527 research outputs found

    Efficient Truss Maintenance in Evolving Networks

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    Truss was proposed to study social network data represented by graphs. A k-truss of a graph is a cohesive subgraph, in which each edge is contained in at least k-2 triangles within the subgraph. While truss has been demonstrated as superior to model the close relationship in social networks and efficient algorithms for finding trusses have been extensively studied, very little attention has been paid to truss maintenance. However, most social networks are evolving networks. It may be infeasible to recompute trusses from scratch from time to time in order to find the up-to-date kk-trusses in the evolving networks. In this paper, we discuss how to maintain trusses in a graph with dynamic updates. We first discuss a set of properties on maintaining trusses, then propose algorithms on maintaining trusses on edge deletions and insertions, finally, we discuss truss index maintenance. We test the proposed techniques on real datasets. The experiment results show the promise of our work

    Design of an energy supply and demand forecasting system based on web crawler and a grey dynamic model

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    An energy supply and demand forecasting system can help decision-makers grasp more comprehensive information, make accurate decisions and even plan a carbon-neutral future when adjusting energy structure, developing alternative energy resources and so on. This paper presents a hierarchical design of an energy supply and demand forecasting system based on web crawler and a grey dynamic model called GM(1,1) which covers all the process of data collection, data analysis and data prediction. It mainly consists of three services, namely Crawler Service (CS), Algorithm Service (AS), Data Service (DS). The architecture of multiple loose coupling services makes the system flexible in more data, and more advanced prediction algorithms for future energy forecasting works. In order to make higher prediction accuracy based on GM(1,1), this paper illustrates some basic enhanced methods and their combinations with adaptable variable weights. An implementation for testing the system was applied, where the model was set up for coal, oil and natural gas separately, and the enhanced GM was better with relative error about 9.18% than original GM on validation data between 2010 and 2020. All results are available for reference on adjusting of energy structure and developing alternative energy resources.This research was funded by NSFC grant number 61972174, Guangdong Science and Technology Planning Project grant number 2020A0505100018, Guangdong Universities’ Innovation Team Project grant number 2021KCXTD015, Guangdong Key Disciplines Project grant number 2021ZDJS138, and 2021 University-level Teaching Quality Project grant number ZLGC20210203

    Warburg Effects in Cancer and Normal Proliferating Cells: Two Tales of the Same Name

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    It has been observed that both cancer tissue cells and normal proliferating cells (NPCs) have the Warburg effect. Our goal here is to demonstrate that they do this for different reasons. To accomplish this, we have analyzed the transcriptomic data of over 7000 cancer and control tissues of 14 cancer types in TCGA and data of five NPC types in GEO. Our analyses reveal that NPCs accumulate large quantities of ATPs produced by the respiration process before starting the Warburg effect, to raise the intracellular pH from ∼6.8 to ∼7.2 and to prepare for cell division energetically. Once cell cycle starts, the cells start to rely on glycolysis for ATP generation followed by ATP hydrolysis and lactic acid release, to maintain the elevated intracellular pH as needed by cell division since together the three processes are pH neutral. The cells go back to the normal respiration-based ATP production once the cell division phase ends. In comparison, cancer cells have reached their intracellular pH at ∼7.4 from top down as multiple acid-loading transporters are up-regulated and most acid-extruding ones except for lactic acid exporters are repressed. Cancer cells use continuous glycolysis for ATP production as way to acidify the intracellular space since the lactic acid secretion is decoupled from glycolysis-based ATP generation and is pH balanced by increased expressions of acid-loading transporters. Co-expression analyses suggest that lactic acid secretion is regulated by external, non-pH related signals. Overall, our data strongly suggest that the two cell types have the Warburg effect for very different reasons

    PUEPro : A Computational Pipeline for Prediction of Urine Excretory Proteins

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    This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 81320108025, 61402194, 61572227), Development Project of Jilin Province of China (20140101180JC) and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2014T70291).Postprin

    An ant colony optimization method for generalized TSP problem

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    Focused on a variation of the euclidean traveling salesman problem (TSP), namely, the generalized traveling salesman problem (GTSP), this paper extends the ant colony optimization method from TSP to this field. By considering the group influence, an improved method is further improved. To avoid locking into local minima, a mutation process and a local searching technique are also introduced into this method. Numerical results show that the proposed method can deal with the GTSP problems fairly well, and the developed mutation process and local search technique are effective

    Efficient Empirical Likelihood Inference for recovery rate of COVID-19 under Double-Censoring

