723 research outputs found

    Sleep Disturbances in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    BACKGROUND: Sleep problems are frequent in chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The present study was conducted to determine frequency of sleep disturbances and their relations with disease severity.METHODS: The present case-control study was performed on 100  rheumatoid patients who were referred to the rheumatology clinic at the Avicenna hospital. A hundred age- and sex- matched healthy individuals were recruited in the study as a control group. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality questionnaire, Insomnia Severity Index questionnaire and EpworthSleepiness Scale were used. The disease activity was calculated with the disease activity score 28. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS version 19.RESULTS: Mean scores of the sleep quality were 6.2±4.3 in patients and 4.6±2.5 in control group. 28% of the patients had good sleep quality whereas 72% had poor sleep quality. Daytime sleepiness was present in24.8% of the patients and 15% of the control group. Multiple logistic regressions showed that insomnia, pain and disease intensity were the most important factors that determine patients' sleep quality.CONCLUSION: The present study showed that sleep disturbances are frequent in patients with RA and may contribute to disease severity. It is recommended that rheumatoid patients be evaluated for sleep  disturbances during routine examinations.KEY WORDS: Rheumatoid arthritis, Sleep quality, Insomnia, Daytime sleepines

    SU(1,1) symmetry of multimode squeezed states

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    We show that a class of multimode optical transformations that employ linear optics plus two-mode squeezing can be expressed as SU(1,1) operators. These operations are relevant to state-of-the-art continuous variable quantum information experiments including quantum state sharing, quantum teleportation, and multipartite entangled states. Using this SU(1,1) description of these transformations, we obtain a new basis for such transformations that lies in a useful representation of this group and lies outside the often-used restriction to Gaussian states. We analyze this basis, show its application to a class of transformations, and discuss its extension to more general quantum optical networks

    Cerebritis and Neutropenia in A Child with ana Negative Lupus

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    ObjectiveSystemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), an autoimmune systemic disease with unknown etiology, affects virtually every part of the body; involvement of the central nervous system (CNS) is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients and is the least understood aspect of the disease. neutropenia is very uncommon in childhood lupus. True negative anti nuclear antibody (ANA) tests in patients with lupus are now very rare. The patient reported here was a 12-year-old girl with ANA negative lupus cerebritis who presented with left hemiparesia after a generalized seizure, with neutropenia observed during its course

    Optimization of de novo transcriptome assembly from high-throughput short read sequencing data improves functional annotation for non-model organisms

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    Background: The k-mer hash length is a key factor affecting the output of de novo transcriptome assembly packages using de Bruijn graph algorithms. Assemblies constructed with varying single k-mer choices might result in the loss of unique contiguous sequences (contigs) and relevant biological information. A common solution to this problem is the clustering of single k-mer assemblies. Even though annotation is one of the primary goals of a transcriptome assembly, the success of assembly strategies does not consider the impact of k-mer selection on the annotation output. This study provides an in-depth k-mer selection analysis that is focused on the degree of functional annotation achieved for a non-model organism where no reference genome information is available. Individual k-mers and clustered assemblies (CA) were considered using three representative software packages. Pair-wise comparison analyses (between individual k-mers and CAs) were produced to reveal missing Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) ortholog identifiers (KOIs), and to determine a strategy that maximizes the recovery of biological information in a de novo transcriptome assembly. Results: Analyses of single k-mer assemblies resulted in the generation of various quantities of contigs and functional annotations within the selection window of k-mers (k-19 to k-63). For each k-mer in this window, generated assemblies contained certain unique contigs and KOIs that were not present in the other k-mer assemblies. Producing a non-redundant CA of k-mers 19 to 63 resulted in a more complete functional annotation than any single k-mer assembly. However, a fraction of unique annotations remained (~0.19 to 0.27% of total KOIs) in the assemblies of individual k-mers (k-19 to k-63) that were not present in the non-redundant CA. A workflow to recover these unique annotations is presented. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that different k-mer choices result in various quantities of unique contigs per single k-mer assembly which affects biological information that is retrievable from the transcriptome. This undesirable effect can be minimized, but not eliminated, with clustering of multi-k assemblies with redundancy removal. The complete extraction of biological information in de novo transcriptomics studies requires both the production of a CA and efforts to identify unique contigs that are present in individual k-mer assemblies but not in the CA

    Disseminated phaeohyphomycosis in a beluga sturgeon (Huso huso)

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    Phaeohyphomycosis is a fungal infection caused by dematiaceous or melanised fungi (Seyedmousavi, Guillot, and de Hoog 2013). Although considered ubiquitous residents of plant material, soil, and wood, melanised fungi are likely adapted to specific niches that facilitate variable opportunistic or true pathogenic potentials. Exposure is typically associated with inoculation by minor trauma or inhalation. In mammals, infections are commonly cutaneous, subcutaneous, upper respiratory or primary cerebral, but in cold-blooded vertebrates are often disseminated and accompanied by severe tissue necrosis (Revankar, Sutton, and Rinaldi 2004; Seyedmousavi, Guillot, and de Hoog 2013)

    Study of the cap structure of (3, 3),(4, 4) and (5, 5)-SWCNTs: Application of the sphere-in-contact model

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    We have applied the sphere-in-contact model supported by hybrid Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations to elucidate the cap geometry of the sub-nanometer in dimension (3,3), (4,4) and (5,5) single-wall carbon-nanotubes (SWCNTs). Our approach predicts certain cap-geometries that do not comprise of the commonly known for their stability combination of pentagonal and hexagonal carbon rings but also tetragonal, trigonal and all-pentagonal structures. Based on hybrid-DFT calculations carbon atoms in these new cap geometries have similar stability to carbon found in other fullerene-like capped zig-zag and arm-chair nanotubes (i.e., (5,5), (6,6), (9,0) and (10,0)) that are known to be stable and synthetically accessible. We find that the cap structure of the (3,3)-CNTs is a pointy carbon geometry comprised of six pentagonal rings with a single carbon atom at the tip apex. In this tip geometry the carbon atom at the tip apex does not have the usual sp2 or sp3 geometry but an unusual trigonal pyramidal configuration. DFT calculations of the molecular orbitals and density-of-states of the tip show that this tip structure apart from being stable can be used in scanning probe microscopies such as STM for very high resolution imaging
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