187 research outputs found

    Degree of Adhesions After Repair of Incisional Hernia

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    Results of this study suggest that ultrasound can be used to quantitatively estimate the degree of adhesions between intestine and the abdominal wall

    Two thousand years of Landscape—Human interactions at a coastal peninsula in Norway revealed through pollen analysis, shoreline reconstruction, and radiocarbon dates from archaeological sites

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    Human impact on long-term vegetation and biodiversity changes is often discussed on a general level, connecting palynological data to archaeological time periods. In the present paper we present environmental change during the last 2,400 years on a coastal peninsula in Norway using pollen data from three sites: one lake and two bogs, in addition to 621 radiocarbon dates and in-context pollen samples from archaeological sites. Locally, a close relationship between palynological richness reflecting high landscape, habitat and floristic diversity, and the summed probability distribution of radiocarbon dates was found. During the settlement period 400 BCE–550 CE, concordant with maximum number of dates from archaeological contexts, a mosaic landscape containing infields and outfields developed. Cereals were cultivated and animals were grazing in heathlands that could provide both summer grazing and winter fodder. Additionally, seashores and wetlands were used for grazing. Settlement recession from 350 CE and abandonment following the 536 CE climate event, resulted in vegetation successions toward reforestation, abandonment of arable fields, and marshes turning into ombrotrophic peat. At the same time the distance to the sea, and to species rich shoreline meadows, continued to increase due to continuous postglacial land uplift in a flat landscape. A new increase in the summed probability distribution 900–1250 CE, is reflected in expansion of outfield pastures, heathlands in particular, a management that continued up into modern time. The local development is supported by the results on a regional scale, indicating overall climatic and social causes for observed vegetation changes. Both palynological richness and pollen-based landcover reconstructions indicate reforestation and less habitat diversity in the sixth century. On a regional scale, reforestation in the fifteenth century following the late medieval crises, is more pronounced than on the local scale, although both reflect exploitation of outfield resources

    Student help seeking from pastoral care in UK high schools: a qualitative study

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    Background Little is known about high school students' perceptions of school-based pastoral support. This study aimed to explore this in the context of a high school–based emotional support project. Methods Qualitative interviews explored perspectives on help seeking of students (N = 23) and staff (N = 27) in three UK high schools where a pastoral project was introduced. Data were analysed thematically. Results Student peer groups perceived help seeking as a sign of weakness. However, students valued learning skills in managing emotions and friendships. Staff expressed concerns about students' ability to help seek proactively, and highlighted organisational influences on pastoral support. Conclusions Increasing student control over the process, and involving trusted staff, could encourage help seeking in high school. It is possible to access the views of students who do not help seek, to improve understanding of help-seeking behaviour

    Self-harm in adolescents: self-report survey in schools in Scotland

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    Background Given that the suicide rate in Scotland is twice as high as that in England, the central aim is to determine the prevalence of self-harm in adolescents in Scotland and the factors associated with it. Method 2008 pupils aged 15 and 16 years old completed an anonymous lifestyle and coping survey. Information was obtained on demographic characteristics, lifestyle, life events/problems, social influences, psychological variables and self-harm. Results 13.8% of the respondents reported an act of self-harm. The majority of those (71%) who had self-harmed did so in the past 12 months and females were approximately 3.4 times more likely to report self-harm than males. In multivariate analyses, smoking, bullying, worries about sexual orientation, self-harm by family and anxiety were associated with self-harm in both sexes. In addition, drug use, physical abuse, serious boy/girlfriend problems, self-harm by friends and low levels of optimism were also associated with female elf-harm. Conclusions Despite markedly different national suicide rates, the prevalence of self-harm in Scotland is similar to that in England with females at least three times more likely to report self-harm compared to males. The findings suggest a role for emotional literacy programmes in schools and they highlight the importance of promoting positive mental health among adolescents

    Trust, openness and continuity of care influence acceptance of antibiotics for children with respiratory tract infections: a four country qualitative study

