4,625 research outputs found

    Instantons in Quantum Mechanics and Resurgent Expansions

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    Certain quantum mechanical potentials give rise to a vanishing perturbation series for at least one energy level (which as we here assume is the ground state), but the true ground-state energy is positive. We show here that in a typical case, the eigenvalue may be expressed in terms of a generalized perturbative expansion (resurgent expansion). Modified Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization conditions lead to generalized perturbative expansions which may be expressed in terms of nonanalytic factors of the form exp(-a/g), where a > 0 is the instanton action, and power series in the coupling g, as well as logarithmic factors. The ground-state energy, for the specific Hamiltonians, is shown to be dominated by instanton effects, and we provide numerical evidence for the validity of the related conjectures.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX; further typographical errors correcte

    Multi-Instantons and Exact Results I: Conjectures, WKB Expansions, and Instanton Interactions

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    We consider specific quantum mechanical model problems for which perturbation theory fails to explain physical properties like the eigenvalue spectrum even qualitatively, even if the asymptotic perturbation series is augmented by resummation prescriptions to "cure" the divergence in large orders of perturbation theory. Generalizations of perturbation theory are necessary which include instanton configurations, characterized by nonanalytic factors exp(-a/g) where a is a constant and g is the coupling. In the case of one-dimensional quantum mechanical potentials with two or more degenerate minima, the energy levels may be represented as an infinite sum of terms each of which involves a certain power of a nonanalytic factor and represents itself an infinite divergent series. We attempt to provide a unified representation of related derivations previously found scattered in the literature. For the considered quantum mechanical problems, we discuss the derivation of the instanton contributions from a semi-classical calculation of the corresponding partition function in the path integral formalism. We also explain the relation with the corresponding WKB expansion of the solutions of the Schroedinger equation, or alternatively of the Fredholm determinant det(H-E) (and some explicit calculations that verify this correspondence). We finally recall how these conjectures naturally emerge from a leading-order summation of multi-instanton contributions to the path integral representation of the partition function. The same strategy could result in new conjectures for problems where our present understanding is more limited.Comment: 66 pages, LaTeX; refs. to part II preprint update

    Unified Treatment of Even and Odd Anharmonic Oscillators of Arbitrary Degree

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    We present a unified treatment, including higher-order corrections, of anharmonic oscillators of arbitrary even and odd degree. Our approach is based on a dispersion relation which takes advantage of the PT-symmetry of odd potentials for imaginary coupling parameter, and of generalized quantization conditions which take into account instanton contributions. We find a number of explicit new results, including the general behaviour of large-order perturbation theory for arbitrary levels of odd anharmonic oscillators, and subleading corrections to the decay width of excited states for odd potentials, which are numerically significant.Comment: 5 pages, RevTe

    Imaginary Cubic Perturbation: Numerical and Analytic Study

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    The analytic properties of the ground state resonance energy E(g) of the cubic potential are investigated as a function of the complex coupling parameter g. We explicitly show that it is possible to analytically continue E(g) by means of a resummed strong coupling expansion, to the second sheet of the Riemann surface, and we observe a merging of resonance and antiresonance eigenvalues at a critical point along the line arg(g) = 5 pi/4. In addition, we investigate the convergence of the resummed weak-coupling expansion in the strong coupling regime, by means of various modifications of order-dependent mappings (ODM), that take special properties of the cubic potential into account. The various ODM are adapted to different regimes of the coupling constant. We also determine a large number of terms of the strong coupling expansion by resumming the weak-coupling expansion using the ODM, demonstrating the interpolation between the two regimes made possible by this summation method.Comment: 18 pages; 4 figures; typographical errors correcte

    Refined Cauchy/Littlewood identities and six-vertex model partition functions: II. Proofs and new conjectures

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    We prove two identities of Hall-Littlewood polynomials, which appeared recently in a paper by two of the authors. We also conjecture, and in some cases prove, new identities which relate infinite sums of symmetric polynomials and partition functions associated with symmetry classes of alternating sign matrices. These identities generalize those already found in our earlier paper, via the introduction of additional parameters. The left hand side of each of our identities is a simple refinement of a relevant Cauchy or Littlewood identity. The right hand side of each identity is (one of the two factors present in) the partition function of the six-vertex model on a relevant domain.Comment: 34 pages, 14 figure

