1,328 research outputs found
Georgia O'Keeffe
In der vorliegende Diplomarbeit werden die Werke der amerikanischen Künstlerin
Georgia O’Keeffe (1887-1986) behandelt. Das Hauptaugenmerk liegt dabei auf den
Arbeiten aus ihren frühen Jahre zwischen 1915 und 1920. Die Kohlezeichnungen,
Aquarelle, Ölgemälde und Skulpturen werden auf europäische Vorbilder untersucht.
Im Hinblick auf eventuell gegebene europäische Einflüsse soll eruiert werden, ob das
der Künstlerin von Alfred Stieglitz, ihrem Förderer, Kunsthändler und späterem
Ehemann, verliehene Prädikat „genuin American“ heute noch haltbar ist.
In der bisherigen Forschung werden die Arbeiten von O’Keeffe vorwiegend in einen
amerikanischen Kontext gestellt. Nur wenn es aufgrund gesicherter Tatsachen
unvermeidlich erscheint, werden von den vorwiegend amerikanischen AutorInnen
auch Verbindungen zu europäischen Künstlern und Kunstströmungen aufgezeigt.
Der Inhalt der vorliegenden Schrift soll über die bis dato angestellten Vergleiche mit
der europäischen Kunst hinausgehen. Die Forschung zum Frühwerk von O’Keeffe ist
noch relativ jung. Sie setzte erst nach dem Tod der Künstlerin in den späten 1980er
Jahren ein, als die Werke aus ihrer Orientierungsphase wieder an die Öffentlichkeit
gelangten. Daher gibt es auf diesem Gebiet noch viel zu entdecken.
Zum einen werden hier Einflüsse untersucht, die in der bisherigen Literatur bereits
anerkannt werden. Dies sind der Jugendstil, der Symbolismus und die Lehre ihres
Professors Arthur W. Dow. Diese Vergleiche werden anhand neuer Beispiele
abermals angestellt und dienen zum besseren Verständnis von O’Keeffes Werken
sowie den darauf folgenden Gegenüberstellungen mit der europäischen Avantgarde.
Auch wurde in der Forschung bereits ein möglicher Zusammenhang einer Aktserie
der Künstlerin mit Aktzeichnungen von Auguste Rodin erwähnt. Da ich hier aber zu
einem anderen Schluss komme, wird auch diese Beziehung erneut aufgezeigt.
Im Hauptteil wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob O’Keeffe in der Phase ihres Suchens
nach einem eigenen künstlerischen Ausdruck auch von europäischen
Avantgardeströmungen beeinflusst wurde. Dahingehend werden ihre Arbeiten
Werken von Künstlern des Kubismus, des Orphismus und des Futurismus
gegenübergestellt. Neben der direkten Beeinflussung durch europäische
Modernisten finden deren Neuerungen aber auch auf Umwegen Eingang in das
Werk der amerikanischen Künstlerin. O’Keeffe absorbierte die Ideen der Europäer
gefiltert durch die Kunst ihrer Landsleute, die zuvor in Europa studiert und die
neuesten künstlerischen Ansichten in ihr Werk übernommen hatten. Es wird
aufgezeigt, dass O’Keeffe sich wohl am Kubismus versucht hatte, dieser aber kaum
Einzug in ihr reifes Werk gehalten hat. Auch der Orphismus oder dessen
amerikanische Version, der Synchromismus, wurde von O’Keeffe kurzzeitig
aufgegriffen und verarbeitet. Der Futurismus hingegen spielte im Frühwerk der
Künstlerin eine bedeutendere Rolle und trägt seine Spuren durch ihr gesamtes
Oeuvre. Freilich ist das Ergebniss aufgrund der sozialen und politischen Verhältnisse
in den USA ein anderes als das der europäischen Avantgardisten. Im letzten Kapitel
werden O’Keeffes Werke denen der deutschen Expressionisten gegenüber gestellt.
Ein Einfluss der in der Forschung zu O’Keeffe bisher gänzlich ignoriert wurde. Es
wird an dieser Stelle veranschaulicht, dass O’Keeffe sich auch mit dieser
Kunstströmung auseinandersetzte. Teils griff sie die formalen und stilistischen
Elemente der deutschen Künstler auf und verwarf sie nach kurzer Zeit wieder. Teils
fanden diese Eingang in ihren persönlichen Stil und somit auch in ihr reifes Werk.
Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass europäische Künstler und
Kunstrichtungen, sei es auf direktem oder indirektem Weg, das Werk von O’Keeffe
beträchtlich beeinflusst haben. Daher ist meiner persönlichen Ansicht nach die
Bewertung der Künstlerin als genuin amerikanisch nicht haltbar
Lipid Composition and Fluidity in the Jejunal Brush-Border Membrane of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Effects on Activities of Membrane- Bound Proteins
The lipid compositíon and fluidity of jejunal brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMV) have been studied in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats. The activities of both Na+-dependent D-glucose cotransport and Na+-H antiport have also been determined. A significan! increase in the level of free cholesterol was observed in jejunal BBMV from SHR compared to WKY rats. Since phospholipid values did not change in either group of animals, a significan! enhancement in the free cholesterol/phospholipid ratio was observed in SHR. A decrease in the levels of phosphatidylethanolamine together with an increase in the values of phos phatidylserine was observed in hypertensive rats. Although the content of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and sphingomyelin (SM) was not singificantly altered in SHR, the ratio PC/SM significantly increased in these animals when compared to WKY rats. The majar fatty acids present in bursh-border membranes prepared from SHR and WKY rats were palmitic (16:0), stearic (18:0), oleic (18:1, n-9) and linoleic (18:2, n-6), and the fatty acid composition was not modified by the hypertension. A decreased fluorescence polarization, i.e., increased membrane ftuidity, was observed in SHR, which was not correlated to the increased ratio of cholesterol/phospholipid found in the brush-border membrane isolated from these animals. These structural changes found in SHR were associated to an enhancement in both Na+ -dependent D-glucose transport and Na+-H+ antiport activíty in the jejunal BBMVof SHR
Effects of two highly monounsaturated oils on lipid composition and enzyme activities in rat jejunum
The effects of two monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) oils, olive oil (OO)and high-oleic sunflower oil (HOSO), with high content in oleic acid butdiffering in their non-fatty acid fraction, on brush-border membrane(BBM) lipid composition and fluidity and on mucosal enzyme activitiesof rat jejunum were studied. Animals were given semipurified diet withlinoleic acid to prevent essential fatty acid deficiency (control group)or semipurified diet containing 10% of either OO or HOSO for 12weeks. There was a significant decrease in the content of jejunalBBM phospholipids together with an increase in the level of freecholesterol in both oil-fed rats, when compared to controlgroup. Although the increase in the BBM free cholesterol levelwas not statistically significant in HOSO-fed rats, a significantdecrease in the phospholipid/free cholesterol ratio was found inboth OO and HOSO-fed animals compared to control group. Rat jejunalBBM had a high level of free fatty acids which was increased in BBMisolated from OO and HOSO-fed animals. There was no statisticalsignificant difference in the phospholipid distribution between thecontrol and the OO group. However, HOSO-fed animals showed the lowestlevel of phosphatidylethanolamine together with the highestphosphatidylcholine content and the phosphatidylcholine/sphingomyelinratio. The fatty acid pattern of jejunal BBM lipids was modifiedaccording to the major fatty acids in the oils. There was a decreasein both stearic acid (18:0) and linoleic acid (18:2 n-6), togetherwith an increase in oleic acid (18:1 n-9) in jenunal BBM isolatedfrom both oil experimental groups. All these results were accompaniedby a significant increase in the BBM fluidity (as assessed bysteady-state fluorescence polarization of diphenylhexatriene) isolatedfrom oil-fed rat, when compared to control group. OO and HOSO-fedanimals had the lowest activities of sucrase and maltase, whilealkaline phosphatase activity only was decreased in HOSO-fedanimals. The specific activity of maltase was not modified in anyexperimental rats. In summary, both MUFA oils induced similar effectson jejunal BBM lipid composition, fluidity, sucrase, maltase andlactase activities. Furthermore, HOSO intake resulted in a lowestalkaline phosphatase activity which was accompanied by changes inindividual phospholipid composition. All these results suggest thateffects of MUFA oils on jejunal BBM lipid composition and hydrolaseactivities are most likely due to the presence of high content ofoleic acid rather than other components contained in the non-fattyacid of olive oil
Migración de los hijos del hogar familiar; resonancias psíquicas en la pareja parental
El objetivo general de este trabajo consistió en indagar el impacto y tramitación psíquica de los sujetos parentales frente al suceso de la partida de los hijos del hogar familiar con un proyecto personal formativo- profesional y/o laboral, delimitando la dimensión social del sujeto en lo que respecta a lo psíquico. Conocer el modo de tramitación, explorar la transformación o continuidad de la función de la pareja parental, explorar los posibles trabajos de duelo, así como también, delimitar la continuidad, reforzamiento o disolución del vinculo de alianza, supone la tarea de indagar las resonancias psíquicas de las marcas que lo social deja en el sujeto. Esto nos desafió a pensar una problemática social, en tanto que, producción de subjetividad entendiendo que la misma no sólo es resultado de un proceso intrasubjetivo, sino también inter y transubjetivo, de un momento histórico social determinado y como tal es compleja.Eje: Psicología del desarrolloFacultad de Psicologí
Identifying reliable predictors of protein-energy malnutrition in hospitalized frail older adults. A prospective longitudinal study
Decreased food intake is a risk factor for relevant complications (e.g. infections, pressure ulcers), longer hospital stays, higher readmission rates, greater health care costs and increased patient mortality, particularly in frail hospitalized older adults who are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition. Nurses are called to improve this criticality, starting from accurately identify patients for malnutrition at hospital admission and effectively monitoring their food intake.
The primary aim was to identify reliable predictive indicators of reduced food intake at hospital admission. The secondary aims were to assess the adequacy of daily energy and protein intake and the impact of nutrient intake on patient outcomes.
Prospective observational longitudinal study.
Internal Medicine Ward of an Academic Teaching University Hospital.
Acute older adults who were malnourished or at risk of malnutrition (Nutritional Risk Score-2002\u202f 65\u202f3, middle-upper arm circumference\u2009<23.5\u202fcm or impaired self-feeding ability) at admission.
The effective energy and protein intake was monitored during the first 5\u202fdays of hospital stay by a photographic method and compared to the daily energy and protein requirement calculated by specific equations. Data on anthropometry, inflammation/malnutrition laboratory data and body composition (phase\u202fangle calculated using bioelectrical impedance analysis) were collected.
Eighty-one subjects (age 81.5\u202f\ub1\u202f11.5\u202fyears) were enrolled. Mean energy intake was 669.0\u202f\ub1\u202f573.9\u202fkcal/day, and mean protein intake was 30.7\u202f\ub1\u202f25.8\u202fg/day. Over 60% of patients ingested\u2009 6450% of their calculated energy and protein requirements: these patients were older (p\u202f=\u202f0.026), had a lower middle-upper arm circumference (p\u202f=\u202f0.022) and total arm area (p\u202f=\u202f0.038), a higher C-reactive protein/albumin ratio and Instant Nutritional Assessment score (p\u202f<\u202f0.01), and experienced longer hospital stays (p\u202f 64\u202f0.04) and higher in-hospital and 30-day post-discharge mortality (p\u202f<\u202f0.001). In the multivariate analysis, lower middle-upper arm circumference, higher C-reactive protein/albumin ratio, and impaired self-feeding at admission were independently associated with critically reduced energy and protein intake.
