The work is motivated by recent experiments on the compound (C5H12N)2CuBr4 (BPCB). We use a combination of numerical and analytical methods, in particular the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) technique, to explore the phase diagram and the excitation spectra of such a system. We give detailed results on the temperature dependence of the magnetization and the specific heat, and the magnetic field dependence of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation rate of single ladders. For coupled ladders, treating the weak interladder coupling within a mean-field or quantum Monte Carlo approach, we compute the transition temperature of triplet condensation and its corresponding antiferromagnetic order parameter. Existing experimental measurements are discussed and compared to our theoretical results. Furthermore we compute, using time dependent DMRG, the dynamical correlations of a single spin ladder. Our results allow to directly describe the inelastic neutron scattering cross section up to high energies. We focus on the evolution of the spectra with the magnetic field and compare their behavior for different couplings. The characteristic features of the spectra are interpreted using different analytical approaches such as the mapping onto a spin chain, a Luttinger liquid (LL) or onto a t-J model. For values of parameters for which such measurements exist, we compare our results to inelastic neutron scattering experiments on the compound BPCB and find excellent agreement. We make additional predictions for the high energy part of the spectrum that are potentially testable in future experiments.Comment: 35 pages, 26 figure

    Quantum flutter of supersonic particles in one-dimensional quantum liquids

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    The non-equilibrium dynamics of strongly correlated many-body systems exhibits some of the most puzzling phenomena and challenging problems in condensed matter physics. Here we report on essentially exact results on the time evolution of an impurity injected at a finite velocity into a one-dimensional quantum liquid. We provide the first quantitative study of the formation of the correlation hole around a particle in a strongly coupled many-body quantum system, and find that the resulting correlated state does not come to a complete stop but reaches a steady state which propagates at a finite velocity. We also uncover a novel physical phenomenon when the impurity is injected at supersonic velocities: the correlation hole undergoes long-lived coherent oscillations around the impurity, an effect we call quantum flutter. We provide a detailed understanding and an intuitive physical picture of these intriguing discoveries, and propose an experimental setup where this physics can be realized and probed directly.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Reentrant behavior of the breathing-mode-oscillation frequency in a one-dimensional Bose gas

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    Exciting temporal oscillations of the density distribution is a high-precision method for probing ultracold trapped atomic gases. Interaction effects in their many-body dynamics are particularly puzzling and counter-intuitive in one spatial dimension (1D) due to enhanced quantum correlations. We consider 1D quantum Bose gas in a parabolic trap at zero temperature and explain, analytically and numerically, how oscillation frequency depends on the number of particles, their repulsion, and the trap strength. We identify the frequency with the energy difference between the ground state and a particular excited state. This way we avoided resolving the dynamical evolution of the system, simplifying the problem immensely. We find an excellent quantitative agreement of our results with the data from the Innsbruck experiment [Science 325, 1224 (2009)].Peer Reviewe