78 research outputs found

    Apáczai Csere János héber nyelvi műveltsége I. : Az Oratio de summa scholarum necessitate héber nyelvű részletei (1656)

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    Hebrew manuscript of A páczAi csere János (1625–1659), discovered in the late 1960s, prompted a lively debate about the depth of his knowledge of Hebrew. The debate remained unresolved at the time, but now an examination of the Latin manuscript of his Oratio (1656) has revealed new aspects. In his manuscript of this inauguration speech, A páczAi wrote in Hebrew the quotations of the biblical, rabbinical and medieval Hebrew texts. The confident and brisk orthography, the independent translation of the medieval commenta- tor’s Hebrew text, and the use of unpunctuated Hebrew text make it clear that he not only used, but also understood and cultivated the Hebrew language. Moreover, the ibn ezrA quotation was written in Rashi script, which was hard- ly used by any of the contemporary Hungarian Christian Hebraists. Since the Hungarian translations of the Oratio only indicate in footnotes that his text includes Hebrew script and textual analysis, the participants in the above-mentioned discussion could not use these facts to draw a positive conclusion. On the basis of the Oratio’s Hebrew excerpts analyzed in our article, the printed edition and translations need to be improved, and we have also ascer- tained that A páczAi csere János was one of the most skilled Hungarian Hebraists of his time

    Samaritánus Pentateuchus Kritikai Kiadása I. = Critical Edition of the Samaritan Pentateuch I.

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    A DFG által támogatott német munkacsoporttal közös projekt célja a Samaritánus Pentateuchus (SP) héber szövege tudományos kiadásának elkészítése és publikálása. A most zárult, OTKA által támogatott szakaszban a magyar kutatócsoport a SP Exodus könyvének legrégibb kéziratait digitalizálta, az ókori szövegvariánsokkal (LXX, Qumrán, Samaritánus targum) elemezte és apparátusokba dolgozta be a Classical Text Editor program segítségével, illetve a német kutatócsoport által feldolgozott Genezis könyve anyagának korrektúráját készítette el. A szövegkritikai munka és a szövegkiadás alapjául a Dublin Chester Beatty Library 751 számú (1225) kézirat szolgált, mely a korábban ismert legrégebbi kézirat. A kutatási program utolsó előtti hónapja során Izraelben, a Garizim hegyi samaritánus közösség egyik eddig ismeretlen genizájában a német kutatócsoport vezetője, Stefan Schorch rálelt az eddigi legrégebbi teljes SP kéziratra a 12. századból. Ennek prezentációját a Société d’Études Samaritaines 2012. júliusi konferenciáján tartjuk Erfurtban. A kritikai apparátusokhoz további húsz kéziratot használt fel a kutatást. A szövegvariánsokon, vokalizációs eltéréseken kívül külön apparátus jelzi a központozásbeli eltéréseket, melyek a szöveg értelmét alapvetően megváltoztathatják. Az elkészült Exodus anyag része lesz a teljes Samaritánus Pentateuchus első kritikai kiadásának. | The goal of the joint project with the German research group (sponsored by the DFG, led by prof. dr. Stefan Schorch) is to prepare and publish the critical edition of the Samaritan Pentateuch (SP). In this phase of the project, sponsored by the OKTA, the Hungarian group prepared the most ancient, more or less complete manuscripts of the Book of Exodus of the SP, analyzed them and other ancient textual witnesses (LXX, Qumran, Samaritan Targum) and completed apparatuses by the help of the computer program CTE. The Hungarian group also corrected the material of the Book of Genesis prepared by the German research group. MS Chester Beatty 751 of Dublin (1225) was used as the basic manuscript for the text-critical works and edition. This MS previously was known as the most ancient complete MS of the SP, but during March 2012 the leader of the German group found in a genizah of the Samaritan community on Mt Gerizim Israel a more ancient complete manuscript from the 12th century. The presentation of this sensational finding will be in Erfurt at the international conference of the Société d’Études Samaritaines in July 2012. In preparing of the critical apparatuses twenty further Samaritan manuscripts were used. Separate apparatus contain textual variants, variants of vocalization, and variants of interpunctation. The different use of interpunctation could alter the sense of a given sentence. This prepared Exodus material will form part of the first critical edition of the complete SP

