257 research outputs found

    The growth and assembly of a massive galaxy at z ~ 2

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    We study the stellar mass assembly of the Spiderweb Galaxy (MRC 1138-262), a massive z = 2.2 radio galaxy in a protocluster and the probable progenitor of a brightest cluster galaxy. Nearby protocluster galaxies are identified and their properties are determined by fitting stellar population models to their rest-frame ultraviolet to optical spectral energy distributions. We find that within 150 kpc of the radio galaxy the stellar mass is centrally concentrated in the radio galaxy, yet most of the dust-uncorrected, instantaneous star formation occurs in the surrounding low-mass satellite galaxies. We predict that most of the galaxies within 150 kpc of the radio galaxy will merge with the central radio galaxy by z = 0, increasing its stellar mass by up to a factor of ~ 2. However, it will take several hundred Myr for the first mergers to occur, by which time the large star formation rates are likely to have exhausted the gas reservoirs in the satellite galaxies. The tidal radii of the satellite galaxies are small, suggesting that stars and gas are being stripped and deposited at distances of tens of kpc from the central radio galaxy. These stripped stars may become intracluster stars or form an extended stellar halo around the radio galaxy, such as those observed around cD galaxies in cluster cores.Comment: 12 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Hubble Space Telescope Imaging in the Chandra Deep Field South: III. Quantitative Morphology of the 1Ms Chandra Counterparts and Comparison with the Field Population

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    We present quantitative morphological analyses of 37 HST/WFPC2 counterparts of X-ray sources in the 1 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South (CDFS). We investigate: 1) 1-D surface brightness profiles via isophotal ellipse fitting; 2) 2-D, PSF- convolved, bulge+disk+nucleus profile-fitting; 3) asymmetry and concentration indices compared with all ~3000 sources in our three WFPC2 fields; and 4) near- neighbor analyses comparing local environments of X-ray sources versus the field control sample. Significant nuclear point-source optical components appear in roughly half of the resolved HST/WFPC2 counterparts, showing a narrow range of F_X/F_{opt,nuc} consistent with the several HST-unresolved X-ray sources (putative type-1 AGN) in our fields. We infer roughly half of the HST/WFPC2 counterparts host unobscured AGN, which suggests no steep decline in the type-1/type-2 ratio out to the redshifts z~0.5-1 typical of our sources. The concentration indices of the CDFS counterparts are clearly larger on average than those of the field distribution, at 5-sigma, suggesting that the strong correlation between central black hole mass and host galaxy properties (including concentration index) observed in nearby galaxies is already evident by z~0.5-1. By contrast, the asymmetry index distribution of the 21 resolved CDFS sources at I<23 is indistinguishable from the I<23 field. Moreover, the frequency of I<23 near neighbors around the CDFS counterparts is not significantly different from the field sample. These results, combined with previous similar findings for local samples, suggest that recent merger/ interaction history is not a good indicator of AGN activity over a substantial range of look-back time.Comment: 30 pages, incl. 8 figures; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Stellar Masses of Lyman Break Galaxies, Lyman Alpha Emitters and Radio Galaxies in Overdense Regions at z=4-6

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    We present new information on galaxies in the vicinity of luminous radio galaxies and quasars at z=4,5,6. These fields were previously found to contain overdensities of Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) or spectroscopic Lyman alpha emitters. We use HST and Spitzer data to infer stellar masses, and contrast our results with large samples of LBGs in more average environments as probed by the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS). The following results were obtained. First, LBGs in both overdense regions and in the field at z=4-5 lie on a very similar sequence in a z'-[3.6] versus [3.6] color-magnitude diagram. This is interpreted as a sequence in stellar mass (log[M*/Msun] = 9-11) in which galaxies become increasingly red due to dust and age as their star formation rate (SFR) increases. Second, the two radio galaxies are among the most massive objects (log[M*/Msun]~11) known to exist at z~4-5, and are extremely rare based on the low number density of such objects as estimated from the ~25x larger area GOODS survey. We suggest that the presence of these massive galaxies and supermassive black holes has been boosted through rapid accretion of gas or merging inside overdense regions. Third, the total stellar mass found in the z=4 ``proto-cluster'' TN1338 accounts for <30% of the stellar mass on the cluster red sequence expected to have formed at z>4, based on a comparison with the massive X-ray cluster Cl1252 at z=1.2. Although future near-infrared observations should determine whether any massive galaxies are currently being missed, one possible explanation for this mass difference is that TN1338 evolves into a smaller cluster than Cl1252. This raises the interesting question of whether the most massive protocluster regions at z>4 remain yet to be discovered.Comment: The Astrophysical Journal, In Press (17 pages, 7 figures

