279 research outputs found

    The Personnel Competence as a Factor of Increasing the Efficiency of Exhibition and Fair Activity of the Company

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    Статтю присвячено теоретичному обґрунтуванню значення персоналу підприємства для забезпечення ефективності ярмарково-виставкової діяльності. На основі аналізу, узагальнення й систематизації наукових джерел висвітлено основні теоретичні аспекти організації виставок за участю кваліфікаційного персоналу та розгляд особистого продажу як вагомого, специфічного інструменту маркетингу.The article is devoted to theoretical grounding of personnel importance for the efficiency of trade fair-exhibition activity. Based on the analysis, generalization and systematization of scientific sources, the basic theoretical aspects of exhibitions involving personnel qualification and review personal sales as an important, specific marketing tools are highlighted

    Mythology of the law and justice party's migration discourse

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    The aim of this paper is to contribute to the deconstruction of the migration discourse of the Law and Justice Party (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, PiS), looking for mythical structures in it and trying to decode them using discourse analysis. When it comes to migration politics, Poland is one of the most curious and ambiguous contemporary cases. Previously predominantly a sending country, as its economy grows Poland is becoming a receiving country, faced with millions of incoming labour migrants. The Polish government lets them in, despite being anti-migrant in its rhetoric, especially when it comes to relocation of refugees within the European Union (EU). Some surveys reveal that countrywide anti-migrant sentiment is a rather new development: Polish attitudes towards immigrants have worsened since mid-2015, that is since the so-called European migration crisis was utilized by Law and Justice in their campaign at the 2015 Polish parliamentary election in order to gain fear-induced support. Therefore, Law and Justice’s migration discourse is fundamental to the study of contemporary Polish migration politics. I have analysed the news, interviews and other publications from the official website of the Law and Justice party (pis.org.pl) over a period between June 2015 and July 2018. Based upon E. Cassirer's, M. Eliade's and H. Tudor's understanding of political myth, I have identified a number of repetitive mythical structures and characteristics of political myths in the Law and Justice's discourse on migration that can help to better understand Law and Justice's political and ideological stances

    The ways of formation health saving educational environment for schoolchildren in Ukraine

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    Aim: to reveal areas of problems of health saving educational environment in the national school system. Materials: it was analyzed 38 literature resources on the item of the article. Results. The main concept of the article is to single out and analyze the ways of formation and development the health saving educational environment in modern school educational system of Ukraine. The first way is national programs, where the author illuminates the main documents concerning school education and reveals the key areas of the formation of healthy environment. The second way is international programs in which Ukraine take part. Such participation aimed at improving the health of schoolchildren, equip them with the skills of healthy lifestyle, use of folk traditions, integration of healthy lifestyles in the educational process etc. The third way is school subjects with the elements of formation health saving skill and knowledge among schoolchildren and teachers at genera.</p

