2,539 research outputs found

    Bullying Prevention Among Elementary School Students

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    Bullying, a daily occurrence in some elementary schools, can have long-lasting negative effects on children. In many schools, there are few resources allocated to help the prevention of bullying. To address the lack of bullying prevention in elementary schools, I have created a three-day curriculum about what bullying is and how it can be prevented to be delivered to 3rd grade students at H.A Hyde Elementary in Watsonville, California

    Higiene y Seguridad Laboral en el área de Registro del Contribuyente de la Alcaldía Municipal de Jinotega durante el primer semestre del año 2015

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    El principal objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las medidas de Higiene y Seguridad que se aplican a los trabajadores del área de Registro del Contribuyente de la Alcaldía Municipal Jinotega durante el primer semestre del año 2015. La primera fase de la investigación consistió en recopilar la información necesaria para el desarrollo del trabajo, el cual permitió tener un mayor conocimiento de los aspectos generales de la Alcaldía, así como también de las variables de investigación acerca de Higiene y Seguridad Ocupacional. Posteriormente se realizó la investigación de campo en la que se utilizó la entrevista, la encuesta, dirigida a los trabajadores del área de Registro del Contribuyente, Jefa de área y responsable de RRHH así también la observación directa en oficinas del área; obteniendo resultados que permiten; identificar, describir y valorar la situación actual de la institución, acerca de medidas de Higiene y Seguridad Ocupacional. Así mismo, logramos darnos cuenta que la Municipalidad actualmente cuenta con Programa de Higiene y Seguridad Ocupacional, pero los trabajadores lo desconocen y así pues no contribuye a la prevención de enfermedades así como a la eliminación de accidentes de trabajo. Es necesario poner en práctica el Plan de Higiene y Seguridad, así como también distintos Recursos para brindar las condiciones necesarias a los trabajadores del área del Registro del Contribuyente de la Municipalida

    Splitting methods in the numerical integration of non-autonomous dynamical systems

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    [EN] We present a procedure leading to efficient splitting schemes for the time integration of explicitly time dependent partitioned linear differential equations arising when certain partial differential equations are previously discretized in space. In the first stage we analyze the order conditions of the corresponding autonomous problem and construct new 6th-order methods. In the second stage, by following a procedure previously designed by the authors, we generalize the methods to the time dependent case in such a way that no order reduction is present. The resulting schemes compare favorably with other integrators previously available.This work has been supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain) under project MTM2007-61572(co-financed by the ERDF of the European Union). SB also acknowledges financial support from Generalitat Valenciana through project GV/2009/032.Blanes Zamora, S.; Casas Perez, F.; Murua, A. (2012). Splitting methods in the numerical integration of non-autonomous dynamical systems. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales Serie A Matemáticas. 106(1):49-66. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-011-0024-849661061Blanes S., Casas F.: Splitting methods for non-autonomous separable dynamical systems. J. Phys. A. Math. Gen. 39, 5405–5423 (2006)Blanes S., Casas F., Murua A.: Symplectic splitting operator methods tailored for the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. J. Chem. Phys. 124, 234105 (2006)Blanes S., Casas F., Murua A.: Splitting methods for non-autonomous linear systems. Int. J. Comput. Math. 84, 713–727 (2007)Blanes S., Casas F., Murua A.: On the linear stability of splitting methods. Found. Comp. Math. 8, 357–393 (2008)Blanes S., Casas F., Murua A.: Splitting and composition methods in the numerical integration of differential equations. Bol. Soc. Esp. Math. Apl. 45, 87–143 (2008)Blanes, S., Casas, F., Murua, A.: Error analysis of splitting methods for the time dependent Schrödinger equation. arXiv:1001.1549 (2011)Blanes S., Casas F., Oteo J.A., Ros J.: The Magnus expansion and some of its applications. Phys. Rep. 470, 151–238 (2009)Blanes S., Casas F., Ros J.: Improved high order integrators based on Magnus expansion. BIT 40, 434–450 (2000)Blanes S., Diele F., Marangi C., Ragni S.: Splitting and composition methods for explicit time dependence in separable dynamical systems. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 235, 646–659 (2010)Blanes S., Moan P.C.: Practical symplectic partitioned Runge–Kutta and Runge–Kutta–Nyström methods. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 142, 313–330 (2002)Gray S., Manolopoulos D.E.: Symplectic integrators tailored to the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. J. Chem. Phys. 104, 7099–7112 (1996)Gray S., Verosky J.M.: Classical Hamiltonian structures in wave packet dynamics. J. Chem. Phys. 100, 5011–5022 (1994)Hairer E., Lubich C., Wanner G.: Geometric numerical integration. Structure-preserving algorithms for ordinary differential equations, 2nd ed. Springer, Berlin (2006)Iserles A., Munthe-Kaas H.Z., Nørsett S.P., Zanna A.: Lie group methods. Acta Numer. 9, 215–365 (2000)Leimkuhler B., Reich S.: Simulating Hamiltonian Dynamics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2004)Magnus W.: On the exponential solution of differential equations for a linear operator. Commun. Pure Appl. Math. 7, 649–673 (1954)McLachlan R.I, Quispel R.: Splitting methods. Acta Numer. 11, 341–434 (2002)McLachlan R.I, Quispel R.G.W.: Geometric integrators for ODEs. J. Phys. A. Math. Gen. 39, 5251–5285 (2006)Rieben R., White D., Rodrigue G.: High-order symplectic integration methods for finite element solutions to time dependent Maxwell equations. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 52, 2190–2195 (2004)Sanz-Serna J.M., Calvo M.P.: Numerical Hamiltonian Problems. Chapman & Hall, London (1994)Sanz-Serna J.M., Portillo A.: Classical numerical integrators for wave-packet dynamics. J. Chem. Phys. 104, 2349–2355 (1996)Sofroniou M., Spaletta G.: Derivation of symmetric composition constants for symmetric integrators. Optim. Methods Softw. 20, 597–613 (2005)Walker R.B., Preston K.: Quantum versus classical dynamics in treatment of multiple photon excitation of anharmonic-oscillator. J. Chem. Phys. 67, 2017–2028 (1977

