138 research outputs found

    Thermochronology of the modern Indus River bedload: New insight into the controls on the marine stratigraphic record

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    The Indus River is the only major drainage in the western Himalaya and delivers a long geological record of continental erosion to the Arabian Sea, which may be deciphered and used to reconstruct orogenic growth if the modern bedload can be related to the mountains. In this study we collected thermochronologic data from river sediment collected near the modern delta. U-Pb ages of zircons spanning 3 Gyr show that only ∼5% of the eroding crust has been generated since India-Asia collision. The Greater Himalaya are the major source of zircons, with additional contributions from the Karakoram and Lesser Himalaya. The 39Ar/40Ar dating of muscovites gives ages that cluster between 10 and 25 Ma, differing from those recorded in the Bengal Fan. Biotite ages are generally younger, ranging 0–15 Ma. Modern average exhumation rates are estimated at ∼0.6 km/m.y. or less, and have slowed progressively since the early Miocene (∼20 Ma), although fission track (FT) dating of apatites may indicate a recent moderate acceleration in rates since the Pliocene (∼1.0 km/m.y.) driven by climate change. The 39Ar/40Ar and FT techniques emphasize the dominance of high topography in controlling the erosional flux to the ocean. Localized regions of tectonically driven, very rapid exhumation (e.g., Nanga Parbat, S. Karakoram metamorphic domes) do not dominate the erosional record

    Sex Differences in Left Ventricular Electrical Dyssynchrony and Outcomes with Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

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    BACKGROUND: Women seem to derive more benefit from cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) than men, even after accounting for the higher burden of risk factors for nonresponse often observed in men. OBJECTIVE: To assess for sex-specific differences in left ventricular (LV) electrical dyssynchrony as a contributing electrophysiological explanation for the greater degree of CRT benefit among women. METHODS: We compared the extent of baseline LV electrical dyssynchrony, as measured by the QRS area (QRSA), among men and women with left bundle branch block (LBBB) undergoing CRT at Duke University (n = 492, 35% women) overall and in relation to baseline QRS characteristics using independent sample t tests and Pearson correlation coefficients. Cox regression analyses were used to relate sex, QRSA, and QRS characteristics to the risk of cardiac transplantation, LV assist device implant, or death. RESULTS: Although the mean QRS duration (QRSd) did not differ by sex, QRSA was greater for women vs men (113.8 μVs vs 98.2 μVs, P < .001), owing to differences in the QRSd <150 ms subgroup (92.3 ± 28.7 μVs vs 67.6 ± 26.2 μVs, P < .001). Among those with nonstrict LBBB, mean QRSd was similar but QRSA was significantly greater among women than men (96.0 ± 25.0 μVs vs 63.6 ± 26.2 μVs, P < .001). QRSA was similar among men and women with strict LBBB (P = .533). Female sex was associated with better long-term outcomes in an unadjusted model (hazard ratio 0.623, confidence interval 0.454–0.857, P = .004) but sex no longer predicted outcomes after accounting for differences in QRSA. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that sex-specific differences in LV dyssynchrony contribute to greater CRT benefit among women. Standard QRSd and morphology assessments seem to underestimate the extent of LV electrical dyssynchrony among women with LBBB

    Electronic g-factor and Magneto-transport in InSb Quantum Wells

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    High mobility InSb quantum wells with tunable carrier densities are investigated by transport experiments in magnetic fields tilted with respect to the sample normal. We employ the coincidence method and the temperature dependence of the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations and find a value for the effective g-factor of ∣g∗∣\mid g^{\ast}\mid =35±\pm4 and a value for the effective mass of m∗≈0.017m0m^*\approx0.017 m_0, where m0m_0 is the electron mass in vacuum. Our measurements are performed in a magnetic field and a density range where the enhancement mechanism of the effective g-factor can be neglected. Accordingly, the obtained effective g-factor and the effective mass can be quantitatively explained in a single particle picture. Additionally, we explore the magneto-transport up to magnetic fields of 35 T and do not find features related to the fractional quantum Hall effect.Comment: 18 Pages, 5 Figure

    At-line validation of optical coherence tomography as in-line/at-line coating thickness measurement method

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    Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a promising technology for monitoring of pharmaceutical coating processes. However, the pharmaceutical development and manufacturing require a periodic validation of the sensor's accuracy. For this purpose, we propose polyethylene terephthalate (PET) films as a model system, to periodically validate the measurements during manufacturing. This study proposes a new approach addressing the method validation requirement in the pharmaceutical industry and presents results for complementary methods. The methods investigated include direct measurement of the layer thickness using a micrometer gauge as reference, X-ray micro computed tomography, transmission and reflectance terahertz pulsed imaging, as well as 1D- and 3D-OCT. To quantify the significance of OCT for pharmaceutical coatings, we compared the OCT results for commercial Thrombo ASS and Pantoloc tablets with direct measurements of coating thickness via light microscopy of microtome cuts. The results of both methods correlate very well, indicating high intra- and inter-tablet variations in the coating thickness for the commercial tablets. The light microscopy average measured coating thickness of Thrombo ASS (Pantoloc) was 71.0 µm (83.7 µm), with an inter-coating variability of 8.7 µm (6.5 µm) and an intra-coating variability of 2.3 µm to 9.4 µm (2.1 µm to 6.7 µm)

    Review of methods for measuring β-cell function: Design considerations from the Restoring Insulin Secretion (RISE) Consortium

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    The Restoring Insulin Secretion (RISE) study was initiated to evaluate interventions to slow or reverse the progression of β-cell failure in type 2 diabetes (T2D). To design the RISE study, we undertook an evaluation of methods for measurement of β-cell function and changes in β-cell function in response to interventions. In the present paper, we review approaches for measurement of β-cell function, focusing on methodologic and feasibility considerations. Methodologic considerations included: (1) the utility of each technique for evaluating key aspects of β-cell function (first- and second-phase insulin secretion, maximum insulin secretion, glucose sensitivity, incretin effects) and (2) tactics for incorporating a measurement of insulin sensitivity in order to adjust insulin secretion measures for insulin sensitivity appropriately. Of particular concern were the capacity to measure β-cell function accurately in those with poor function, as is seen in established T2D, and the capacity of each method for demonstrating treatment-induced changes in β-cell function. Feasibility considerations included: staff burden, including time and required methodological expertise; participant burden, including time and number of study visits; and ease of standardizing methods across a multicentre consortium. After this evaluation, we selected a 2-day measurement procedure, combining a 3-hour 75-g oral glucose tolerance test and a 2-stage hyperglycaemic clamp procedure, augmented with arginine

    Characterization of heterogeneity and spatial distribution of phases in complex solid dispersions by thermal analysis by structural characterization and X-ray micro computed tomography

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    Purpose: This study investigated the effect of drug-excipient miscibility on the heterogeneity and spatial distribution of phase separation in pharmaceutical solid dispersions at a micron-scale using two novel and complementary characterization techniques, thermal analysis by structural characterization (TASC) and X-ray micro-computed tomography (XCT) in conjunction with conventional characterization methods. Method: Complex dispersions containing felodipine, TPGS, PEG and PEO were prepared using hot melt extrusion-injection moulding. The phase separation behavior of the samples was characterized using TASC and XCT in conjunction with conventional thermal, microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. The in vitro drug release study was performed to demonstrate the impact of phase separation on dissolution of the dispersions. Results: The conventional characterization results indicated the phase separating nature of the carrier materials in the patches and the presence of crystalline drug in the patches with the highest drug loading (30% w/w). TASC and XCT where used to provide insight into the spatial configuration of the separate phases. TASC enabled assessment of the increased heterogeneity of the dispersions with increasing the drug loading. XCT allowed the visualization of the accumulation of phase separated (crystalline) drug clusters at the interface of air pockets in the patches with highest drug loading which led to poor dissolution performance. Semi-quantitative assessment of the phase separated drug clusters in the patches were attempted using XCT. Conclusion: TASC and XμCT can provide unique information regarding the phase separation behavior of solid dispersions which can be closely associated with important product quality indicators such as heterogeneity and microstructure

    Petrology of Indus River sands : a key to interpret erosion history of the Western Himalayan Syntaxis

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2004. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters 229 (2005): 287-302, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2004.11.008.The Indus River has been progressively transformed in the last decades into a tightly-regulated system of dams and channels, to produce food and energy for the rapidly growing population of Pakistan. Nevertheless, Indus River sands as far as the delta largely retain their distinct feldspar- and amphibole-rich composition, which is unique with respect to all other major rivers draining the Alpine-Himalayan belt except for the Brahmaputra. Both the Indus and Brahmaputra Rivers flow for half of their course along the India-Asia suture zone, and receive major contributions from both Asian active-margin batholiths and upper-amphibolite-facies domes rapidly exhumed at the Western and Eastern Himalayan syntaxes. Composition of Indus sands changes repeatedly and markedly in Ladakh and Baltistan, indicating overwhelming sediment flux from each successive tributary as the syntaxis is approached. Provenance estimates based on our integrated petrographic-mineralogical dataset indicate that active-margin units (Karakorum and Transhimalayan arcs) provide ~81% of the 250±50 106 t of sediments reaching the Tarbela reservoir each year. Partitioning of such flux among tributaries and among source units allows us to tentatively assess sediment yields from major sub-catchments. Extreme yields and erosion rates are calculated for both the Karakorum Belt (up to 12,500±4700 t/km2 yr and 4.5±1.7 mm/yr for the Braldu catchment) and Nanga Parbat Massif (8100±3500 t/km2 yr and 3.0±1.3 mm/yr). These values approach denudation rates currently estimated for South Karakorum and Nanga Parbat crustal-scale antiforms, and highlight the major influence that rapid tectonic uplift and focused glacial and fluvial erosion of young metamorphic massifs around the Western Himalayan Syntaxis have on sediment budgets of the Indus system. Detailed information on bulk petrography and heavy minerals of modern Indus sands not only represents an effective independent method to constrain denudation rates obtained from temperature-time histories of exposed bedrock, but also provides an actualistic reference for collision-orogen provenance, and gives us a key to interpreting provenance and paleodrainage changes recorded by clastic wedges deposited in the Himalayan foreland basin and Arabian Sea during the Cenozoic.Financial support by FIRB 2002 and PRIN 2003 to E.Garzanti

    Monitoring the film coating unit operation and predicting drug dissolution using terahertz pulsed imaging

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    ABSTRACT: Understanding the coating unit operation is imperative to improve product quality and reduce output risks for coated solid dosage forms. Three batches of sustained-release tablets coated with the same process parameters (pan speed, spray rate, etc.) were subjected to terahertz pulsed imaging (TPI) analysis followed by dissolution testing. Mean dissolution times (MDT) from conventional dissolution testing were correlated with terahertz waveforms, which yielded a multivariate, partial least squares regression (PLS) model with an R 2 of 0.92 for the calibration set and 0.91 for the validation set. This two-component, PLS model was built from batch I that was coated in the same environmental conditions (air temperature, humidity, etc.) to that of batch II but at different environmental conditions from batch III. The MDTs of batch II was predicted in a nondestructive manner with the developed PLS model and the accuracy of the predicted values were subsequently validated with conventional dissolution testing and found to be in good agreement. The terahertz PLS model was also shown to be sensitive to changes in the coating conditions, successfully identifying the larger coating variability in batch III. In this study, we demonstrated that TPI in conjunction with PLS analysis could be employed to assist with film coating process understanding and provide predictions on drug dissolution.
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