400 research outputs found

    New observations on the miniature of the vision of Saint Gregory of Nazianzus in Paris. GR. 510

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    The article deals with the iconography of the illustration of the Second Paschal Homily of St. Gregory of Nazianzus on fol. 285r of the Paris manuscript. It questions the identity of the woman saint represented on the right of St. Paraskeve in the lower register of the scene. Unlike that above St. Paraskeve, the inscription identifying this second woman saint is fragmentary and difficult to read, but it has been widely accepted that she is Saint Helena, mother of the Emperor Constantine the Great. On the basis of two other representations of Helena in the same manuscript and of the style of the inscription accompanying them, as well as taking into account the importance of the theological meaning expounded by St. Gregory in his oration, it is suggested that the second woman saint may be St. Kyriake

    Designing the future of education:From tutor robots to intelligent playthings

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    Robots exhibiting social behaviors have shown promising effects on children’s education. Like many analogue and digital educational devices in the past, robotic technology brings concerns along with opportunities for innovation. Tutor robots in the classroom are not meant to replace teachers, but to complement existing curricula with personalized learning experiences and one-on-one tutoring. The educational paradigm of tutor robots have insofar limited to replicate models from formal education, but many are the technical, ethical and de- sign challenges to bring this paradigm forward. Moreover, the educational paradigm of tutor robots de-facto perpetuates the exclusion of playful learning by doing with peers and objects, which is arguably the most important aspect of children’s upbringing and, yet, themost overlooked in formal education. Increasingly, robotics applications to children’s education are shifting from tutor-like paradigm to an intelligent playthings paradigm: to promote active, open-ended and independent learning through play with peers. This article is an invitation to reflect on the role that robotic technology, especially tutor robots and intelligent playthings, could play for children’s learning and development. The complexity of designing for children’s learning highlights the necessity to start a trans-disciplinary discussion to shape the future of education and foster a positive societal impact of robots for children’s learning


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    Zaga Raditya Kusumaprabu NIM. F0311124 Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan bukti empiris tentang pengaruh Key Performance Indicator terhadap kualitas audit yang dilakukan oleh auditor di Kantor Akuntan Publik Surakarta dan Yogyakarta. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah auditor di Surakarta dan Yogyakarta yang bekerjadi kantor akuntan publik Surakarta dan Yogyakarta. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif, dengan teknik pengujian analisis regresi sederhana. KPI merupakan variabel independen dalam penelitian ini, sedangkan kualitas audit sebagai variabel dependen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa KPI berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kualitas audit. Implikasi dari temuan penelitian ini bahwa desain pengembangan KPI yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan organisasi dapat mempengaruhi sikap para auditor untuk bekerja profesional sesuai standar auditing, selanjutnya dapat memotivasi para auditor untuk meningkatkan kualitas hasil pemeriksaan. Kata Kunci: KPI, Kualitas Audit, Audit, Kinerja Auditor, 2015

    Changes in institutional and social–ecological system robustness due to the adoption of large-scale irrigation technology in Navarre (Spain)

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    Many regional and national organisations promote the modernisation of agriculture by supporting new technologies to increase their territory's competitiveness in a free-market context. Such technologies and their associated intensive land management practices are geared towards obtaining higher yields. However, their application also entails changes in water and land management institutions, which could alter interactions among multiple components of the agrarian social ecological system and potentially weaken the system. Here, we assess how these components and their relations change in a village situated in Navarre (Spain) after the uptake of large-scale irrigation infrastructure. Specifically, we analyse such changes by comparing how the design principles for robust social ecological systems manifest before and after the adoption of large-scale irrigation. Our findings indicate that an unequal distribution of water and land induces some farmers to abandon their agrarian activities. Our case study also shows how irrigation communities have partially lost their autonomy to self-organise and make agrarian management-related decisions. We suggest that the adoption of large-scale irrigation in this region contributes to a decrease in cooperation among resource users, and between users and infrastructure providers. This is due to a decline in the capacity to achieve collective-choice arrangements and higher external control and monitoring of water use. We argue that the current agrarian management changes may damage social ecological system robustness and affect the sustainable use of common-pool resources, leading farmers to maladaptation to climate and market variability. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP EnvironmentThis work is the outcome of a research collaboration between the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) and the Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA), at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). It has received funds from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007‐2013) under Grant Agreement 264465 (EcoFINDERS), and BC3 has also cofunded different parts of the fieldwork. We also want to thank the grant for contracts of Postdoctoral Training of the Education Department of the Eusko Jaurlaritza. Thanks to Jean Francois Bissonnette for proofreading previous versions of this manuscript, as well as Professor Frances Cleaver and Dr. Robert Hardie for the final reviews in the last stage of publication. Finally, thanks to Julen Ugalde for transcribing the focus group discussions and his support during all the research. This work is the outcome of a research collaboration between the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) and the Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA), at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). It has received funds from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement 264465 (EcoFINDERS), and BC3 has also cofunded different parts of the fieldwork. We also want to thank the grant for contracts of Postdoctoral Training of the Education Department of the Eusko Jaurlaritza. Thanks to Jean Francois Bissonnette for proofreading previous versions of this manuscript, as well as Professor Frances Cleaver and Dr. Robert Hardie for the final reviews in the last stage of publication. Finally, thanks to Julen Ugalde for transcribing the focus group discussions and his support during all the research

    Elaborar una propuesta de resolución de problemas matemáticos, fundamentada en la reflexión del texto, para apoyar a los docentes del primer ciclo básico en el desarrollo de la habilidad de resolver problemas matemáticos.

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    Tesis (Magíster en Comprensión lectora y Producción de Textos)RESUMEN: La comprensión lectora es una herramienta transversal dentro de los subsectores, por lo que la presente propuesta pedagógica intenta evidenciar cómo la resolución de problemas matemáticos textuales puede incorporar estrategias de comprensión lectora a la hora de abordarlos con éxito en el aula. Esta propuesta surge a raíz de, que muchos subsectores no integran contenidos al momento de planificar y trabajan de forma aislada, sin incorporar estrategias en común para tener mejores resultados. Bajo esta perspectiva, este Seminario de Grado de carácter exploratorio proporciona una estrategia destinada a los docentes para afrontar los problemas matemáticos textuales. Finalmente se facilitan datos significativos para concluir que la comprensión lectora es fundamental en todas las áreas del Marco Curricular

    Geometrijski oblici u arhitekturi

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    Plohe i krivulje, te građevina i arhitektura ključni su pojmovi u ovom radu. U svrhu pisanja ovog rada, proučene su klase ploha i krivulja koje su obrađene sa stajališta diferencijalne geometrije, a proučena je i njihova primjena u arhitekturi. Može se uočiti da se u arhitekturi najviše koriste pravčaste plohe. One su vrlo pogodne i jednostavne za izgradnju jer ih generiraju pravci. Osim pravčastih ploha, široku primjenu imaju i Bézierove plohe, pogotovo u novije vrijeme, jer se pomoću njih stvaraju plohe slobodnih oblika, koje su temelj suvremene arhitekture.Surfaces and curves, buildings and architecture are the keywords often used in this thesis. In order to write it, we have studied classes of surfaces and curves from the perspective of differential geometry. Furthermore, we have analysed their applications in architectural design. We can notice that the most commonly used surfaces in architecture are ruled surfaces. Ruled surfaces are especially suitable for constructing and widely applied in surface design since they are generated by straight lines. Besides ruled surfaces, Bézier surfaces have also been widely used nowadays. They are used for designing so-called freeform surfaces, which are the basis of modern and contemporary architecture

    Geometrijski oblici u arhitekturi

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    Plohe i krivulje, te građevina i arhitektura ključni su pojmovi u ovom radu. U svrhu pisanja ovog rada, proučene su klase ploha i krivulja koje su obrađene sa stajališta diferencijalne geometrije, a proučena je i njihova primjena u arhitekturi. Može se uočiti da se u arhitekturi najviše koriste pravčaste plohe. One su vrlo pogodne i jednostavne za izgradnju jer ih generiraju pravci. Osim pravčastih ploha, široku primjenu imaju i Bézierove plohe, pogotovo u novije vrijeme, jer se pomoću njih stvaraju plohe slobodnih oblika, koje su temelj suvremene arhitekture.Surfaces and curves, buildings and architecture are the keywords often used in this thesis. In order to write it, we have studied classes of surfaces and curves from the perspective of differential geometry. Furthermore, we have analysed their applications in architectural design. We can notice that the most commonly used surfaces in architecture are ruled surfaces. Ruled surfaces are especially suitable for constructing and widely applied in surface design since they are generated by straight lines. Besides ruled surfaces, Bézier surfaces have also been widely used nowadays. They are used for designing so-called freeform surfaces, which are the basis of modern and contemporary architecture