    Теоретичні аспекти дослідження соціального самопочуття студентської молоді

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    Today, when the Ukrainian society is experiencing an extremely severe crisis, the problems that associated with the social well-being of people are very relevant. Social well-being of people is, on the one hand, an indicator of the attitude of people to the situation prevailing in a transformational society, and on the other hand, it is an indicator of the population’s social adaptive resources, available under such conditions.The social processes that determine the social well-being of students are of particular importance as students represent the potential intellectual, political, economic, and cultural elite of society. Studying the essence and main features of the social well-being of modern student Youth helps to determine the main dominant processes of society’s reforms, to create a theoretical basis for the effective prediction of various social transformations.Studying this issue requires the definition of the theoretical basis and the correct definition of concepts, related to the above-mentioned problem. This determines the choice of the topic of the article. The purpose of the research is to highlight the theoretical aspects of studying of social well-being of students as a specific social group. «Social well-being» consists of two categories («social» and «well-being»). «Social» is viewed as a kind of social life together with economic, political, ethical phenomena, and as something intermediate that exists on the verge of these forms of social life. Under the notion «social», the set of certain features and features of social relations is understood. It is integrated by individuals or communities into the process of joint activity in specific conditions, that shows itself in their relationship, attitude to their place in society, phenomena and processes of social life.The concept of «feeling» means the emotional state of a person, caused by the relation to the surrounding reality (people, their actions, certain phenomena, etc.), and also to the person itself. Social well-being is a concept that includes both physical and psychological well-being, as well as a feeling, how comfortable or uncomfortable each person feels in society. Social health, unlike physical or psychological, depends greatly on the environment in which a person lives, whom he constantly compares himself with and his own achievements. Social feelings, arising in the process of the social interaction, act as a regulator of human behavior and play a role of filter in the perception of new information.The social well-being reflects the generalized emotional and sensory reactions, assessments, thoughts and attitudes of the population of the country both as a whole and individual groups in their relation to various social phenomena, processes and institutions. This indicator makes it possible to identify the most painful and vulnerable points in the social sphere, points that bring a certain threat to the further development of society, act as barriers and brakes on the way of its further progress. Fixation and analysis of such «voltage points» is a prerequisite for timely measures taken by the authorities and non-governmental organizations, aimed at their overcoming.As a generalized productive characteristic of people’s adaptation to the modern life conditions, social well-being consists of three components: the internal state of man (health, mood, sense of happiness, optimism); assessment of external conditions (perception of their own state); life in new conditions. Indicators of social well-being are: state of satisfaction by the level and quality of life, social status, the level of social adaptation to new conditions, health status and the nature of factors that caused concern to citizens. The social well-being of a person is determined by the ways of the satisfaction of social needs. These ones are derived from the system of social goods in the society, production and distribution of them. In our opinion, a significant factor that affects the social well-being is the internal reserves of a person (state of health, level of intellectual and cultural development, professional skills, communicative competence, etc.), which are a prerequisite for access to social benefits. The above-mentioned personality’s characteristics are formed through the education and upbringing.The main approaches, within which the knowledge about such complex socio-psychological phenomenon as social well-being was originated, filled and improved, are: philosophical, biological, medical, economic, socio-political, socio-psychological and sociological approaches. Studying the social well-being of students requires identification of its features as a social stratum. By their characteristics, contemporary students are quite different from all other segments of the population. First of all, they differ by their ideological formation, mobility of influence and their kinds of needs, that determine their social well-being heavily.Students form the full-fledged and independent socio-cultural community, which, being active due their education and functioning in the system of higher education, acts as an object of such kind of production, the subject of which is not a thing, but a person. Therefore, the main function of this production is educational activity. Student Youth is a very intense projection, a focus group of the future society as a whole. An essential feature of the student, related to his social well-being, is the availability of educational needs.Educational need is such kind of need that arises from the contradiction between the available and the required (desired) level of education and induces the subject to eliminate this contradiction. Educational needs are the complex of social needs of the subject (person, group, society), which are satisfied through the system of education. Educational needs are not identical to needs for knowledge, although they are directly related to it. They relate to such social needs as the need for growth, self-expression, recognition, promotion, and other social needs that characterize the desirable social status.In our opinion, educational needs can be defined as the needs for the formation of those personal qualities that contribute to personal self-realization and the formation of such personal qualities in the field of education, which make it possible to obtain the desired social benefits and to improve the social well-being of the individual. These qualities can be formed by means of education and are as follows: high level of intellectual development; theoretical knowledge and practical skills, necessary for the professional activity; communicative skills and a high level of culture; personal qualities (integrity, work ability, creativity, etc.). Education is a factor which allows forming and accumulating such socially significant qualities in the personal arsenal of individuality that enable people to receive the benefits, satisfy the urgent needs and, thus, to improve their social well-being.Глубинные трансформации современного украинского общества касаются всех областей человеческой жизни, вызывая разнообразные эмоционально-оценочные реакции граждан на социальные изменения и на собственный статус в обществе. Социальное самочувствие населения является фактором, который играет большую роль в развитии всех сфер общества, в выборе векторов социальных преобразований. В статье обоснована актуальность исследования социального самочувствия студенческой молодежи в связи с ее местом в социальной структуре общества, изложены методологические основы исследования социального самочувствия студенчества как социальной группы, освещены характеристики студенчества в контексте современных общественных трансформаций. Раскрыта сущность основных теоретических подходов к изучению социального самочувствия студенческой молодежи в условиях социальных изменений, освещены потребности студенчества, которые удовлетворяются в процессе обучения в высшем учебном заведении, общественной деятельности и личностном взаимодействии в студенческой среде.Уточнена сущность понятий «молодежь», «студенческая молодежь», «образовательные потребности». Охарактеризованы потребности студенчества как специфического слоя, уделено внимание комплексу социальных потребностей студенческой молодежи, которые удовлетворяются при помощи института образования.Глибинні трансформації сучасного українського суспільства торкаються всіх сфер людського життя, викликаючи різноманітні емоційно-оціночні реакції громадян на соціальні зміни та на власний статус у соціумі. Соціальне самопочуття населення є чинником, урахування якого має велике значення для розвитку всіх суспільних сфер, вибору векторів соціальних перетворень.У статті обґрунтована актуальність дослідження соціального самопочуття студентської молоді у зв’язку з її місцем у соціальній структурі суспільства, викладено методологічні засади дослідження соціального самопочуття студентства як соціальної верстви, висвітлено характеристики студентства у контексті сучасних суспільних трансформацій. Розкрита сутність основних теоретичних підходів до вивчення соціального самопочуття студентської молоді в умовах соціальних змін, висвітлені потреби студентства, які задовольняються у процесі навчання у вищому навчальному закладі, суспільній діяльності та особистісній взаємодії у студентському середовищі.Уточнено сутність понять «соціальне самопочуття», «студентська молодь», «освітні потреби». Охарактеризовано потреби студентства як специфічної верстви, приділено увагу комплексу соціальних потреб студентської молоді, які задовольняються за допомогою інституту освіти