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    Background. Clinician–parent interaction and health system influences on parental acceptance of prescribing decisions for children with respiratory tract infections (RTIs) may be important determinants of antibiotic use. Objective. To achieve a deeper understanding of parents’ acceptance, or otherwise, of clinicians’ antibiotic prescribing decisions for children with RTIs. Methods. Qualitative interviews with parents of child patients who had recently consulted in primary care with a RTI in four European countries, with a five-stage analytic framework approach (familiarization, developing a thematic framework from interview questions and emerging themes, indexing, charting and interpretation). Results. Fifty of 63 parents accepted clinicians’ management decisions, irrespective of antibiotic prescription. There were no notable differences between networks. Parents ascribed their acceptance to a trusting and open clinician–patient relationship, enhanced through continuity of care, in which parents felt able to express their views. There was a lack of congruence about antibiotics between parents and clinicians in 13 instances, mostly when parents disagreed about clinicians’ decision to prescribe (10 accounts) rather than objecting to withholding antibiotics (three accounts). All but one parent adhered to the prescribing decision, although some modified how the antibiotic was administered. Conclusions. Parents from contrasting countries indicated that continuity of care, open communication in consultations and clinician–patient trust was important in acceptance of management of RTI in their children and in motivating adherence. Interventions to promote appropriate antibiotic use in children should consider a focus on eliciting parents’ perspectives and promoting and building on continuity of care within a trusting clinician–patient relationship

    How adolescents who cut themselves differ from those who take overdoses

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    The aims of this study were to identify in what ways adolescents who cut themselves differ from those who take overdoses, and to investigate the role of contagion in these behaviours. Data from an anonymous self-report questionnaire survey of 6,020 adolescents in 41 schools were analysed. Comparison of 220 adolescents who reported self-cutting in the previous year with 86 who had taken overdoses in the previous year as the sole method of deliberate self-harm (DSH) showed that far more of those who cut themselves had friends who had also engaged in DSH in the same period (OR 2.84, 95% CI 1.5–5.3, P < 0.001), and fewer had sought help from friends before cutting (OR 0.5, 95% CI 0.3–0.9, P < 0.02). Self-cutting usually involved less premeditation. Analyses at both the individual and school level showed that the association between engaging in DSH and exposure to DSH amongst peers was largely confined to girls who cut themselves. There are important differences between adolescents who cut themselves and those who take overdoses. Contagion may be an important factor in DSH by adolescents, especially in girls who cut themselves. These findings are relevant to the design of prevention and treatment programmes

    Adverse childhood experiences and suicide attempts in morbidly obese adults

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    Introdução: As tentativas de suicídio surgem frequentemente associadas a problemas alimentares, tanto anorexia quanto bulimia. Do mesmo modo, tem-se verifi cado uma elevada ocorrência de suicídio entre obesos. Investigações têm mostrado que a adversidade na infância pode ser um fator de risco para as tentativas de suicídio. Objetivos: Caracterizar e compreender a relação entre experiências de adversidade na infância e tentativas de suicídio em 100 obesos mórbidos candidatos a cirurgia bariátrica. Métodos: Um total de 100 pacientes foram selecionados de setembro de 2007 a outubro de 2007 e de janeiro de 2008 a janeiro de 2009, sendo que 20 pacientes eram do sexo feminino. A média de idade era de 38,89±9,87 anos, e a média do peso máximo era de 136,43±14 kg. O Questionário da História de Adversidade na Infância foi utilizado para avaliar experiências adversas. Resultados: 88% dos pacientes relataram a existência de pelo menos uma experiência de adversidade na infância, e 25% relataram já ter realizado pelo menos uma tentativa de suicídio. A adversidade na infância esteve associada a um risco aumentado para realizar tentativas de suicídio (odds ratio = 2,026). Conclusão: Esses dados devem ser levados em consideração na avaliação e no acompanhamento desses pacientes.Introduction: Suicide attempts are often associated with eating disorders, both anorexia and bulimia. Likewise, a high incidence of suicide has been observed among obese patients. Previous studies have shown that adverse experiences in childhood may be a risk factor for suicide attempts. Objectives: To characterize and to understand the relationship between adverse experiences and suicide attempts in 100 morbidly obese patients referred for bariatric surgery. Methods: A total of 100 patients were selected from September 2007 to October 2007 and from January 2008 to January 2009. Of these, 20 patients were females. Mean age was 38.89±9.87 years, and mean maximum weight was 136.43±14 kg. The Portuguese version of the Family ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Questionnaire was used to assess the occurrence of adverse events. Results: 88% of the patients reported the existence of at least one adverse experience in childhood, and 25% reported at least one previous suicide attempt. Adversity in childhood was associated with an increased risk for suicide attempts (odds ratio = 2.026). Conclusion: These data should be taken into account in the assessment and monitoring of these patients.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT); (SFRH/BD/37069/2007)

    Is relatively young age within a school year a risk factor for mental health problems and poor school performance? A population-based cross-sectional study of adolescents in Oslo, Norway

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    BACKGROUND: Several studies have shown that children who are relatively young within a school year are at greater risk for poorer school performance compared with their older peers. One study also reported that relative age within a school year is an independent risk factor for emotional and behavioral problems. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that relatively younger adolescents in the multiethnic population of Oslo have poorer school performance and more mental health problems than their relatively older classmates within the same school year. METHODS: This population-based cross-sectional study included all 10(th)-grade pupils enrolled in 2000 and 2001 in the city of Oslo. The participation rate was 88%. Of the 6,752 pupils in the study sample, 25% had a non-Norwegian background. Mental health problems were quantified using the abbreviated versions of Symptom Check List-25 (SCL-10) and the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Information on school performances and mental health problems were self-reported. We controlled for confounding factors including parental educational level, social support, gender, and ethnicity. RESULTS: The youngest one-third of pupils had significantly lower average school grades than the middle one-third and oldest one-third of their classmates (p < 0.001). Of the mental health problems identified in the questionnaires, the groups differed only on peer problems; the youngest one-third reported significantly more problems than the middle and oldest groups (p < 0.05). Age within a school year and gender showed significant interactions with total SDQ score, SDQ peer problems score, SDQ pro social score, and SCL-10 score. After stratifying for gender, the peer problem scores differed significantly between age groups only among boys. The SCL-10 score was significant, but only in girls and in the opposite direction to that expected, with the oldest pupils having significantly higher scores than the other two groups (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: In adolescents from a multicultural city in Norway, relative age within a school year significantly influenced academic performance. In contrast to data from Great Britain, relative age within a school year was not an important risk factor for mental health problems in adolescents in Oslo

    The preservation of ancient DNA in archaeological fish bone

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    The field of ancient DNA is dominated by studies focusing on terrestrial vertebrates. This taxonomic bias limits our understanding of endogenous DNA preservation for species with different bone physiology, such as teleost fish. Teleost bone is typically brittle, porous, lightweight, and is characterized by a lack of bone remodeling during growth. All of these factors potentially affect DNA preservation. Using high-throughput shotgun sequencing, we here investigate the preservation of DNA in a range of different bone elements from over 200 archaeological Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) specimens from 38 sites in northern Europe, dating up to 8000 years before present. We observe that the majority of archaeological sites (79%) yield endogenous DNA, with 40% of sites providing samples containing high levels (>20%). Library preparation success and levels of endogenous DNA depend mainly on excavation site and pre-extraction laboratory treatment. The use of pre-extraction treatments lowers the rate of libraries that can be sequenced, although — if successful — the fraction of endogenous DNA can be improved by several orders of magnitude. This trade-off between library preparation success and levels of endogenous DNA allows for alternative extraction strategies depending on the requirements of down-stream analyses and research questions. Finally, we do not find particular bone elements to yield higher levels of endogenous DNA, as is the case for denser bones in mammals. Our results highlight the potential of archaeological fish bone as a source for ancient DNA and suggest a possible role of bone remodeling in the preservation of endogenous DNA

    Personal factors associated with health-related quality of life in persons with morbid obesity on treatment waiting lists in Norway

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    Purpose To explore relationships of socio-demographic variables, health behaviours, environmental characteristics and personal factors, with physical and mental health variables in persons with morbid obesity, and to compare their health-related quality of life (HRQoL) scores with scores from the general population. Methods A cross-sectional correlation study design was used. Data were collected by self-reported questionnaire from adult patients within the first 2 days of commencement of a mandatory educational course. Of 185 course attendees, 142 (76.8%) volunteered to participate in the study. Valid responses on all items were recorded for 128 participants. HRQoL was measured with the Short Form 12v2 from which physical (PCS) and mental component summary (MCS) scores were computed. Other standardized instruments measured regular physical activity, social support, self-esteem, sense of coherence, self-efficacy and coping style. Results Respondents scored lower on all the HRQoL subdomains compared with norms. Linear regression analyses showed that personal factors that included self-esteem, self-efficacy, sense of coherence and coping style explained 3.6% of the variance in PCS scores and 41.6% in MCS scores. Conclusion Personal factors such as self-esteem, sense of coherence and a high approaching coping style are strongly related to mental health in obese persons