    Galaxy protocluster candidates around z ~ 2.4 radio galaxies

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    We study the environments of 6 radio galaxies at 2.2 < z < 2.6 using wide-field near-infrared images. We use colour cuts to identify galaxies in this redshift range, and find that three of the radio galaxies are surrounded by significant surface overdensities of such galaxies. The excess galaxies that comprise these overdensities are strongly clustered, suggesting they are physically associated. The colour distribution of the galaxies responsible for the overdensity are consistent with those of galaxies that lie within a narrow redshift range at z ~ 2.4. Thus the excess galaxies are consistent with being companions of the radio galaxies. The overdensities have estimated masses in excess of 10^14 solar masses, and are dense enough to collapse into virizalised structures by the present day: these structures may evolve into groups or clusters of galaxies. A flux-limited sample of protocluster galaxies with K < 20.6 mag is derived by statistically subtracting the fore- and background galaxies. The colour distribution of the protocluster galaxies is bimodal, consisting of a dominant blue sequence, comprising 77 +/- 10% of the galaxies, and a poorly populated red sequence. The blue protocluster galaxies have similar colours to local star-forming irregular galaxies (U -V ~ 0.6), suggesting most protocluster galaxies are still forming stars at the observed epoch. The blue colours and lack of a dominant protocluster red sequence implies that these cluster galaxies form the bulk of their stars at z < 3.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    HST Imaging in the Chandra Deep Field South: II. WFPC2 Observations of an X-Ray Flux-Limited Sample from the 1 Msec Chandra Catalog

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    We present HST/WFPC2 observations of a well-defined sample of 40 X-ray sources with X-ray fluxes above the detection threshold of the full 1 Msec Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS). The sensitivity and spatial resolution of our HST observations are sufficient to detect the optical counterparts of 37 of the X-ray sources, yielding information on their morphologies and environments. In this paper we extend the results obtained in our previous study on the 300 ks CDFS X-ray data (Schreier et al. 2001, Paper I). Specifically, we show that the optical counterparts to the X-ray sources are divided into two distinct populations: 1) an optically faint group with relatively blue colors, similar to the faint blue field galaxy population, and 2) an optically brighter group, including resolved galaxies with average colors significantly redder than the corresponding bright field galaxy population. The brighter objects comprise a wide range of types, including early and late type galaxies, starbursts, and AGN. By contrast, we show that the faint blue X-ray population are most consistent with being predominantly Type 2 AGN of low to moderate luminosity, located at higher redshifts (z ~ 1 - 2). This conclusion is supported by luminosity function models of the various classes of objects. Hence, the combination of deep X-ray data with the high spatial resolution of HST are for the first time allowing us to probe the faint end of the AGN luminosity function at cosmologically interesting redshifts.Comment: AASTEX-Latex, 25 pages, 4 postscript figures, 9 jpg figures. Accepted by the Astrophysical Journal. Full-size postscript images and figures, included in the preprint, are available from: http://www.stsci.edu/~koekemoe/papers/cdfs-hst

    Imprints of Environment on Cluster and Field Late-type Galaxies at z~1

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    We present a comparison of late-type galaxies (Sa and later) in intermediate redshift clusters and the field using ACS imaging of four cluster fields: CL0152-1357, CL1056-0337 (MS1054), CL1604+4304, and CL1604+4321. Concentration, asymmetry, and clumpiness parameters are calculated for each galaxy in blue (F606W or F625W) and red (F775W or F814W) filters. Galaxy half-light radii, disk scale lengths, color gradients, and overall color are compared. We find marginally significant differences in the asymmetry distributions of spiral and irregular galaxies in the X-ray luminous and X-ray faint clusters. The massive clusters contain fewer galaxies with large asymmetries. The physical sizes of the cluster and field populations are similar; no significant differences are found in half-light radii or disk scale lengths. The most significant difference is in rest-frame UBU-B color. Late-type cluster galaxies are significantly redder, 0.3\sim 0.3 magnitudes at rest-frame UBU-B, than their field counterparts. Moreover, the intermediate-redshift cluster galaxies tend to have blue inward color gradients, in contrast to the field galaxies, but similar to late-type galaxies in low redshift clusters. These blue inward color gradients are likely to be the result of enhanced nuclear star formation rates relative to the outer disk. Based on the significant rest-frame color difference, we conclude that late-type cluster members at z0.9z\sim0.9 are not a pristine infalling field population; some difference in past and/or current star formation history is already present. This points to high redshift ``groups'', or filaments with densities similar to present-day groups, as the sites where the first major effects of environment are imprinted.Comment: updated titl