Middle-upper arm circumference, C-reactive protein/albumin ratio, and impaired self-feeding are easily obtainable indicators of impaired energy and protein intake and poor clinical outcomes. Such parameters should be adopted as screening criteria to assess the risk for critically reduced energy/protein intake in hospitalized older adults. These findings are relevant to improve clinical practice through the implementation of multidisciplinary strategies, given the adverse clinical outcomes related to hospital malnutrition
Migración de los hijos del hogar familiar; resonancias psíquicas en la pareja parental
El objetivo general de este trabajo consistió en indagar el impacto y tramitación psíquica de los sujetos parentales frente al suceso de la partida de los hijos del hogar familiar con un proyecto personal formativo- profesional y/o laboral, delimitando la dimensión social del sujeto en lo que respecta a lo psíquico. Conocer el modo de tramitación, explorar la transformación o continuidad de la función de la pareja parental, explorar los posibles trabajos de duelo, así como también, delimitar la continuidad, reforzamiento o disolución del vinculo de alianza, supone la tarea de indagar las resonancias psíquicas de las marcas que lo social deja en el sujeto. Esto nos desafió a pensar una problemática social, en tanto que, producción de subjetividad entendiendo que la misma no sólo es resultado de un proceso intrasubjetivo, sino también inter y transubjetivo, de un momento histórico social determinado y como tal es compleja.Eje: Psicología del desarrolloFacultad de Psicologí
Leadership and nursing work satisfaction: an integrative review
Objective: To identify and analyze knowledge about the relationship between leadership and nursing job satisfaction. Methods: An integrative review of the MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, PubMed, Web of Science, and LILACS databases to answer the guiding question: What knowledge was produced about the relationship between leadership and nursing job satisfaction in the period from 2011 to 2016? Searches were made to obtain articles, theses, dissertations, and reviews (systematic, narrative and integrative)opinion articles and editorials were excluded. The searches were carried out between October 2016 and January 2017, using the inclusion criteria: primary articlesfull text availablewritten in English, Portuguese or Spanishand published in the last six years (2011-2016). The extraction of study results was carried out by two reviewers, who defined four thematic categories, with the purpose of analyzing the data obtained in the articles and comparing them with the literature. Results: Out of a total of 582 articles, 15 were selectedfour categories were established: the use of the theoretical reference of leadership in the construction of the articlesthe use of instruments to measure leadership and job satisfaction, and the correlation between these variablesthe predominance of nursing leadership in the hospital settingand the direct and indirect relationship between leadership and job satisfaction. Conclusion: The results showed that nursing leadership has a positive and significant impact on job satisfaction, and the need to develop this competency in nursing professionals was demonstrated.Objetivo: Identificar e analisar o conhecimento da relação entre liderança e satisfação no trabalho da enfermagem. Métodos: Revisão integrativa nas bases de dados MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE e LILACS para responder à pergunta norteadora: Qual é o conhecimento produzido acerca da relação entre liderança e satisfação no trabalho da enfermagem no período de 2011 a 2016? Para obtenção dos artigos, excluíram-se as teses, dissertações, revisões (sistemática, narrativa e integrativa), assim como artigos de opinião e editoriais. As buscas ocorreram entre outubro de 2016 a janeiro de 2017, utilizando os critérios de inclusão: artigos primários; disponíveis na íntegra; nos idiomas inglês, português e espanhol e; publicados nos últimos seis anos (2011-2016). A etapa de extração dos resultados dos estudos foram realizadas por dois revisores, que estabeleceram quatro categorias temáticas, com a finalidade de analisar os dados obtidos nos artigos, comparativamente com a literatura. Resultados: Disposto de 582 artigos selecionou-se 15 sendo estabelecidas quatro categorias: o uso do referencial teórico de liderança na construção dos artigos; a utilização de instrumentos para mensurar a liderança e satisfação no trabalho e correlação entre essas variáveis; o predomínio da liderança da enfermagem no contexto hospitalar; e a relação direta e indireta entre liderança e satisfação no trabalho. Conclusão: Evidenciou-se que a liderança na enfermagem exerce uma relação positiva e significativa sobre a satisfação no trabalho demonstrando a necessidade do desenvolvimento dessa competência nos profissionais de enfermagem.Univ Sao Paulo, Escola Enfermagem Ribeirao Preto, Ribeirao Preto, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Enfermagem, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Enfermagem, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc
Ações assistenciais e gerenciais desenvolvidas no estágio curricular supervisionado: impressão dos atores envolvidos
Objective: To assess the Supervised Curricular Internship of the Nursing undergraduate course of two higher education institutions in the state of São Paulo based on specific skills described in the Brazilian National Curriculum Guidelines regarding preparation to the development of nursing care and management actions from the perceptions of professors, undergraduate students, and alumni. Method: Descriptive study in which a questionnaire was applied to 59 undergraduate students, 111 alumni, and 27 professors of a Nursing undergraduate course involved in the Supervised Curricular Internship in the analyzed institutions. Results: The perceptions of the actors involved in the development of management and care actions were positive, although part of the alumni pointed out that the Supervised Curricular Internship does not allow the students to: develop all the activities performed by the nursing team; work towards comprehensive health care; professional technical confidence; and interfere with the work dynamics. Conclusion: In the perception of those involved, the Supervised Curricular Internship is seen as positive and important in the training of students, as it introduces students into the professional reality of nurses. However, this discipline still needs structural changes, particularly in the perception of the alumni
Tradução para português do Brasil e adaptação cultural de um questionário sobre medicamentos potencialmente perigosos
Objetivo: Descrever os processos de tradução para a língua portuguesa e adaptação cultural do Questionário de Medicamentos Potencialmente Perigosos para o contexto brasileiro.Métodos: Estudo metodológico compreendendo as etapas de tradução do chinês para o português brasileiro, síntese das traduções, retrotradução para a língua de origem, comitê de juízes e pré-teste, procedendo à versão final do questionário.Resultados: No processo de tradução, variações vocabulares mínimas foram solucionadas após consenso entre os tradutores. O comitê de juízes considerou que a versão traduzida para o português apresentou equivalência semântica, idiomática, cultural e conceitual, mas 50% dos itens necessitaram de ajustes. No pré-teste 30 enfermeiros de um hospital de ensino avaliaram os itens como compreensíveis.Conclusões: Houve equivalência semântica, idiomática, cultural e conceitual satisfatória entre as versões do questionário, o qual é pertinente à cultura brasileira e facilmente compreensível. Entretanto, para que se disponibilize o questionário adaptado, faz-se imprescindível avaliar suas propriedades psicométricas.Palavras-chave: Tradução. Enfermagem. Segurança do paciente. Erros de medicação
Occupation and skin cancer: the results of the HELIOS-I multicenter case-control study
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is the most frequent tumour among Caucasian populations worldwide. Among the risk factors associated with this tumour, there are host-related factors and several environmental agents. A greater likelihood of high exposure to physical agents (with the exception of solar radiation) and chemical agents depends on the work setting. Our objective is to evaluate the role of occupational exposures in NMSC, with special emphasis on risk factors other than solar radiation and skin type.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We analysed 1585 cases (1333 basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and 183 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)) and 1507 controls drawn from the Helios-I multicenter study. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using logistic regression mixed models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For NMSC as a whole (both <it>histological types</it>), miners and quarrymen, secondary education teachers, and masons registered excess risk, regardless of exposure to solar radiation and skin type (OR 7.04, 95% CI 2.44–20.31; OR 1.75, 95% CI 1.05–2.89 and OR 1.54, 95% CI 1.04–2.27, respectively). Frequency of BCC proved higher among railway engine drivers and firemen (OR 4.55; 95% CI 0.96–21.57), specialised farmers (OR 1.65; 95% CI 1.05–2.59) and salesmen (OR 3.02; 95% CI 1.05–2.86), in addition to miners and quarrymen and secondary education teachers (OR 7.96; 95% CI 2.72–23.23 and OR 1.76; 95% CI 1.05–2.94 respectively). The occupations that registered a higher risk of <it>SCC (though not of BCC</it>) were those involving direct contact with livestock, construction workers not elsewhere classified (OR 2.95, 95% CI 1.12–7.74), stationary engine and related equipment operators not elsewhere classified (OR 5.31, 95% CI 1.13–21.04) and masons (OR 2.55, 95% CI 1.36–4.78).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Exposure to hazardous air pollutants, arsenic, ionizing radiations and burns may explain a good part of the associations observed in this study. The Helios study affords an excellent opportunity for further in-depth study of physical and chemical agents and NMSC based on matrices of occupational exposure.</p
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