30 research outputs found
Relativistic Effects in the Transverse Flow in the Molecular Dynamics Framework
In order to investigate relativistic effects we compare the transverse flow
calculated by using the four versions of the QMD approaches with that of the
full covariant RQMD approach. From the comparison we conclude that the
simplified RQMD (RQMD/S), which uses the common time coordinate to all
particles, can be used instead of RQMD up to 6 GeV/u.Comment: 6pages, Latex is used, 1 Postscript figures are available by request
from [email protected]
Spatial 3D imaging by synthetic and digitized holography
A novel method named digitized holography is proposed for 3D display systems. This is the technique replacing the whole process of classical holography with digital processing of optical wave-fields. The digitized holography allows us to edit holograms and reconstruct spatial 3D images including real-existent objects and CG-modeled virtual objects.2011 3DTV-Conference: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video (3DTV-CON 2011), 16-18 May 2011, Antalya, Turke
New techniques for wave-field rendering of polygon-based high-definition CGHs
Four novel techniques are introduced into polygon-based high-definition CGHs(PBHD-CGH) that feature the true-fine spatial 3D image accompanied with a strong sensation of depth. The first is algorithm for creatingspecular surfaces based on Phong reflection model. This is very useful for providing a feel of material to polygonal surfaces. The second technique is called digitized holography that replaces the entire processes of classical holography by their digital counterparts. The wave-field of real-existent objects can be optically reconstructed by the digitized holography. This technique makes it possible to edit the 3D scene of holograms or create mixed 3D scene of the real and virtual objects. Another technique for creating PBHD-CGH of real-existent objects is also proposed by a CG-like method using a 3D laser scanner that measures the 3D shape of the object. Finally,a prototype PBHD-CGH is demonstrated for creating landscape scenery. This CGH is intended to reconstruct a scene as if the viewers see mountain scenery through the window given by the CGH.he authors thank Prof. Kanaya for his assistance in 3D scan of live faces. The mesh data for the Venus object is provided courtesy of INRIA by the AIM@SHAPE Shape Repository. This work was supported by the JSPS.KAKENHI (21500114
Global Norms, Local Activism, and Social Movement Outcomes: Global Human Rights and Resident Koreans in Japan
The authors integrate social movement outcomes research and the world society approach to build a theoretical model to examine the impact of global and local factors on movement outcomes. Challenging the current research on policy change, which rarely examines the effects of global norms and local activism in one analysis, they argue (1) that global regimes empower and embolden local social movements and increase pressure on target governments from below, and (2) that local activists appeal to international forums with help from international activists to pressure the governments from above. When the pressures from the top and the bottom converge, social movements are more likely to succeed. Furthermore, these pressures are stronger in countries integrated into global society and on issues with strong global norms. The empirical analysis of social movements by resident Koreans in Japan advocating for four types of human rights—civil, political, social/economic, and cultural—demonstrates that the movements produced more successes as Japan\u27s involvement in the international human rights regime expanded since the late 1970s, and that activism on issues with strong global norms achieved greater successes. The analysis also shows that lack of cohesive domestic activism can undercut the chances of social movements\u27 success even with strong global norms on the issue
京都大学0048新制・論文博士工学博士乙第1860号論工博第452号新制||工||202(附属図書館)2981UT51-46-G139(主査)教授 西原 宏, 教授 岐美 格, 教授 柴田 俊一学位規則第5条第2項該当Kyoto UniversityDA