241 research outputs found

    Statistical complexity, Fisher-Shannon information, and Bohr orbits in the H-atom

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    The Fisher-Shannon information and a statistical measure of complexity are calculated in the position and momentum spaces for the wave functions of the H-atom. For each level of energy, it is found that these two indicators take their minimum values on the orbitals that correspond to the classical (circular) orbits in the Bohr atomic model, just those with the highest orbital angular momentum.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Manipulating rumen microbiome and fermentation through interventions during early life: a review:Rumen manipulation in early life

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    The nutritional manipulations of the rumen microbiome to enhance productivity and health are rather limited by the resilience of the ecosystem once established in the mature rumen. Based on recent studies, it has been suggested that the microbial colonisation that occurs soon after birth opens a possibility of manipulation with potential to produce lasting effects into adult life. This paper presents the state-of-the-art in relation to early-life nutritional interventions by addressing three areas: the development of the rumen as an organ in regards to the nutrition of the new-born, the main factors that determine the microbial population that first colonizes and establishes in the rumen, and the key immunity players that contribute to shaping the commensal microbiota in the early stage of life to understand host-microbiome specificity. The development of the rumen epithelium and muscularization are differently affected by the nature of the diet and special care should be taken with regards to transition from liquid (milk) to solid feed. The rumen is quickly colonized by all type of microorganisms straight after birth and the colonization pattern may be influenced by several factors such as presence/absence of adult animals, the first solid diet provided, and the inclusion of compounds that prevent/facilitate the establishment of some microorganisms or the direct inoculation of specific strains. The results presented show how early-life events may be related to the microbial community structure and/or the rumen activity in the animals post-weaning. This would create differences in adaptive capacity due to different early life experiences and leads to the idea of microbial programming. However, many elements need to be further studied such as: the most sensitive window of time for interventions, the best means to test long term effectiveness, the role of key microbial groups and host-immune regulations

    Recommendations on innovative strategies related to nutrition, health and welfare of small ruminants

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    The SOLID project (Sustainable Organic Low-Input Dairying) carried out research to improve the sustainability of low-input/organic dairy systems in different ways. This document summarises major challenges in practice for both organic and low input production systems of small ruminants. Workshops and trials explored feed supply (including feeding of by products and pasture irrigation), and health and welfare as important areas for improvement. The report presents some first conclusion from the participatory trials

    Effect of Sunflower and Marine Oils on Ruminal Microbiota, In vitro Fermentation and Digesta Fatty Acid Profile

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    Funding This work has been funded by Consejería de Educación, Junta de Castilla y León (research project LE007A07). Acknowledgments We acknowledge support of the publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI). Support received from CICYT project AGL2005-04760-C02-02 is gratefully acknowledged.Peer reviewedPublisher PD


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    The objective of the current work was to collect information on various feeds and thus increase the awareness of various novel feeding solutions suitable for organic and low input dairying

    Institucionalidad, politicas publicas y competitividad en la Region del Maule

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    117 p.Desde el año 1996 en el país se elaboran informes de competitividad regional (ICR), el cual en su primera versión fue realizado por el Programa de Naciones Unidas (PNUD) por encargo de la Subsecretaria de Desarrollo Regional y Administrativo (SUBDERE), en su segunda versión la Universidad de Chile fue el encargado de realizarlo y en la actualidad está en manos del Instituto Nacional de estadísticas (INE). En las cuatro versiones del informe de competitividad la Región del Maule (VII) ha mostrado signos de ser una región poco competitiva ubicándose siempre en los últimos lugares de las mediciones. El Ranking de competitividad regional toma en consideración para su elaboración siete factores, pero este estudio sólo se enfoca en el factor Gobierno. El Gobierno Regional del Maule tiene como propósito priorizar cinco áreas que representan fortalezas o potencialidades a ser desarrolladas las cuales fueron definidas por el Consejo Regional de la región estas son: turismo rural, hortofrutícola y vitivinícola, forestal e industria secundaria de la madera, pecuaria, acuícola y pesca. En el capitulo III se describen las acciones de las instituciones públicas ligadas a los ejes estratégicos de la región y las políticas públicas principales que se están llevando a cabo en estas áreas con la finalidad de mejorar la competitividad de la región. Posteriormente se realiza una comparación de la Región del Maule con la región calificada como la mejor en el factor Gobierno por el Índice de competitividad Regional del año 2001, esta resultó ser la Región de Aisén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo. Finalmente se entregan conclusiones y recomendaciones o propuestas para mejorar aquellos aspectos de la región que puedan conducir a mejorar el nivel de competitividad de la región. Las sugerencias finales de ésta investigación necesitan de estudios posteriores para determinar si son o no viables para ser llevadas a cabo por el Gobierno Regional del Maule. La factibilidad de estas recomendaciones no es la finalidad del presente trabajo

    Presence of Adult Companion Goats Favors the Rumen Microbial and Functional Development in Artificially Reared Kids

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    Newborn dairy ruminants are usually separated from their dams after birth and fed on milk replacer. This lack of contact with adult animals may hinder the rumen microbiological and physiological development. This study evaluates the effects of rearing newborn goat kids in contact with adult companions on the rumen development. Thirty-two newborn goat kids were randomly allocated to two experimental groups which were reared either in the absence (CTL) or in the presence of non-lactating adult goats (CMP) and weaned at 7 weeks of age. Blood and rumen samples were taken at 5, 7, and 9 weeks of age to evaluate blood metabolites and rumen microbial fermentation. Next-generation sequencing was carried out on rumen samples collected at 7 weeks of age. Results showed that CTL kids lacked rumen protozoa, whereas CMP kids had an abundant and complex protozoal community as well as higher methanogen abundance which positively correlated with the body weight and blood beta-hydroxybutyrate as indicators of the physiological development. CMP kids also had a more diverse bacterial community (+132 ASVs) and a different structure of the bacterial and methanogen communities than CTL kids. The core rumen bacterial community in CMP animals had 53 more ASVs than that of CTL animals. Furthermore, the number of ASVs shared with the adult companions was over 4-fold higher in CMP kids than in CTL kids. Greater levels of early rumen colonizers Proteobacteria and Spirochaetes were found in CTL kids, while CMP kids had higher levels of Bacteroidetes and other less abundant taxa (Veillonellaceae, Cyanobacteria, and Selenomonas). These findings suggest that the presence of adult companions facilitated the rumen microbial development prior to weaning. This accelerated microbial development had no effect on the animal growth, but CMP animals presented higher rumen pH and butyrate (+45%) and ammonia concentrations than CTL kids, suggesting higher fibrolytic and proteolytic activities. CMP kids also had higher blood beta-hydroxybutyrate (+79%) and lower blood glucose concentrations (-23%) at weaning, indicating an earlier metabolic development which could favor the transition from pre-ruminant to ruminant after the weaning process. Further research is needed to determine the effects of this intervention in more challenging farm conditions

    Plantas sujetas a fiscalización, usadas por los pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas, frente al IUS PUNIENDI

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    The present scientific article is about the towns and indigenous nationalities of Ecuador, who have as practices and ancestral mores, the utilization (sowing, cultivation, and consumption) of plants like coca, cannabis, ayahuasca, among others, which ones are used in their natural state. This custom of towns and indigenous nationalities, we present them in front of the punitive power of the state and the faculty that has of sanctioning conducts that are find typified in the Comprehensive Organic Code Penal. For this, we have taken as reference the case Nr. 02241-2013-0002, in which it applies a method and approach, i.e., qualitative-quantitative. Accompanied of normative, doctrinaire, and jurisprudential criteria, as the same as criteria issued by international treaties signed by Ecuador. In this way, it is possible to determine the action of the punitive power against the customs of the peoples and indigenous nationalities and in turn, an analysis of weighting of rights and respect for what is established in the 2008 Constitution of Ecuador is carried out. Seeking in this way a comprehensive guarantee towards the rights of peoples and indigenous nationalities. In this way, it is identified that the customs of peoples and indigenous nationalities cannot and should not be transgressed by the punitive power of the state, but rather persecution and discrimination against the behaviors and acts that peoples and nationalities may have due to its own and the ancient customs that were adopted long before the in Ecuador.El presente artículo científico trata sobre los pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas del Ecuador, quienes tienen como práctica y costumbre ancestral la utilización (siembra, cultivo y consumo) de plantas como la coca, cannabis, ayahuasca entre otras, las cuales se utilizan en su estado natural. Esta costumbre de los pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas la presentamos frente al poder punitivo del estado y la facultad que tiene de sancionar conductas que se encuentran tipificadas en el Código Orgánico Integral Penal. Para ello, se ha tomado como referencia el caso Nro. 02241-2013-0002, con el que nos permitimos aplica un método y enfoque mixto, es decir cualitativo – cuantitativo, acompañado de criterios normativos, doctrinarios y jurisprudenciales, al igual que criterios expedidos por tratados internacionales suscritos por el Ecuador. Se logra así determinar la actuación del poder punitivo frente a las costumbres de los pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas y a su vez se realiza un análisis de ponderación de derechos y respeto a lo establecido en la Constitución del 2008, buscando de esta forma un garantismo integral hacia los derechos de los pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas. De esta manera se identifica que las costumbres de los pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas no pueden ni deben ser transgredidas por el poder punitivo del Estado, sino más bien se debe evitar la persecución y discriminación hacia las conductas y actos que puedan tener los pueblos y nacionalidades por la tradición propia y las costumbres milenarias que se adoptaron desde mucho antes de la conquista española en el Ecuador

    Net Fisher information measure versus ionization potential and dipole polarizability in atoms

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    The net Fisher information measure, defined as the product of position and momentum Fisher information measures and derived from the non-relativistic Hartree-Fock wave functions for atoms with Z=1-102, is found to correlate well with the inverse of the experimental ionization potential. Strong direct correlations of the net Fisher information are also reported for the static dipole polarizability of atoms with Z=1-88. The complexity measure, defined as the ratio of the net Onicescu information measure and net Fisher information, exhibits clearly marked regions corresponding to the periodicity of the atomic shell structure. The reported correlations highlight the need for using the net information measures in addition to either the position or momentum space analogues. With reference to the correlation of the experimental properties considered here, the net Fisher information measure is found to be superior than the net Shannon information entropy.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure