34 research outputs found


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    Розглянуто творчий шлях визначного дніпропетровського краєзнавця Володимира Васильовича Бінкевича.The author considers creative way of the famous dnipropetrovsk student of local lore Volodimir Vasil’ovich Binkevich

    Self-study guide to developing English linguistic competences for students of Computer Sciences

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    Методичні вказівки призначені для самостійної роботи студентів ІТ спеціальностей над опануванням фахової термінології та мають на меті допомогти студентам І та ІІ курсів самостійно працювати над розширенням словникового запасу, розвитком вмінь здобування інформації з англомовних текстових джерел

    First-passage statistics of colloids on fractals: Theory and experimental realization

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    In nature and technology, particle dynamics frequently occur in complex environments, for example in restricted geometries or crowded media. These dynamics have often been modeled invoking a fractal structure of the medium although the fractal structure was only indirectly inferred through the dynamics. Moreover, systematic studies have not yet been performed. Here, colloidal particles moving in a laser speckle pattern are used as a model system. In this case, the experimental observations can be reliably traced to the fractal structure of the underlying medium with an adjustable fractal dimension. First-passage time statistics reveal that the particles explore the speckle in a self-similar, fractal manner at least over four decades in time and on length scales up to 20 times the particle radius. The requirements for fractal diffusion to be applicable are laid out, and methods to extract the fractal dimension are established

    Colloids in light fields: particle dynamics in random and periodic energy landscapes

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    The dynamics of colloidal particles in potential energy landscapes have mainly been investigated theoretically. In contrast, here we discuss the experimental realization of potential energy landscapes with the help of light fields and the observation of the particle dynamics by video microscopy. The experimentally observed dynamics in periodic and random potentials are compared to simulation and theoretical results in terms of, e.g. the mean-squared displacement, the time-dependent diffusion coefficient or the non-Gaussian parameter. The dynamics are initially diffusive followed by intermediate subdiffusive behaviour which again becomes diffusive at long times. How pronounced and extended the different regimes are, depends on the specific conditions, in particular the shape of the potential as well as its roughness or amplitude but also the particle concentration. Here we focus on dilute systems, but the dynamics of interacting systems in external potentials, and thus the interplay between particle-particle and particle-potential interactions, is also mentioned briefly. Furthermore, the observed dynamics of dilute systems resemble the dynamics of concentrated systems close to their glass transition, with which it is compared. The effect of certain potential energy landscapes on the dynamics of individual particles appears similar to the effect of interparticle interactions in the absence of an external potential

    A Reference Architecture for Software Protection

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    This paper describes the ASPIRE reference architecture designed to tackle one major problem in this domain: the lack of a clear process and an open software architecture for the composition and deployment of multiple software protections on software applications

    Структура вірусних діарей у дітей на Сумщині

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    Гострі кишкові інфекції (ГКІ) стійко посідають одне з провідних місць серед усіх інфекційних захворювань, характеризуються широкою поширеністю, високою частотою розвитку тяжких форм і ускладнень. Прогрес у галузі лабораторних методів діагностики дозволив істотно розширити уявлення про етіологічні чинники хвороби: у країнах, що розвиваються, домінують діарейні інфекції бактерійної етіології, а в економічно розвинених країнах - вірусної. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3228

    Efficient RT-QuIC seeding activity for \u3b1-synuclein in olfactory mucosa samples of patients with Parkinson's disease and multiple system atrophy

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    Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder whose diagnosis is often challenging because symptoms may overlap with neurodegenerative parkinsonisms. PD is characterized by intraneuronal accumulation of abnormal \u3b1-synuclein in brainstem while neurodegenerative parkinsonisms might be associated with accumulation of either \u3b1-synuclein, as in the case of Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) or tau, as in the case of Corticobasal Degeneration (CBD) and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP), in other disease-specific brain regions. Definite diagnosis of all these diseases can be formulated only neuropathologically by detection and localization of \u3b1-synuclein or tau aggregates in the brain. Compelling evidence suggests that trace-amount of these proteins can appear in peripheral tissues, including receptor neurons of the olfactory mucosa (OM). Methods: We have set and standardized the experimental conditions to extend the ultrasensitive Real Time Quaking Induced Conversion (RT-QuIC) assay for OM analysis. In particular, by using human recombinant \u3b1-synuclein as substrate of reaction, we have assessed the ability of OM collected from patients with clinical diagnoses of PD and MSA to induce \u3b1-synuclein aggregation, and compared their seeding ability to that of OM samples collected from patients with clinical diagnoses of CBD and PSP. Results: Our results showed that a significant percentage of MSA and PD samples induced \u3b1-synuclein aggregation with high efficiency, but also few samples of patients with the clinical diagnosis of CBD and PSP caused the same effect. Notably, the final RT-QuIC aggregates obtained from MSA and PD samples owned peculiar biochemical and morphological features potentially enabling their discrimination. Conclusions: Our study provide the proof-of-concept that olfactory mucosa samples collected from patients with PD and MSA possess important seeding activities for \u3b1-synuclein. Additional studies are required for (i) estimating sensitivity and specificity of the technique and for (ii) evaluating its application for the diagnosis of PD and neurodegenerative parkinsonisms. RT-QuIC analyses of OM and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can be combined with the aim of increasing the overall diagnostic accuracy of these diseases, especially in the early stages

