2,496 research outputs found


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    A gestão financeira é uma importante ferramenta para tomada de decisão. Essa ferramenta é recorrentemente vinculada às finanças empresariais, porém ela pode ser utilizada, similarmente, na construção e administração do orçamento pessoal, profissional e familiar,no intuito de definir e realizar objetivos individuais, como também do grupo familiar como um todo


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    O estudo realizado tem como finalidade analisar a viabilidade econômica, financeira e mercadológica da implantação de uma empresa startup de produtos para aviários na cidade de Xanxerê – Santa Catarina. O projeto é voltado a uma indústria denominada Autavi Technologies que fabrica o equipamento Movein. Foi realizado uma pesquisa de mercado com avicultores e técnicos, analisando fatores que pudessem validar o modelo de negócios. O trabalho também conta com a definição e descrição do negócio e da organização administrativa, plano de marketing e plano financeiro, macro e microambiente. As informações coletadas serviram de suporte para a estruturação dos planos e definição das estratégias de marketing. O planejamento financeiro possibilitou verificar a viabilidade do negócio e obter indicadores relativos aos resultados financeiros

    The Hamiltonian Dynamics of Bounded Spacetime and Black Hole Entropy: The Canonical Method

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    From first principles, I present a concrete realization of Carlip's idea on the black hole entropy from the conformal field theory on the horizon in any dimension. New formulation is free of inconsistencies encountered in Carlip's. By considering a correct gravity action, whose variational principle is well defined at the horizon, I derivederive a correct classicalclassical Virasoro generator for the surface deformations at the horizon through the canonical method. The existence of the classical Virasoro algebra is crucial in obtaining an operator Virasoro algebra, through canonical quantization, which produce the right central charge and conformal weight A+/G\sim A_+/\hbar G for the semiclassical black hole entropy. The coefficient of proportionality depends on the choice of ground state, which has to be put in by hand to obtain the correct numerical factor 1/4 of the Bekenstein-Hawking (BH) entropy. The appropriate ground state is different for the rotating and the non-rotating black holes but otherwise it has a universalityuniversality for a wide variety of black holes. As a byproduct of my results, I am led to conjecture that {\it non-commutativity of taking the limit to go to the horizon and computing variation is proportional to the Hamiltonian and momentum constraints}. It is shown that almost all the known uncharged black hole solutions satisfy the conditions for the universal entropy formula.Comment: Much details omitted, references added, accepted in Nucl. Phys.

    Stellar over-densities in the halo: the extent of the Virgo over-density

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    We map the three dimensional extent of the Virgo Over-density by combining distance information from RR Lyrae variables and projected spatial information from SEKBO (Keller et al. 2008) and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) DR6 photometry. The Virgo Over-density is seen to comprise two filaments 14.5 x 3 degrees and 10 x 3 degrees and a circular structure 3 degrees in diameter. Together the three features span 38 degrees of right ascension and declinations of +2 to -15 degrees. RR Lyrae variables place the two filamentary features at heliocentric distances of 20 and 17 kpc respectively, with projected dimensions of 5 x 1 kpc and 3 x 1 kpc.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Forecasting Cosmological Constraints from Redshift Surveys

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    Observations of redshift-space distortions in spectroscopic galaxy surveys offer an attractive method for observing the build-up of cosmological structure, which depends both on the expansion rate of the Universe and our theory of gravity. In this paper we present a formalism for forecasting the constraints on the growth of structure which would arise in an idealized survey. This Fisher matrix based formalism can be used to study the power and aid in the design of future surveys.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, minor revisions to match version accepted by MNRA


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    O agronegócio no Brasil vem apresentando crescimento, estimulando os produtores rurais a expandirem seus negócios, objetivando maior rentabilidade. A contabilidade, enquanto ferramenta de gestão, auxilia no controle do desempenho econômico, financeiro e patrimonial, no controle dos custos e na análise da rentabilidade, além de ter um importante papel como ferramenta de apoio na gestão da propriedade rural. É por meio das informações contábeis que o produtor rural planeja, controla, toma decisões e consegue gerir os custos e identificar os melhores sistemas de produção. O estudo abordou uma investigação centrada na rentabilidade das atividades leiteira e avícola em uma propriedade familiar localizada no Oeste do Estado de Santa Catarina, analisando qual das atividades é a mais rentável, buscando-se evidenciar a real situação econômico-financeira. Teve-se por objetivo analisar o custo de produção e geração de resultados de uma propriedade rural, possibilitando a oferta de um modelo de gerenciamento que objetive mensurar e otimizar os resultados econômicos dos proprietários. A pesquisa classifica-se quanto aos seus objetivos como exploratória, com dados levantados por meio de análise documental e de conteúdo, com abordagem qualitativa. Os resultados encontrados na propriedade analisada apresentam maior rentabilidade na atividade leiteira do que na avícola, principalmente observando a margem de contribuição. Conclui-se que é de fundamental importância o controle dos custos e despesas e a apuração dos resultados das atividades desenvolvidas na propriedade, pois, por meio dessas informações, o gestor rural saberá em qual das atividades deverá colocar maiores esforços e investimentos futuros.Palavras-chave: Agronegócio. Rentabilidade. Atividade leiteira e avícola

    The Outer Envelopes of Globular Clusters. I. NGC 7089 (M2)

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    We present the results of a wide-field imaging survey of the periphery of the Milky Way globular cluster NGC 7089 (M2). Data were obtained with MegaCam on the Magellan Clay Telescope, and the Dark Energy Camera on the Blanco Telescope. We find that M2 is embedded in a diffuse stellar envelope extending to a radial distance of at least 60\sim 60^{\prime} (210\sim 210 pc) -- five times the nominal tidal radius of the cluster. The envelope appears nearly circular in shape, has a radial density decline well described by a power law of index γ=2.2±0.2\gamma = -2.2 \pm 0.2, and contains approximately 1.6%1.6\% of the luminosity of the entire system. While the origin of the envelope cannot be robustly identified using the presently available data, the fact that M2 also hosts stellar populations exhibiting a broad dispersion in the abundances of both iron and a variety of neutron capture elements suggests that this object might plausibly constitute the stripped nucleus of a dwarf Galaxy that was long ago accreted and destroyed by the Milky Way.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publishing in MNRA

    The tidal tails of NGC 2298

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    We present an implementation of the matched-filter technique to detect tidal tails of globular clusters. The method was tested using SDSS data for the globular cluster Palomar 5 revealing its well known tidal tails. We also ran a simulation of a globular cluster with a tidal tail where we successfully recover the tails for a cluster at the same position and with the same characteristics of NGC 2298. Based on the simulation we estimate that the matched-filter increases the contrast of the tail relative to the background of stars by a factor of 2.5 for the case of NGC 2298. We also present the photometry of the globular cluster NGC 2298 using the MOSAIC2 camera installed on the CTIO 4m telescope. The photometry covers ~ 3deg2 reaching V ~ 23. A fit of a King profile to the radial density profile of NGC 2298 shows that this cluster has a tidal radius of 15.91' \pm 1.07' which is twice as in the literature. The application of the matched-filter to NGC 2298 reveals several extra-tidal structures, including a leading and trailing tail. We also find that NGC 2298 has extra-tidal structures stretching towards and against the Galactic disk, suggesting strong tidal interaction. Finally, we assess how the matched-filter performs when applied to a globular cluster with and without mass segregation taken into account. We find that disregarding the effects of mass segregation may significantly reduce the detection limit of the matched-filter.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication on MNRAS main journa

    Resolved stellar mass maps of galaxies. I: method and implications for global mass estimates

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    (Abridged) We introduce a novel technique to construct spatially resolved maps of stellar mass surface density in galaxies based on optical and near IR imaging. We use optical/NIR colour(s) to infer effective stellar mass-to-light ratios (M/L) at each pixel, which are then multiplied by the surface brightness to obtain the local stellar surface mass density. We build look-up tables to express M/L as a function of colour(s) by marginalizing over a Monte Carlo library of 50,000 stellar population synthesis (SPS) models by Charlot & Bruzual (2007), which include a revised prescription for the TP-AGB stellar evolutionary phase, with a wide range of dust exinctions. In order to extract reliable flux and colour information at any position in the galaxy, we perform a median adaptive smoothing of the images that preserves the highest possible spatial resolution. As the most practical and robust, and hence fiducial method, we express the M/L in the H band as a function of (g-i) and (i-H). Stellar mass maps computed in this way have a typical accuracy of 30 per cent or less at any given pixel, determined from the scatter in the models. We compare maps obtained with our fiducial method with those derived using other combinations of bandpasses and the old BC03 TP-AGB prescription. Finally, we compare total stellar mass estimates obtained by integrating resolved mass maps with those obtained with unresolved photometry. In galaxies with evident dust lanes, unresolved estimates may miss up to 40 per cent of the total stellar mass because dusty regions are strongly under-represented in the luminous fluxes.Comment: Accepted for publication on MNRAS on Aug 10th 2009. 21 pages, 14 figures (see http://www.mpia.de/homes/zibetti/mass_maps_I.pdf for full resolution). One appendix added and minor changes done wrt to original submissio