734 research outputs found

    Orthogonal invariant sets of the diffusion tensor and the development of a curvilinear set suitable for low-anisotropy tissues.

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    We develop a curvilinear invariant set of the diffusion tensor which may be applied to Diffusion Tensor Imaging measurements on tissues and porous media. This new set is an alternative to the more common invariants such as fractional anisotropy and the diffusion mode. The alternative invariant set possesses a different structure to the other known invariant sets; the second and third members of the curvilinear set measure the degree of orthotropy and oblateness/prolateness, respectively. The proposed advantage of these invariants is that they may work well in situations of low diffusion anisotropy and isotropy, as is often observed in tissues such as cartilage. We also explore the other orthogonal invariant sets in terms of their geometry in relation to eigenvalue space; a cylindrical set, a spherical set (including fractional anisotropy and the mode), and a log-Euclidean set. These three sets have a common structure. The first invariant measures the magnitude of the diffusion, the second and third invariants capture aspects of the anisotropy; the magnitude of the anisotropy and the shape of the diffusion ellipsoid (the manner in which the anisotropy is realised). We also show a simple method to prove the orthogonality of the invariants within a set

    The Pulsed Neutron Beam EDM Experiment

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    We report on the Beam EDM experiment, which aims to employ a pulsed cold neutron beam to search for an electric dipole moment instead of the established use of storable ultracold neutrons. We present a brief overview of the basic measurement concept and the current status of our proof-of-principle Ramsey apparatus

    Discrimination of Overt, Mouthed, and Imagined Speech Activity using Stereotactic EEG

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    Recent studies have demonstrated that it is possible to decode and synthesize acoustic speech directly from intracranial measurements of brain activity. A current major challenge is to extend the efficacy of this decoding to imagined speech processes toward the development of a practical speech neuroprosthesis for the disabled. The present study used intracranial brain recordings from participants that performed a speaking task consisting of overt, mouthed, and imagined speech trials. In order to better elucidate the unique neural features that contribute to the discrepancies between overt and imagined model performance, rather than directly comparing the performance of speech decoding models trained on respective speaking modes, this study developed and trained models that use neural data to discriminate between pairs of speaking modes. The results further support that, while there exists a common neural substrate across speech modes, there are also unique neural processes that differentiate speech modes

    Progressor: Social navigation support through open social student modeling

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    The increased volumes of online learning content have produced two problems: how to help students to find the most appropriate resources and how to engage them in using these resources. Personalized and social learning have been suggested as potential ways to address these problems. Our work presented in this paper combines the ideas of personalized and social learning in the context of educational hypermedia. We introduce Progressor, an innovative Web-based tool based on the concepts of social navigation and open student modeling that helps students to find the most relevant resources in a large collection of parameterized self-assessment questions on Java programming. We have evaluated Progressor in a semester-long classroom study, the results of which are presented in this paper. The study confirmed the impact of personalized social navigation support provided by the system in the target context. The interface encouraged students to explore more topics attempting more questions and achieving higher success rates in answering them. A deeper analysis of the social navigation support mechanism revealed that the top students successfully led the way to discovering most relevant resources by creating clear pathways for weaker students. © 2013 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    Approaching the Heisenberg limit with two mode squeezed states

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    Two mode squeezed states can be used to achieve Heisenberg limit scaling in interferometry: a phase shift of δϕ2.76/\delta \phi \approx 2.76 / can be resolved. The proposed scheme relies on balanced homodyne detection and can be implemented with current technology. The most important experimental imperfections are studied and their impact quantified.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    A focused ultrasound treatment system for moving targets (part I):generic system design and in-silico first-stage evaluation

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    Background Focused ultrasound (FUS) is entering clinical routine as a treatment option. Currently, no clinically available FUS treatment system features automated respiratory motion compensation. The required quality standards make developing such a system challenging. Methods A novel FUS treatment system with motion compensation is described, developed with the goal of clinical use. The system comprises a clinically available MR device and FUS transducer system. The controller is very generic and could use any suitable MR or FUS device. MR image sequences (echo planar imaging) are acquired for both motion observation and thermometry. Based on anatomical feature tracking, motion predictions are estimated to compensate for processing delays. FUS control parameters are computed repeatedly and sent to the hardware to steer the focus to the (estimated) target position. All involved calculations produce individually known errors, yet their impact on therapy outcome is unclear. This is solved by defining an intuitive quality measure that compares the achieved temperature to the static scenario, resulting in an overall efficiency with respect to temperature rise. To allow for extensive testing of the system over wide ranges of parameters and algorithmic choices, we replace the actual MR and FUS devices by a virtual system. It emulates the hardware and, using numerical simulations of FUS during motion, predicts the local temperature rise in the tissue resulting from the controls it receives. Results With a clinically available monitoring image rate of 6.67 Hz and 20 FUS control updates per second, normal respiratory motion is estimated to be compensable with an estimated efficiency of 80%. This reduces to about 70% for motion scaled by 1.5. Extensive testing (6347 simulated sonications) over wide ranges of parameters shows that the main source of error is the temporal motion prediction. A history-based motion prediction method performs better than a simple linear extrapolator. Conclusions The estimated efficiency of the new treatment system is already suited for clinical applications. The simulation-based in-silico testing as a first-stage validation reduces the efforts of real-world testing. Due to the extensible modular design, the described approach might lead to faster translations from research to clinical practice

    A highly stable atomic vector magnetometer based on free spin precession

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    We present a magnetometer based on optically pumped Cs atoms that measures the magnitude and direction of a 1 μ\muT magnetic field. Multiple circularly polarized laser beams were used to probe the free spin precession of the Cs atoms. The design was optimized for long-time stability and achieves a scalar resolution better than 300 fT for integration times ranging from 80 ms to 1000 s. The best scalar resolution of less than 80 fT was reached with integration times of 1.6 to 6 s. We were able to measure the magnetic field direction with a resolution better than 10 μ\murad for integration times from 10 s up to 2000 s

    Structure of a bacterial cell surface decaheme electron conduit

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    Some bacterial species are able to utilize extracellular mineral forms of iron and manganese as respiratory electron acceptors. In Shewanella oneidensis this involves decaheme cytochromes that are located on the bacterial cell surface at the termini of trans-outer-membrane electron transfer conduits. The cell surface cytochromes can potentially play multiple roles in mediating electron transfer directly to insoluble electron sinks, catalyzing electron exchange with flavin electron shuttles or participating in extracellular intercytochrome electron exchange along “nanowire” appendages. We present a 3.2-Å crystal structure of one of these decaheme cytochromes, MtrF, that allows the spatial organization of the 10 hemes to be visualized for the first time. The hemes are organized across four domains in a unique crossed conformation, in which a staggered 65-Å octaheme chain transects the length of the protein and is bisected by a planar 45-Å tetraheme chain that connects two extended Greek key split ß-barrel domains. The structure provides molecular insight into how reduction of insoluble substrate (e.g., minerals), soluble substrates (e.g., flavins), and cytochrome redox partners might be possible in tandem at different termini of a trifurcated electron transport chain on the cell surface

    Measurement of the permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron

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    We present the result of an experiment to measure the electric dipole moment EDM) of the neutron at the Paul Scherrer Institute using Ramsey's method of separated oscillating magnetic fields with ultracold neutrons (UCN). Our measurement stands in the long history of EDM experiments probing physics violating time reversal invariance. The salient features of this experiment were the use of a Hg-199 co-magnetometer and an array of optically pumped cesium vapor magnetometers to cancel and correct for magnetic field changes. The statistical analysis was performed on blinded datasets by two separate groups while the estimation of systematic effects profited from an unprecedented knowledge of the magnetic field. The measured value of the neutron EDM is d_{\rm n} = (0.0\pm1.1_{\rm stat}\pm0.2_{\rmsys})\times10^{-26}e\,{\rm cm}