    A rare loss-of-function variant of ADAM17 is associated with late-onset familial Alzheimer disease

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    Common variants of about 20 genes contributing to AD risk have so far been identified through genome-wide association studies (GWAS). However, there is still a large proportion of heritability that might be explained by rare but functionally important variants. One of the so far identified genes with rare AD causing variants is ADAM10. Using whole-genome sequencing we now identified a single rare nonsynonymous variant (SNV) rs142946965 [p.R215I] in ADAM17 co-segregating with an autosomal-dominant pattern of late-onset AD in one family. Subsequent genotyping and analysis of available whole-exome sequencing data of additional case/control samples from Germany, UK, and USA identified five variant carriers among AD patients only. The mutation inhibits pro-protein cleavage and the formation of the active enzyme, thus leading to loss-of-function of ADAM17 alpha-secretase. Further, we identified a strong negative correlation between ADAM17 and APP gene expression in human brain and present in vitro evidence that ADAM17 negatively controls the expression of APP. As a consequence, p.R215I mutation of ADAM17 leads to elevated Aß formation in vitro. Together our data supports a causative association of the identified ADAM17 variant in the pathogenesis of AD

    Recombinant pro-CTSD (cathepsin D) enhances SNCA/α-Synuclein degradation in α-Synucleinopathy models

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    Parkinson disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the abnormal intracellular accumulation of SNCA/α-synuclein. While the exact mechanisms underlying SNCA pathology are not fully understood, increasing evidence suggests the involvement of autophagy as well as lysosomal deficiencies. Because CTSD (cathepsin D) has been proposed to be the major lysosomal protease involved in SNCA degradation, its deficiency has been linked to the presence of insoluble SNCA conformers in the brain of mice and humans as well as to the transcellular transmission of SNCA aggregates. We here postulate that SNCA degradation can be enhanced by the application of the recombinant human proform of CTSD (rHsCTSD). Our results reveal that rHsCTSD is efficiently endocytosed by neuronal cells, correctly targeted to lysosomes and matured to an enzymatically active protease. In dopaminergic neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) of PD patients harboring the A53T mutation within the SNCA gene, we confirm the reduction of insoluble SNCA after treatment with rHsCTSD. Moreover, we demonstrate a decrease of pathological SNCA conformers in the brain and within primary neurons of a ctsd-deficient mouse model after dosing with rHsCTSD. Boosting lysosomal CTSD activity not only enhanced SNCA clearance in human and murine neurons as well as tissue, but also restored endo-lysosome and autophagy function. Our findings indicate that CTSD is critical for SNCA clearance and function. Thus, enzyme replacement strategies utilizing CTSD may also be of therapeutic interest for the treatment of PD and other synucleinopathies aiming to decrease the SNCA burden. Abbreviations: aa: amino acid; SNCA/α-synuclein: synuclein alpha; APP: amyloid beta precursor protein; BBB: blood brain barrier; BF: basal forebrain; CBB: Coomassie Brilliant Blue; CLN: neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis; CNL10: neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis type 10; Corr.: corrected; CTSD: cathepsin D; CTSB: cathepsin B; DA: dopaminergic; DA-iPSn: induced pluripotent stem cell-derived dopaminergic neurons; dox: doxycycline; ERT: enzyme replacement therapy; Fx: fornix, GBA/β-glucocerebrosidase: glucosylceramidase beta; h: hour; HC: hippocampus; HT: hypothalamus; i.c.: intracranially; IF: immunofluorescence; iPSC: induced pluripotent stem cell; KO: knockout; LAMP1: lysosomal associated membrane protein 1; LSDs: lysosomal storage disorders; MAPT: microtubule associated protein tau; M6P: mannose-6-phosphate; M6PR: mannose-6-phosphate receptor; MB: midbrain; mCTSD: mature form of CTSD; neurofil.: neurofilament; PD: Parkinson disease; proCTSD: proform of CTSD; PRNP: prion protein; RFU: relative fluorescence units; rHsCTSD: recombinant human proCTSD; SAPC: Saposin C; SIM: structured illumination microscopy; T-insol: Triton-insoluble; T-sol: Triton-soluble; TEM: transmission electron microscopy, TH: tyrosine hydroxylase; Thal: thalamus