7 research outputs found

    Validação da versão para a língua portuguesa do questionário de Medida Funcional para Amputados (Functional Measure for Amputees Questionnaire)

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    The aim of this study was to translate into Brazilian-Portuguese and culturally adapt the Functional Measure for Amputees Questionnaire (FMA), also testing its reliability and validity for assessing lower-limb amputees functional capacity. The FMA was translated, back-translated, evaluated by a multidisciplinary committee, and pre-tested. The final version was submitted to field test on a group made up of 44 subjects (39 men and 5 women) with transtibial (N= 27) and transfemoral (N=17) amputation level. The inter- and intra-examiner test showed high reliability; Kappa mean values were higher than 0.80; and in 25% of the items values reached 1.0, thus suggesting excellent examiner agreement. Question 2 (which determines the Locomotor Capabilities Index) internal consistency value found was 0.79, showing consistency as to mobility assessment. The FMA cultural adaptation was satisfactory; a few changes were needed, without altering the original structure or content. Results suggest that the FMA Brazilian-Portuguese version is a reliable instrument to measure functional outcomes of Brazilian lower limb amputees having undergone rehabilitation.O objetivo deste estudo foi traduzir e adaptar culturalmente o Functional Measure for Amputees Questionnaire (FMA) para a população brasileira e analisar sua validade e eficácia quando aplicado em pacientes amputados de membro inferior. O procedimento seguiu as etapas de tradução, retro-tradução, análise das versões português e inglês por um comitê multidisciplinar, e pré-teste. O questionário traduzido foi aplicado em 44 pacientes (39 homens e 5 mulheres) com amputação em nível transtibial (N=27) e transfemoral (N=17), com idade média de 47,5±17,2 anos. No estudo da confiabilidade, em média, os coeficientes Kappa foram superiores a 0,80; e 25% deles foram iguais a 1,0, indicando haver excelente concordância inter e intra-entrevistadores. Na análise da consistência interna, o valor do coeficiente para a questão sobre o Índice de Capacidade Locomotora foi igual a 0,79, demonstrando haver consistência no bloco de questões relacionadas à mobilidade. A adaptação transcultural foi satisfatória; algumas modificações foram necessárias, porém sem implicar mudança na estrutura ou no conteúdo do questionário original. Os resultados sugerem que a versão brasileira do FMA, MFA - questionário de Medida Funcional para Amputados pode ser um instrumento confiável para medir o resultado funcional de pacientes brasileiros reabilitados após amputação de membro inferior

    Antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract Tetragonula testaceitarsis propolis combined with of Lepisanthes amoena leaves

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    The illnesses brought on by free radicals are a common source of health issues. Pathogenic processes and tissue damage are both significantly influenced by free radicals. Natural ingredients from Indonesia has been carried out for generations by the community with various kinds of treatments according to existing tribes, for example, such as kelulut bee (Tetragonula testaceitarsis) propolis and kokang (Lepisanthes amoena) leaves. Stingless bee propolis has several bioactivities to prevent diseases. The research about T.  testaceitarsis propolis still limited. The purpose of this research to find out whether the combination of T. testaceitarsis propolis and L. amoena leaves extracts has antioxidant activity. Ethanol extract T. testaceitarsis. propolis and ethanol extract L. amoena leaves was collected and then tested for antioxidant activity using the DPPH method. The results showed that all three concentrations had very strong antioxidant activity. T. testaceitarsis propolis extract (50%) combined with L. amoena leaves (50%) showed strong antioxidant activity (92%) in 25 ppm concetration. Then 75% T. testaceitarsis propolis extract and 25% L. amoena leaves extract had the highest antioxidant activity (95%) at a concentration of 50 ppm concentration. This strong antioxidant activity was prospected to be continued as a pharmaceutical product


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    ABSTRACT             This research aims to determine the effect of the composition of the growing media on the growth and production of turmeric plants and to obtain the correct composition of the growing media for the growth and production of turmeric plants. This research was carried out at the screenhouse and in the laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Musamus Merauke, from September 2021 to February 2022. This study used a non-factorial Randomized Block Design (RAK) consisting of three treatments and one control, 100 % soil, 25% soil + 75% sand, 25% soil + 75% husk, 25% soil + 75% saw dregs. The treatment was repeated six (6) times, and each replication contained three samples, and 72 experimental samples were obtained. Planting media treatment significantly affected plant height, number of tillers, number of leaves, the weight of wet stover, weight of wet rhizome rhizome, dry rhizome weight, and rhizome moisture content. The best growing media treatment for the growth and production of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) was 25% soil + 75% husk. Keywords: turmeric, growing media, growth

    Moving targets: how the rapidly changing tobacco and nicotine landscape creates advertising and promotion policy challenges

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    Tobacco, nicotine and related products have and continue to change rapidly, creating new challenges for policies regulating their advertising, promotion, sponsorship and sales. This paper reviews recent commercial product offerings and the regulatory challenges associated with them. This includes electronic nicotine delivery systems, electronic non-nicotine delivery systems, personal vaporisers, heated tobacco products, nicotine salts, tobacco-free nicotine products, other nicotine products resembling nicotine replacement therapies, and various vitamin and cannabis products that share delivery devices or marketing channels with tobacco products. There is substantial variation in the availability of these tobacco, nicotine, vaporised, and related products globally, and policies regulating these products also vary substantially between countries. Many of these products avoid regulation by exploiting loopholes in the definition of tobacco or nicotine products, or by occupying a regulatory grey area where authority is unclear. These challenges will increase as the tobacco industry continues to diversify its product portfolio, and weaponises 'tobacco harm reduction' rhetoric to undermine policies limiting marketing, promotion and taxation of tobacco, nicotine and related products. Tobacco control policy often lags behind the evolution of the industry, which may continue to sell these products for years while regulations are established, refined or enforced. Policies that anticipate commercial tobacco, nicotine and related product and marketing changes and that are broad enough to cover these product developments are needed

    Universal Dependencies 2.3

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    Universal Dependencies is a project that seeks to develop cross-linguistically consistent treebank annotation for many languages, with the goal of facilitating multilingual parser development, cross-lingual learning, and parsing research from a language typology perspective. The annotation scheme is based on (universal) Stanford dependencies (de Marneffe et al., 2006, 2008, 2014), Google universal part-of-speech tags (Petrov et al., 2012), and the Interset interlingua for morphosyntactic tagsets (Zeman, 2008)

    Universal Dependencies 2.11

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    Universal Dependencies is a project that seeks to develop cross-linguistically consistent treebank annotation for many languages, with the goal of facilitating multilingual parser development, cross-lingual learning, and parsing research from a language typology perspective. The annotation scheme is based on (universal) Stanford dependencies (de Marneffe et al., 2006, 2008, 2014), Google universal part-of-speech tags (Petrov et al., 2012), and the Interset interlingua for morphosyntactic tagsets (Zeman, 2008)