105 research outputs found

    Evolution of millimeter-wave communications toward next generation in wireless technologies

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    Next generation in wireless communication systems being deployed in the world, 5G/6G mobile and wireless communication technologies has been widely studied. This work clarifies that Millimeter-Wave (mm-Wave) is in its early stages and will be driven by consumers who keep on desire higher information rates for the consumption of media. Millimeter-Wave innovation represents for next generation cellular technology and includes a wide range of advanced features which make next innovation most dominant technology in near future, these abilities incorporate high achievable information rates in addition to lower delays and constant connectivity on wireless devices

    Performance analysis of IEEE 802.11ac based WLAN in wireless communication systems

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    IEEE 802.11ac based wireless local area network (WLAN) is emerging WiFi standard at 5 GHz, it is new gigabit-per-second standard providing premium services. IEEE 802.11ac accomplishes its crude speed increment by pushing on three distinct measurements firstly is more channel holding, expanded from a maximum of 80 MHz up to 160 MHz modes. Secondly, the denser modulation, now using 256-QAM, it has the ability to increase the data rates up to 7 Gbps using an 8×8 multiple input multiple output (MIMO). Finally, it provides high resolution for both narrow and medium bandwidth channels. This work presents a study to improve the performance of IEEE 802.11ac based WLAN system

    Performance improvement of fractional N-PLL synthesizers for digital communication applications

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    Loop filter with two order was designed to improve the performance of the fractional N-phase locked loop (PLL) circuit (reference spurs noise and switching time), decreasing these two factors give good characteristic to fractional N-PLL circuit, the second order and third order loop filters are widely used in frequency synthesizer because they give good stability tolerance and for their simple architecture. They are designed at bandwidth B=125 KHz and its multipoles, at two values of the phase margin (pm)= 35°, 57°. MATLAB program was used to find the lock time, the component values for each element in the loop filter, also the filter impedance T(s), the bode plot of frequency response for close loop (CL) and open loop gain (OL). It is found by comparing the result of the frequency response for the 2nd order loop filter and 3rd order loop filter, that increasing the order of the filter will reduce the spurs noise that destroy the received signal at receiving side

    Clinical presentation of Parkinson's disease among Sudanese patients

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    Parkinson Disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder affecting motor system. It is a chronic progressive disorder leading to long standing disability.Objective: To study the clinical presentation of PD among Sudanese patients seen at Elshaab Teaching Hospital during the period from May2004-April 2008.Methodology: In this descriptive prospective, cross sectional hospital based study, 94 patients were studied using standardized questionnaire including history and clinical examination.Result: The total number diagnosed to have PD was 94 patients. Male to female ratio was found to be1.5:1.Common age group affected was 70-80 years (24.47%).The common presenting symptom was found to be poverty of movement (93.6%) followed by tremor (82.98%). On neurologicalexamination; rigidity, dyskinesia and festinate gait were the common signs. Primitive reflexes were found in significant number of patients. Idiopathic PD was found to be the common type (75.53%). Of the side effects of benzhexol, 66.67% of our patients developed dry mouth. Postural hypotension was seen in 10.42% of the patients who were taking levodopa.Conclusion: The clinical presentations of our patients does not differ from what was mentioned in the literatureKeywords: rigidity, dyskinesia, festinate gait, benzhexol, levodopa.

    Stress relaxation in epithelial monolayers is controlled by the actomyosin cortex

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    Epithelial monolayers are one-cell thick tissue sheets that separate internal and external environments. As part of their function, they have to withstand extrinsic mechanical stresses applied at high strain rates. However, little is known about how monolayers respond to mechanical deformations. Here, by subjecting suspended epithelial monolayers to stretch, we find that they dissipate stresses on a minute time-scale in a process that involves an increase in monolayer length, pointing to active remodelling of cell architecture during relaxation. Strikingly, monolayers consisting of tens of thousands of cells relax stress with similar dynamics to single rounded cells and both respond similarly to perturbations of actomyosin. By contrast, cell-cell junctional complexes and intermediate filaments do not relax tissue stress, but form stable connections between cells, allowing monolayers to behave rheologically as single cells. Taken together our data show that actomyosin dynamics governs the rheological properties of epithelial monolayers, dissipating applied stresses, and enabling changes in monolayer length.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Xenon protects against blast-induced traumatic brain injury in an in vitro model

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the neuroprotective efficacy of the inert gas xenon as a treatment for patients with blast-induced traumatic brain injury in an in vitro laboratory model. We developed a novel blast traumatic brain injury model using C57BL/6N mouse organotypic hippocampal brain-slice cultures exposed to a single shockwave, with the resulting injury quantified using propidium iodide fluorescence. A shock tube blast generator was used to simulate open field explosive blast shockwaves, modeled by the Friedlander waveform. Exposure to blast shockwave resulted in significant (p < 0.01) injury that increased with peak-overpressure and impulse of the shockwave, and which exhibited a secondary injury development up to 72 h after trauma. Blast-induced propidium iodide fluorescence overlapped with cleaved caspase-3 immunofluorescence, indicating that shock-wave–induced cell death involves apoptosis. Xenon (50% atm) applied 1 h after blast exposure reduced injury 24 h (p < 0.01), 48 h (p < 0.05), and 72 h (p < 0.001) later, compared with untreated control injury. Xenon-treated injured slices were not significantly different from uninjured sham slices at 24 h and 72 h. We demonstrate for the first time that xenon treatment after blast traumatic brain injury reduces initial injury and prevents subsequent injury development in vitro. Our findings support the idea that xenon may be a potential first-line treatment for those with blast-induced traumatic brain injury

    Analysis of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor-Mediated Decline in Contractile Force in Rat Engineered Heart Tissue

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    Introduction Left ventricular dysfunction is a frequent and potentially severe side effect of many tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI). The mode of toxicity is not identified, but may include impairment of mitochondrial or sarcomeric function, autophagy or angiogenesis, either as an on-target or off-target mechanism. Methods and Results We studied concentration-response curves and time courses for nine TKIs in three-dimensional, force generating engineered heart tissue (EHT) from neonatal rat heart cells. We detected a concentration- and time-dependent decline in contractile force for gefitinib, lapatinib, sunitinib, imatinib, sorafenib, vandetanib and lestaurtinib and no decline in contractile force for erlotinib and dasatinib after 96 hours of incubation. The decline in contractile force was associated with an impairment of autophagy (LC3 Western blot) and appearance of autophagolysosomes (transmission electron microscopy). Conclusion This study demonstrates the feasibility to study TKI-mediated force effects in EHTs and identifies an association between a decline in contractility and inhibition of autophagic flux

    SPIN90 associates with mDia1 and the Arp2/3 complex to regulate cortical actin organization

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    Cell shape is controlled by the submembranous cortex, an actomyosin network mainly generated by two actin nucleators: the Arp2/3 complex and the formin mDia1. Changes in relative nucleator activity may alter cortical organization, mechanics and cell shape. Here we investigate how nucleation-promoting factors mediate interactions between nucleators. In vitro, the nucleation-promoting factor SPIN90 promotes formation of unbranched filaments by Arp2/3, a process thought to provide the initial filament for generation of dendritic networks. Paradoxically, in cells, SPIN90 appears to favour a formin-dominated cortex. Our in vitro experiments reveal that this feature stems mainly from two mechanisms: efficient recruitment of mDia1 to SPIN90-Arp2/3 nucleated filaments and formation of a ternary SPIN90-Arp2/3-mDia1 complex that greatly enhances filament nucleation. Both mechanisms yield rapidly elongating filaments with mDia1 at their barbed ends and SPIN90-Arp2/3 at their pointed ends. Thus, in networks, SPIN90 lowers branching densities and increases the proportion of long filaments elongated by mDia1

    A Rule-based Skyline Computation over a dynamic database

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    Skyline query which relies on the notion of Pareto dominance filters the data items from a database by ensuring only those data items that are not worse than any others are selected as skylines. However, the dynamic nature of databases in which their states and/or structures change throughout their lifetime to incorporate the current and latest information of database applications, requires a new set of skylines to be derived. Blindly computing skylines on the new state/structure of a database is inefficient, as not all the data items are affected by the changes. Hence, this paper proposes a rule-based approach in tackling the above issue with the main aim at avoiding unnecessary skyline computations. Based on the type of operation that changes the state/structure of a database, i.e. insert/delete/update a data item(s) or add/remove a dimension(s), a set of rules are defined. Besides, the prominent dominance relationships when pairwise comparisons are performed are retained; which are then utilised in the process of computing a new set of skylines. Several analyses have been conducted to evaluate the performance and prove the efficiency of our proposed solution