    Self-Consistent Theory of Normal-to-Superconducting Transition

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    I study the normal-to-superconducting (NS) transition within the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) model, taking into account the fluctuations in the mm-component complex order parameter \psi\a and the vector potential A\vec A in the arbitrary dimension dd, for any mm. I find that the transition is of second-order and that the previous conclusion of the fluctuation-driven first-order transition is an artifact of the breakdown of the \eps-expansion and the inaccuracy of the 1/m1/m-expansion for physical values \eps=1, m=1m=1. I compute the anomalous η(d,m)\eta(d,m) exponent at the NS transition, and find η(3,1)0.38\eta (3,1)\approx-0.38. In the mm\to\infty limit, η(d,m)\eta(d,m) becomes exact and agrees with the 1/m1/m-expansion. Near d=4d=4 the theory is also in good agreement with the perturbative \eps-expansion results for m>183m>183 and provides a sensible interpolation formula for arbitrary dd and mm.Comment: 9 pages, TeX + harvmac.tex (included), 2 figures and hard copies are available from [email protected] To appear in Europhysics Letters, January, 199

    Higher-Order Corrections to Instantons

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    The energy levels of the double-well potential receive, beyond perturbation theory, contributions which are non-analytic in the coupling strength; these are related to instanton effects. For example, the separation between the energies of odd- and even-parity states is given at leading order by the one-instanton contribution. However to determine the energies more accurately multi-instanton configurations have also to be taken into account. We investigate here the two-instanton contributions. First we calculate analytically higher-order corrections to multi-instanton effects. We then verify that the difference betweeen numerically determined energy eigenvalues, and the generalized Borel sum of the perturbation series can be described to very high accuracy by two-instanton contributions. We also calculate higher-order corrections to the leading factorial growth of the perturbative coefficients and show that these are consistent with analytic results for the two-instanton effect and with exact data for the first 200 perturbative coefficients.Comment: 7 pages, LaTe

    Order-dependent mappings: strong coupling behaviour from weak coupling expansions in non-Hermitian theories

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    A long time ago, it has been conjectured that a Hamiltonian with a potential of the form x^2+i v x^3, v real, has a real spectrum. This conjecture has been generalized to a class of so-called PT symmetric Hamiltonians and some proofs have been given. Here, we show by numerical investigation that the divergent perturbation series can be summed efficiently by an order-dependent mapping (ODM) in the whole complex plane of the coupling parameter v^2, and that some information about the location of level crossing singularities can be obtained in this way. Furthermore, we discuss to which accuracy the strong-coupling limit can be obtained from the initially weak-coupling perturbative expansion, by the ODM summation method. The basic idea of the ODM summation method is the notion of order-dependent "local" disk of convergence and analytic continuation by an order-dependent mapping of the domain of analyticity augmented by the local disk of convergence onto a circle. In the limit of vanishing local radius of convergence, which is the limit of high transformation order, convergence is demonstrated both by numerical evidence as well as by analytic estimates.Comment: 11 pages; 12 figure

    Conformal invariance in three-dimensional rotating turbulence

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    We examine three--dimensional turbulent flows in the presence of solid-body rotation and helical forcing in the framework of stochastic Schramm-L\"owner evolution curves (SLE). The data stems from a run on a grid of 153631536^3 points, with Reynolds and Rossby numbers of respectively 5100 and 0.06. We average the parallel component of the vorticity in the direction parallel to that of rotation, and examine the resulting z_\textrm{z} field for scaling properties of its zero-value contours. We find for the first time for three-dimensional fluid turbulence evidence of nodal curves being conformal invariant, belonging to a SLE class with associated Brownian diffusivity κ=3.6±0.1\kappa=3.6\pm 0.1. SLE behavior is related to the self-similarity of the direct cascade of energy to small scales in this flow, and to the partial bi-dimensionalization of the flow because of rotation. We recover the value of κ\kappa with a heuristic argument and show that this value is consistent with several non-trivial SLE predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR