83 research outputs found

    Marginalized Populations’ Access to Transit: Journeys from Home and Work to Transit

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    Previous scholarship has shown that low-income individuals who also might identify as racial, ethnic, and gender minorities (such as transgender and gender nonconforming) are more likely to be dependent on public transportation. What remains understudied is how these marginalized groups, given their intersectional identities of oppression, might experience transit. The primary research question guiding this project is how do people with intersecting marginal identities experience social exclusion as they travel via mass transit? To answer the above research question, we employed a photovoice methodology and video-call interviewing, in Portland, OR, and Salt Lake City, UT. Across these two sites we interviewed 35 BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and other People of Color) with an income level less than 35,000perpersonperyearor35,000 per person per year or 70,000 per family per year who use transit regularly, who were ethnically diverse, and included immigrants and people with other marginalized identities. In the interviews we found that people from these historically marginalized communities experience economic barriers, discrimination, harassment, and violence on transit and in public areas such as sidewalks, bus stops, and transit platforms when accessing transit related to their intersecting identities (e.g., being a woman of color). We examined how to make transit more accessible; for example, transit passes for low-income individuals, higher frequency of buses, lighting in dark areas, Spanish messaging in stations and on buses, to mention a few. We found that transit workers were key to feelings of safety by marginalized riders, where they could create a sense of welcome and community and fairly and consistently support policies that facilitated access for all. In addition, technology could be a mechanism for safety and ease of travel, but also widen socioeconomic gaps. Our findings are a starting point about what not only Salt Lake City and Portland planners, policymakers, social service providers, and case managers can do, but also what other municipalities could expect in terms of improving transportation and services for these vulnerable populations

    Adult’s beliefs about children’s emotions: a proposal for exploration in contexts of cultural diversity

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    Las creencias que los padres tienen sobre las emociones de los niños subyacen a los patrones de socialización emocional. La cultura mediatiza esta socialización; sin embargo, este proceso es habitualmente ignorado asumiendo un patrón común de ideales afectivos para todos los niños aun en contextos de alta migración y de alta presencia de culturas originarias. Así, el saber sentir ha sido históricamente mantenido al margen y su estudio desde una visión que reconoce las expectativas y creencias de las familias de grupos minoritarios es incipiente. Son pocos los estudios en Latinoamérica que dan cuenta de las variaciones culturales en las creencias de la emoción y menos los instrumentos que permitan hacerlo. Este trabajo recoge la necesidad de una evaluación de las creencias de los padres sobre la emoción de los niños en contextos de diversidad cultural y principalmente de grupos minoritarios de la IX región de La Araucanía en Chile. Participaron 307 adultos mapuches y no mapuches madres, padres y profesores de niños entre 4 y 10 años de edad. Se realizaron análisis de invarianza de medida, integrando las dimensiones originales del PBACE y nuevas dimensiones propuestas para el instrumento. Los resultados indican buenos índices de confiabilidad y un buen ajuste de las dimensiones analizadas, todas las dimensiones alcanzan al menos la invarianza escalar parcial, exceptuando una de ellas. El manuscrito finaliza analizando las limitaciones y proyecciones del estudio al campo de la educación y psicología en escenarios de diversidad cultural migratoria y con presencia de pueblos originarios

    Estilo de liderazgo y motivación laboral de los colaboradores de la empresa constructora flor de maría EIRL, Sullana 2022

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    La investigación ha tenido como su principal objetivo analizar de qué manera se relaciona los estilos de liderazgo con la motivación laboral de los colaboradores de la empresa constructora Flor de María EIRL, Sullana 2022. Fue de tipo aplicada, de enfoque cuantitativo, con diseño no experimental, trasversal, correlacional. Con la técnica de la encuesta, el instrumento el cuestionario. La población fue finita, la muestra fue 59 colaboradores, mediante un muestreo censal. Se analizó mediante la estadística descriptiva inferencial en el sistema, el cual es un Software Estadístico SPSS versión 27. Se aplicó la prueba de correlación de Pearson para la contrastación y análisis de la hipótesis. El cual tuvo como principal resultado un p valor = 0,00 < 0,05, por lo que se procede a rechazar la H0 y se acepta la H1; por lo cual se entiende que existe correlación positiva moderada y fuerte de 0,571 significativa a un nivel 0,01, por lo tanto, se afirma que, a mayor grado de liderazgo laboral, mayor será la motivación laboral de los colaboradores, y la empresa obtendrá mayores beneficios mediante la eficiencia y eficacia de los colaboradore