    The Samaritan diaspora in Antiquity

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    This paper discusses the problems and state of the Samaritan diaspora situation in Antiquity. It was difficult for contemporaries to distinguish between Jews and Samaritans therefore it is more difficult to decide today whether a diaspora was Jewish or Samaritan. Even so, there are regions of the Eastern Mediterraneum where a Samaritan diaspora can be defined, though no history of any of them can be sketched

    Gazdasági kihívások keresztyén etikai vizsgálata = Christian ethical scrutiny of economic challenges

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    A művészeti, kulturális, vallási, tudományos és gazdasági területeken a fejlődés ciklikus módon történik, az intenzitások időrendben azonos sorrendben egymás után jelentkeznek a felsorolt területeken. A művészet/kultúra/vallás esetében ez egyfajta motivációs őseredetre vezethető vissza. Éppen ezért érdemes vizsgálni a gazdaság - keresztyénség, azon belül is legjelentősebb fejlődési hatásként a gazdaság - protestantizmus viszonyát. Ez a hatás a mai napig kihat a (vallásos és kevésbé vallásos) európai és amerikai társadalmak értékrendjére és gazdasági fejlődésére. Jelen tanulmány ezeket az összefüggéseket fogja bemutatni és gyakorlati példákkal alátámasztani. = In the fi elds of art, culture, religion, science and economics the evolution is cyclical and its intensities appear in the same chronological sequence. In the case of art/culture/science, it can be traced back to an ancient origin of motivation. Th at is the reason why one should study the relation of economics and Christianity, especially the relation of economics and Protestantism that has the most signifi cant evolutional eff ect, which is still present within the morals and economic development of (either religious or less religious) European and American societies. Th is study aims to present these relations and argue with practical examples

    Key Role of the Scavenger Receptor MARCO in Mediating Adenovirus Infection and Subsequent Innate Responses of Macrophages

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    ABSTRACT The scavenger receptor MARCO is expressed in several subsets of naive tissue-resident macrophages and has been shown to participate in the recognition of various bacterial pathogens. However, the role of MARCO in antiviral defense is largely unexplored. Here, we investigated whether MARCO might be involved in the innate sensing of infection with adenovirus and recombinant adenoviral vectors by macrophages, which elicit vigorous immune responses in vivo. Using cells derived from mice, we show that adenovirus infection is significantly more efficient in MARCO-positive alveolar macrophages (AMs) and in AM-like primary macrophage lines (Max Planck Institute cells) than in MARCO-negative bone marrow-derived macrophages. Using antibodies blocking ligand binding to MARCO, as well as gene-deficient and MARCO-transfected cells, we show that MARCO mediates the rapid adenovirus transduction of macrophages. By enhancing adenovirus infection, MARCO contributes to efficient innate virus recognition through the cytoplasmic DNA sensor cGAS. This leads to strong proinflammatory responses, including the production of interleukin-6 (IL-6), alpha/beta interferon, and mature IL-1α. These findings contribute to the understanding of viral pathogenesis in macrophages and may open new possibilities for the development of tools to influence the outcome of infection with adenovirus or adenovirus vectors. IMPORTANCE Macrophages play crucial roles in inflammation and defense against infection. Several macrophage subtypes have been identified with differing abilities to respond to infection with both natural adenoviruses and recombinant adenoviral vectors. Adenoviruses are important respiratory pathogens that elicit vigorous innate responses in vitro and in vivo. The cell surface receptors mediating macrophage type-specific adenovirus sensing are largely unknown. The scavenger receptor MARCO is expressed on some subsets of naive tissue-resident macrophages, including lung alveolar macrophages. Its role in antiviral macrophage responses is largely unexplored. Here, we studied whether the differential expression of MARCO might contribute to the various susceptibilities of macrophage subtypes to adenovirus. We demonstrate that MARCO significantly enhances adenovirus infection and innate responses in macrophages. These results help to understand adenoviral pathogenesis and may open new possibilities to influence the outcome of infection with adenoviruses or adenovirus vectors. IMPORTANCE Macrophages play crucial roles in inflammation and defense against infection. Several macrophage subtypes have been identified with differing abilities to respond to infection with both natural adenoviruses and recombinant adenoviral vectors. Adenoviruses are important respiratory pathogens that elicit vigorous innate responses in vitro and in vivo. The cell surface receptors mediating macrophage type-specific adenovirus sensing are largely unknown. The scavenger receptor MARCO is expressed on some subsets of naive tissue-resident macrophages, including lung alveolar macrophages. Its role in antiviral macrophage responses is largely unexplored. Here, we studied whether the differential expression of MARCO might contribute to the various susceptibilities of macrophage subtypes to adenovirus. We demonstrate that MARCO significantly enhances adenovirus infection and innate responses in macrophages. These results help to understand adenoviral pathogenesis and may open new possibilities to influence the outcome of infection with adenoviruses or adenovirus vectors.</jats:p

