65 research outputs found

    Characterization of a set of abdominal neuroendocrine cells that regulate stress physiology using colocalized diuretic peptides in Drosophila

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    Multiple neuropeptides are known to regulate water and ion balance in Drosophila melanogaster. Several of these peptides also have other functions in physiology and behavior. Examples are corticotropin-releasing factor-like diuretic hormone (diuretic hormone 44; DH44) and leucokinin (LK), both of which induce fluid secretion by Malpighian tubules (MTs), but also regulate stress responses, feeding, circadian activity and other behaviors. Here, we investigated the functional relations between the LK and DH44 signaling systems. DH44 and LK peptides are only colocalized in a set of abdominal neurosecretory cells (ABLKs). Targeted knockdown of each of these peptides in ABLKs leads to increased resistance to desiccation, starvation and ionic stress. Food ingestion is diminished by knockdown of DH44, but not LK, and water retention is increased by LK knockdown only. Thus, the two colocalized peptides display similar systemic actions, but differ with respect to regulation of feeding and body water retention. We also demonstrated that DH44 and LK have additive effects on fluid secretion by MTs. It is likely that the colocalized peptides are coreleased from ABLKs into the circulation and act on the tubules where they target different cell types and signaling systems to regulate diuresis and stress tolerance. Additional targets seem to be specific for each of the two peptides and subserve regulation of feeding and water retention. Our data suggest that the ABLKs and hormonal actions are sufficient for many of the known DH44 and LK functions, and that the remaining neurons in the CNS play other functional roles

    Isolation and functional characterization of calcitonin-like diuretic hormone receptors in <em>Rhodnius prolixus</em>

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    Several families of diuretic hormones exist in insects, one of which is the calcitonin-like diuretic hormone (CT/DH) family. CT/DH mediates its effects by binding to family B G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Here we isolate and functionally characterize two R. prolixusCT/DH receptor paralogs (Rhopr-CT/DH-R1 and Rhopr-CT/DH-R2) using a novel heterologous assay utilizing a modified human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cell line. Rhopr-CT/DH-R1 is orthologous to the previously characterized D. melanogasterCT/DH receptor (CG17415) while Rhopr-CT/DH-R2 is orthologous to the D. melanogaster receptor (CG4395), an orphan receptor whose ligand was unknown until now. We determine the cDNA sequences of three splice variants encoding Rhopr-CT/DH-R1 (Rhopr-CT/DH-R1-A, Rhopr-CT/DH-R1-B and Rhopr-CT/DH-R1-C) and two splice variants encoding Rhopr-CT/DH-R2 (Rhopr-CT/DH-R2-A and Rhopr-CT/DH-R2-B). Rhopr-CT/DH-R1-A and Rhopr-CT/DH-R2-A encode truncated receptors that lack six and seven of the characteristic seven transmembrane domains, respectively. Rhopr-CT/DH-R1-B and Rhopr-CT/DH-R1-C, which only differ by 2 amino acids in their C-terminal domain, can both be activated by Rhopr-CT/DH at equal sensitivities (EC50 = 200-300 nM). Interestingly, Rhopr-CT/DH-R2-B is much more sensitive to Rhopr-CT/DH (EC50 = 15 nM) compared to Rhopr-CT/DH-R1-B/C and also yields a much greater response (amplitude) in our heterologous assay. This is the first study to reveal that insects possess at least two CT/DH receptors, which may be functionally different. Quantitative PCR demonstrates that Rhopr-CT/DH-R1 and Rhopr-CT/DH-R2 have distinct expression patterns, with both receptors expressed centrally and peripherally. Moreover, the expression analysis also identified novel target tissues for this neuropeptide, including testes, ovaries and prothoracic glands, suggesting a possible role for Rhopr-CT/DH in reproductive physiology and development

    DINeR: Database for Insect Neuropeptide Research

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    Neuropeptides are responsible for regulating a variety of functions, including development, metabolism, water and ion homeostasis, and as neuromodulators in circuits of the central nervous system. Numerous neuropeptides have been identified and characterized. However, both discovery and functional characterization of neuropeptides across the massive Class Insecta has been sporadic. To leverage advances in post-genomic technologies for this rapidly growing field, insect neuroendocrinology requires a consolidated, comprehensive and standardised resource for managing neuropeptide information. The Database for Insect Neuropeptide Research (DINeR) is a web-based database-application used for search and retrieval of neuropeptide information of various insect species detailing their isoform sequences, physiological functionality and images of their receptor-binding sites, in an intuitive, accessible and user-friendly format. The curated data includes representatives of 50 well described neuropeptide families from over 400 different insect species. Approximately 4700 FASTA formatted, neuropeptide isoform amino acid sequences and over 200 records of physiological functionality have been recorded based on published literature. Also available are images of neuropeptide receptor locations. In addition, the data include comprehensive summaries for each neuropeptide family, including their function, location, known functionality, as well as cladograms, sequence alignments and logos covering most insect orders. Moreover, we have adopted a standardized nomenclature to address inconsistent classification of neuropeptides

    Ancient role of vasopressin/oxytocin-type neuropeptides as regulators of feeding revealed in an echinoderm.

