Geometrijski oblici u arhitekturi


Plohe i krivulje, te građevina i arhitektura ključni su pojmovi u ovom radu. U svrhu pisanja ovog rada, proučene su klase ploha i krivulja koje su obrađene sa stajališta diferencijalne geometrije, a proučena je i njihova primjena u arhitekturi. Može se uočiti da se u arhitekturi najviše koriste pravčaste plohe. One su vrlo pogodne i jednostavne za izgradnju jer ih generiraju pravci. Osim pravčastih ploha, široku primjenu imaju i Bézierove plohe, pogotovo u novije vrijeme, jer se pomoću njih stvaraju plohe slobodnih oblika, koje su temelj suvremene arhitekture.Surfaces and curves, buildings and architecture are the keywords often used in this thesis. In order to write it, we have studied classes of surfaces and curves from the perspective of differential geometry. Furthermore, we have analysed their applications in architectural design. We can notice that the most commonly used surfaces in architecture are ruled surfaces. Ruled surfaces are especially suitable for constructing and widely applied in surface design since they are generated by straight lines. Besides ruled surfaces, Bézier surfaces have also been widely used nowadays. They are used for designing so-called freeform surfaces, which are the basis of modern and contemporary architecture

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