    Guidelines for diagnosis and management of the cobalamin-related remethylation disorders cblC, cblD, cblE, cblF, cblG, cblJ and MTHFR deficiency

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    BACKGROUND: Remethylation defects are rare inherited disorders in which impaired remethylation of homocysteine to methionine leads to accumulation of homocysteine and perturbation of numerous methylation reactions. OBJECTIVE: To summarise clinical and biochemical characteristics of these severe disorders and to provide guidelines on diagnosis and management. DATA SOURCES: Review, evaluation and discussion of the medical literature (Medline, Cochrane databases) by a panel of experts on these rare diseases following the GRADE approach. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS: We strongly recommend measuring plasma total homocysteine in any patient presenting with the combination of neurological and/or visual and/or haematological symptoms, subacute spinal cord degeneration, atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome or unexplained vascular thrombosis. We strongly recommend to initiate treatment with parenteral hydroxocobalamin without delay in any suspected remethylation disorder; it significantly improves survival and incidence of severe complications. We strongly recommend betaine treatment in individuals with MTHFR deficiency; it improves the outcome and prevents disease when given early

    Alveolar macrophages develop from fetal monocytes that differentiate into long-lived cells in the first week of life via GM-CSF

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    Tissue-resident macrophages can develop from circulating adult monocytes or from primitive yolk sac–derived macrophages. The precise ontogeny of alveolar macrophages (AMFs) is unknown. By performing BrdU labeling and parabiosis experiments in adult mice, we found that circulating monocytes contributed minimally to the steady-state AMF pool. Mature AMFs were undetectable before birth and only fully colonized the alveolar space by 3 d after birth. Before birth, F4/80(hi)CD11b(lo) primitive macrophages and Ly6C(hi)CD11b(hi) fetal monocytes sequentially colonized the developing lung around E12.5 and E16.5, respectively. The first signs of AMF differentiation appeared around the saccular stage of lung development (E18.5). Adoptive transfer identified fetal monocytes, and not primitive macrophages, as the main precursors of AMFs. Fetal monocytes transferred to the lung of neonatal mice acquired an AMF phenotype via defined developmental stages over the course of one week, and persisted for at least three months. Early AMF commitment from fetal monocytes was absent in GM-CSF–deficient mice, whereas short-term perinatal intrapulmonary GM-CSF therapy rescued AMF development for weeks, although the resulting AMFs displayed an immature phenotype. This demonstrates that tissue-resident macrophages can also develop from fetal monocytes that adopt a stable phenotype shortly after birth in response to instructive cytokines, and then self-maintain throughout life

    From Idealism to Pragmatism

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    An Observation of the history of American philosophy of the Eastern Coast from the early puritan thinkers to the first generation of educated philosophers and the birth of pragmatism.egyetemiFILOZOFIAB
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