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    BACKGROUND: Vasopressin/oxytocin (VP/OT)-type neuropeptides are well known for their roles as regulators of diuresis, reproductive physiology and social behaviour. However, our knowledge of their functions is largely based on findings from studies on vertebrates and selected protostomian invertebrates. Little is known about the roles of VP/OT-type neuropeptides in deuterostomian invertebrates, which are more closely related to vertebrates than protostomes. RESULTS: Here, we have identified and functionally characterised a VP/OT-type signalling system comprising the neuropeptide asterotocin and its cognate G-protein coupled receptor in the starfish (sea star) Asterias rubens, a deuterostomian invertebrate belonging to the phylum Echinodermata. Analysis of the distribution of asterotocin and the asterotocin receptor in A. rubens using mRNA in situ hybridisation and immunohistochemistry revealed expression in the central nervous system (radial nerve cords and circumoral nerve ring), the digestive system (including the cardiac stomach) and the body wall and associated appendages. Informed by the anatomy of asterotocin signalling, in vitro pharmacological experiments revealed that asterotocin acts as a muscle relaxant in starfish, contrasting with the myotropic actions of VP/OT-type neuropeptides in vertebrates. Furthermore, in vivo injection of asterotocin had a striking effect on starfish behaviour-triggering fictive feeding where eversion of the cardiac stomach and changes in body posture resemble the unusual extra-oral feeding behaviour of starfish. CONCLUSIONS: We provide a comprehensive characterisation of VP/OT-type signalling in an echinoderm, including a detailed anatomical analysis of the expression of both the VP/OT-type neuropeptide asterotocin and its cognate receptor. Our discovery that asterotocin triggers fictive feeding in starfish provides important new evidence of an evolutionarily ancient role of VP/OT-type neuropeptides as regulators of feeding in animals

    Endocrine cybernetics: neuropeptides as molecular switches in behavioural decisions

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    Plasticity in animal behaviour relies on the ability to integrate external and internal cues from the changing environment and hence modulate activity in synaptic circuits of the brain. This context-dependent neuromodulation is largely based on non-synaptic signalling with neuropeptides. Here, we describe select peptidergic systems in the Drosophila brain that act at different levels of a hierarchy to modulate behaviour and associated physiology. These systems modulate circuits in brain regions, such as the central complex and the mushroom bodies, which supervise specific behaviours. At the top level of the hierarchy there are small numbers of large peptidergic neurons that arborize widely in multiple areas of the brain to orchestrate or modulate global activity in a state and context-dependent manner. At the bottom level local peptidergic neurons provide executive neuromodulation of sensory gain and intrinsically in restricted parts of specific neuronal circuits. The orchestrating neurons receive interoceptive signals that mediate energy and sleep homeostasis, metabolic state and circadian timing, as well as external cues that affect food search, aggression or mating. Some of these cues can be triggers of conflicting behaviours such as mating versus aggression, or sleep versus feeding, and peptidergic neurons participate in circuits, enabling behaviour choices and switches

    Discovery of paralogous GnRH and corazonin signaling systems in an invertebrate chordate

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    Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is a key regulator of reproductive function in vertebrates. GnRH is related to the corazonin (CRZ) neuropeptide which influences metabolism and stress responses in insects. Recent evidence suggests that GnRH and CRZ are paralogous and arose by a gene duplication in a common ancestor of bilaterians. Here, we report the identification and complete characterization of the GnRH and CRZ signaling systems in the amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae. We have identified a novel GnRH peptide (YSYSYGFAP-NH2) that specifically activates two GnRH receptors and a CRZ peptide (FTYTHTW-NH2) that activates three CRZ receptors in B. floridae. The latter appear to be promiscuous, as two CRZ receptors can also be activated by GnRH in the physiological range. Hence, there is a potential for cross-talk between these closely related signaling systems. Discovery of both the GnRH and CRZ signaling systems in one of the closest living relatives of vertebrates provides a framework to discover their roles at the transition from invertebrates to vertebrates.</p

    Adipokinetic hormone signalling system in the Chagas disease vector, Rhodnius prolixus

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Zandawala, M., Hamoudi, Z., Lange, A. B. and Orchard, I. (2015), Adipokinetic hormone signalling system in the Chagas disease vector, Rhodnius prolixus. Insect Mol Biol, 24: 264–276, which has been published in final form at doi:10.1111/imb.12157]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."Neuropeptides and their G protein-coupled receptors are widespread throughout Metazoa and in several cases, clear orthologues can be identified in both protostomes and deuterostomes. One such neuropeptide is the insect adipokinetic hormone (AKH), which is related to the mammalian gonadotropin-releasing hormone. AKH has been studied extensively and is known to mobilize lipid, carbohydrates and proline for energy-consuming activities such as flight. In order to determine the possible roles for this signalling system in Rhodnius prolixus, we isolated the cDNA sequences encoding R. prolixus AKH (Rhopr-AKH) and its receptor (Rhopr-AKHR). We also examined their spatial expression pattern using quantitative PCR. Our expression analysis indicates that Rhopr-AKH is only expressed in the corpus cardiacum of fifth-instars and adults. Rhopr-AKHR, by contrast, is expressed in several peripheral tissues including the fat body. The expression of the receptor in the fat body suggests that AKH is involved in lipid mobilization, which was confirmed by knockdown of Rhopr-AKHR via RNA interference. Adult males that had been injected with double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) for Rhopr-AKHR exhibited increased lipid content in the fat body and decreased lipid levels in the haemolymph. Moreover, injection of Rhopr-AKH in Rhopr-AKHR dsRNA-treated males failed to elevate haemolymph lipid levels, confirming that this is indeed the receptor for Rhopr-AKH
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