281 research outputs found

    Penerapan Perangkat Model Discovery Learning pada Materi Pemanasan Global untuk Melatihkan Kemampuan Literasi Sains Siswa SMP Kelas VII

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan keterlaksanaan model discovery learning, aktivitas siswa,  peningkatan literasi sains siswa, dan respons siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan merupakan penelitian Pre-Experimental dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian One Group Pre-test Post-test Design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII-F dan VII-G. Waktu penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2016.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterlaksanaan pembelajaran discovery learning menunjukkan kriteria sangat baik pada pertemuan 1 dan pertemuan 2, dengan skor 3,60 dan 3,50. Persentase aktivitas siswa yang terlaksana terkait discovery learning yaitu sebesar 88,2% dan 87,5%. Hasil analisis N-Gain rata–rata pencapaian literasi sains siswa mengalami peningkatan sebesar 0,41 dan 0,35 dengan kategori sedang. Rata-rata pencapaian literasi sains siswa berada pada level 2 dan terjadi peningkatan berada pada level 4. Siswa memberikan respons positif terhadap proses pembelajaran discovery learning yaitu sebesar 92,9% dan 94,1%. Kata Kunci: Discovery Learning,  Literasi Sain


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan keterlaksanaan model discovery learning, aktivitas siswa,  peningkatan literasi sains siswa, dan respons siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan merupakan penelitian Pre-Experimental dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian One Group Pre-test Post-test Design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII-F dan VII-G. Waktu penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2016.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterlaksanaan pembelajaran discovery learning menunjukkan kriteria sangat baik pada pertemuan 1 dan pertemuan 2, dengan skor 3,60 dan 3,50. Persentase aktivitas siswa yang terlaksana terkait discovery learning yaitu sebesar 88,2% dan 87,5%. Hasil analisis N-Gain rata–rata pencapaian literasi sains siswa mengalami peningkatan sebesar 0,41 dan 0,35 dengan kategori sedang. Rata-rata pencapaian literasi sains siswa berada pada level 2 dan terjadi peningkatan berada pada level 4. Siswa memberikan respons positif terhadap proses pembelajaran discovery learning yaitu sebesar 92,9% dan 94,1%. Kata Kunci: Discovery Learning,  Literasi Sain

    KONSEP MANUSIA SEMPURNA : Studi Pemikiran Abdul Karim Al-Jili

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    Abstrak Istilah "Insan Kamil" secara teknis muncul dalam literatur Islam sekitar awal abad ke-7 M/13 M, terutama didorong oleh gagasan Ibnu Arabi, yang menggunakannya untuk menunjukkan konsep manusia ideal sebagai tempat tinggal kehadiran Tuhan. Konsep ini kemudian mendapatkan perhatian yang signifikan dan dielaborasi lebih lanjut oleh al-JĆ®lĆ®. Artikel ini mengeksplorasi perspektif al-Jili tentang gagasan manusia sempurna. Pertanyaan yang di ajukan dalam artikel ini, Bagaimana biografi al-Jili, dan apa konsepnya tentang Insan Kamil? Dan Apakah perspektif al-Jili tentang Insan al-Kamil selaras atau berbeda dengan perspektif Ibn 'Arabi, pendukung utama konsep ini? Pertanyaan ini memiliki arti penting karena, dengan mempertimbangkan konteks historis kedua individu ini, kesenjangan temporal antara Ibnu Arabi dan al-Jili terbentang lebih dari satu abad atau hampir dua abad, yang ditandai dengan kondisi sosial yang berbeda. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah tinjauan literatur yang komprehensif. Penelitian ini pada akhirnya menyimpulkan bahwa al-Jili memperkenalkan konsep insan kamil, yang terinspirasi dari Ibnu Arabi, sekaligus menawarkan kritik terhadap aspek-aspek tertentu dari gagasan Ibnu Arabi tentang insan kamil. Menurut sudut pandang al-Jili, insan kamil berfungsi sebagai cerminan atau wadah Tuhan, dengan Nur Muhammad dianggap sebagai wadah yang paling tepat untuk manifestasi Tuhan karena pencapaian kesempurnaannya dalam hidup. Keywords: Al-Jili, Insan Kamil, Nur Muhammad dan Ibn ā€˜Arabi


