48 research outputs found
Edukasi Kesehatan Tentang Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS) dengan Media Komik pada Siswa SD di Kabupaten Tana Toraja
Hand washing has proven to be the most important step in avoiding disease and preventing the spread of germs to others. School-age children are a critical age group because at that age a child is vulnerable to health problems. As time goes by, comic media can also be used in health education. This study aims to determine differences in knowledge, attitudes, and actions of elementary school students towards CTPS before and after education with comic media. This research is a quantitative research that uses a quasi experimental design with the design of the Nonequivalent Control Group. The population in this study were the fourth and fifth grade students in 216 Tetebassi Elementary School, Talluborongna 110 Elementary School, 117 Rorre Elementary School, 107 Rante Lemo Elementary School, North Makale District, 541 students with 134 sample. Purposive sampling technique for determining samples. Measuring tool for this research is questionnaire. The results of this study found that there were differences in CTPS before and after intervention in the intervention group and the control group with knowledge (p=0.004), attitudes (p=0.043) and actions (p=0.001). In this study there are differences in knowledge of CTPS before and after intervention in the intervention group and the control group in students in Makale Utara Subdistrict, Tana Toraja District. For the next researcher, to conduct an educational media trial before being used on the target of school children
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi karena semakin banyaknya muncul brand-brand skincare yang sedang gencar mempromosikan produk mereka di pasaran. Fenomena ini menimbulkan persaingan yang ketat di industri kecantikan dan juga tidak stabilnya omset penjualan store MS Glow Delima, sehingga penting untuk memahami faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen dalam memilih produk skincare. Dan juga harus tetap mempertahan kualitas produk dan layanan pada konsumen untuk meningkatkan penjualan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi komunikasi pemasaran produk MS Glow pada store Delima Pekanbaru dalam meningkatkan penjualan. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif merupakan metode penelitian yang datanya diperoleh dari wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitian ini dilihat dari teori bauran komunikasi pemasaran yaitu dalam kegiatan meningkatkan penjualan melalui periklanan di media cetak dan media sosial, penjualan personal dengan penawaran produk di offline store MS Glow, promosi penjualan dengan berbagai potongan harga dan kupon dan juga pemasaran langsung dengan mengatur pesan bisnis tentang penawaran produk yang otomatis terkirim ke followers baru tiktok dan shopee store MS Glow Delima
Kajian Produksi Nanopartikel Dari Arang Akasia Dengan Tumbukan Bola Baja Diameter 1/4 Inchi Dengan Perlakuan NaOH
The development of technology in various fields makes it very easy to do various things and provide many benefits. In the period from 2010 to 2020 it is predicted that there will be tremendous acceleration in the application of nanotechnology in the industrial world and this indicates that now the world is heading towards the nanotechnology revolution. One of the commonly developed materials is carbon material because of has a micro structure that has many advantages that can be used in industrial fields. Acacia charcoal is also the main ingredient in making carbon. Activated carbon is black, odorless, tasteless and has a large absorbency. There are two methods that can be used to make nanomaterials, namely top-down (grinding large material into small) and bottom up (arranging atoms into nanometer size). This research uses the top down method, and PSA, SEM, and EDX tests are carried out. The average results of the acacia charcoal PSA testing were 452.6 nm. And the results of EDX testing of acacia charcoal are known to be knownas carbon deposits in acacia charcoal at 96.55%. The average particle size is nanometer-sized, and cannot be said to be super smooth because the average PSA test results are carried out more than 100 nanometers
Organizational culture and good governance in the public sector: the case of provincial administration in Thailand
This research investigated the relationship between organizational culture and public sector performance management. The research was based on a study of the promotion of good governance in the Thai public sector through the implementation of the performance agreement (PA) scheme, using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The scheme had faced numerous challenges, perceived to be influenced by organizational culture. It had been assumed that a transformational shift in the organizational culture of the civil service, in the direction of market-based or new public management (NPM) values, was required in order to secure improved performance. The research aimed to explore how organizational culture influences civil service performance and identify other organizational factors that may also influence civil service performance in the provincial administration of Thailand.
The research used a mixed methods approach of questionnaire surveys and semi-structured interviews, based on the Competing Values Framework (CVF). Questionnaire surveys were carried out with 480 civil servants within 16 provinces. Semi-structured interviews – in-depth and focus group – were conducted within four provinces. A distinction was made between the low and high KPI scoring provinces.
The findings of the research suggest that there was no dominant type of culture in the low and high KPI scoring provinces. Instead, a strong culture was found to be important in gaining high KPI scores, supported by participative leadership and appropriate management. Leadership style appeared to influence whether the public services performed to a high level, which seemed to be achieved through a balance between task focussed and people focussed. Therefore, a transformational cultural shift may not be required, but instead more effective leadership and management
Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara agraris yang kehidupan masyarakatnya tergantung pada sektor pertanian khususnya sub sektor pertanian tanaman pangan. Sub sektor pertanian tanaman pangan harus mendapatkan perhatian khusus dari pemerintah karena merupakan sek/or esensial. Salah satu ben/uk intervensi pemerintah adalah dengan adanya pemherian suhsidi. Subsidi optimal harga output adalah salah satu bentuk suhsidi yang dlhenkan pemerintah kepada petani selaku produsen bahan pangan. Hal int dimaksudkan untuk meningkalkan kesejahteraan petani yang diukur dari besarnya surpus produsen yang diterimanya. Pemberian subsidi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketidakefektifan pemerintah dalam menetapkan harga dasar. Hal ini ditandai dengan semakin banyaknya kasus yang muncul sehubungan dengan harga dasar. Ketidakefektifan ini disebabkan karena dalam penetapannya. pemerintah mempertimbangkan benefit cost ralio tidak berdasarkan atas kondisi perminlaan dan penawaran dari komoditi yang bersangkutan
Religious character education needs to be instilled from an early age in order to be the basis for children's character development so that children can interact with others full of politeness and can understand every difference of others. Learning religious characters can be done using various learning media, one of which is big book media. The purpose of this study is to determine the validity and practicality of big book media for strengthening religious character education. This research uses research and development with the Brog and Gall development model. The techniques used are interviews, observations, assessment sheets from media and material experts, teacher and student questionnaires. The subjects of this study were 1st grade students. The results show that big book media is suitable for teacher learning and 97.1% of calculations are known to grade 1 students easily understand the material using big book learning media religious characters
Religious character education needs to be instilled from an early age in order to be the basis for children's character development so that children can interact with others full of politeness and can understand every difference of others. Learning religious characters can be done using various learning media, one of which is big book media. The purpose of this study is to determine the validity and practicality of big book media for strengthening religious character education. This research uses research and development with the Brog and Gall development model. The techniques used are interviews, observations, assessment sheets from media and material experts, teacher and student questionnaires. The subjects of this study were 1st grade students. The results show that big book media is suitable for teacher learning and 97.1% of calculations are known to grade 1 students easily understand the material using big book learning media religious characters
The management of Regional Property is done through the regulated mechanism to make the implementation optimal and can be accounted for its existence. The management of land assets is still facing many problems for it is a vital object of the implementation of government operations. The problem encountered in the land assets management of Purbalingga Government is in 2016 from the aspect of legal safeguards which is in the process of land assets certification. This research aims to discover and analyze the land assets management of Purbalingga Government that is examined from the aspect of planning, organization, movement, supervision, and evaluation. The theory used in this research is theory of government management according to Dharma Setyawan Salam. This research uses qualitative method. The method of data collection used in this research are interview and documentation.
Land assets management of Purbalingga Government tends not to be good. The Planning is divided into four aspects, they are procurement planning, maintenance planning, utilization planning, removal planning and land assets security planning. The Organization is based on Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 19 of 2016 about Guidelines on the Management of Regional Property. The Movement is done through internal and external coordination. The Supervision consists of government internal control from the Inspectorate of Purbalingga Regency and external control from The Audit Board Representation of Central Java Province. The Evaluation is done in the form of the balance of planned needs and its implementation of the land assets management of Purbalingga Government.
The result of this research shows that the land assets management of Purbalingga Government has been done through the proper mechanism, but in its implementation, there are still found several problems in the aspect of planning and coordination built up in land assets management of Purbalingga Government
Pengaruh Gastrodiplomasi Korea Selatan Melalui "Global Hansik Program: Korean Cuisine To The World" di Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari pelaksanaan gastrodiplomasi yang dilakukan oleh Korea Selatan di Indonesia melalui program Global Hansik: Korean Cusinie To The World. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan konsep gastrodiplomasi untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan gastrodiplomasi Korea Selatan di Indonesia. Selanjutnya, penulis memakai teori dari Richard C. Eichenberg yaitu, Public Opinion on Foreign Policy Issues‟ yang dipakai untuk menganalisis tanggapan publik guna mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan kebijakan gastrodiplomasi Korea Selatan di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah multi Strategi (metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif). Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data didapat dari sumber data primer dan sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gastrodiplomasi Korea Selatan di Indonesia berpengaruh dan berhasil memperkenalkan kulinernya. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan hasil jawaban positif dari penelitian kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada responden. Sebanyak 56% responden setuju bahwa makanan Korea bercita rasa yang enak, 52% menjawab makanan Korea menarik dan menggungah selera responden, 37% responden menjawab setuju mengeluarkan uangnya untuk membeli, memakan makanan khas Korea, dan sebesar 45% responden juga sangat menyukai makanan khas Korea yang ada di Indonesia. Jenis makanan khas Korea yang saat ini menjadi favorit orang Indonesia yaitu Toppoki dengan perolehan jawaban sebesar 42%.
Kata Kunci: Gatrodiplomasi, Korea Selatan, Public Opinion On Foreign Issue, Indonesia/ This study aims to determine the effect of the implementation of gastrodiplomacy carried out by South Korea in Indonesia through the Global Hansik program: Korean Cusinie To The World. In this study, the concept of gastrodiplomacy is used to analyze the implementation of South Korean gastrodiplomacy in Indonesia. Next, the author uses Richard C. Eichenberg's theory, namely, Public Opinion on Foreign Policy Issues‟ which is used to analyze public responses to determine the level of success of South Korean gastrodiplomacy policies in Indonesia. The research method used in this research is multi-strategy (qualitative and quantitative methods). While the data collection techniques obtained from primary and secondary data sources. The results of this study indicate that South Korean gastrodiplomacy in Indonesia is influential and has succeeded in introducing its cuisine. This is indicated by the results of positive answers from the questionnaire research distributed to respondents. As many as 56% of respondents agreed that Korean food tastes good, 52% answered that Korean food is interesting and uplifting of respondents' tastes, 37% of respondents answered agree to spend their money to buy, eat Korean food, and 45% of respondents also really like Korean food. existing in Indonesia. The type of Korean food that is currently the favorite of Indonesians is Toppoki with 42% of answers.
Keywords:Gastrodiplomacy, South Korea, The Public Opinion on Foreign Issues, Indonesi
Dalam pembelajaran bahasa di sekolah, khususnya bahasa Inggris, Keterampilan menyimak (listening skill) kurang mendapat perhatian. Penggunaan aplikasi Hello English berbasis android sebagai media penunjang pembelajaran membuat siswa terlihat lebih aktif dan dapat mengikuti pembelajaran dengan baik. Guru hanya memberikan pendampingan dan siswa melakukan pembelajaran mandiri dengan bantuan mobile learning berbasis android. Sesuai dengan latar belakang yang diutarakan di atas, maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan aplikasi Hello English berbasis smartphone android terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas VII di SMP Negeri 1 Kadipaten. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian i ni yaitu metode eksperimen, sedangkan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah one Group Pretest-Posttest. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII SMPN 1 Kadipaten tahun ajaran 2017/2018 yang berjumlah 8 kelas, maka sebagai sampelnya peneliti mengambil satu kelas yaitu kelas VII E secara random sebagai kelas Experiment yang berjumlah 30 siswa. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa t_hitung ≥ t_tabel (6,667>1,296) maka Ho ditolak dan H1 diterima. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa penggunaan mobile learning berbasis Aplikasi Hello English berpengaruh meningkatan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMP khususnya kemampuan listening aspek pemahaman dan ketelitian.---In language learning in schools, especially in English, listening skill is poorly received. The use of android-based applications Hello English as a supporting medium of learning makes students look more active and can follow the learning well. Teachers only provide mentoring and students do self-learning with the help of android-based mobile learning. In accordance with the background expressed above, then the purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the effect of using Hello English based smartphone android on the increase of student learning outcomes in the subjects of English class VII in SMP Negeri 1 Kadipaten. The method used in this research is the experimental method, while the research design used is one Group Pretest-Posttest. The population in this study is all students of class VII SMPN 1 Kadipaten academic year 2017/2018 which amounted to 8 classes, so as a sample the researchers took one class that is class VII E randomly as Experiment class of 30 students. The results of the study found that t_hitung ≥ t_tabel (6,667> 1,296) then Ho is rejected and H1 accepted. This shows that the use of mobile learning based on Hello English Application has an effect on improving students' learning outcomes in English subjects in junior high schools especially listening comprehension and accuracy aspects