720 research outputs found

    Программный комплекс оперативного обслуживания жилого комплекса

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    The aim of this research is to develop two methods to help us understand the fundamental distinctionsamong human activities in terms of spatial occupancy. To characterize the features of the distribution ofhuman activities in a space (and over time), we introduce the concept of “activity shapes.” To obtain adistinctive analysis of activity shapes, we ran an experiment in which a group of six adults shared a fully covisiblespace and sequentially performed three specific activities characterized as eccentric, concentric, ordistributed. We video recorded the three scenarios using overhead cameras that allowed us to closely mapparticipants’ positions on the floor layout, obtaining the data in two formats: 1) a sequence of images fromthe overhead videos, automatically stored and pre‐computed to extract and aggregate motion; and 2) adataset of individuals’ identification and positions over time, manually annotated after repeatedobservations of the videos. Using the images sequence, we qualitatively analyzed the activity shapes usingViz‐A‐Vis, a tool for visualizing of activity through computer vision (Romero et al., 2008; 2011). Using thedataset, we performed two analyses: 1) the geometry and the topology of the activity shapes; and 2) theirspatiotemporal configurations, introducing the use of statistical analysis of space occupancy patterns. Whileit is not possible to generalize to all activity conditions from these three samples, we discovered sometendencies in the activity shapes. Our findings revealed several main distinctions in terms of geometry,topology, dispersion, gravitation, and clustering; supporting the development of the methods presented inthis work and directions of future implementation of these analyses in more complex spaces and scenariosthat complement space syntax analysis.QC 20160407</p

    Mediterranean springs: Keystone ecosystems and biodiversity refugia threatened by global change

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    Mediterranean spring ecosystems are unique habitats at the interface between surface water and groundwater. These ecosystems support a remarkable array of biodiversity and provide important ecological functions and ecosystem services. Spring ecosystems are influenced by abiotic, biotic, and anthropogenic factors such as the lithology of their draining aquifers, their climate, and the land use of their recharge area, all of which affect the water chemistry of the aquifer and the spring discharges. One of the most relevant characteristics of spring ecosystems is the temporal stability of environmental conditions, including physicochemical features of the spring water, across seasons and years. This stability allows a wide range of species to benefit from these ecosystems (particularly during dry periods), fostering an unusually high number of endemic species. However, global change poses important threats to these freshwater ecosystems. Changes in temperature, evapotranspiration, and precipitation patterns can alter the water balance and chemistry of spring water. Eutrophication due to agricultural practices and emergent pollutants, such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and pesticides, is also a growing concern for the preservation of spring biodiversity. Here, we provide a synthesis of the main characteristics and functioning of Mediterranean spring ecosystems. We then describe their ecological value and biodiversity patterns and highlight the main risks these ecosystems face. Moreover, we identify existing knowledge gaps to guide future research in order to fully uncover the hidden biodiversity within these habitats and understand the main drivers that govern them. Finally, we provide a brief summary of recommended actions that should be taken to effectively manage and preserve Mediterranean spring ecosystems for future generations. Even though studies on Mediterranean spring ecosystems are still scarce, our review shows there are sufficient data to conclude that their future viability as functional ecosystems is under severe threat.Mediterranean spring ecosystems are unique habitats supporting a remarkable array of biodiversity and providing important ecological functions and ecosystem services. However, global change poses important threats to these freshwater ecosystems, such as changes in climate patterns and increasing human pressures like overexploitation and pollution. We provide a synthesis of the main characteristics and functioning of Mediterranean spring ecosystems and their threats due to global change.imag

    Hamiltonian Noether theorem for gauge systems and two time physics

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    The Noether theorem for Hamiltonian constrained systems is revisited. In particular, our review presents a novel method to show that the gauge transformations are generated by the conserved quantities associated with the first class constraints. We apply our results to the relativistic point particle, to the Friedberg et al. model and, with special emphasis, to two time physics.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, references added, the "massless" sense of (87) is clarifie

    A motivational interview program for cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial in primary healthcare

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    Cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction permits recovery of the heart function and enables secondary prevention programs in which changes in lifestyle habits are crucial. Cardiac rehabilitation often takes place in hospitals without coordination with primary healthcare and is not focused on individual patient preferences and goals, which is the core of the motivational interview. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a cardiac rehabilitation program with a motivational interview in patients discharged from hospital after acute myocardial infarction.A randomized, non-pharmacological clinical trial in six primary healthcare centers in Barcelona (Spain) will assess whether a tailored cardiac rehabilitation program consisting of four motivational interviews and visits with family physicians, primary healthcare nurses and a cardiologist, coordinated with the reference hospital, results in better cardiac rehabilitation than standard care. A minimum sample of 284 participants requiring cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction will be randomized to a cardiac rehabilitation group with a motivational interview program or to standard primary healthcare. The main outcome will be physical function measured by the six-minute walk test, and the secondary outcome will be the effectiveness of secondary prevention: a composite outcome comprising control of blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, smoking and body weight. Results will be evaluated at 1,3 and 6 months.This is the first clinical trial to study the impact of a new primary healthcare cardiac rehabilitation program with motivational interviews for patients discharged from hospital after myocardial infarction. Changes in lifestyles and habits after myocardial infarction are a core element of secondary prevention and require patient-centered care strategies such as motivational interviews. Therefore, this study could clarify the impact of this approach on health indicators, such as functional capacity.ClinicalTriasl.gov NCT05285969 registered on March 18, 2022.© 2022. The Author(s)

    Habitat quality affects the condition of Luciobarbus sclateri in the Guadiamar River (SW Iberian Peninsula): Effects of disturbances by the toxic spill of the Aznalcóllar mine

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    This study analyzes the somatic condition of southern Iberian barbel Luciobarbus sclateri (Günther, 1868) in the Guadiamar River (SW Iberian Peninsula). This river was seriously affected by a toxic spill of about 4 million cubic meters of acidic water and 2 million cubic meters of mud rich in heavy metals. Once the spill removal works concluded, sites affected and unaffected by the accident were sampled to study its effects on the fish fauna. The ecological variables registered were related to water quality, physical state of reaches, ecological quality, resources exploited by fish, and potential intra-specific interactions. From an initial 15 ecological variables, seasonal water flow and pH explained most of the variation in barbel condition. This study shows that the Guadiamar River, 56 months after the accident, is still undergoing a recovery process where, beyond ecological variables, proximity to the affected area is the most influential factor for fish condition. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V

    The Physics of Star Cluster Formation and Evolution

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    © 2020 Springer-Verlag. The final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1007/s11214-020-00689-4.Star clusters form in dense, hierarchically collapsing gas clouds. Bulk kinetic energy is transformed to turbulence with stars forming from cores fed by filaments. In the most compact regions, stellar feedback is least effective in removing the gas and stars may form very efficiently. These are also the regions where, in high-mass clusters, ejecta from some kind of high-mass stars are effectively captured during the formation phase of some of the low mass stars and effectively channeled into the latter to form multiple populations. Star formation epochs in star clusters are generally set by gas flows that determine the abundance of gas in the cluster. We argue that there is likely only one star formation epoch after which clusters remain essentially clear of gas by cluster winds. Collisional dynamics is important in this phase leading to core collapse, expansion and eventual dispersion of every cluster. We review recent developments in the field with a focus on theoretical work.Peer reviewe

    Epidemiology of intra-abdominal infection and sepsis in critically ill patients: “AbSeS”, a multinational observational cohort study and ESICM Trials Group Project

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    Purpose: To describe the epidemiology of intra-abdominal infection in an international cohort of ICU patients according to a new system that classifies cases according to setting of infection acquisition (community-acquired, early onset hospital-acquired, and late-onset hospital-acquired), anatomical disruption (absent or present with localized or diffuse peritonitis), and severity of disease expression (infection, sepsis, and septic shock). Methods: We performed a multicenter (n = 309), observational, epidemiological study including adult ICU patients diagnosed with intra-abdominal infection. Risk factors for mortality were assessed by logistic regression analysis. Results: The cohort included 2621 patients. Setting of infection acquisition was community-acquired in 31.6%, early onset hospital-acquired in 25%, and late-onset hospital-acquired in 43.4% of patients. Overall prevalence of antimicrobial resistance was 26.3% and difficult-to-treat resistant Gram-negative bacteria 4.3%, with great variation according to geographic region. No difference in prevalence of antimicrobial resistance was observed according to setting of infection acquisition. Overall mortality was 29.1%. Independent risk factors for mortality included late-onset hospital-acquired infection, diffuse peritonitis, sepsis, septic shock, older age, malnutrition, liver failure, congestive heart failure, antimicrobial resistance (either methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin-resistant enterococci, extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Gram-negative bacteria, or carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacteria) and source control failure evidenced by either the need for surgical revision or persistent inflammation. Conclusion: This multinational, heterogeneous cohort of ICU patients with intra-abdominal infection revealed that setting of infection acquisition, anatomical disruption, and severity of disease expression are disease-specific phenotypic characteristics associated with outcome, irrespective of the type of infection. Antimicrobial resistance is equally common in community-acquired as in hospital-acquired infection