247 research outputs found

    Examining the Relationship of Exercise and Sleep in Students Across Multiple Academic Disciplines

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    Students in college learn the importance of balancing their academic studies with their sleep and exercise habits. The amount of sleep and exercise a student recieves has been examined in previous research studies. In these studies it was found that exercise had a postive affect on the amount of sleep received. However, there is little research on the affect academic discipline has on sleep habits and/or exercise habits of students in college. The purpose of this study is to examine the sleep and exercise habits among students in multiple academic majors at Bowling Green State University

    Communicating the modern entrepreneurial university in the 21st century: a case study of academic capitalism and media messaging in the pursuit of revenues and national prominence at Louisiana State University

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    American public universities have passed through three stages of development: the religious, the philanthropic/land-grant, and the federal research university. Squeezed by government budget cuts and demands for more money to pay for research and faculty raises, U.S. higher education has entered a fourth phase, the entrepreneurial university. Public universities are increasingly capitalizing on the intellectual property of their faculty and students to sustain themselves and expand. Administrators spout free-market rhetoric as faculty attempt to commercialize research by creating spin-off companies. Using Louisiana State University as a case study, this dissertation, applies a combination of organizational knowledge creation and resource dependence theories to analyze the emergence of academic entrepreneurialism. This study also assesses LSU’s capitalistic effectiveness against models of entrepreneurial development used by other U.S. colleges and frames entrepreneurial communication within the context of the state’s political environment, state budget cuts, and tuition waivers awarded to academically superior undergraduates. LSU messaging is compared to other peer public universities and scrutinized within the framework of results from a national public opinion survey on LSU’s image. Results suggest strong support for the concept of university entrepreneurialism, but indicate the American public, aside from athletics, doesn’t know much about LSU academics or research. Testing of LSU-related messages, meanwhile, advances themes that resonate among respondents and provide potential communication paths for increasing LSU’s national academic prominence and entrepreneurial success

    Examination of Acute Care Nurses Ability to Engage in Patient Education Related to Physical Activity as a Health Behavior

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    Physical activity is important for management and prevention of chronic disease. The current physical activity guidelines recommend engaging in physical activity for at least 30 minutes per day on at least 5 days a week. Acute care settings may present opportunities for patient education about physical activity. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the ability of acute care nurses to engage in patient education regarding physical activity as a health behavior. Additionally, this study examined the influence of level of nurse training, age, personal physical activity and years of experience on these outcomes. METHODS: Nurses from an academic medical center (N=194) were surveyed. Knowledge of current physical activity guidelines, rank of importance of physical activity as a patient care activity and a healthy lifestyle behavior, and confidence to counsel patients about physical activity were queried. RESULTS: Of nurses queried, 32.5% reported days per week and 83% reported minutes per day to engage in physical activity consistent with current guidelines. Physical activity counseling was ranked least important of ten patient care activities and fifth as a healthy lifestyle behavior. The majority of nurses (51%) felt some degree of confidence to counsel patients regarding physical activity. Baccalaureate level nurses were more likely to be consistent with physical activity guidelines than master’s level nurses. Nurses <25 years of age were more current in knowledge of physical activity guidelines than nurses ≥41 years of age. Nurses who exercised were more likely to report knowing current physical activity guidelines. Reported time spent counseling patientsregarding physical activity averaged 6 minutes per patient per day. CONCLUSION: Acute care nurses are counseling patients regarding physical activity although it is ranked least important of ten patient care activities. Future research should include studying: a variety of patient populations; other hospital settings; objective measures of evaluation; and nurses’ training regarding physical activity

    Field Excavation Report Season 1: 2018 Summer Field School Millard’s Farmstead 41NA416 Permit #8424

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    In the summer of 2018 (June 4-July6), SFA Archaeological Field School (ANT440) was lead by Dr. Leslie G. Cecil and Laura Short (adjunct professor at the time) and had 10 students and one volunteer. The site selected was the Millard’s Farmstead located behind the Nacogdoches ISD Agricultural Center on the Northwest Loop in Nacogdoches, TX. The site is approximately 1.62 acres in area of which only 28 m2 were excavated. Alton Frailey (the NISD superintendent at the time) approved the excavation of the site for multiple field seasons. The site currently sits on NISD property. A pedestrian survey in April 2018 located the farmstead’s fireplace and excavations were conducted around it to best determine the placement of the house. The house had been razed during the 1970s; however, the crib barn still stood. At the end of the field season, representatives moved the crib barn to Millard’s Crossing under George Avery’s supervisions. A total of 9026 artifacts were recovered and are curated at the SFA Anthropology and Archaeology Laboratory. Future research at the site will continue once COVID-19 is no longer an issue in order to capture other information about this time period in Nacogdoches history