    The Nascent Red Sequence at z~2

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    We present new constraints on the evolution of the early-type galaxy color-magnitude relation (CMR) based on deep near-infrared imaging of a galaxy protocluster at z=2.16 obtained using NICMOS on-board the Hubble Space Telescope. This field contains a spectroscopically confirmed space-overdensity of Lyman-alpha and H-alpha emitting galaxies which surrounds the powerful radio galaxy MRC 1138-262. Using these NICMOS data we identify a significant surface-overdensity (= 6.2x) of red J-H galaxies in the color-magnitude diagram (when compared with deep NICMOS imaging from the HDF-N and UDF). The optical-NIR colors of these prospective red-sequence galaxies indicate the presence of on-going dust-obscured star-formation or recently formed (<~ 1.5 Gyr)stellar populations in a majority of the red galaxies. We measure the slope and intrinsic scatter of the CMR for three different red galaxy samples selected by a wide color cut, and using photometric redshifts both with and without restrictions on rest-frame optical morphology. In all three cases both the rest-frame UBU-B slope and intrinsic color scatter are considerably higher than corresponding values for lower redshift galaxy clusters. These results suggest that while some relatively quiescent galaxies do exist in this protocluster both the majority of the galaxy population and hence the color-magnitude relation are still in the process of forming, as expected.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ (to appear June 1, 2008, v679n2

    Sub-millimeter galaxies as progenitors of compact quiescent galaxies

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    Three billion years after the big bang (at redshift z=2), half of the most massive galaxies were already old, quiescent systems with little to no residual star formation and extremely compact with stellar mass densities at least an order of magnitude larger than in low redshift ellipticals, their descendants. Little is known about how they formed, but their evolved, dense stellar populations suggest formation within intense, compact starbursts 1-2 Gyr earlier (at 3<z<6). Simulations show that gas-rich major mergers can give rise to such starbursts which produce dense remnants. Sub-millimeter selected galaxies (SMGs) are prime examples of intense, gas-rich, starbursts. With a new, representative spectroscopic sample of compact quiescent galaxies at z=2 and a statistically well-understood sample of SMGs, we show that z=3-6 SMGs are consistent with being the progenitors of z=2 quiescent galaxies, matching their formation redshifts and their distributions of sizes, stellar masses and internal velocities. Assuming an evolutionary connection, their space densities also match if the mean duty cycle of SMG starbursts is 42 (+40/-29) Myr (consistent with independent estimates), which indicates that the bulk of stars in these massive galaxies were formed in a major, early surge of star-formation. These results suggests a coherent picture of the formation history of the most massive galaxies in the universe, from their initial burst of violent star-formation through their appearance as high stellar-density galaxy cores and to their ultimate fate as giant ellipticals.Comment: ApJ (in press

    Deep Absorption Line Studies of Quiescent Galaxies at z~2: The Dynamical Mass-Size Relation, and First Constraints on the Fundamental plane

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    We present dynamical and structural scaling relations of quiescent galaxies at z=2, including the dynamical mass-size relation and the first constraints on the fundamental plane (FP). The backbone of the analysis is a new, very deep VLT/X-shooter spectrum of a massive, compact, quiescent galaxy at z=2.0389. We detect the continuum between 3700-22000A and several strong absorption features (Balmer series, Ca H+K, G-band), from which we derive a stellar velocity dispersion of 318 +/- 53 km/s. We perform detailed modeling of the continuum emission and line indices and derive strong simultaneous constraints on the age, metallicity, and stellar mass. The galaxy is a dusty (A_V=0.77 (+0.36,-0.32)) solar metallicity (log(Z/Zsun) = 0.02 (+0.20,-0.41)) post starburst galaxy, with a mean luminosity weighted log(age/yr) of 8.9 +/- 0.1. The galaxy formed the majority of its stars at z>3 and currently has little or no ongoing star formation. We compile a sample of three other z~2 quiescent galaxies with measured velocity dispersions, two of which are also post starburst like. Their dynamical mass-size relation is offset significantly less than the stellar mass-size relation from the local early type relations, which we attribute to a lower central dark matter fraction. Recent cosmological merger simulations qualitatively agree with the data, but can not fully account for the evolution in the dark matter fraction. The z~2 FP requires additional evolution beyond passive stellar aging, to be in agreement with the local FP. The structural evolution predicted by the cosmological simulations is insufficient, suggesting that additional, possibly non-homologous structural evolution is needed.Comment: Re-submitted to ApJ after implementing the comments of the refere