    The effect of winter swimming on body's external temperature

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    Background and Study Aim. The main aim was to compare the changes in external body temperature of students who gave in an immersion of winter swimming. Material and Methods. The study group consisted of 15 students, including 7 males and 8 females. The average age of the subjects was 22.4+1.12 years. The group was tested by measuring outer body temperature at 30 spots across their bodies by using a FLUXE 64 MAX pyrometer. Afterwards, subjects entered ice-cold water for 3 minutes. Immediately after leaving the water the second temperature measurements at the same 30 spots were conducted, and the third measurements were done 15 minutes after leaving the water. After 15 days of testing the comparison was made: temperature values from before and after the immersion. Results. The students showed significantly higher average body temperature values before the testing (34.96°C ± 2.21 to 21.85 ± 3.68) and the lowest after the testing (29.86°C ± 4.91 to 6.26°C ± 1.04). The highest difference in average temperatures was obtained in the measurement of the left lower leg - front, the examination before and after (20.73°C), and the lowest in the measurement of the right hand - palm side, the examination after and 15 minutes after (0.19°C). Conclusions. Winter swimming is becoming an increasingly popular sport activity. Conducted research shows the positive influence of winter swimming on human body and organism. The presented research should be further continued in order to learn more about the influence of cold on human body

    Реализация социальных потребностей студенчества в сфере образования в Украине

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    У сучасній соціології наукові пошуки дослідників активізуються у напрямку вивчення сутнісних характеристик студентської молоді як особливої соціальної групи, якій притаманні динамічні зміни, значний ступінь мобільності за соціальними показниками, високий інтелектуальний потенціал та активна участь у соціальних перетвореннях. Увага науковців до студентської молоді зумовлена високою динамікою розвитку суспільства і зміною статусу і ролі студентства у ньому. Однією з найважливіших характеристик студентської молоді виступають її соціальні потреби, велика частка яких реалізується у сфері освіти.До вищої освіти висуваються певні вимоги стосовно реалізації соціальних потреб студентської молоді, водночас вона є тим інституційним середовищем, яке впливає найбільшою мірою на формування соціальних потреб студентства. У статті обґрунтована актуальність дослідження соціальних потреб студентської молоді, висвітлено їх зміст, приділено увагу характеристикам сучасного студентства. Висвітлені потреби студентства, які задовольняються у процесі навчання у вищому навчальному закладі та суспільній і дозвіллєвій діяльності, яка здійснюється у освітньому середовищі.Уточнено сутність понять «соціальні потреби», «студентська молодь», «освітні потреби». Охарактеризовано потреби студентства як специфічної верстви, приділено увагу комплексу соціальних потреб студентської молоді, які задовольняються за допомогою інституту освіти.Education of students in today’s conditions requires new ideas and concepts that are related to the peculiarities of the socio-economic situation in society, namely: revaluation of values, changes in priorities of prestigious professions, contradictory attitude to education in the labor market, lack of a clear youth policy, adequate to modern conditions.Today’s education should become not just one of the subsystems of the social sphere, which satisfies a number of personal needs, but also a specific domain of social life, in which the future is modeled, resources of development are formed, and the negative effects of the functioning of other social institutions are compensated. As a result, the education system essentially extends its sphere of influence. One of the most important characteristics of student youth is its social needs, a large proportion of which is implemented in the field of education. Concerning higher education, certain requirements are put forward regarding the implementation of social needs of student youth; at the same time it is the institutional environment that mostly influences the formation of student social.Defining the development vectors of the education system requires the search for answers to questions relating to contemporary students, its social needs and expectations in relation to higher education, as well as the clarification of the conditions correspondence that education creates to realize its demands. The article highlights the peculiarities of student social needs in the field of education and their implementation; the content of such concepts as «needs», «social needs», «educational needs» were clarified.It was emphasized that social needs are connected with the inclusion of the individual in the family, in various social groups and communities, in the various spheres of production and non-production activities, in the life of society as a whole. These are the needs for work, social and economic activity, as well as spiritual culture, that is, everything that is a product of social life. They are needs of a special kind, the satisfaction of which is necessary to support the life of the social person, social groups and society as a whole.Social needs are met by the organizational efforts of society members through social institutions. Satisfying needs ensures social stability and social progress, dissatisfaction generates social conflicts. Social institutions are the leading components of the social structure of society, which integrate and coordinate the actions of society members, social groups and regulate social relations in various spheres of public life. Four groups of social needs were defined:- Vital for the social person needs, whose dissatisfaction leads to the elimination of a social person or the revolutionary transformation of social institutions, within which this satisfaction occurs;- Needs, the satisfaction of which ensures the functioning of the social person at the level of social norms, as well as allows the evolution of social institutions to be realized;- Needs, the satisfaction of which occurs at the level of minimum social norms, which ensures the preservation of the social person, but not its development; - Needs, the satisfaction of which provides comfortable (for data of socio-cultural area and social time) conditions of operation and development.The article gives attention to the relation between the concepts of «social needs» and «educational needs» and shows where they overlap. The existence of educational needs is an essential feature of students. Educational need is a need arising from the contradiction between the existing and necessary (desired) level of education and encourages the person to eliminate this contradiction.Educational needs were defined as the needs for the formation of the education means of those personal qualities that contribute to personal self-realization and the formation of personal qualities in the field of education that will enable them to obtain the desired social benefits and improve the social well-being of the individual. Such qualities are: high level of intellectual development; theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for professional activity; communicative skills and a high level of culture; personal qualities (integrity, workability, creativity, etc.). Education itself is a factor that allows the formation and accumulation of socially significant qualities in an individual’s arsenal that enable them to receive the benefits, satisfy the urgent needs and be realized as an active and active-oriented member of society.It was emphasized that in today’s conditions, students according to their characteristics are quite different from all other sections of the population, first of all ideological formation, influence mobility and their kinds of needs, which to a great extent determine its social well-being.Social needs of students are considered in connection with the functions of education, primarily with the functions of intelligence reproduction of society, vocational, economic and social. The article used data from nationwide surveys of students «Higher Education in Ukraine: Students’ Public Opinion» and «Higher Education in Reform Conditions: Changes in Public Opinion» conducted by Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation in 2015 and 2017 respectively; the data of a sociological survey «Values of Ukrainian Youth», conducted in 2016 by the Center for Independent Sociological Research «OMEGA», by request of Ministry of Youth and Sport of Ukraine.Based on the data of sociological research, we concluded that the level of social needs satisfaction of students in the field of higher education is not high. We need more detailed analysis of students who are studying at various educational institutions, as well as to identify the trends that are characteristic for education sections in different areas of study.В современной социологии научные поиски исследователей активизируются в направлении изучения сущностных характеристик студенческой молодёжи как особой социальной группы, которой присущи динамичные изменения, значительная степень мобильности по социальным показателям, высокий интеллектуальный потенциал и активное участие в социальных преобразованиях. Внимание ученых к студенческой молодёжи обусловлено высокой динамикой развития общества и изменением статуса и роли студенчества в нём. Одной из наиважнейших характеристик студенческой молодёжи выступают её социальные потребности, часть которых реализуется в сфере образования.К высшему образованию выдвигаются определённые требования относительно реализации социальных потребностей студенческой молодёжи. В то же время оно является той институциональной средой, котрая в наибольшей мере влияет на формирование социальных потребностей студенчества.В статье обоснована актуальность исследования социальных потребностей студенческой молодёжи, освещено их содержание, уделено внимание характеристикам современного студенчества. Освещены потребности студенчества, которые удовлетворяются в процессе учёбы в высшем учебном заведении и досуговой деятельности, которая осуществляется в образовательной среде.Уточнены понятия «социальные потребности», «студенческая молодь», «образовательные потребности». Охарактеризованы потребности студенчетства как специфического слоя, уделено внимание комплексу социальних потребностей студенческой молодёжи, которые удовлетворяются при помощи института образования