    Optimal mesh design methodology considering geometric parameters for rock fragmentation in open-pit mining in the Southern Andes of Peru

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    Blasting is one of the most important stages in the productive process of a mine due to its direct impact on rock fragmentation, which determines the degree of productivity of operations and the extraction costs generated. In this scenario, an optimized methodology is presented for designing blasting meshes by using mathematical models that help calculate the geometric parameters of a blasting mesh, such as burden, considering the variables of the rock mass and the type of explosive to measure its impact on rock fragmentation and loading productivity (tons/hour). The main advantage of this method is the reliability of the design, which takes into account a greater number of variables that influence fragmentation and uses the principle of distribution and amount of energy in an optimal way. The results obtained in the case of application show that a change in design (2.7 x 2.7 square mesh to 2.2 x 2.5 triangular mesh) reduces P80 by 65%, from 17 to 6 inches, approximately. Additionally, the results show that greater operational efficiency was achieved by increasing excavator productivity by approximately 15.6%

    Economic analysis of climate change adaptation strategies in selected coastal areas in Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam

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    This report is an account of a cross-country study that covered Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines. Covering four sites (one each in Indonesia and Vietnam) and two sites in the Philippines, the study documented the impacts of three climate hazards affecting coastal communities, namely typhoon/flooding, coastal erosion and saltwater intrusion. It also analyzed planned adaptation options, which communities and local governments can implement, as well as autonomous responses of households to protect and insure themselves from these hazards. It employed a variety of techniques, ranging from participatory based approaches such as community hazard mapping and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) to regression techniques, to analyze the impact of climate change and the behavior of affected communities and households

    Rubidium and zirconium abundances in massive Galactic asymptotic giant branch stars revisited

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    Luminous Galactic OH/IR stars have been identified as massive (>4-5 M_s) AGB stars experiencing HBB and Li production. Their Rb abundances and [Rb/Zr] ratios derived from hydrostatic model atmospheres, are significantly higher than predictions from AGB nucleosynthesis models, posing a problem to our understanding of AGB evolution and nucleosynthesis. We report new Rb and Zr abundances in the full sample of massive Galactic AGB stars, previously studied with hydrostatic models, by using more realistic extended model atmospheres. We use a modified version of the spectral synthesis code Turbospectrum and consider the presence of a circumstellar envelope and radial wind. The Rb and Zr abundances are determined from the 7800 A Rb I resonant line and the 6474 A ZrO bandhead, respectively, and we explore the sensitivity of the derived abundances to variations of the stellar (Teff) and wind (M_loss, beta and vexp) parameters in the extended models. The Rb and Zr abundances derived from the best spectral fits are compared with the most recent AGB nucleosynthesis theoretical models. The new Rb abundances are much lower (even 1-2 dex) than those derived with the hydrostatic models, while the Zr abundances are similar. The Rb I line profile and Rb abundance are very sensitive to the M_loss rate but much less sensitive to variations of the wind velocity-law and the vexp(OH). We confirm the earlier preliminary results based on a smaller sample of massive O-rich AGB stars, that the use of extended atmosphere models can solve the discrepancy between the AGB nucleosynthesis theoretical models and the observations of Galactic massive AGB stars. The Rb abundances, however, are still strongly dependent of the M_loss, which is unknown in these AGB stars. Accurate M_loss rates in these massive Galactic AGB stars are needed in order to break the models degeneracy and get reliable Rb abundances in these stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 14 pages, 12 figures, 4 table

