230 research outputs found

    Perpustakaan Sekolah/Madrasah Landasan Hukum Dan Standarnya

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    Pengelola Perpustakaan Sekolah baik pustakawan, guru-guru dan pimpinan sekolah masih banyak yang tidak mengetahui hal-hal yang perlu diketahui sebagai syarat atau standar yang perlu dilengkapi di perpustakaan sekolah tersebut sesuai yang tercantum dalam undang-undang dan peraturan pemerintah. Oleh karena itu perlu dijelaskan dan harus diketahui oleh pengelola perpustakaan sekolah itu sesuai undang-undang dan peraturan di Indonesia, agar dalam menjalankan penyelenggaraan perpustakaan sekolah ada  dasar, arah, tujuan, standar-stardar yang mesti dipenuhi. Penjelasan tentang standar perpustakaan sekolah diuraikan dari Peraturan Kepala Perpustakaan Nasional RI nomor 10, 11, dan 12 tahun 2017 tentang Standar Nasional Perpustakaan Sekolah/Madrasah. Kemudian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kedudukan perpustakaan sekolah di Indonesia sudah kokoh berdirinya karena sudah banyak undang-undang,  peraturan, landasan hukum  yang mengatur pendirian atau keberadaannya. Standar-standar yang diperlukan dalam pengelolan dan pelaksanaan perpustakaan sekolah adalah standar koleksi, sarana dan prasarana, pelayanan, tenaga, penyelenggaraan  dan standar pengelolaan perpustakaan

    Teacher Professional Development

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    Professionalism of teachers is often attributed to three factors are quite important, namely the competence of teachers, teacher certification and teacher professional allowance. The third factor is the background that was allegedly closely associated with the quality of education. Professional teachers as evidenced by its competence shall promote the establishment process and product performance which can support the quality of education. Competent teachers can be evidenced by the acquisition of teacher certification following an adequate allowance according to the size of Indonesia. Today, there are a number of teachers who have been certified, it will be certified, has gained professional allowance, and will acquire the professional allowance. The fact that the teachers have been certified is a strong assumption, that the teacher already has competence. The problem that arises then, that the teacher is assumed to have had the competence which is only based on the assumption that they have been certified; it seems in the long term it is difficult to be accountable academically. Evidence have been certified, the teacher is present condition, which is generally a quality teacher resources shortly after certification. Therefore, the certification is closely related to the learning process, the certification cannot be assumed to reflect the competence of a superior lifetime. Post- certification should be an early milestone for teachers to constantly improve competence by means of long-life learning. To facilitate the improvement of teacher competence, it is necessary that a competence is initiated in order to manage the development of teachers’ professionalism

    Peran Perpustakaan Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi Informasi Mahasiswa UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

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    Literasi informasi maksudnya kelancaran menelusur informasi dan penguasaan teknologi informasi dalam menelusur informasi sesuai kebutuhan, hal ini sangat penting untuk keberhasilan pendidikan tinggi dan belajar seumur hidup. Mahasiswa UIN Imam Bonjol Padang perlu dikenalkan dan selanjutnya ditekankan punya keahlian literasi informasi sejak dini, terutama terhadap penelusuran sumber kajian Islam. Tujuan literasi informasi ini agar mahasiswa mampu menafsirkan informasi sebagai pengguna informasi dan menjadi penghasil informasi bagi dirinya sendiri. Penelitian ini memakai metode kombinasi (mixed methods), yaitu menggabungkan antara metode kuantitatif dan metode kualitatif untuk digunakan secara bersama-sama sehingga diperoleh data yang lebih komprehensif, valid, reliabel dan objektif. Analisis deksriptif dari beberapa indikator adalah menunjukkan secara umum bahwa pentingnya peningkatan literasi informasi melalui kegiatan layanan pendidikan pemakai di Perpustakaan UIN IB Padang Dari penelitian disimpulkan bahwa mahasiswa UIN Imam Bonjol Padang masih kebingungan dalam menelusur informasi, terutama yang berbahasa Arab, walau kegiatan literasi informasi sudah dicanangkan oleh UPT Perpustakaan pada dosen, mahasiswa dan pustakawan. Untuk mencapai hasil yang maksimal dibutuhkan dukungan dan perhatian yang serius dari pimpinan, dosen dan bagian-bagian terkait, baik sektor peralatan, keuangan, koleksi yang digunakan bahkan fasilitas tenaga yang profesional serta waktu yang cukup

    Emergency remote teaching during COVID-19 crisis: An analysis of EFL students’ engagement in Aceh

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    To prevent the spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19) and its pandemic, emergency remote teaching must be implemented. This has brought significant problems and difficulties for students due to this unusual circumstance, EFL students must learn to adapt their abilities. Because of the widespread use of technology in education, the quick transition to complete online learning necessitates some adjustment. EFL students must be able to handle online learning that is performed through technology integration and utilizing technological tools they have never used before in a short period of time. In response to emergency remote teaching, this study examined how engaged EFL students are, as well as their perceptions of such engagement. One hundred ninety-one students from four state Islamic universities in Aceh filled out an online questionnaire adapted from McColskey (2012). Both descriptive and thematic methods were used to analyze the data. EFL students demonstrated their level of engagement in all three categories of engagement: behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement. Positive responses and feelings of satisfaction were shown during emergency remote teaching. It indicates that EFL students have a better grasp of how to use technology in education. It is essential to constantly enhance their skills and have enough equipment and infrastructure to facilitate online learning

    Efek Formalin terhadap Jumlah Sel Spermatogenik

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    Background: The high number of formalin abuse as a food additive and formaldehyde exposure in daily life can caused the adverse effect, one of that is infertility. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of formaldehyde on the number of spermatogenic cells, which illustrated disruption of spermatogenesis. Methods: This research was an experimental research with post-test only with control group design. The subject of this research were 24 white rats (Rattus norvegicus) Wistar strain. Test of Hiypothesis used software of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) with One-way Anova test with significance 0.05. Results: The average number of spermatogonia cells (P0:291.50; P1:237.50; P2:185.83; P3:156.67), primary spermatocytes cells (P0:296,17; P1:261,33; P2:203,83; P3:171,33), and spermatid cells (P0:722.67; P1:663.67; P2:385.00; P3:287.83) decreased than control, and the results of One-way Anova test was p=0.00. Conclusion: There was a significant difference in the number of spermatogenic cells of the control group with the formalin treatment group


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    Team based project short film-based is the implementation of the course english drama which is one of the courses in the English literature study program that studies English literary works. The aims of this study were; (1) to increase student creativity through learning models team based project based on short films, (2) knowing the effectiveness of learning models team based project on courses english drama. The method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative. Methods of data collection using observation, interviews and documents. The results of the research show the learning model team based project  effectively used in courses english drama and making short films that are uploaded on YouTube in accordance with the creativity of students who have been guided in the theoretical material sessions that have been given by the course lecturer. The stages of the project using team based project short film based is; (1) students discuss related to the theme of the short film according to the course, (2) write scripts, (3) students carry out project activities according to the timeline that has been prepared, (4) students edit films and upload them to social media youtube. The outputs targeted in this study are international journals, sinta 3 accredited journals and monograph books. Keywords:  Team Based Project; Short Film;  English Dram


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    Stimulation Of Local Cultural Values And Wisdom In The Globalization Era

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    Globalization is one of the changes in the pattern of life in a group of individuals or a society that has headed towards modernization. This era of globalization will certainly result in people who tend to choose new cultures that are fresher and simpler, causing local culture to begin to erode and be forgotten and even a shift in values from the local culture. This is one of the factors that causes local culture to be abandoned and also forgotten nowadays. The absence or reduction of the younger generation who are successors and inheritors of local culture and wisdom has made interest in learning and getting to know one's own culture begin to fade. Today's young generation has neither the effort nor the interest to preserve local culture or local culture which is Indonesia's wealth in this era of globalization. The research method used is a qualitative method with literature study techniques in data collection. Based on the narrative from Malinowski, cultures that are in a higher caste and are active will have a great influence on cultures that are lower and tend to be passive. And this influence can occur in cultural contact. This theory is clearly visible in the current era of globalization. This can be seen from the shift in Indonesian cultural values which have begun to lean towards the west with the rapid flow of incoming information. This is of course a force that can influence people's thinking. In order to overcome this, it certainly requires awareness of the importance of local culture as identity and also national identity. It is the obligation of every society to preserve and also maintain culture with the help of the younger generation as heirs to that culture


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    Bakteri sebagai agen biokontrol dapat menghasilkan enzim hidrolitik, salah satunya adalah protease yang berfungsi untuk mendegradasi membran sel atau plasmalemma pada jamur yang tersusun dari molekul protein. Metalloprotease adalah protease yang mengandung satu atau dua ion logam pada sisi aktifnya. Peran ion logam dalam metalloprotease adalah untuk mengaktifkan molekul air, yang bertindak sebagai nukleofil dalam proses katalisis. Fungsi metalloprotease dari Serratia plymuthica UBCF_13/-R_36 belum diketahui, oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ion logam yang efektif untuk menginduksi ekspresi gen metalloprotease UBCF_13/-R_36. Plasmid rekombinan yang merupakan plasmid pGEM T-easy yang disisipi oleh gen metalloprotease ditransformasi dengan metode heat shock ke dalam Escherichia coli BL21. Ekspresi gen metalloprotease diinduksi dengan IPTG dan kombinasi beberapa ion logam yaitu Zn2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, dan Ca2+. Ekspresi gen tertinggi ditandai dengan pita protein paling tebal pada hasil visualisasi SDS-PAGE dengan berat molekul 27 kDa, yaitu pada perlakuan induksi ekspresi dengan ion logam Fe2+. Aktivitas proteolitik dari metalloprotease UBCF_13/-R_36 diuji menggunakan media LB padat yang mengandung 2% skim milk. Diameter zona bening terpanjang pada hari terakhir pengamatan adalah perlakuan induksi ekspresi dengan IPTG ditambah ion logam Ca2+ dengan panjang 0,83 cm. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk melakukan ekspresi gen metalloprotease UBCF_13/-R_36 dan memurnikan enzimnya sehingga dapat digunakan untuk pengujian terhadap pertumbuhan jamur
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