9 research outputs found

    Electron density measurements in afterglow of high power pulsed microwave discharge

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    In the paper we study, be means of microwave interferometry, the evolution of electron density in afterglow of pulsed driven nitrogen discharge. Recombination coeffients are derived, too.Urceni elektronove hustoty v dohasinani pulsniho mikrovlnneho vyboje o velkem vykonuElectron density measurements in afterglow of high power pulsed microwave discharg

    A new numerical strategy with space-time adaptivity and error control for multi-scale streamer discharge simulations

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    This paper presents a new resolution strategy for multi-scale streamer discharge simulations based on a second order time adaptive integration and space adaptive multiresolution. A classical fluid model is used to describe plasma discharges, considering drift-diffusion equations and the computation of electric field. The proposed numerical method provides a time-space accuracy control of the solution, and thus, an effective accurate resolution independent of the fastest physical time scale. An important improvement of the computational efficiency is achieved whenever the required time steps go beyond standard stability constraints associated with mesh size or source time scales for the resolution of the drift-diffusion equations, whereas the stability constraint related to the dielectric relaxation time scale is respected but with a second order precision. Numerical illustrations show that the strategy can be efficiently applied to simulate the propagation of highly nonlinear ionizing waves as streamer discharges, as well as highly multi-scale nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges, describing consistently a broad spectrum of space and time scales as well as different physical scenarios for consecutive discharge/post-discharge phases, out of reach of standard non-adaptive methods.Comment: Support of Ecole Centrale Paris is gratefully acknowledged for several month stay of Z. Bonaventura at Laboratory EM2C as visiting Professor. Authors express special thanks to Christian Tenaud (LIMSI-CNRS) for providing the basis of the multiresolution kernel of MR CHORUS, code developed for compressible Navier-Stokes equations (D\'eclaration d'Invention DI 03760-01). Accepted for publication; Journal of Computational Physics (2011) 1-2

    Simulation of the discharge propagation in a capillary tube in air at atmospheric pressure

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    International audienceThis paper presents simulations of an air plasma discharge at atmospheric pressure initiated by a needle anode set inside a dielectric capillary tube. We have studied the influence of the tube inner radius and its relative permittivity ε r on the discharge structure and dynamics. As a reference, we have used a relative permittivity ε r = 1 to study only the influence of the cylindrical constraint of the tube on the discharge. For a tube radius of 100 µm and ε r = 1, we have shown that the discharge fills the tube during its propagation and is rather homogeneous behind the discharge front. When the radius of the tube is in the range 300 to 600 µm, the discharge structure is tubular with peak values of electric field and electron density close to the dielectric surface. When the radius of the tube is larger than 700 µm, the tube has no influence on the discharge which propagates axially. For a tube radius of 100 µm, when ε r increases from 1 to 10, the discharge structure becomes tubular. We have noted that the velocity of propagation of the discharge in the tube increases when the front is more homogeneous and then, the discharge velocity increases with the decrease of the tube radius and ε r. Then, we have compared the relative influence of the value of tube radius and ε r on the discharge characteristics. Our simulations indicate that the geometrical constraint of the cylindrical tube has more influence than the value of ε r on the discharge structure and dynamics. Finally, we have studied the influence of photoemission processes on the discharge structure by varying the photoemission coefficient. As expected, we have shown that photoemission, as it increases the number of secondary electrons close to the dielectric surface, promotes the tubular structure of the discharge

    On the fundamental relation of laser schlieren deflectometry for temperature measurements in filamentary plasmas

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    Recently, laser schlieren deflectometry (LSD) had been successfully employed as a temperature measurement method to reveal the heat convection generated by micro filaments of a self-organized non-thermal atmospheric plasma jet. Based on the theory of the temperature measurements using LSD, in this work, three approaches for an application of the method are introduced: (i) a hyperbolic-like model of refractive index is applied which allows an analytical theory for the evaluation of the deflection angle to be developed, (ii) a Gaussian shape model for the filament temperature is implemented which is analyzed numerically and (iii) an experimental calibration of the laser deflection with a gas mixture of helium and argon is performed. Thus, these approaches demonstrate that a universal relation between the relative maximum temperature of the filament core (T1/T0) and a the maximum deflection angle δ1 of the laser beam can be written as T1/T0=(1 − δ1/δ0)−1, where δ0 is a parameter that is defined by the configuration of the experiment and by the assumed model for the shape of the temperature profile

    Simulation of the discharge propagation in a capillary tube in air at atmospheric pressure