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    This research was aimed to identify the second grade students of MA Asā€™adiyah Sengkangā€™s barriers in translating Indonesianā€“English questions of daily expression, factors affecting the barriers, and strategies to solve them. The data were analyzed by using the qualitative descriptive method. The instruments used were Forum Group Discussion (FGD), interview, and observation. The research informants were the second grade students of Ilmu Agama Islam (IAI) department at MA Asā€™adiyah Putri Sengkang. The result of the research showed that some barriers that the students encountered were barriers in word ordering, grammar, the use of pronoun, the use of idiom, and lack of vocabulary. The barriers occurred because of some factors affecting, such as limited learning media, lack of English book references, limited English learning (only at school), lack of interest in both the English material and the teacherā€™s teaching method, and the differences of studentsā€™ ability in understanding English learning. Some strategies that the students did in solving the barriers were using a dictionary, using google translate, learning grammar from a book, asking the teacher or asking the other friends, learning English from the movies and songs, accessing Internet to learn in the Internet stall, and taking a course


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    Abstract This study aimed to describe the integration of character education values and the feasibility of learning materials for character education values in the thematic textbook theme VII, "Events in Life," for class V students. This study was qualitative with a discourse analysis research design. The data sources in this study were the 7th-theme "Events in Life" of the thematic textbook for class V students at MIS Muhammadiyah Gowa. The instruments used were interview guidelines and data cards. Data processing and analysis techniques were carried out in three stages: data condensation, data presentation, data verification and conclusion drawing. The results showed that there were 14 values of character education in the thematic book, religious character values, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creativity, democratic, curiosity, national spirit, love for the homeland, friendly/communicative, peace-loving, fond of reading, social care, and responsibility. Three main things were found, which indicated that the book has the feasibility to be studied by students, namely: (1) increasing faith and piety, (2) character and mastery of science and technology, and (3) increasing sensitivity and concern.Abstract This study aimed to describe the integration of character education values and the feasibility of learning materials for character education values in the thematic textbook theme VII, "Events in Life," for class V students. This study was qualitative with a discourse analysis research design. The data sources in this study were the 7th-theme "Events in Life" of the thematic textbook for class V students at MIS Muhammadiyah Gowa. The instruments used were interview guidelines and data cards. Data processing and analysis techniques were carried out in three stages: data condensation, data presentation, data verification and conclusion drawing. The results showed that there were 14 values of character education in the thematic book, religious character values, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creativity, democratic, curiosity, national spirit, love for the homeland, friendly/communicative, peace-loving, fond of reading, social care, and responsibility. Three main things were found, which indicated that the book has the feasibility to be studied by students, namely: (1) increasing faith and piety, (2) character and mastery of science and technology, and (3) increasing sensitivity and concern

    Character Education Values That Work in Islamic Senior High School Setting

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    The purpose of study is to discover the character education values that are integrated in lesson plan, implemented in the classroom setting, and classroom academic rules. This is a case study research that focused on describing the integration of character education program in the Model Islamic senior high school of Makassar, Indonesia. Fifty lesson plans were collected, twenty six informants were observed, and five informants were interviewed to have data on character education values that work. The data were analyzed using qualitative approach; data reduction, data display, conclusion, and verification. The result showed that (1) there are eighteen character education values written in the lesson plan; religious, honest, tolerant, discipline, hard working, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, the spirit of nationalism, love to motherland,  appreciation of achievement, friendly, peaceful, love to read, environmental and social care, responsibility, (2) the values that work in the classroom are religious, trustworthy, respectfulness, diligent, fair, care, integrity, responsible, honest, love to motherland, courage, and (3) the values that work in the academic rules are disciplines, care, tolerant, friendly, responsible.Studi ini bertujuan untuk menemukan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang diintegrasikan melalui Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, diimplementasikan dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran di kelas dan aturan akademik sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus yang diarahkan pada pendeskripsian integrasi program pendidikan karakter pada Madasah Aliyah Negeri Model Makassar, Indonesia. Sebanyak 50 RPP dikumpulkan, duapuluh enam informan diamati, dan lima informan diwawancarai untuk memperoleh data tentang nilai-nilai karakter yang dijalankan. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitiatif; reduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi, dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) terdapat delapan belas karakter yang tertulis pada RPP mencakup religius, jujur, toleran, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, mandiri, demokratis, keingintahuan, semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat, cinta damai, gemar membaca, peduli lingkungan, peduli sosial, dan bertanggungjawab, (2) nilai-nilai karakter yang diintegrasikan dalam ruang kelas adalah religius,amanah, hormat, rajin, adil, peduli, integritas, bertanggungjawab, jujur, cinta tanah air, keberanian, dan (3) nilai-nilai karakter dalam penegakkan aturan sekolah adalah disiplin, peduli, toleran, bersahabat, dan bertanggungjawab.&nbsp

