500 research outputs found

    The Application of Drip Irrigation System on Cauliflower (Brassica Oleracea Var. Botrytis L. Subvar. Cauliflora Dc) in Agreenhouse

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    The research aimed to test performance of a drip irrigation system to irrigate cauliflower cultivated in a greenhouse. The drip irrigation system using emitter type regulating stick emitter as many 315. One Main pipe, one manifold, and four lateral pipes were from PE types with the diameter of 13 mm. The methods to deliver irrigation water were by using a small pump 13 Watt and by using gravitational pressure with head 155 cm. Variables observed were emission uniformity (EU), water requirement, plant growth, and water productivity. The results showed that Emission uniformities were 64,49 % for gravitational flow and 61,46 % for pumping flow. These values were still below recommended, that is 75 % - 85 %. The minimum, maximum, and mean reference evapotranspiration (ETo) were recorded as 5,80 mm/day, 9,70 mm/day, and 7,20 mm/day. Whilst crop evapotranspiration (ETc) at the day of 41 after planted was 3.2 mm/day. Average yield of cauliflower was 58 gram per plant, while water productivity was 0,87 gram/litter

    Perangkat Lunak Pembelajaran Materi Perhitungan Turunan pada Kalkulus Dasar

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    Tujuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan adalah untuk menghasilkan perangkat lunak yang dapat membantu mahasiswa untuk mampu dan terampil dalam penyelesaian soal dengan cepat dan tepat. Menggunakan metode penelitian berupa metode research and development dengan bentuk penelitiannya adalah survei. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi literatur, observasi, dan wawancara. Menggunakan metode perancangan ADDIE (analysys, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). Alat bantu perancangan perangkat lunak yang digunakan adalah UML (unified modelling language, algoritma, dan flowchart .Teknik pengujian yang digunakan adalah pengujian blackbox. Perangkat lunak ini mempermudah proses belajar seperti memudahkan dalam memahami materi, dikarenakan materi yang disampaikan disertai contoh soal. Pada proses perhitungan dilakukan secara bertahap dan hasil perhitungan dapat disimpan dalam bentuk file *.HTML. Perangkat lunak ini, dapat digunakan oleh user untuk mempermudah dalam memahami materi turunan, dan user dapat mencetak dan melihat hasil perhitungan tanpa membuka perangkat lunak ini


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    PT. Pionir Beton Industri Plant Yogyakarta has not implemented the occupational health and safety program optimally. The number of work accidents occurred on PT. Pionir Beton Industri Plant Yogyakarta from 2015 to 2017 were 10, 8, and 7 events. The working condition indicated that the stuffs or the rest of production scattered on the production floor, the company has not implemented the material arrangement yet, not all workers maintain the cleanliness, undisciplined workers. The analyze of problem was conducted using 5S method, and also measure the frequency rate, severity rate, incidence rate, and frequency severity indicator. The frequency rate results showed 75.483 hours, 60.386 hours, and 52.838 hours from 2015 to 2017. The Severity rate results showed 679.347 days, 603,864 days and 366.123 days from 2015 to 2017. The Incidence Rate results showed 21,7%, 17,4%, and 15,2% from 2015 to 2017. The Frequency Severity Indicator results showed 51.279 times, 36.386 times, and 29.912 times from 2015 to 2017. The work productivity was strongly influenced total work hours of workers and the number of workdays lost. The 5S method analyze results showed that the actual condition did not meet the requirement of 5S method

    Implikasi tugas dan kewenangan mahkamah konstitusi dalam penyelesaian sengketa hasil pemilukada (studi kasus putusan mahkamah konstitusi nomor 57/PHPU.D-VI/2008 tentang pemilukada Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan) Implikasi tugas dan kewenangan mahkamah konstitusi dalam penyelesaian sengketa hasil pemilukada (studi kasus putusan mahkamah konstitusi nomor 57/PHPU.D-VI/2008 tentang pemilukada Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan)

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mengkaji dan menjawab permasalahan mengenai bagaimana pelaksanaan penyelesaian sengketa hasil pemilukada di Mahkamah Konstitusi dan bagaimana implikasi tugas dan wewenang Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam penyelesaian sengketa hasil pemilukada. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian normatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang meliputi bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder dan bahan hukum tersier. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi dokumen dengan teknik analisis isi (content analysis). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan yang telah penulis paparkan pada Bab III yang mengacu pada rumusan masalah, maka penulis menyimpulkan sebagai berikut: Dalam Permohonan Pemilu Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan hanya dimohonkan kepada MK untuk memutus pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang terjadi dalam Pemilu Kepala Daerah tetapi dalam Putusan MK Nomor 57/PHPU.D-VI/2008 tentang Perselisihan Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah dan Wakil Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan, disini Mahkamah Konstitusi telah memutus melebihi permohonan yang diajukan pemohon dan memutus di luar kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi yaitu memutus untuk dilakukannya Pemilu Kepala Daerah Ulang tanpa ikut serta pasangan calon Nomor Urut 7 (H. Dirwan Mahmud dan H. Hartawan, S.H.). Untuk penetapan dilakukannnya Pemilu Kepala Daerah Ulang yang seharusnya menjadi kewenangan KPU dan bukan merupakan kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi. Dalam Putusan MK Nomor 57/PHPU.D-VI/2008 tentang Perselisihan Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan yang memerintahkan kepada Komisi Pemilihan Umum Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan untuk menyelenggarakan pemungutan suara ulang selambat-lambatnya satu tahun setelah putusan tersebut. Namun ternyata tidak dilaksanakan oleh KPU pada waktu yang telah di putuskan. Hal ini dikarenakan putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi bersifat floating (mengambang) yang tidak mempunyai kekuatan hukum mengikat untuk memerintahkan KPU melaksanakan Putusan tersebut. Terlebih Mahkamah Konstitusi belum mempunyai Eksekutor dalam hal pemberian sanksi bagi yang melanggar putusan tersebut. ABSTRACT This research aims to study and to answer the problem about how the implementation of dispute resolution of local generation result is in Constitution Court and how the implication of task and authority of Constitution Court in resolving the dispute on local general election result. This study belongs to a normative research type that is descriptive in nature. The type of data used was secondary data including primary, secondary and tertiary law materials. Technique of collecting data used was documentation study using content analysis. Considering the result of research and discussion the writer has explained in Chapter III referring to the problem statement, the writer concludes as follows: In the General Election Request of Local Principal of South Bengkulu Regency, the MK (Constitution Court) is only requested to decide the violations occurring in Local Principal General Election but in MK’s Decision Number 57/PHPU.D-VI/2008 about the Dispute on General Election of Local Principal and Deputy of Local Principal of South Bengkulu Regency, here the Constitution Court had decided beyond the request applied by the requester and decided beyond the authority of Constitution Court, that is, deciding the implementation of Local Principal General Reelection without the participation from 7th candidate (H. Dirwan Mahmud and H. Hartawan, S.H). The stipulation of Local Principal General Reelection should be the authority of KPU and not Constitution Court. In the MK’s decision Number 57/PHPU.D-VI/2008 about the Dispute on General Election of Local Principal of South Bengkulu Regency instructing the General Election Commission of South Bengkulu Regency to hold the reelection as late as one year after the decision. But, it is not implemented by the KPU at predefined time. It is because the decision of Constitution Court is floating having no binding law power to instruct the KPU implementing such decision. Moreover, the Constitution court has not had the Executor in the term of sanction imposition to those violating such decision

    Development of E-Powerpoint Based Interactive Learning Media in Economics Subjects Viewed from its Efficiency at SMA Negeri 1 Palembang

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    The purpose of this research is to develop an interactive economic learning media that can be tested for its efficiency. Method The research used in this research is Rnd (Research and Development) research. which uses the Robert March ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implement, Evaluate) model. The data collection technique consisted of a questionnaire . The results showed that the economic interactive learning media was declared efficient according to the combined results of the four validators with an average of 95.8% with a very valid category, and judging from the one to one trial with an average of 98.52% with a very valid category. and the small group trial with an average of 97.05% in the very category. So the interactive economic learning media at SMA Negeri 1 Palembang is very feasible to be used as a learning medium

    Developing The Instrument of E-Learning Evaluation: Study at Vocational School

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    This study aims to develop an instrument for the evaluation of e-learning with Learning Management System (LMS) in vocation school majoring in office administration. The instrument development from CSE-UCLA evaluation model. The sample used was cluster random sampling technique, taken at the small-scale trial stage were 85 respondents and wide-scale trial stage 235 respondents. The instrument was validated employing Aiken, construct validation used was EFA and CFA, Cronbach Alpha was employed the reliability. The result showed that there were five instrument constructs for implementating e-learning. The content validity using the Aiken index indicated a valid item. The validity of the instrument construct was conducted using EFA with a KMO value of 0.751 and each item had an anti-image coefficient >0.5 which means the factor analysis requirements for future met. The fit model based on the CFA result showed the value of Chi-square (X^2) = 239.61, df = 179, P-value = 0.416, RMSEA = 0.000. The loading factor value was 0.41-0.89 (>0.30) which meant that the item was valid. The reliability of the instrument showed a value of 0.791 that all instruments developed were reliabl


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    Tujuan dari penulis laporan Proyek Akhir ini adalah untuk menentukan jenis bahan yang digunakan, proses pembuatannya, mengetahui peralatan yang digunakan serta menentukan langkah kerja yang digunakan dalam pembuatan casing. Sehingga casing tidak mengubah fungsi dari bagian itu sendiri dan meningkatkan nilai estetika casing serta untuk melengkapi komponen yang ada pada mesin pilin besi spiral. Metode proses pembuatan casing dan pengecatan pada mesin pilin besi spiral meliputi : 1) Memeriksa dan mengecek gambar kerja serta menentukan bahan yang akan digunakan, 2) Menentukan alat dan mesin yang akan digunakan, 3) Proses pembuatan casing dan pengecatan 4) Perakitan antara bagian satu dengan yang lain menggunakan las titik/spot welding. Tahapan pembuatan casing ini meliputi: proses pemotongan bahan, proses penekukan bahan, proses pengeboran, proses pengelasan dan proses perakitan benda kerja. Hasil yang dicapai dari keseluruhan proses yang meliputi perancangan, pembuatan dan pengujian terhadap casing mesin pilin besi spiral, dapat disimpulkan bahwa : 1) Bahan yang digunakan adalah pelat eyser dengan ketebalan 0,8 mm dengan ukuran casing pajang 580 mm, lebar atas 210 mm, dan lebar bawah 90 mm dan bahan yang digunakan dalam proses pengecatan adalah cat merah canditone, tiner super, hardener, epoxy/cat dasar, dempul dan amplas, 2) Mesin dan peralatan yang digunakan dalam proses pembuatan casing adalah mesin potong, gunting tangan, mesin tekuk, meja rata, mesin bor, kikir, penggaris, penitik, penggores, mistar siku, mistar gulung, mesin las titik/spot welding, dan peralatan yang digunakan untuk pengecatan adalah spray gun/penyemprot dan kompresor, 3) Proses pembuatan casing meliputi: penggambaran/pengukuran, pemotongan, pengeboran, pengelasan, serta pengujian casing, dan proses pengecatan meliputi: pendempulan, pengamplasan, pengecatan dasar/epoxy, pengecatan merah canditone, 4) Proses perakitan bagian-bagian casing pada mesin pilin besi spiral ini menggunakan sambungan las, dan sambungan mur baut untuk merakit casing dengan rangka. Saat dilakukan pengujian casing berfungsi dengan baik, melindungi operator dari kecelakaan kerja saat melakukan pemilinan

    Analisis Tingkat Kualitas E-learning menggunakan Metode Webqual 4.0 dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA)

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    The quality of an academic institution is influenced by its website. E-learning, as a type of website used for learning, offers flexible learning opportunities. In order to enhance the effectiveness of e-learning services, it is necessary to evaluate and identify areas for improvement. This research aims to evaluate the quality of learning using the webqual 4.0 method and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) to determine gaps and prioritize areas for future improvement. The variables examined in this study include usefulness, information quality, and service interaction quality. A qualitative descriptive design was employed, and data suitability was analysed using the webqual and IPA methods. The research data, consisting of numerical values, was collected through interviews and questionnaires administered to faculty members and students via google form. The evaluation scores for usefulness, information quality, and service interaction quality were found to be 72,9%, 75%, and 74,35%, respectively, indicating good quality. The gap analysis revealed a value of -0,07, suggesting that the e-learning website does not fully meet user expectations. The IPA results showed that quadrants III and IV require improvement due to their low performance, as this can affect the level of importance attributed by users to those attributes


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    But in reality, in the observations of the authors of the vehicles that we encountered, both four-wheeled and two-wheeled, almost every evening until evening, vehicles were found parked on the Flyover on the Sudirman street, Tuanku Tambusai, Sukarno Hatta and HR Subrantas. While the government has clearly provided a symbol of prohibition to stop on the bridge and in the traffic law it clearly states that everyone driving a motorized vehicle on the road is obliged to comply with the stopping and parking requirements. This is dangerous because the flyover is built only for passing vehicles and the vehicle is prohibited from parking or stopping along the body of the flyover because the flyover is not prepared not for stopping vehicles. This type of research is research conducted by identifying the law on how the effectiveness of the law applies in society. The conclusion is that the implementation of the prohibition on parking for motorized vehicle riders in Pekanbaru City flyovers based on Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation which results in disruption of road functions based on Law Number 22 of 2009 is less effective and maximal. This is because there are still many people who do not know about these regulations, Lack of Socialization of Law Number 22 Year 2009 from Law Enforcement Officials, Lack of firm law enforcement officials in implementing criminal sanctions, and Lack of Legal Awareness of the Community itself. Obstacles Faced in the Implementation of the Parking Prohibition for Motorized Vehicle Riders on Flyover in Pekanbaru City Based on Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation are the Legal Substance, Legal Structure, Legal Culture and Facilities or Facilities and the limited facilities and infrastructure. Efforts made to overcome obstacles in the Implementation of the Parking Prohibition for Motorized Vehicle Riders at Pekanbaru City Flyovers Based on Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation are that peace and traffic order is by fostering mutual assistance and assistance among the enforcement officers and the public, the public workers' office of transportation without neglecting their respective interests in the framework of increasing obedience and compliance, thus the Government's hope of improving services in traffic order in a peaceful and orderly condition in the regions can be realized. Apart from that, the implementation of traffic control, tranquility and orderliness can also be carried out by utilizing public facilities and facilities, increasing legal awareness, increasing the number of police personnel in the traffic sphere and repressive actions. Keywords: Implementation, No Parking, Flyover  Namun pada kenyataannya dalam pengamatan penulis kendaraan yang kami jumpai baik roda empat maupun roda dua, hampir setiap sore hingga malam hari ditemukan kendaraan yang parkir di Flyover yang ada dijalan Sudirman, Tuanku Tambusai, Sukarno Hatta dan HR Subrantas. Sementara pemerintah sudah dengan jelas memberikan simbol larangan untuk berhenti dijembatan tersebut serta didalam undang-undang lalu lintas tersebut dengan tegas mengatakan setiap orang yang mengemudikan kendaraan bermotor di jalan wajib mematuhi ketentuan berhenti dan parkir akan diberikan sanksi. Hal ini berbahaya karena Flyover tersebut dibangun hanya untuk kendaraan yang melintas dan kendaraan dilarang parkir atau berhenti di sepanjang badan jalan Flyover karena Flyover itu tidak disiapkan bukan untuk kendaraan yang berhenti. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara mengadakan identifikasi hukum bagaimana efektivitas hukum itu berlaku dalam masyarakat. Kesimpulan adalah Implementasi Larangan Parkir Bagi Pengendara Kendaraan Bermotor Di Flyover Kota Pekanbaru Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lalu Lintas Dan Angkutan Jalan yang mengakibatkan terganggunya fungsi jalan berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 kurang efektif dan maksimal. Hal ini dikarenakan masih banyaknya masyarakat yang tidak mengetahui peraturan tersebut, Kurangnya Sosialisasi Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 dari Aparat Penegak Hukum, Kurang tegasnya Aparat penegak Hukum dalam menerapkan Sanksi Pidana, Serta Kurangnya Kesadaran Hukum Masyarakat itu sendiri. Hambatan Yang Dihadapi Dalam Implementasi Larangan Parkir Bagi Pengendara Kendaraan Bermotor Di Flyover Kota Pekanbaru Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lalu Lintas Dan Angkutan Jalan adalah Substansi Hukum, Struktur Hukum, Budaya Hukum dan Sarana atau Fasilitas dan masih terbatasnya sarana dan prasarana. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi hambatan dalam Implementasi Larangan Parkir Bagi Pengendara Kendaraan Bermotor Di Flyover Kota Pekanbaru Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lalu Lintas Dan Angkutan Jalan adalah bahwa ketentraman dan ketertiban lalu lintas adalah dengan membina saling membantu dan menolong diantara aparat penertiban dan masyarakat, dinas perhubungan dinas pekerja umum tanpa mengabaikan kepentingan masing-masing dalam rangka peningkatan ketaatan dan kepatuhan, dengan demikian harapan Pemerintah untuk meningkatkan pelayanan dalam ketertiban lalu lintas dalam keadaan tenteram dan tertib di daerah dapat terwujud. Selain itu pelaksanaan penertiban, ketentraman dan ketertiban lalu lintas juga dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan sarana dan fasilitas umum, meningkatkan kesadaran hukum, Menambah Jumlah Personil Kepolisian di lingkup lalu lintas serta Tindakan represif

    Backpropagation algorithm modeling to predict the number of foreign tourist visits to indonesia via air gates

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    The tourism sector is a supporting sector for the Indonesian economy. One of the important actors in Indonesian tourism is foreign tourists. After the COVID-19 pandemic, the trend of foreign tourist visits to Indonesia has increased. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded that foreign tourist visits to Indonesia during 2022 reached 5.47 million. This figure has increased by 251.28% compared to the 2021 period. According to BPS, one of the gates most accessed by foreign tourists is the air gate. Based on these conditions, this research aims to predict the number of foreign tourists coming to Indonesia via air gates. The method used to predict is the backpropagation algorithm. The use of the backpropagation algorithm is able to provide prediction results with the highest level of accuracy of 91.40% for tourist visits at Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali. Furthermore, an MSE value of 0.056 was obtained. Thus, predictions using the backpropagation algorithm can be said to be good and quite accurate and can be used for prediction calculations in the following year
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