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    An innovative concept and the structural organization of a modular system for long-term monitoring, analysis and correction of integrated health indicators of different groups of the population taking into account the impact of environmental factors and extreme conditions is described. The main elements of the system are a module for measuring physiological indicators that characterize the state of human health, a sensor module for selection and registration of environmental indicators, a data transmission module, a database, a module for comprehensive analysis of indicators, a forecasting module, a set of mathematical models, a module for results displaying. Methods of mathematical modelling and statistics were used to predict health state. The mobile application that allows to assign and take into account changes in environmental performance during physical activity, e.g. training weather conditions, such as temperature, relative humidity and wind speed, as well as the distance and duration of running, is developed. The results can be obtained numerically and graphically on the smartphone screen. The proposed system allows to predict the functional state of person in different environmental conditions. It will allow the user to make the right decision about the duration and intensity of physical activity in certain environmental conditions and choose the appropriate level of physical activity.W artykule została opisana nowatorska koncepcja i strukturalna organizacja modułowego systemu do długoterminowego monitorowania, analizy i korekty zintegrowanych wskaźników zdrowotnych różnych grup ludności z uwzględnieniem wpływu czynników środowiskowych i warunków ekstremalnych. Głównymi elementami systemu są: moduł do pomiaru wskaźników fizjologicznych charakteryzujących stan zdrowia człowieka, moduł czujników do selekcji i rejestracji wskaźników środowiskowych, moduł transmisji danych, baza danych, moduł do kompleksowej analizy wskaźników, moduł do prognozowania, zestaw modeli matematycznych, moduł do wyświetlania wyników. Do przewidywania stanu zdrowia wykorzystano metody modelowania matematycznego i statystyki. Aplikacja mobilna umożliwiająca przypisywanie i uwzględnianie zmian efektywności środowiskowej podczas aktywności fizycznej, np. opracowywane są warunki pogodowe podczas, których odbywa się trening, takie jak temperatura, wilgotność względna i prędkość wiatru, a także dystans i czas trwania biegu. Wyniki można uzyskać numerycznie i graficznie na ekranie smartfona. Zaproponowany system pozwala przewidzieć stan funkcjonalny człowieka w różnych warunkach środowiskowych. Pozwoli użytkownikowi na podjęcie właściwej decyzji co do czasu trwania i intensywności aktywności fizycznej w określonych warunkach środowiskowych oraz na wybór odpowiedniego poziomu aktywności fizycznej

    Vjerske osnove povijesnoga i suvremenoga prava

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    The aim of this research is to reveal historical and contemporary aspects of the similarity, difference, and interaction of Christian and legal spheres of social reality. The legal nature of the proposed study obliges the use of the formal legal (dogmatic) research method with special attention paid to the content and sanctions of legal prescriptions. Thus, the historical development confirms the constant need of mankind both in the picture of the world, the model of the worldview offered by religion, and the normative regulator based on absolute transcendental values. The fundamental role of religion in the origin and development of the law is proved by historical facts.Cilj je ovoga istraživanja otkriti povijesne i suvremene aspekte sličnosti, različitosti i međudjelovanja kršćanske i pravne sfere društvene stvarnosti. Pravna priroda predložene studije obvezuje korištenje formalnopravnom (dogmatskom) metodom istraživanja s posebnim osvrtom na sadržaj i sankcije pravnih propisa. Dakle povijesni razvoj potvrđuje potrebu čovječanstva za slikom svijeta, modelom pogleda na svijet koji pruža religija i normativnim regulatorom utemeljenim na apsolutnim transcendentalnim vrijednostima. Temeljnu ulogu vjere u nastanku i razvoju prava dokazuju povijesne činjenice

    Fitness – aerobic training of 15 – 17 years´ age girl students, who have significant risk of deviations in backbone functional state

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    Purpose: to work out complex of health related aerobic exercises with fit-ball for girl students, who have significant risk of backbone pathologies. Material: in the research 1st-3rd year girl students (n=50, age – 15-17 years) participated. Questionnaire for assessment of self feeling was used. For diagnostic of backbone mobility we used criterion of functional disorders and trainings effectiveness assessment. The diagnostic included eight tests for every girl student of risk group - Cervical spine mobility, Otta’s test, Chest excursion, Shober’s test, Tomayer’s test, Pavelky’s (left) test, Pavelky’s (right) test and Backbone index. The main research method was pedagogic experiment. Results: it was found that 50% of 1st year girl students have pain in back. Average level of backbone mobility (backbone index) in the tested group was 86.9% from approximate norm at the end of the research. Conclusions: we found that it is possible to prevent from deviations in backbone functional state and preservation of its functional level in fit-ball aerobic trainings. Fit-ball aerobic trainings resulted in confident improvement of indicators of backbone mobility