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    International audienceThis paper presents simulations of an air plasma discharge at atmospheric pressure initiated by a needle anode set inside a dielectric capillary tube. We have studied the influence of the tube inner radius and its relative permittivity ε r on the discharge structure and dynamics. As a reference, we have used a relative permittivity ε r = 1 to study only the influence of the cylindrical constraint of the tube on the discharge. For a tube radius of 100 µm and ε r = 1, we have shown that the discharge fills the tube during its propagation and is rather homogeneous behind the discharge front. When the radius of the tube is in the range 300 to 600 µm, the discharge structure is tubular with peak values of electric field and electron density close to the dielectric surface. When the radius of the tube is larger than 700 µm, the tube has no influence on the discharge which propagates axially. For a tube radius of 100 µm, when ε r increases from 1 to 10, the discharge structure becomes tubular. We have noted that the velocity of propagation of the discharge in the tube increases when the front is more homogeneous and then, the discharge velocity increases with the decrease of the tube radius and ε r. Then, we have compared the relative influence of the value of tube radius and ε r on the discharge characteristics. Our simulations indicate that the geometrical constraint of the cylindrical tube has more influence than the value of ε r on the discharge structure and dynamics. Finally, we have studied the influence of photoemission processes on the discharge structure by varying the photoemission coefficient. As expected, we have shown that photoemission, as it increases the number of secondary electrons close to the dielectric surface, promotes the tubular structure of the discharge

    2D particle-in-cell simulations of the electron drift instability and associated anomalous electron transport in Hall-effect thrusters

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    International audienceIn this work we study the electron drift instability in Hall-effect thrusters (HETs) using a 2D electrostatic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation. The simulation is configured with a Cartesian coordinate system modeling the radial-azimuthal (r − θ) plane for large radius thrusters. A magnetic field, B 0 , is aligned along the Oy axis (r direction), a constant applied electric field, E 0 , along the Oz axis (perpendicular to the simulation plane), and the E 0 × B 0 direction is along the Ox axis (θ direction). Although electron transport can be well described by electron-neutral collisions for low plasma densities, at high densities (similar to those in typical HETs), a strong instability is observed that enhances the electron cross-field mobility; even in the absence of electron-neutral collisions. The instability generates high frequency (of the order of MHz) and short wavelength (of the order of mm) fluctuations in both the azimuthal electric field and charged particle densities, and propagates in the E 0 × B 0 direction with a velocity close to the ion sound speed. The correlation between the electric field and density fluctuations (which leads to an enhanced electron-ion friction force) is investigated and shown to be directly responsible for the increased electron transport. Results are compared with a recent kinetic theory, showing good agreement with the instability properties and electron transport

    Study of nanosecond discharges in H2-air mixtures at atmospheric pressure for plasma assisted combustion applications

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    International audienceThis paper presents 2D simulations of nanosecond discharges between two point electrodes for four different H2–air mixtures defined by their equivalence ratios phgr (i.e. phi =0, air, phi =0.3, lean mixture, phi =1, stoichiometric mixture and phi =1.5, rich mixture) at atmospheric pressure and at an initial temperature of 1000 K. In a first step, we have shown that the mixture composition has only a very small influence on the discharge dynamics and structure during the streamer phase and up to the formation of the plasma channel between the two point electrodes in H2–air mixtures with phi in [0,1.5]. However, as the plasma channel is formed slightly earlier as the equivalence ratio increases, for a given voltage pulse, the duration of the nanosecond spark phase increases as the equivalence ratio increases. As expected, we have shown that excited states of N2 (and in particular N2(A)) and radicals (and in particular O(D), O(P), H and OH) are very efficiently produced during the voltage pulse after the start of the spark phase. After the voltage pulse, and up to 100 ns, the densities of excited states of N2 and of O(D) decrease. Conversely, most of the O(P), H and OH radicals are produced after the voltage pulse due to the dissociative quenching of electronically excited N2. As for radicals, the gas temperature starts increasing after the start of the spark phase. For all studied mixtures, the density of O(P) atoms and the gas temperature reach their maxima after the end of the voltage pulse and the densities of O(P), H and OH radicals and the maximal gas temperature increase as the equivalence ratio increases. We have shown that the production of radicals is the highest on the discharge axis and the distribution of species after the voltage pulse and up to 100 ns has a larger diameter between the electrodes than close to both electrode tips. As for species, the temperature distribution presents two hot spots close to the point electrode tips. The non-uniform distributions of radical densities and gas temperature obtained after the nanosecond voltage pulse provide accurate initial conditions for 2D reactive flow codes to study the combustion ignition on longer timescales and compare with experiments