    Na trama das artes, a descoberta da música escolar

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    Orientador: Paulo ChiesaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Defesa: Curitiba, 2005Inclui bibliografia e anexosResumo: Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a educação musical no Ensino Fundamental das escolas públicas municipais de Itajaí. Para essa compreensão buscou-se apoio na literatura atual em Educação, Educação Musical e legislação pertinente, confrontando-a com os dados que destacaram o perfil escolar sob vários ângulos, obtidos junto às escolas, Secretaria Municipal de Educação e outros espaços culturais. Adotou-se como concepção metodológica a pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, e como técnicas de pesquisa foram utilizadas a análise documental e a entrevista estruturada, tendo o ano de 2004 como referência para a coleta de dados. A pesquisa documental envolveu a legislação em nível Federal, Estadual e Municipal, além do Projeto Educativo, Diretrizes Curriculares para o Ensino Fundamental, o Caderno Metodológico de Arte e as Propostas Pedagógicas de quinze escolas do município de Itajaí. As entrevistas foram feitas com os diretores das escolas, procurando elucidar aspectos sobre a cotidianidade escolar para além dos documentos oficiais. A apresentação e análise dos dados encontraram argumentação em Bakhtin, Perenoud, Sacristán, Lundgren, entre outros. As considerações finais apontam para uma presença significativa da música na escola itajaiense, apesar de não estar caracterizada como disciplina escolar. Abordam a necessidade de programas de formação continuada oportunizando aos professores que já estão trabalhando com a disciplina de arte a realização de práticas musicais voltadas ao aprendizado específico da música. Evidenciam que a cultura musical local, bastante difundida e valorizada, está refletida significativamente nos espaços escolares, especialmente no olhar dos professores sobre seus espaços e opções de atuação profissional.Abstract: The aim of this work is to analyze music education in elementary schools in the municipal public school network of the town of Itajaí. To gain a clearer understanding of this subject, a literature review was carried out in the areas of Education, Music Education and the relevant legislation, comparing it with data which highlight the school profile from various angles, obtained from the schools, the Municipal Education Secretary, and other culture-related institutions. This work adopts the methodological research concept of qualitative research, and as research techniques, it uses documentary analysis and structured interviews, taking the year 2004 as a reference for the data collection. The documentary research involved the legislation at Federal, State and Municipal levels, as well as the Projeto Educativo, the Diretrizes Curriculares para o Ensino Fundamental (Curricular Guidelines for Elementary Education), the Caderno Metodológico de Arte and the Pedagogical Projects of fifteen schools in the municipal district of Itajaí. Interviews were carried out with the directors of the schools, seeking to go beyond the official documents, and elucidate aspects of the day-to-day life of the schools. The presentation and analysis of the data are supported by Bakhtin, Perrenoud, Sacristán, and Lundgren, among others. The final considerations indicate the significant presence of music in the schools in Itajaí, despite the fact that it is not characterized as a school discipline. They also address the need for continual training programs, giving opportunity to teachers already working with the discipline of art to carry out music practices geared towards the specific learning of music, and demonstrate that the local musical culture, which is very varied and highly valued, is significantly reflected in these spaces, particularly in the views of teachers in relation to these spaces and the options for professional practice

    Música e escola: um diálogo com a diversidade

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    Este artigo aborda aspectos relacionados ao papel da Educação Musical na escola de hoje e à formação de professores, agentes na mudança das práticas escolares. Reconhecendo as subjetividades presentes nas salas de aula, caberá ao professor a mobilização de diferentes formas de trabalhar, estruturando ações que condizem com a realidade de cada aluno. Pretende promover uma reflexão sobre o entendimento do processo da arte e mais especificamente do fenômeno musical frente à indústria cultural, além de sua inserção nas instituições escolares. O referencial adotado contempla uma visão antropológica da Educação e inspira-se em idéias de ADORNO, FABIANO, MENEGALE, ZABALZA, PERRENOUD, entre outros, para refletir sobre a massificação da cultura e o papel da escola, questionando sua posição como produtora de consumidores, ou como instância estimuladora de sensibilidades, formadora de sujeitos criativos, capazes de fruição estética. Music and school: a dialogue with diversity Abstract This article approaches aspects related to the role of Musical Education in schools nowadays and to teachers training, changing agents of school practice. Recognizing the subjectivities present at classrooms, it will be up to the teacher the mobilization of different working forms, structuring actions, which correspond to each student reality. It intends a reflection about the understanding of art process, and more specifically about the musical phenomenon before the cultural industry, and its insertion in school institutions. The referential adopted contemplates an anthropologic view of Education, takes inspiration from the ideas of ADORNO, FABIANO, MENEGALE, ZABALZA, PERRENOUD, among others, to reflect about the massification of the culture and the school role, questioning its position as producers of consumers, or as stimulating instance of sensitivity, formers of creative individuals, capable of esthetics usufruct ion

    PIBID e o ensino de música: constituição docente, políticas públicas e legitimação da educação musical na escola básica

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    ResumoEste artigo tem como objetivo pontuar indicadores sobre a formação docente em Música no projeto PIBID - Música da UNIVALI. Reflete-se sobre o processo da constituição docente na relação com as políticas públicas e a legitimação da Educação Musical na Escola Básica. É uma pesquisa qualitativa e documental, que relaciona decretos, leis, pareceres e outros documentos ao analisar o projeto em questão e portfólios dos acadêmicos. O aporte teórico sobre o ensino da Música, com Swanwick (2003), Ilari (2005), França (2009), e, a partir de Nóvoa (2017), sobre a formação profissional do docente, discute sobre a parceria no processo de formação do docente em Música, gerando propostas que envolvem a universidade, a escola, os pais e a comunidade. Os indicadores percebidos no processo de formação do professor de Música são: estudo e planejamento, vivências pedagógicas, reflexões sobre a prática, desenvolvimento de projetos, registros individuais e avaliação.Palavras-chave: PIBID; Formação docente em Música; Educação musical na escola."PIBID and music teaching: teacher constitution, public policies and legitimation of musical education in basic school"AbstractThis paper aims to point out indicators about teacher education in Music in PIBID (Teaching Initiation"Scholarship Institutional Program) project - Music - UNIVALI. It reflects on the process of teacher constitution in relation to public policies and the legitimation of Music Education in Basic school. It is a qualitative and documentary research and relates decrees, laws, opinions and other documents when analyzing the project in question and portfolios of the university students. The theoretical contribution on music teaching, with Swanwick (2003), Ilari (2005), França (2009), and from Nóvoa (2017), on the professional education of the teacher, discusses the partnership in the teacher education process in Music, generating proposals that involve University, school, parents and community. The indicators perceived in the teacher education process are: study and planning, pedagogical experiences, reflections on practice, project development, individual records and evaluation.Keywords: PIBID; Teacher education in Music; Music education in school

    A constituição do ser professor(a) na experiência com o Estágio Supervisionado em Música: do “lugar institucional” e da “posição” docente ao entrelaçamento do sensível e do inteligível

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    Este artigo discute a constituição do ser professor(a) na experiência vivida por doze discentes de um curso de Licenciatura em Música, cursando o Estágio Supervisionado. O objetivo foi analisar como se dá a constituição do ser professor(a) de Música na experiência com o Estágio Supervisionado, com foco no “lugar institucional”, na “posição” docente e no entrelaçamento do sensível e do inteligível. A metodologia utilizada foi a qualitativa e como instrumentos de produção de dados foram utilizadas a observação, a entrevista aberta e a análise de documentos produzidos pelos discentes. Essa análise dialoga com Nóvoa (1995, 2017), quando se fala do “lugar institucional” e do conceito de “posição” do(a) professor(a); e com os estudos de Duarte Jr. (2000, 2012), para focar no entrelaçamento do sensível e do inteligível. O Estágio Supervisionado em Música mostrou-se um componente curricular importante e essencial na constituição do ser professor(a), proporcionando a aproximação do(a) licenciando(a) com a prática docente e com o campo profissional por meio do entrelaçamento do sensível e do inteligível, possibilitando que este(a) refletisse sobre a sua atuação e posição docente, assim como sobre as orientações recebidas na disciplina de estágio e os espaços de formação (escola, oficinas, universidade)

    A constituição do ser professor(a) na experiência com o Estágio Supervisionado em Música: do “lugar institucional” e da “posição” docente ao entrelaçamento do sensível e do inteligível

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    Este artigo discute a constituição do ser professor(a) na experiência vivida por doze discentes de um curso de Licenciatura em Música, cursando o Estágio Supervisionado. O objetivo foi analisar como se dá a constituição do ser professor(a) de Música na experiência com o Estágio Supervisionado, com foco no “lugar institucional”, na “posição” docente e no entrelaçamento do sensível e do inteligível. A metodologia utilizada foi a qualitativa e como instrumentos de produção de dados foram utilizadas a observação, a entrevista aberta e a análise de documentos produzidos pelos discentes. Essa análise dialoga com Nóvoa (1995, 2017), quando se fala do “lugar institucional” e do conceito de “posição” do(a) professor(a); e com os estudos de Duarte Jr. (2000, 2012), para focar no entrelaçamento do sensível e do inteligível. O Estágio Supervisionado em Música mostrou-se um componente curricular importante e essencial na constituição do ser professor(a), proporcionando a aproximação do(a) licenciando(a) com a prática docente e com o campo profissional por meio do entrelaçamento do sensível e do inteligível, possibilitando que este(a) refletisse sobre a sua atuação e posição docente, assim como sobre as orientações recebidas na disciplina de estágio e os espaços de formação (escola, oficinas, universidade)