36 research outputs found
Etude de la cinétique de formation d'une émulsion très concentrée huile dans eau en écoulement continu
Nous avons étudié expérimentalement les différentes étapes conduisant à la formation d'une émulsion très concentrée huile dans eau (% huile > 85) en écoulement continu. Le contrôle du mécanisme de rupture des gouttes est assuré par deux barreaux cylindriques insérés dans la conduite. Un fort rapport de viscosité existe entre les phases huile et eau. La mesure du couple résistant in-situ lors de l'émulsification et l'étude des tailles moyennes des gouttes et de leur distribution le long de la conduite ont permis de caractériser les temps caractéristiques des différentes étapes du procédé
Wolbachia Mediate Variation of Host Immunocompetence
BACKGROUND: After decades during which endosymbionts were considered as silent in their hosts, in particular concerning the immune system, recent studies have revealed the contrary. In the present paper, we addressed the effect of Wolbachia, the most prevalent endosymbiont in arthropods, on host immunocompetence. To this end, we chose the A. vulgare-Wolbachia symbiosis as a model system because it leads to compare consequences of two Wolbachia strains (wVulC and wVulM) on hosts from the same population. Moreover, A. vulgare is the only host-species in which Wolbachia have been directly observed within haemocytes which are responsible for both humoral and cellular immune responses. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We sampled gravid females from the same population that were either asymbiotic, infected with wVulC, or infected with wVulM. The offspring from these females were tested and it was revealed that individuals harbouring wVulC exhibited: (i) lower haemocyte densities, (ii) more intense septicaemia in their haemolymph and (iii) a reduced lifespan as compared to individuals habouring wVulM or asymbiotic ones. Therefore, individuals in this population of A. vulgare appeared to suffer more from wVulC than from wVulM. Symbiotic titer and location in the haemocytes did not differ for the two Wolbachia strains showing that these two parameters were not responsible for differences observed in their extended phenotypes in A. vulgare. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The two Wolbachia strains infecting A. vulgare in the same population induced variation in immunocompetence and survival of their hosts. Such variation should highly influence the dynamics of this host-symbiont system. We propose in accordance with previous population genetic works, that wVulM is a local strain that has attenuated its virulence through a long term adaptation process towards local A. vulgare genotypes whereas wVulC, which is a widespread and invasive strain, is not locally adapted
Management of anaphylaxis due to COVID-19 vaccines in the elderly
Older adults, especially men and/or those with diabetes, hypertension, and/or obesity, are prone to severe COVID-19. In some countries, older adults, particularly those residing in nursing homes, have been prioritized to receive COVID-19 vaccines due to high risk of death. In very rare instances, the COVID-19 vaccines can induce anaphylaxis, and the management of anaphylaxis in older people should be considered carefully. An ARIA-EAACI-EuGMS (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, and European Geriatric Medicine Society) Working Group has proposed some recommendations for older adults receiving the COVID-19 vaccines. Anaphylaxis to COVID-19 vaccines is extremely rare (from 1 per 100,000 to 5 per million injections). Symptoms are similar in younger and older adults but they tend to be more severe in the older patients. Adrenaline is the mainstay treatment and should be readily available. A flowchart is proposed to manage anaphylaxis in the older patients.Peer reviewe
Le choléra au XIXè siècle (le pèlerinage à La Mecque et son rôle dans l'entente sanitaire internationale (1866))
RENNES1-BU Santé (352382103) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF
NEIGHBOUR-IN: Image processing software for spatial analysis of animal grouping
Animal grouping is a very complex process that occurs in many species, involving many individuals under the influence of different mechanisms. To investigate this process, we have created an image processing software, called NEIGHBOUR-IN, designed to analyse individuals’ coordinates belonging to up to three different groups. The software also includes statistical analysis and indexes to discriminate aggregates based on spatial localisation of individuals and their neighbours. After the description of the software, the indexes computed by the software are illustrated using both artificial patterns and case studies using the spatial distribution of woodlice. The added strengths of this software and methods are also discussed
Procédés basse énergie pour la production d émulsions très concentrées huile dans eau (caractérisation, intensification et applications.)
Les émulsions très concentrées sont présentes dans de nombreux domaines tels que l agroalimentaire ; la cosmétique ; la pétrochimie etc. L enjeu de cette étude de thèse est de caractériser un nouveau type de mélangeur basse énergie appelé mélangeur à deux barreaux (MDB) permettant d obtenir en une seule étape une émulsion très concentrée d huile (91%) visqueuse dans de l eau. Ce travail a permis de définir les grandes étapes et la cinétique de formation de ce type d émulsion au sein de ce mélangeur deux barreaux en cuve (MDB-Cuv.). Il a également été montré que ce mélangeur permet de contrôler la taille des gouttes et donc les propriétés de l émulsion formée tout en étant très compétitif d un point de vue énergétique. Enfin, ce procédé en cuve a pu être adapté en continu (MDB-Cont.) tout en conservant ses principales caractéristiques : production contrôlée d émulsion uni-modale à faible coût énergétique et sans échauffement des fluides.High Internal Phase Ratio (HIPR) emulsions are encountered in a wide variety of industrial applications: agrochemicals, petrochemical, cosmetics etc. The aim of this study is to characterize a new low energy mixer called two-rod mixer (TRM). This TRM allows the creation in one step of HIPR emulsion of viscous oil (91%) in water. The different phases of the HIPR emulsification in the batch TRM (B-TRM) have been highlighted, as well as their characteristics times. We show that it is possible to control the droplet size distribution and so the properties of the HIPR made. Furthermore, the energy input during the emulsification is relatively low. Lastly, this batch process has been transposed in a continuous one (C-TRM) that conserves the main characteristics of the batch process: controlled production of uni-modal HIPR emulsion with a low energetic cost and without heating of fluids.PAU-BU Sciences (644452103) / SudocSudocFranceF
Age et reproduction chez les oiseaux marins (mécanismes hormonaux impliqués dans les décisions de reproduction)
Chez de nombreux organismes, on assiste à une augmentation du succès reproducteur avec l âge. Cependant, les mécanismes physiologiques impliqués restent mal connus. Ce doctorat a pour objectif d explorer chez des oiseaux marins l'influence de l'âge sur les mécanismes hormonaux régulant les comportements parentaux, l'allostasie et la réponse au stress (corticostérone et prolactine). Grâce à des suivis démographiques à long terme, nous avons montré que l âge et l expérience de reproduction influençaient les taux basaux de ces hormones et la sensibilité au stress. De plus, nous avons décrit les corrélats hormonaux du phénomène de sénescence. Nous avons montré le rôle de la corticostérone, qui régule en interaction avec la condition corporelle, l'effort de recherche alimentaire et les décisions de reproduction. Enfin, nous avons montré que les variations des taux de corticostérone et de prolactine constituaient l'une des causes fonctionnelles de l'influence de l'âge sur le succès reproducteur. Nous discutons de la contribution possible de cette exploration hormonale dans l'origine évolutive des relations entre âge et succès reproducteur.Breeding success increases with age in many organisms, but the physiological mechanisms underlying this pattern are poorly known. The aim of this dissertation is to explore the influence of age on hormonal mechanisms involved in the regulation of parental behaviour, allostasis and stress response (corticosterone and prolactin) in seabirds. The use of ongoing long-term mark-recapture programme allowed us to show that age and especially breeding experience influence baseline hormones levels and the sensitivity to stressors. We were able to describe the first hormonal correlates of senescence. We showed the role of corticosterone, which in interaction with body condition, mediates foraging decisions and allocations processes. Our data strongly suggest that variations in baseline corticosterone levels and the ability to maintain a threshold levels of prolactin during a stressful situation may be an important physiological mechanism involved in the improvement of reproductive performance with advancing age. These findings are discussed in the light of current the evolutionary theories addressing the effect of age and experience on reproductive success.POITIERS-BU Sciences (861942102) / SudocSudocFranceF
Utilisation et sélection de l'habitat chez le chevreuil à différentes échelles spatio-temporelles
POITIERS-BU Sciences (861942102) / SudocSudocFranceF
Mass drives mating success in Armadillidium vulgare (Crustacea, Oniscidea)
International audienceIn the terrestrial crustacean Armadillidium vulgare, a large size range exists in natural populations within which males and females could potentially mate. Because of continuous growth far beyond sexual maturity, the largest individuals can be nearly ten times the live mass of the smallest sexually mature individuals. In this study, we explored the influence of male and female body mass on the mating behaviour and success. Starting with a representative panel of males and females in which females are significantly larger than males in average, we followed the sexual behaviour of 23 groups of 20 mixed-sex virgin animals under conditions comparable with natural field situation during the early breeding season. We found a correlation between paired individuals showing an assortative pairing. During pairing male stimulates female and duration of stimulation is determinant for pairing follow-up: efficient stimulation is correlated with female size and not with male size. In consequence , pairs in mating show a reversed size dimorphism between male and female where female are about 20% smaller. Largest females were not mated. During copulation behaviour, the quantity of sperm transferred is positively correlated with copulation duration. Stored sperm can be used for immediate breeding by the female and stored in the spermatheca for future breeding. The last option allows to largest females in the field to continue breeding without additional mating, avoiding the lack of availability of large males able to stimulate them efficiently