8 research outputs found

    Research of content parameters of the professional self-realization of future fire safety specialists

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    The research purpose is a theoretical analysis and empirical study of content parameters of professional self-realization of future fire safety specialists. The author implemented a retrospective analysis and identified key parameters of the professional self-realization of a future rescuer. A summative assessment with the construction of a correlation matrix of significant relationships between key parameters was applied, and graphical visualization of the obtained data was presented. The psychophysiological state was analyzed at the training facility “Psychological training ground”. Significant relationships were established within the parameters: “Propensity for risk” and “Need for recognition” (rs = .291; p ≤ .01) and “Need to set complex goals and achieve them” (rs = .208; p ≤. 01); “Will, Openness and Democracy” with “Need for recognition” (rs = .219; p ≤ .01). It was found that the vital goal-value of “Will, Openness and Democracy” has a high operational capacity and is a key value orientation in respondents’ professional self-realization. It is generalized that obtained scientific facts of the empirical research should be operationalized in academic and professional training of fire safety specialists

    Емпатія як чинник розвитку особистісних складових професійної самореалізації майбутніх рятувальників

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    The article theoretically substantiates and empiricallydefines the interrelation between empathy and characteristicsof future rescuers’ professional self-realization.The purpose of the article is a theoreticaland empirical research of empathy as a factor inthe development of characteristics of the professionalself-realization of future rescuers. Research methods.The authors used the following psychodiagnostic tools to conduct an empirical research: “Diagnosticsof the level of empathic abilities” by V. Boyko, “S. Ritchie& P. Martin motivational profile test”; “Determinationof personal life goals and values” by P. Ivanov, E. Kolobova;“A.M. Schubert risk propensity test”; “SACS” byS. Hobfoll (adapted by N. Vodopianova and O. Starchenkova);“Forecast” (neuropsychic instability assessment).Grade point average (GPA) for majorities wasused as an additional variable. Correlation analysiswas applied. Results. Based on the empirical research,it was found that the respondents who are about torisk perform assertive and careful actions, demonstratehigh rates of empathy, need high financial support,strive for development and recognition fromothers, and are able to set complex tasks and completethem. The respondents also seek high tangible security,power, health, personal growth, and love. Correlationanalysis showed that empathy has interrelationswith such parameters as safety and security, serviceto people, personal growth, satisfaction, risk propensity,assertive actions, social contact, impulsive actions,aggressive actions, a favorable prognosis of neuropsychiatricstability, and the need to form stable relationships(GPA is 5.0-4.1 and 4.0-3.1). Conclusions. It isgeneralized that under correlation analysis, empathyhas strong interrelations with almost all personal componentsof the professional self-realization of futurerescuers.У статті теоретично обґрунтовано і емпіричновизначено взаємозв’язок емпатії та параметрів професійної самореалізації майбутніх рятувальників. Метою статті є теоретико-емпіричнедослідження емпатії як чинника розвитку параметрів професійної самореалізації майбутніхрятувальників. Методи дослідження. Для проведення емпіричного дослідження використано психодіагностичні інструменти: “Діагностика рівняемпатійних здібностей” В. Бойко, “Вивчення мотиваційного профілю особистості” Ш. Річі і П. Мартіна; “Визначення життєвих цілей та цінностейособистості” П. Іванов, Є. Колобова; “Діагностикарівня готовності до ризику” А. Шуберта; “SACS”С. Хобфола (в адаптації Н. Водоп’янової і О. Старченкової); “Прогноз” (оцінка нервово-психічноїнестійкості). Як додаткова змінна використаносередній бал з профільних дисциплін. Застосованокореляційне аналізування. Результати. На основіпроведеного емпіричного дослідження встановлено, що респонденти, які готові ризикувати, здійснюють асертивні та обережні дії, демонструютьвисокі показники емпатійності, потребують високого фінансового забезпечення, прагнуть до розвитку та визнання зі сторони інших людей, здатніставити перед собою складні завдання та реалізовувати їх. Також респонденти прагнуть високогоматеріального забезпечення, влади, здоров’я, особистісного зростання та кохання. Кореляційнеаналізування засвідчило, що емпатія має взаємозв’язки із такими параметрами, як: безпека та захищеність, служіння людям, особистісне зростання,відчуття задоволення, готовність до ризику, асертивні дії, встановлення соціального контакту,імпульсивні дії, агресивні дії, сприятливий прогнознервово-психічної стійкості та потреба формуватистабільні взаємини (середній бал 5.0-4.1 та 4.0-3.1).Висновки. Узагальнено, що на основі кореляційного аналізування емпатія має тісні взаємозв’язкипрактично з усіма особистісними складовими професійної самореалізації майбутніх рятувальників

    Empirical research of student leadership’s content parameters

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    The aim of this article was to perform a retrospective analysis and generalization of the content parameters of student leadership through an empirical study. Sociometric method and psychodiagnostic instruments were used to establish the values of student group leaders. Significant correlations between the studied leadership parameters were found. The sociometric status of student leaders was determined and their values were clarified. The stages and challenges of forming student leadership qualities were outlined. The model of the development of student leadership qualities was graphically constructed and substantiated. It was generalized that the empirical study of the content parameters of student leadership contains significant scientific facts that should be implemented in the educational process; the data can be useful to university administrations and student group curators

    Results of the Implementation of a Comprehensive Socio-Psychological Program to Foster Professional Empathy Among Professionals in the Helping Professions

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    The article presents the results of research on the empathy of policemen, rescuers, doctors and psychologists, as the best representatives among helpers. It also describes the qualitative and quantitative changes in the levels of empathy among these specialists after the implementation of a comprehensive socio-psychological program.The goal is the approval of a complex socio-psychological program for the formation of professional empathy among specialists in helping professions, in particular, police officers, rescuers, doctors and psychologists. To conduct the research, the following methods were used: psychodiagnostic technique “Diagnostics of the empathic abilities level” by V. Boiko, content analysis, and Wilcoxon t-criteria to determine statistically significant shifts. The results. On the basis of the conducted research, it was established that empathy undergoes positive changes under the influence of the proposed comprehensive social-psychological program. As we can see the t-Wilcoxon results showed statistically significant shifts at the p&lt;0.01 and p&lt;0.001 levels. Positive changes occurred among representatives of all studied professions, however, the highest rates of change were found among psychologists and police officers.Conclusions. Theoretical analysis shows that empathy is mostly considered as an emotional component of the personality, which often appears in a negative way for specialists of some professions. However, the empathy of rescuers, police officers, doctors and psychologists manifests itself through a behavioral component and contributes to the emergence of empathic actions. Therefore, the positive results of the implementation of a complex socio-psychological program allow us to insist on the effectiveness and feasibility of its application for other specialists in the field of helping professions.</p

    The criminal responsibility for defamation of knowingly innocent

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    The scientific article analyzes the acute discussion in law enforcement practice and procedural science of the problem of the possibility of criminal prosecution of a suspect, accused of defaming a knowingly innocent person in the commission of a crime. The theoretical basis of the article are scientific works on criminal law and criminal procedural law (both domestic researchers and foreign experts). A set of general scientific, special scientific and philosophical methods of scientific knowledge has been used while preparing the scientific article, in particular dialectical, historical, comparative, dogmatic (formal-logical), system-structural analysis, modeling. It is substantiated in the article that the behavior of the suspect, accused, which is manifested in slandering of a knowingly innocent person, does not constitute the right to freedom from self-disclosure. It is also proved that both freedom from self-disclosure and the right to defense in criminal proceedings must have certain limits, in particular, it is rights and interests of other subjects protected by criminal law. We  stated that the suspect or accused should be liable for misleading the court and pre-trial investigation bodies even if such deception was used to protect against the suspicion (or accusation), to avoid criminal liability