    Factors Influencing Pseudo-Accommodation—The Difference between Subjectively Reported Range of Clear Focus and Objectively Measured Accommodation Range

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    The key determinants of the range of clear focus in pre-presbyopes and their relative contributions to the difference between subjective range of focus and objective accommodation assessments have not been previously quantified. Fifty participants (aged 33.0 ± 6.4 years) underwent simultaneous monocular subjective (visual acuity measured with an electronic test-chart) and objective (dynamic accommodation measured with an Aston open-field aberrometer) defocus curve testing for lenses between +2.00 to −10.00 DS in +0.50 DS steps in a randomized order. Pupil diameter and ocular aberrations (converted to visual metrics normalized for pupil size) at each level of blur were measured. The difference between objective range over which the power of the crystalline lens changes and the subjective range of clear focus was quantified and the results modelled using pupil size, refractive error, tolerance to blur, and ocular aberrations. The subjective range of clear focus was principally accounted for by age (46.4%) and pupil size (19.3%). The objectively assessed accommodative range was also principally accounted for by age (27.6%) and pupil size (15.4%). Over one-quarter (26.0%) of the difference between objective accommodation and subjective range of clear focus was accounted for by age (14.0%) and spherical aberration at maximum accommodation (12.0%). There was no significant change in the objective accommodative response (F = 1.426, p = 0.229) or pupil size (F = 0.799, p = 0.554) of participants for levels of defocus above their amplitude of accommodation. Pre-presbyopes benefit from an increased subjective range of clear vision beyond their objective accommodation due in part to neural factors, resulting in a measured depth-of-focus of, on average, 1.0

    Radio Measurements of the stellar proper motions in the core of the Orion Nebula Cluster

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    Sergio A. Dzib, et al, 'RADIO MEASUREMENTS OF THE STELLAR PROPER MOTIONS IN THE CORE OF THE ORION NEBULA CLUSTER', The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 834(2), 10 pp, January 2017. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/834/2/139 © 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.Using multi-epoch VLA observations, covering a time baseline of 29.1 years, we have measured the proper motions of 88 young stars with compact radio emission in the core of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) and the neighboring BN/KL region. Our work increases the number of young stars with measured proper motion at radio frequencies by a factor of 2.5 and enables us to perform a better statistical analysis of the kinematics of the region than was previously possible. Most stars (79 out of 88) have proper motions consistent with a Gaussian distribution centered on μαcosδ=1.07±0.09masyr1\overline{\mu_{\alpha}\cos{\delta}}=1.07\pm0.09\quad{\rm mas\,yr^{-1}}, and μδ=0.84±0.16masyr1\overline{\mu_{\delta}}=-0.84\pm0.16\quad{\rm mas\,yr^{-1}}, with velocity dispersions of σα=1.08±0.07masyr1,\sigma_{\alpha}=1.08\pm0.07\quad{\rm mas\,\,yr^{-1}}, σδ=1.27±0.15masyr1\sigma_{\delta}=1.27\pm0.15\quad{\rm mas\,\,yr^{-1}}. We looked for organized movements of these stars but found no clear indication of radial expansion/contraction or rotation. The remaining nine stars in our sample show peculiar proper motions that differ from the mean proper motions of the ONC by more than 3-σ\sigma. One of these stars, V 1326 Ori, could have been expelled from the Orion Trapezium 7,000 years ago. Two could be related to the multi-stellar disintegration in the BN/KL region, in addition to the previously known sources BN, I and n. The others either have high uncertainties (so their anomalous proper motions are not firmly established) or could be foreground objects.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Children’s and adolescents’ rising animal-source food intakes in 1990–2018 were impacted by age, region, parental education and urbanicity

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    Animal-source foods (ASF) provide nutrition for children and adolescents’ physical and cognitive development. Here, we use data from the Global Dietary Database and Bayesian hierarchical models to quantify global, regional and national ASF intakes between 1990 and 2018 by age group across 185 countries, representing 93% of the world’s child population. Mean ASF intake was 1.9 servings per day, representing 16% of children consuming at least three daily servings. Intake was similar between boys and girls, but higher among urban children with educated parents. Consumption varied by age from 0.6 at <1 year to 2.5 servings per day at 15–19 years. Between 1990 and 2018, mean ASF intake increased by 0.5 servings per week, with increases in all regions except sub-Saharan Africa. In 2018, total ASF consumption was highest in Russia, Brazil, Mexico and Turkey, and lowest in Uganda, India, Kenya and Bangladesh. These findings can inform policy to address malnutrition through targeted ASF consumption programmes.publishedVersio