    Aplicación web con énfasis multimedia para la enseñanza – aprendizaje en educación vial en niños de doce a catorce años “Policía Nacional de Transito”, Municipio Matagalpa, año 2013

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    Esta investigación estudio la problemática que presentan los niños de educación vial, policía nacional de tránsito, Matagalpa, ya que en dicha institución no se promueve ni practica la enseñanza-aprendizaje en forma innovadora, sino con métodos tradicionales, es por ello que el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje se vuelve monótono, ya que hay poca asimilación de los contenidos, falta de interés y motivación por parte de los niños, debido a que la metodología aplicada en la clase, consiste en el método tradicional, (pizarra, libros, papelografo). El propósito de esta investigación radica en evaluar el proceso enseñanza – aprendizaje para educación vial en niños de doce a catorce años de la policía nacional de tránsito, municipio Matagalpa, desde una perspectiva de aplicación web con estrategias multimedia. La importancia de esta aplicación web radica en que está hecha a la medida, que da respuesta a dificultades que presentan los estudiantes de educación vial, favoreciendo el aprendizaje de forma dinámica, así mismo les permitirá a la institución contar con una herramienta de apoyo en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje de educación vial para una adecuada formación ciudadana. A través de recopilación de información se logró describir que la metodología aplicada en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje de educación vial es tradicional, así mismo se identificó donde presentaban mayor dificultad los estudiantes durante el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, la cual fue poco conocimiento sobre la vía pública. Se diseñó una aplicación web denominada SWAV, con herramientas y programas (Paint, Stencyl, audacity) así mismo se creó un manual de usuario que contendrá información referente a las funciones que realizara el softwar

    Include the adversary: The flexibilization of identity in the discourse of Let’s Change

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    El 10 de diciembre del 2015 Mauricio Macri asume como Presidente de la Nación con el 51% de los votos luego de ganarle en el ballotage presidencial al candidato del “Frente para la Victoria” Daniel Scioli. El espacio político de “Cambiemos” articulaba sectores provenientes del Partido Justicialista, la Unión Cívica Radical, Empresas, ONG´s, UCeDe, entre otros, y se presentaba como un partido de lo nuevo que trascendía la distinción izquierda/derecha ya que se interesaba por los problemas de la gente común. La gestión de Mauricio Macri proponía un “cambio” con respecto al gobierno de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2007-2015) basado en tres sintagmas: Pobreza cero/Combatir al narcotráfico/Unir a los argentinos. En relación con lo anterior, abordamos la posibilidad de flexibilización de la frontera identitaria que brinda el empleo de la contradestinación inclusiva a partir de una investigación en torno del análisis de los discursos políticos en las páginas oficiales de Facebook de Mauricio Macri y de Daniel Scioli durante el período de ballotage presidencial del año 2015. Para ello, hacemos uso de la caja de herramientas que nos ofrece la articulación entre el enfoque polifónico-argumentativo del discurso político y el análisis político del discurso.On December 10, 2015 Mauricio Macri assumes as President of the Argentina with 51% of the votes after winning in the presidential ballotage to the candidate Daniel Scioli of the “Frente para la Victoria”. The political space of “Cambiemos” articulated sectors coming of the Justicialist Party, Radical Civic Union, CEO´s, ONG´s, UCeDe, among others, and shows up a Party of the new that trascended the left/right cleavage since it was interested in the problems of the ordinary argentinean people. The managment of Mauricio Macri propose a change with respect to government of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2007-2015) based on three phrases: Zero poverty/Fight drug trafficking/Uniting Argentines. In relation to the above, we address the possibility of easing the identity frontier offered by the use of inclusive counterdestination from an investigation around the analysis of political speeches in the official Facebook pages of Mauricio Macri and Daniel Scioli during the presidential ballotage period of 2015. To do this, we use the toolbox that offers us the articulation between the polyphonic-argumentative approach to political discourse and the political analysis of discourse.Fil: Perez Zamora, Emmanuel Antonio. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales. Instituto de Investigaciones. Centro de Investigaciones en Mediatizaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentin