253 research outputs found

    The standard model of star formation applied to massive stars: accretion disks and envelopes in molecular lines

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    We address the question of whether the formation of high-mass stars is similar to or differs from that of solar-mass stars through new molecular line observations and modeling of the accretion flow around the massive protostar IRAS20126+4104. We combine new observations of NH3(1,1) and (2,2) made at the Very Large Array, new observations of CHCN(13-12) made at the Submillimeter Array, previous VLA observations of NH(3,3), NH(4,4), and previous Plateau de Bure observations of C34S(2-1), C34S(5-4), and CHCN(12-11) to obtain a data set of molecular lines covering 15 to 419 K in excitation energy. We compare these observations against simulated molecular line spectra predicted from a model for high-mass star formation based on a scaled-up version of the standard disk-envelope paradigm developed for accretion flows around low-mass stars. We find that in accord with the standard paradigm, the observations require both a warm, dense, rapidly-rotating disk and a cold, diffuse infalling envelope. This study suggests that accretion processes around 10 M stars are similar to those of solar mass stars.Comment: Accepted MNRA

    Is protostellar heating sufficient to halt fragmentation? A case study of the massive protocluster G8.68-0.37

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    If star formation proceeds by thermal fragmentation and the subsequent gravitational collapse of the individual fragments, how is it possible to form fragments massive enough for O and B stars in a typical star-forming molecular cloud where the Jeans mass is about 1Msun at the typical densities (10^4 cm^-3) and temperatures (10K)? We test the hypothesis that a first generation of low-mass stars may heat the gas enough that subsequent thermal fragmentation results in fragments >=10Msun, sufficient to form B stars. We combine ATCA and SMA observations of the massive star-forming region G8.68-0.37 with radiative transfer modeling to derive the present-day conditions in the region and use this to infer the conditions in the past, at the time of core formation. Assuming the current mass/separation of the observed cores equals the fragmentation Jeans mass/length and the region's average density has not changed, requires the gas temperature to have been 100K at the time of fragmentation. The postulated first-generation of low-mass stars would still be around today, but the number required to heat the cloud exceeds the limits imposed by the observations. Several lines of evidence suggest the observed cores in the region should eventually form O stars yet none have sufficient raw material. Even if feedback may have suppressed fragmentation, it was not sufficient to halt it to this extent. To develop into O stars, the cores must obtain additional mass from outside their observationally defined boundaries. The observations suggest they are currently fed via infall from the very massive reservoir (~1500Msun) of gas in the larger pc scale cloud around the star-forming cores. This suggests that massive stars do not form in the collapse of individual massive fragments, but rather in smaller fragments that themselves continue to gain mass by accretion from larger scales.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    High Resolution CO Observations of Massive Star Forming Regions

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    Context. To further understand the processes involved in the formation of massive stars, we have undertaken a study of the gas dynamics surrounding three massive star forming regions. By observing the large scale structures at high resolution, we are able to determine properties such as driving source, and spatially resolve the bulk dynamical properties of the gas such as infall and outflow. Aims. With high resolution observations, we are able to determine which of the cores in a cluster forming massive stars is responsible for the large scale structures. Methods. We present CO observations of three massive star forming regions with known HII regions and show how the CO traces both infall and outflow. By combining data taken in two SMA configurations with JCMT observations, we are able to see large scale structures at high resolution. Results. We find large (0.26-0.40 pc), massive (2-3 M_sun) and energetic (13-17 \times 10^44 erg) outflows emanating from the edges of two HII regions suggesting they are being powered by the protostar(s) within. We find infall signatures in two of our sources with mass infall rates of order 10-4 M_sun/yr. Conclusions. We suggest that star formation is ongoing in these sources despite the presence of HII regions. We further conclude that the source(s) within a single HII region are responsible for the observed large scale structures; that these large structures are not the net effect of multiple outflows from multiple HII regions and hot cores.Comment: 8 pages,2 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    High Velocity Molecular Outflows In Massive Cluster Forming Region G10.6-0.4

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    We report the arcsecond resolution SMA observations of the 12^{12}CO (2-1) transition in the massive cluster forming region G10.6-0.4. In these observations, the high velocity 12^{12}CO emission is resolved into individual outflow systems, which have a typical size scale of a few arcseconds. These molecular outflows are energetic, and are interacting with the ambient molecular gas. By inspecting the shock signatures traced by CH3_{3}OH, SiO, and HCN emissions, we suggest that abundant star formation activities are distributed over the entire 0.5 pc scale dense molecular envelope. The star formation efficiency over one global free-fall timescale (of the 0.5 pc molecular envelope, 105\sim10^{5} years) is about a few percent. The total energy feedback of these high velocity outflows is higher than 1047^{47} erg, which is comparable to the total kinetic energy in the rotational motion of the dense molecular envelope. From order-of-magnitude estimations, we suggest that the energy injected from the protostellar outflows is capable of balancing the turbulent energy dissipation. No high velocity bipolar molecular outflow associated with the central OB cluster is directly detected, which can be due to the photo-ionization.Comment: 42 pages, 14 figures, accepted by Ap

    Spitzer-IRAC GLIMPSE of high mass protostellar objects. I Infrared point sources and nebulae

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    The GLIMPSE archive was used to obtain 3.6--8.0micron, point source photometry and images for 381 massive protostellar candidates lying in the Galactic mid-plane. The colours, magnitudes and spectral indicies of sources in each of the 381 target fields were analysed and compared with the predictions of 2D radiative transfer model simulations. Although no discernable embedded clusters were found in any targets, multiple sources or associations of redenned young stellar objects were found in many sources indicating multiplicity at birth. The spectral index (α\alpha) of these point sources in 3.6--8.0mum bands display large values of α\alpha=2--5. A color-magnitude analog plot was used to identify 79 infrared counterparts to the HMPOs. Compact nebulae are found in 75% of the detected sources with morphologies that can be well described by core-halo, cometary, shell-like and bipolar geometries similar to those observed in ultra-compact HII regions. The IRAC band SEDs of the IR counterparts of HMPOs are best described to represent YSOs with a mass range of 8--20\msun in their Class I stages when compared with 2D radiative transfer models. They also suggest that the high α\alpha values represent reprocessed star/star+disk emission that is arising in the dense envelopes. Thus we are witnessing the luminous envelopes around the protostars rather than their photospheres or disks. We argue that the compact infrared nebulae likely reflect the underlying physical structure of the dense cores and are found to imitate the morphologies of known UCHII regions. Our results favour models of continuuing accretion involving both molecular and ionised accretion components to build the most massive stars rather than purely molecular rapid accretion flows.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted by A&

    Hot high-mass accretion disk candidates

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    To better understand the physical properties of accretion disks in high-mass star formation, we present a study of a 12 high-mass accretion disk candidates observed at high spatial resolution with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) in the NH3 (4,4) and (5,5) lines. Almost all sources were detected in NH3, directly associated with CH3OH Class II maser emission. From the remaining eleven sources, six show clear signatures of rotation and/or infall motions. These signatures vary from velocity gradients perpendicular to the outflows, to infall signatures in absorption against ultracompact HII regions, to more spherical infall signatures in emission. Although our spatial resolution is ~1000AU, we do not find clear Keplerian signatures in any of the sources. Furthermore, we also do not find flattened structures. In contrast to this, in several of the sources with rotational signatures, the spatial structure is approximately spherical with sizes exceeding 10^4 AU, showing considerable clumpy sub-structure at even smaller scales. This implies that on average typical Keplerian accretion disks -- if they exist as expected -- should be confined to regions usually smaller than 1000AU. It is likely that these disks are fed by the larger-scale rotating envelope structure we observe here. Furthermore, we do detect 1.25cm continuum emission in most fields of view.Comment: 21 pages, 32 figures, accepted for ApJS. A high-resolution version can be found at http://www.mpia.de/homes/beuther/papers.htm

    Time Variability in Simulated Ultracompact and Hypercompact HII Regions

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    Ultracompact and hypercompact HII regions appear when a star with a mass larger than about 15 solar masses starts to ionize its own environment. Recent observations of time variability in these objects are one of the pieces of evidence that suggest that at least some of them harbor stars that are still accreting from an infalling neutral accretion flow that becomes ionized in its innermost part. We present an analysis of the properties of the HII regions formed in the 3D radiation-hydrodynamic simulations presented by Peters et al. as a function of time. Flickering of the HII regions is a natural outcome of this model. The radio-continuum fluxes of the simulated HII regions, as well as their flux and size variations are in agreement with the available observations. From the simulations, we estimate that a small but non-negligible fraction (~ 10 %) of observed HII regions should have detectable flux variations (larger than 10 %) on timescales of ~ 10 years, with positive variations being more likely to happen than negative variations. A novel result of these simulations is that negative flux changes do happen, in contrast to the simple expectation of ever growing HII regions. We also explore the temporal correlations between properties that are directly observed (flux and size) and other quantities like density and ionization rates.Comment: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, in press. The movie of free-free optical depth can be found at http://www.ita.uni-heidelberg.de/~tpeters/tau.av

    The high-mass disk candidates NGC7538IRS1 and NGC7538S

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    Context: The nature of embedded accretion disks around forming high-mass stars is one of the missing puzzle pieces for a general understanding of the formation of the most massive and luminous stars. Methods: Using the Plateau de Bure Interferometer at 1.36mm wavelengths in its most extended configuration we probe the dust and gas emission at ~0.3",corresponding to linear resolution elements of ~800AU. Results: NGC7538IRS1 remains a single compact and massive gas core with extraordinarily high column densities, corresponding to visual extinctions on the order of 10^5mag, and average densities within the central 2000AU of ~2.1x10^9cm^-3 that have not been measured before. We identify a velocity gradient across in northeast-southwest direction that is consistent with the mid-infrared emission, but we do not find a gradient that corresponds to the proposed CH3OH maser disk. The spectral line data toward NGC7538IRS1 reveal strong blue- and red-shifted absorption toward the mm continuum peak position. The red-shifted absorption allows us to estimate high infall rates on the order of 10^-2 Msun/yr. Although we cannot prove that the gas will be accreted in the end, the data are consistent with ongoing star formation activity in a scaled-up low-mass star formation scenario. Compared to that, NGC7538S fragments in a hierarchical fashion into several sub-sources. While the kinematics of the main mm peak are dominated by the accompanying jet, we find rotational signatures from a secondary peak. Furthermore, strong spectral line differences exist between the sub-sources which is indicative of different evolutionary stages within the same large-scale gas clump.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for A&