254 research outputs found

    Integrated control/structure optimization by multilevel decomposition

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    A method for integrated control/structure optimization by multilevel decomposition is presented. It is shown that several previously reported methods were actually partial decompositions wherein only the control was decomposed into a subsystem design. One of these partially decomposed problems was selected as a benchmark example for comparison. The system is fully decomposed into structural and control subsystem designs and an improved design is produced. Theory, implementation, and results for the method are presented and compared with the benchmark example

    Anforderungen an Cloud Computing Anbieter

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    Cloud Computing hat sich wĂ€hrend der letzten Jahre zu einem viel diskutierten Thema in der Informationstechnik entwickelt. Trotz zahlreicher Potentiale herrscht noch immer ZurĂŒckhaltung beim Einsatz. Dies kann unter anderem auf eine unklare Situation hinsichtlich der Anforde-rungen zurĂŒckgefĂŒhrt werden. In dieser Arbeit wird deshalb ein Modell von Anforderungen zur Bewertung von Cloud Computing Anbietern entwickelt. Hierzu wurde eine wissenschaftliche Literaturanalyse mit einer Untersuchung bestehender Modelle und Richtlinien kombiniert. Durch Experteninterviews wurde das Ergebnis vervollstĂ€ndigt. Es konnten 41 Anforderungen in den Kategorien „Informationssicherheit“, „Performance & Usability“, „Kosten“, „Support & Kooperation“ sowie „Transparenz und Organisation des Anbieters“ identifiziert werden, welche abschließend durch eine Umfrage validiert wurden

    Comparison of high versus low frequency cerebral physiology for cerebrovascular reactivity assessment in traumatic brain injury: a multi-center pilot study

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    Current accepted cerebrovascular reactivity indices suffer from the need of high frequency data capture and export for post-acquisition processing. The role for minute-by-minute data in cerebrovascular reactivity monitoring remains uncertain. The goal was to explore the statistical time-series relationships between intra-cranial pressure (ICP), mean arterial pressure (MAP) and pressure reactivity index (PRx) using both 10-s and minute data update frequency in TBI. Prospective data from 31 patients from 3 centers with moderate/severe TBI and high-frequency archived physiology were reviewed. Both 10-s by 10-s and minute-by-minute mean values were derived for ICP and MAP for each patient. Similarly, PRx was derived using 30 consecutive 10-s data points, updated every minute. While long-PRx (L-PRx) was derived via similar methodology using minute-by-minute data, with L-PRx derived using various window lengths (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 60 min; denoted L-PRx_5, etc.). Time-series autoregressive integrative moving average (ARIMA) and vector autoregressive integrative moving average (VARIMA) models were created to analyze the relationship of these parameters over time. ARIMA modelling, Granger causality testing and VARIMA impulse response function (IRF) plotting demonstrated that similar information is carried in minute mean ICP and MAP data, compared to 10-s mean slow-wave ICP and MAP data. Shorter window L-PRx variants, such as L-PRx_5, appear to have a similar ARIMA structure, have a linear association with PRx and display moderate-to-strong correlations (r ~ 0.700, p Peer reviewe

    Does Medical Malpractice Law Improve Health Care Quality?

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    Despite the fundamental role of deterrence in justifying a system of medical malpractice law, surprisingly little evidence has been put forth to date bearing on the relationship between medical liability forces on the one hand and medical errors and health care quality on the other. In this paper, we estimate this relationship using clinically validated measures of health care treatment quality constructed using data from the 1979 to 2005 National Hospital Discharge Surveys and the 1987 to 2008 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System records. Drawing upon traditional, remedy-centric tort reforms — e.g., damage caps — we estimate that the current liability system plays at most a modest role in inducing higher levels of health care quality. We contend that this limited independent role for medical liability may be a reflection upon the structural nature of the present system of liability rules, which largely hold physicians to standards determined according to industry customs. We find evidence suggesting, however, that physician practices may respond more significantly upon a substantive alteration of this system altogether — i.e., upon a change in the clinical standards to which physicians are held in the first instance. The literature to date has largely failed to appreciate the substantive nature of liability rules and may thus be drawing limited inferences based solely on our experiences to date with damage-caps and related reforms

    Interrelations between participant and intervention characteristics, process variables and outcomes in online interventions: A protocol for overarching analyses within and across seven clinical trials in ICare

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    Background: It is well known that web-based interventions can be effective treatments for various conditions. Less is known about predictors, moderators, and mediators of outcome and especially interrelations between participant and interventions characteristics, process variables and outcomes in online interventions. Clinical trials often lack statistical power to detect variables that affect intervention effects and their interrelations. Within ICare, we can investigate the interrelation of potential predictor and process variables in a large sample. Method: The ICare consortium postulated a model of interrelations between participant and intervention characteristics, process variables and outcomes in online interventions. We will assess general and disorderspecific interrelations between characteristics of the intervention, characteristics of the participants, adherence, working alliance, early response, and intervention outcomes in a sample of over 7500 participants from seven clinical trials evaluating 15 online interventions addressing a range of mental health conditions and disorders, using an individual participant data meta-analyses approach. Discussion/conclusion: Existing research tends to support the efficacy of online mental health interventions, but the knowledge base regarding factors that affect intervention effects needs to be expanded. The overarching analyses using data from the ICare intervention trials will add considerably to the evidence

    Healthy Teens @ School: Evaluating and disseminating transdiagnostic preventive interventions for eating disorders and obesity for adolescents in school settings

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    Background The worldwide prevalence of overweight and obesity is at alarming levels. Nearly one in three children in Europe is overweight or obese. Disordered eating and body image concerns are equally widespread and increase risk for more chronic and severe weight-related problems. Research has shown that online interventions that address both healthy weight regulation and body image can reduce risk for eating disorders and obesity simultaneously and are feasible to implement in school settings. To date, evaluation and dissemination of such programs in Europe is scant. Methods The Healthy Teens @ School study is a multi-country cluster-randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing the effectiveness of an unguided, online, multi-level intervention for promoting a healthy lifestyle and reducing problematic eating behavior, eating disorder and obesity risk among students aged 14 to 19 years with control condition. As part of the Horizon 2020 funded project ICare (GA No. 634757) the trial is conducted in Austria and Spain. Cluster randomization by school is used. The intervention is an adapted version of an evidence-based program developed in the USA (StayingFit). Participants of the intervention group are assigned to one of two possible program tracks based on the results of the initial online-assessment: Overweight adolescents are assigned to the “Weight Management” track emphasizing balanced eating and exercise for weight maintenance, and all other individuals are assigned to the “Healthy Habits” track which aims at promoting healthy habits related to e.g., nutrition, physical activity, sleep. The participants of both tracks work on ten modules (one 20–30 min module per week) during school hours and/or at home. Assessments are conducted at pre- and post-intervention, and at 6- and 12-months after baseline assessment. The primary outcome is intuitive eating, secondary outcomes are eating disorder symptomatology, body image concerns, body mass index, food intake, physical activity, self-esteem, stress coping, depression, and anxiety. Following the initial assessment, individuals in the control group do not have access to the prevention program but continue as normal and are only prompted to the assessments at all time points. At the end of the 12-month study they will get access to the program. Discussion The results from this study will add to the understanding of how to address eating and weight related problems in adolescents and will shed light on the feasibility of implementing online prevention programs in school routine in Austria and Spain. As part of the larger ICare project this RCT will determine how an adapted version of StayingFit is disseminated within Europe

    Therapeutic drug monitoring in adolescents with anorexia nervosa for safe treatment with adjunct olanzapine

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    Objective: Medication is commonly used in anorexia nervosa (AN) despite largely missing high grade evidence. Olanzapine (OLZ) is the best-evidenced substance used off-label in this group, with conflicting outcome regarding BMI, clinical and safety parameters. Therefore, it is important to strictly assure quality of treatment with OLZ in AN by using 'Therapeutic Drug Monitoring' according to AGNP-guidelines, including serum levels and adverse drug reactions (ADRs) to support safety for adolescents with AN and attempt to generate an initial age- and disorder-specific therapeutic reference range. Method: Sixty-five adolescents with AN (aged 10-18) treated with OLZ (98% female; 97.5% AN-restricting-type) were prospectively observed, ADRs reported, and correlations between dosage and serum levels measured at trough level were calculated, a preliminary therapeutic range defined. Results: Mean dosage of OLZ was 8.15 (SD: 2.91) mg and 0.19 (SD: 0.07) mg/kg respectively, average concentration was 26.57 (SD: 13.46) ng/mL. Correlation between daily dosage/dosage per kg and serum level was 0.72 (**p < 0.001)/0.65 (**p < 0.001), respectively. ADRs with impairment were rare (6.3%). 75% improved clinically (CGI). BMI increased significantly by 1.5 kg/m2 (t = 10.6, p < 0.001). A preliminary therapeutic reference range is 11.9 and 39.9 ng/mL. Conclusions: OLZ in the hands of specialists is a well-tolerated and safe treatment adjunct for adolescents with AN
