
昭和55年において,三重県地域住民に対する各保健所の健康教室,集団検診などの参加者1,201世帯を対象とし,参加者に持参させたみそ汁の食塩濃度を測定した。その結果について検討をおこなった。(1)三重県下地域住民のみそ汁の食塩濃度の平均値は1.08%であったが,各保健所ともにその値に著しいバラツキがみられた。(2)上記みそ汁の適正濃度(0.8%)以上のからずき世帯率を保健所別にみた場合は,桑名では67.8%,四日市では62.5%,鈴鹿では79.5%,津では74.6%,松阪では72.8%,上野では81.2%であった。このからすぎ世帯率において,高血圧者在宅世帯と非高血圧者在宅世帯との間には相関関係はみられなかった。(3)ついで,保健所別脳血管疾患死亡率とからずき世帯率との間には相関関係は認められなかった。In 1980 having 1,201 families participated in the health school and mass examination was held by the Regional Health Centers in Mie Prefecture. And, salt concentrations of miso soup brought by those participants were measured. The results were analyzed as follows: (1) The mean concentration of salt in miso soup referring to the regional inhabitants in Mie Prefecture was 1.08%, however, the values were markedly fluctuated by Health Centers. (2) Those families in favor of the saltier taste than the adequate concentration (0.8%) of the miso soup were noted at 67.8% in Kuwana, 62.5% in Yokkaichi, 79.5% in Suzuka, 74.6% in Tsu, 72.8% in Matsuzaka and 81.2% in Ueno. Among those families of salty taste lovers, no correlation was observed between hypertension and nonhypertension. (3) When classified by Health Centers, no correlation was observed between the mortality from cerebrovascular diseases and the percentage of salty taste loving families

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