93 research outputs found

    Arginine enriched EN after total gastrectomy

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    The effects of early enteral arginine-rich nutrition (EAN) were analyzed among patients undergoing curative-intent total gastrectomy for gastric cancer. There were 19 patients in this prospective study, all randomly assigned to either a parenteral nutrition (PN) group or an EAN group for the first seven days after surgery. The EAN group received 1.8-fold greater arginine (10.1 g / day) compared with the PN group, which was administered through an enteral tube inserted into the jejunal loop. Both groups were provided almost identical amounts of total amino acids (54 g / day), and the total energy was set at 65% of the total requirement (25 kcal / kg / day). No significant differences were observed between the two groups in postoperative complications, length of hospital stay, oral intake, nutritional status, or body weight. The serum arginine profile was similar in the two groups, as it decreased significantly on postoperative day (POD) 1, and gradually returned to preoperative levels by POD 7. The nitrogen balance remained negative until POD 7 in the PN group, but turned neutral at POD 7 in the EAN group. While we could not confirm body weight loss improvement, these results suggested that early arginine-rich enteral nutrition could improve the nitrogen balance after total gastrectomy

    An Arabidopsis SBP-domain fragment with a disrupted C-terminal zinc-binding site retains its tertiary structure

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    AbstractSQUAMOSA promoter-binding proteins (SBPs) form a major family of plant-specific transcription factors, mainly related to flower development. SBPs share a highly conserved DNA-binding domain of ∼80 amino acids (SBP domain), which contains two non-interleaved zinc-binding sites formed by eight conserved Cys or His residues. In the present study, an Arabidopsis SPL12 SBP-domain fragment that lacks a Cys residue involved in the C-terminal zinc-binding pocket was found to retain a folded structure, even though only a single Zn2+ ion binds to the fragment. Solution structure of this fragment determined by NMR is very similar to the previously determined structures of the full SBP domains of Arabidopsis SPL4 and SPL7. Considering the previous observations that chelating all the Zn2+ ions of SBPs resulted in the complete unfolding of the structure and that a mutation of the Cys residue equivalent to that described above impaired the DNA-binding activity, we propose that the Zn2+ ion at the N-terminal site is necessary to maintain the overall tertiary structure, while the Zn2+ ion at the C-terminal site is necessary for the DNA binding, mainly by guiding the basic C-terminal loop to correctly fit into the DNA groove

    家事・育児における性別役割分業とサポートネットワーク : 名古屋・ハルビン・コペンハーゲンの比較考察

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     本稿の目的は、日本(名古屋)、中国(ハルビン)とデンマーク(コペンハーゲン)を対象に家事や育児の遂行のあり方を性別役割分業とサポートネットワークの視点から明らかにし、各地域の特徴を考察すること、および、名古屋における問題と課題を明らかにすることである。 本調査から、第1 に、育児に対するポジティブな主観的評価は、コペンハーゲン、ハルビン、名古屋の順に高いこと、第2 に、性別役割分業意識は、名古屋、ハルビン、コペンハーゲンの順に強固であることがわかった。そして第3 に、育児・家事に対するサポートは、コペンハーゲン、名古屋で比較的多く、ハルビンにおいて少なかった。  名古屋においては、育児に対するネガティブな主観的評価が高くなっていた。夫・親族・友人らによるインフォーマルな育児サポートネットワークは存在してるものの、日常の家事・育児は夫婦をその担い手とし8割近くが妻の負担となっていた。夫はサポートネットワークの主たるエージェントであるが、日常的に役割を共有できる存在とはなっていない。名古屋には依然として性別役割分業規範が根強く存続していることが明らかになった。「孤育て」問題を解消するためには、夫婦間の家事・育児の役割共有に向けジェンダーの変容を促進するための政策を継続して推進することが必要である

    Detection of Transgenes in Gene Delivery Model Mice by Adenoviral Vector Using ddPCR

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    With the rapid progress of genetic engineering and gene therapy, the World Anti-Doping Agency has been alerted to gene doping and prohibited its use in sports. However, there is no standard method available yet for the detection of transgenes delivered by recombinant adenoviral (rAdV) vectors. Here, we aim to develop a detection method for transgenes delivered by rAdV vectors in a mouse model that mimics gene doping. These rAdV vectors containing the mCherry gene was delivered in mice through intravenous injection or local muscular injection. After five days, stool and whole blood samples were collected, and total DNA was extracted. As additional experiments, whole blood was also collected from the mouse tail tip until 15 days from injection of the rAdv vector. Transgene fragments from different DNA samples were analyzed using semi-quantitative PCR (sqPCR), quantitative PCR (qPCR), and droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). In the results, transgene fragments could be directly detected from blood cell fraction DNA, plasma cell-free DNA, and stool DNA by qPCR and ddPCR, depending on specimen type and injection methods. We observed that a combination of blood cell fraction DNA and ddPCR was more sensitive than other combinations used in this model. These results could accelerate the development of detection methods for gene doping

    Hepatic Arterial Infusion Therapy with Cisplatin using Protein Binding Inhibition : Pharmacokinetics and Antineoplastic Effects of Cisplatin Combined with L-Cysteine in Rats

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    Cisplatin の蛋白結合には共有結合が関与しており、L-cysteine はcisplatin の共有結合を低下させる。そこで、この蛋白結合阻害を利用してcisplatin の肝動注療法の応用性について検討を行った。実験では、Donryu系雄性ラットにおけるL-cysteine 併用時におけるcisplatin の体内動態と抗腫瘍効果の影響について検討した。その結果、L-cysteine 併用においてcisplatin のtotal とfree 濃度に有意な差はみられなかった。また肝癌ラットを使用したin vivo 実験系において、L-cysteine を併用したcisplatin の肝動注はcisplatin のみの投与に比べ、腫瘍増殖率が抑えられる傾向であることを示した。さらに肝組織中における腫瘍部と非腫瘍部におけるcisplatin 濃度において、L-cysteine 併用により腫瘍部と非腫瘍部に有意な差を認めることができた (p<0.01)。以上の結果より、L-cysteine の併用はcisplatin の肝動注療法へ応用できると考えられる。Covalent binding is involved in the protein binding of cisplatin. L-cysteine reduces the covalent binding of cisplatin. We investigated hepatic arterial infusion therapy with cisplatin using protein binding inhibition. In the present experiment, the pharmacokinetics and antineoplastic effects of cisplatin combined with L-cysteine in male Donryu rats were investigated. As a result, no significant difference was noted in the total and free concentrations of cisplatin combined with L-cysteine. In an in vivo experiment using rats with liver cancer, the hepatic arterial infusion of cisplatin combined with L-cysteine showed that it was the tendency that tumor growth rate was inhibited in comparison with administration only for cisplatin. In addition, concentrations of cisplatin increased significantly between tumor and non-tumor regions in liver tissue when combined with L-cysteine (p<0.01). Thus, L-cysteine can be combined with cisplatin for hepatic arterial infusion therapy

    Viral Replication Rate Regulates Clinical Outcome and CD8 T Cell Responses during Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Influenza Virus Infection in Mice

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    Since the first recorded infection of humans with H5N1 viruses of avian origin in 1997, sporadic human infections continue to occur with a staggering mortality rate of >60%. Although sustained human-to-human transmission has not occurred yet, there is a growing concern that these H5N1 viruses might acquire this trait and raise the specter of a pandemic. Despite progress in deciphering viral determinants of pathogenicity, we still lack crucial information on virus/immune system interactions pertaining to severe disease and high mortality associated with human H5N1 influenza virus infections. Using two human isolates of H5N1 viruses that differ in their pathogenicity in mice, we have defined mechanistic links among the rate of viral replication, mortality, CD8 T cell responses, and immunopathology. The extreme pathogenicity of H5N1 viruses was directly linked to the ability of the virus to replicate rapidly, and swiftly attain high steady-state titers in the lungs within 48 hours after infection. The remarkably high replication rate of the highly pathogenic H5N1 virus did not prevent the induction of IFN-β or activation of CD8 T cells, but the CD8 T cell response was ineffective in controlling viral replication in the lungs and CD8 T cell deficiency did not affect viral titers or mortality. Additionally, BIM deficiency ameliorated lung pathology and inhibited T cell apoptosis without affecting survival of mice. Therefore, rapidly replicating, highly lethal H5N1 viruses could simply outpace and overwhelm the adaptive immune responses, and kill the host by direct cytopathic effects. However, therapeutic suppression of early viral replication and the associated enhancement of CD8 T cell responses improved the survival of mice following a lethal H5N1 infection. These findings suggest that suppression of early H5N1 virus replication is key to the programming of an effective host response, which has implications in treatment of this infection in humans


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    昭和55年において,三重県地域住民に対する各保健所の健康教室,集団検診などの参加者1,201世帯を対象とし,参加者に持参させたみそ汁の食塩濃度を測定した。その結果について検討をおこなった。(1)三重県下地域住民のみそ汁の食塩濃度の平均値は1.08%であったが,各保健所ともにその値に著しいバラツキがみられた。(2)上記みそ汁の適正濃度(0.8%)以上のからずき世帯率を保健所別にみた場合は,桑名では67.8%,四日市では62.5%,鈴鹿では79.5%,津では74.6%,松阪では72.8%,上野では81.2%であった。このからすぎ世帯率において,高血圧者在宅世帯と非高血圧者在宅世帯との間には相関関係はみられなかった。(3)ついで,保健所別脳血管疾患死亡率とからずき世帯率との間には相関関係は認められなかった。In 1980 having 1,201 families participated in the health school and mass examination was held by the Regional Health Centers in Mie Prefecture. And, salt concentrations of miso soup brought by those participants were measured. The results were analyzed as follows: (1) The mean concentration of salt in miso soup referring to the regional inhabitants in Mie Prefecture was 1.08%, however, the values were markedly fluctuated by Health Centers. (2) Those families in favor of the saltier taste than the adequate concentration (0.8%) of the miso soup were noted at 67.8% in Kuwana, 62.5% in Yokkaichi, 79.5% in Suzuka, 74.6% in Tsu, 72.8% in Matsuzaka and 81.2% in Ueno. Among those families of salty taste lovers, no correlation was observed between hypertension and nonhypertension. (3) When classified by Health Centers, no correlation was observed between the mortality from cerebrovascular diseases and the percentage of salty taste loving families

    Nationwide surveillance of bacterial respiratory pathogens conducted by the surveillance committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy, the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases, and the Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology in 2010: General view of the pathogens\u27 antibacterial susceptibility

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    The nationwide surveillance on antimicrobial susceptibility of bacterial respiratory pathogens from patients in Japan, was conducted by Japanese Society of Chemotherapy, Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases and Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology in 2010.The isolates were collected from clinical specimens obtained from well-diagnosed adult patients with respiratory tract infections during the period from January and April 2010 by three societies. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was conducted at the central reference laboratory according to the method recommended by Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institutes using maximum 45 antibacterial agents.Susceptibility testing was evaluable with 954 strains (206 Staphylococcus aureus, 189 Streptococcus pneumoniae, 4 Streptococcus pyogenes, 182 Haemophilus influenzae, 74 Moraxella catarrhalis, 139 Klebsiella pneumoniae and 160 Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Ratio of methicillin-resistant S.aureus was as high as 50.5%, and those of penicillin-intermediate and -resistant S.pneumoniae were 1.1% and 0.0%, respectively. Among H.influenzae, 17.6% of them were found to be β-lactamase-non-producing ampicillin (ABPC)-intermediately resistant, 33.5% to be β-lactamase-non-producing ABPC-resistant and 11.0% to be β-lactamase-producing ABPC-resistant strains. Extended spectrum β-lactamase-producing K.pneumoniae and multi-drug resistant P.aeruginosa with metallo β-lactamase were 2.9% and 0.6%, respectively.Continuous national surveillance of antimicrobial susceptibility of respiratory pathogens is crucial in order to monitor changing patterns of susceptibility and to be able to update treatment recommendations on a regular basis