    Evaluasi Program Pendampingan Guru SD Dalam Implementasi Kurikulum 2013

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    : The purpose of this study was to evaluate mentoring program of 2013 curriculum that focused on planning and implementation phases. The study was conducted in Cluster III Jatiasih District of Bekasi. The type of research was evaluation study by mixed method to analyze the data. The data source consisted of the chairman of the cluster, national instructor of 2013 curriculum, and the model teachers. The research instruments were interview guide, observation sheets, questionnaires, and documentation tools. The techniques of qualitative data analysis include data reduction displays, conclusion drawing and verification. Quantitative data were analyzed by calculating the percentage based on the criteria ā€œnot good, poorly good, fairly good, good, and excellent. The results showed that the mentoring program planning is done through a six steps; designing objectives, identifying potential, facilitating orientation, matching, preparing equipment, implemenĀ­taĀ­tion, evaluation and revision. There were constraints faced by teachers in impleĀ­menting the 2013 curriculum, namely scientific approach, making daily quiz, score recapitulation and report card. Implementation of 2013 curriculum menĀ­toĀ­ring leads to cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. The teachers' opinion on the mentoring program of 2013 curriculum was in the good category

    Determination Of Poverty Indicators Based On The Dimensions Of Health Quality And Economic Quality Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) In The Province North Sumatera

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    Poverty is one of the problems in Indonesia's complex and fundamental economy. Poverty is a condition where a person is unable to fulfill his basic needs. Solutions need to be found to overcome or at least reduce poverty. To overcome the problem of poverty, indicators need to be considered that affect poverty levels. In this study poverty is seen through two dimensions, namely Health Quality and Economic Quality. This research was conducted to determine poverty indicators based on dimensions of health quality and economic quality with the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) method. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) is used unidimensionally to identify indicator variables that can measure health and economic quality. The analysis used was 25 districts and 8 cities in North Sumatra Province. The results showed that health quality can be measured through 10 indicators and economic quality can be measured also through 10 indicator

    Wound Healing Effects of Edible Birdā€™s Nests Oinment (Aerodramus fuciphagus) in Alloxan-Induced Male Rats

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    Edible bird's nest (Aedrodramus fuchipagus) contains EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor) and sialic acid which is useful in wound healing. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of edible bird's nest on the injured Alloxan-induced rats to form optimal ointment formulation of edible bird's nest (Aedrodramus fuchipagus) which can heal wounds. The method used in this research is experimental using 25 Sprague Dawley rats divided into 5 groups in which each group consists of 5 rats; Group I was the control group (Vaseline + BetadineĀ®), Group II, III, and IV were the group of EBN + BetadineĀ® with concentrations of 10%, 20%, and 30%; and Group V was of the Sanoskin MeladermĀ® (SM) + BetadineĀ® group. The rats were modeled for diabetes by inducing Alloxan (150mg/kgBW/i.p) and exposed with DM when the blood sugar level was > 200 mg/dL. The back skins were sliced as long as 2 cm and 2 mm depth and were given treatment according to the group, 1 x daily for 10 days. Parameters that were noticed were length wound, length of the dry wound, and the number of days of scab formation. The results obtained in the control group were 10%, 20%, and 30% on the EBN group, and the SM group on the 9th day were 1.3Ā±0.2449, 0.34Ā±0.427, 0.56Ā±0.4586, 0Ā±0, 0Ā±0. The results of the average length of the dry wound in the control group were 10%, 20%, and 30% on the EBN group, and the SM group were 1Ā±0.5, 2Ā±1.5, 4Ā±0, 8, 1Ā±0.8, and 2Ā±0.63. While the result of the average day of scab formation on the control group was 10%, 20%, and 30% on the EBN groups, SM Groups were 1.3Ā±0.47, 2.2Ā±1.6, 3.8Ā±0.8, 1Ā±0, and 2Ā±0.63. Based on Kruskal Wallis test, there were significant differences in the wound length among treatment groups (sig 0.013) and significant differences in dry wounds among treatment groups (sig 0.046), but there was no difference in the time of scab formation among treatment groups (sig 0.066). In conclusion, edible birdā€™s nest (Aedrodramus fuchipagus) ointment concentration of 30% is the most optimal ointment to wound healing in Alloxan-induced male rats when compared to Sanoskin Melladerm


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    This article discusses the influence of the application of online learning with the presentation system of the hiwar method and the assignment method on interest in Islamic education subject (PAI) learning at Senior High School (SMAN) 5 Soppeng. The type of research this research is ex-post facto. Ex-post facto research is research in which the independent variables have been treated, or treatment was not carried out at the time of the research.Ā In this research, the data generated is not in the form of numbers, but data that is expressed symbolically in the form of words. The learning methods that have been offered by the government, are not fully heeded by students. The reason is that many of them feel bored and tired due to the many tasks given by educators. The lesson schedule takes place like classroom learning, but learning is carried out at home so that if there are four subjects in a day, then they will get four assignments at once. To overcome this, it is necessary to have an interest in learning from students
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