97 research outputs found

    Mythes de la morphine auprÚs du personnel infirmier: étude comparative entre diverses unités de soins du Valais romand

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    Contexte : L’utilisation de la morphine Ă  usage mĂ©dical se confronte toujours, Ă  l’heure actuelle, Ă  certaines croyances erronĂ©es (mythes), en particulier sur les effets secondaires. La gestion inadaptĂ©e de la douleur peut avoir d’importantes rĂ©percussions invalidantes pour l’individu. Objectifs : Le but de cette Ă©tude est de comparer divers secteurs de soins afin de mettre en Ă©vidence de possibles dissemblances entre croyances infirmiĂšres en lien avec les prĂ©construits, l’administration et les risques de la morphine. Nos recherches se sont ensuite affinĂ©es au sein des groupes en fonction du genre, de l’ñge, de l’expĂ©rience, de la nationalitĂ© et de la religion afin d’expliquer les Ă©ventuelles dissemblances entre secteurs. Population : La population cible comprend des infirmiers/Ăšres diplĂŽmĂ©s/es travaillant dans le domaine de la pĂ©diatrie, de la mĂ©decine-chirurgie, des soins aigus (urgences, soins continus, soins intensifs), des centre mĂ©dico-sociaux et des Ă©tablissements mĂ©dico-sociaux du Valais romand. MĂ©thode : EnquĂȘte de type quantitative effectuĂ©e par questionnaire auto-administrĂ©. Regroupement de questions puis utilisation du programme informatique SPSS 18.0. RĂ©sultats : 515 questionnaires ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s. Plusieurs diffĂ©rences significatives ont pu ĂȘtre Ă©tablies entre les services de soins dont la majoritĂ© concerne les croyances liĂ©es aux prĂ©construits gĂ©nĂ©raux et au risque d’effets secondaires. Recommandations : Actuellement, les rĂ©sultats montrent que l’amĂ©lioration des connaissances scientifiques favorise une meilleure connaissance du produit et influence les mythes de la morphine. De ce fait, il est important d’assurer des formations continues rĂ©guliĂšres, se baser sur des protocoles ayant Ă©tĂ© approuvĂ©s par des experts et rĂ©Ă©valuer frĂ©quemment la douleur du patient

    HistĂłria e ambivalĂȘncia no Magellan de Hollis Frampton

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    Magellan Ă© o projeto de filme que consumiu a Ășltima dĂ©cada da carreira de Hollis Frampton, mas ainda assim permanece em grande parte nĂŁo investigado. Frampton declarou uma vez que “toda a histĂłria da arte Ă© nada mais que uma imensa nota de rodapĂ© para a histĂłria do cinema”, e Magellan Ă© uma tentativa incrivelmente ambiciosa de construir essa histĂłria. É uma metahistĂłria do cinema e da tradição da histĂłria da arte que incorpora mĂșltiplas mĂ­dias (filme, fotografia, pintura, escultura, animação, som, vĂ­deo, linguagem escrita e falada) e antecipa desenvolvimentos em novas mĂ­dias geradas por computadorMagellan is the film project that consumed the last decade of Hollis Frampton’s career, yet it remains largely unexamined. Frampton once declared that “the whole history of art is no more than a massive footnote to the history of film”, and Magellan is a hugely ambitious attempt to construct that history. It is a metahistory of film and the art historical tradition, which incorporates multiple media (film, photography, painting, sculpture, animation, sound, video, spoken and written language) and anticipates developments in computer-generated new medi

    La Cour pénale internationale : du projet d'une justice globale au paternalisme occidental

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    Statebuilding beyond the West: Exploring Islamic State’s strategic narrative of governance and statebuilding

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    Strategic narratives are employed by political actors as tools to pursue their goals, constructing a shared meaning of the past, present, and future in order to shape behaviour. Building on discourse analysis of the magazine Dabiq and from in-depth, semi-structured interviews conducted between 2018 and 2019 with IS civilian employees and civilians living in IS-controlled territory, we analyse how IS organised its strategic narrative of governance and statebuilding around three main themes considered as central in the statebuilding literature – the provision of security, the provision of basic services, and social cohesion – and how such a strategic narrative was received by citizens living in IS-controlled territory. We argue that the study of strategic narratives of governance and statebuilding casts light on the factors leading to the success or demise of emergent statebuilding efforts, equally demonstrating how IS’s project is quite conventional when compared to other mainstream statebuilding narratives.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Wie Bern den Spagat zwischen Partizipation und Datensicherheit meistert

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    Welche Chancen bietet die Digitalisierung den Schweizer Behörden – und was muss beachtet werden? Jonathan Gimmel, Leiter Digital Stadt Bern, und Daniela Zryd, Kommunikationsfachfrau bei der Stadt Bern, geben einen Überblick ĂŒber die aktuellen Projekte, mit welchen die Stadt Bern die Digitalisierung fĂŒr eine effizientere Zusammenarbeit und einen verstĂ€rkten öffentlichen Diskurs nutzen will – und inwiefern die Berner Fachhochschule sie bei Themen wie «Open Government Data», «once-only» und «Augmented Intelligence» unterstĂŒtzt

    A Review of RedOx Cycling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Anode

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    Abstract: Solid oxide fuel cells are able to convert fuels, including hydrocarbons, to electricity with an unbeatable efficiency even for small systems. One of the main limitations for long-term utilization is the reduction-oxidation cycling (RedOx cycles) of the nickel-based anodes. This paper will review the effects and parameters influencing RedOx cycles of the Ni-ceramic anode. Second, solutions for RedOx instability are reviewed in the patent and open scientific literature. The solutions are described from the point of view of the system, stack design, cell design, new materials and microstructure optimization. Finally, a brief synthesis on RedOx cycling of Ni-based anode supports for standard and optimized microstructures is depicted

    Shear induced instabilities in layered liquids

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    Motivated by the experimentally observed shear-induced destabilization and reorientation of smectic A like systems, we consider an extended formulation of smectic A hydrodynamics. We include both, the smectic layering (via the layer displacement u and the layer normal p) and the director n of the underlying nematic order in our macroscopic hydrodynamic description and allow both directions to differ in non equilibrium situations. In an homeotropically aligned sample the nematic director does couple to an applied simple shear, whereas the smectic layering stays unchanged. This difference leads to a finite (but usually small) angle between n and p, which we find to be equivalent to an effective dilatation of the layers. This effective dilatation leads, above a certain threshold, to an undulation instability of the layers. We generalize our earlier approach [Rheol. Acta, vol.39(3), 15] and include the cross couplings with the velocity field and the order parameters for orientational and positional order and show how the order parameters interact with the undulation instability. We explore the influence of various material parameters on the instability. Comparing our results to recent experiments and molecular dynamic simulations, we find a good qualitative agreement.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in PR