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    Doubly censored data are very common in epidemiology studies. Ignoring censorship in the analysis may lead to biased parameter estimation. In this paper, we highlight that the publicly available COVID19 data may involve high percentage of double-censoring and point out the importance of dealing with such missing information in order to achieve better forecasting results. Existing statistical methods for doubly censored data may suffer from the convergence problems of the EM algorithms or may not be good enough for small sample sizes. This paper develops a new empirical likelihood method to analyse the recovery rate of COVID19 based on a doubly censored dataset. The efficient influence function of the parameter of interest is used to define the empirical likelihood (EL) ratio. We prove that 2log-2\log(EL-ratio) asymptotically follows a standard χ2\chi^2 distribution. This new method does not require any scale parameter adjustment for the log-likelihood ratio and thus does not suffer from the convergence problems involved in traditional EM-type algorithms. Finite sample simulation results show that this method provides much less biased estimate than existing methods, when censoring percentage is large. The method application to the COVID19 data will help researchers in other field to achieve better estimates and forecasting results

    The chemical composition of a mild barium star HD202109

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    We present the result of chemical abundances of a mild barium star HD202109 (zeta Cyg) determined from the analysis of spectrum obtained by using a 2-m telescope at the Peak Terskol Observatory and a high-resolution spectrometer with R=80,000, signal to noise ratio >100. We also present the atmospheric parameters of the star determined by using various methods including iron-line abundance analysis. For line identifications, we use whole-range synthetic spectra computed by using the Kurucz database and the latest lists of spectral lines. Among the determined abundances of 51 elements, those of P, S, K, Cu, Zn, Ge, Rb, Sr, Nb, Mo, Ru, Rh, Pd, In, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Er, Tm, Hf, Os, Ir, Pt, Tl, and Pb have not been previously known. Under the assumption that the overabundance pattern of Ba stars is due to wind-accretion process, adding information of more element abundances enables one to show that the heavy element overabundances of HD202109 can be explained with the wind accretion scenario model.Comment: 10 pages, Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Multilayer perceptron network optimization for chaotic time series modeling

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    Chaotic time series are widely present in practice, but due to their characteristics—such as internal randomness, nonlinearity, and long-term unpredictability—it is difficult to achieve high-precision intermediate or long-term predictions. Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) networks are an effective tool for chaotic time series modeling. Focusing on chaotic time series modeling, this paper presents a generalized degree of freedom approximation method of MLP. We then obtain its Akachi information criterion, which is designed as the loss function for training, hence developing an overall framework for chaotic time series analysis, including phase space reconstruction, model training, and model selection. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, it is applied to two artificial chaotic time series and two real-world chaotic time series. The numerical results show that the proposed optimized method is effective to obtain the best model from a group of candidates. Moreover, the optimized models perform very well in multi-step prediction tasks.This research was funded in part by the NSFC grant numbers 61972174 and 62272192, the Science-Technology Development Plan Project of Jilin Province grant number 20210201080GX, the Jilin Province Development and Reform Commission grant number 2021C044-1, the Guangdong Universities’ Innovation Team grant number 2021KCXTD015, and Key Disciplines Projects grant number 2021ZDJS138

    An entropy-based improved k-top scoring pairs (TSP) method for classifying human cancers

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    Classification and prediction of different cancers based on gene-expression profiles are important for cancer diagnosis, cancer treatment and medication discovery. However, most data in the gene expression profile are not able to make a contribution to cancer classification and prediction. Hence, it is important to find the key genes that are relevant. An entropy-based improved k-top scoring pairs (TSP) (Ik-TSP) method was presented in this study for the classification and prediction of human cancers based on gene-expression data. We compared Ik-TSP classifiers with 5 different machine learning methods and the k-TSP method based on 3 different feature selection methods on 9 binary class gene expression datasets and 10 multi-class gene expression datasets involving human cancers. Experimental results showed that the Ik-TSP method had higher accuracy. The experimental results also showed that the proposed method can effectively find genes that are important for distinguishing different cancer and cancer subtype.Key words: Cancer classification, gene expression, k-TSP, information entropy, gene selection

    Acupuncture and tuina knowledge graph with prompt learning

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    IntroductionAcupuncture and tuina, acknowledged as ancient and highly efficacious therapeutic modalities within the domain of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), have provided pragmatic treatment pathways for numerous patients. To address the problems of ambiguity in the concept of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture and tuina treatment protocols, the lack of accurate quantitative assessment of treatment protocols, and the diversity of TCM systems, we have established a map-filling technique for modern literature to achieve personalized medical recommendations.Methods(1) Extensive acupuncture and tuina data were collected, analyzed, and processed to establish a concise TCM domain knowledge base. (2)A template-free Chinese text NER joint training method (TemplateFC) was proposed, which enhances the EntLM model with BiLSTM and CRF layers. Appropriate rules were set for ERE. (3) A comprehensive knowledge graph comprising 10,346 entities and 40,919 relationships was constructed based on modern literature.ResultsA robust TCM KG with a wide range of entities and relationships was created. The template-free joint training approach significantly improved NER accuracy, especially in Chinese text, addressing issues related to entity identification and tokenization differences. The KG provided valuable insights into acupuncture and tuina, facilitating efficient information retrieval and personalized treatment recommendations.DiscussionThe integration of KGs in TCM research is essential for advancing diagnostics and interventions. Challenges in NER and ERE were effectively tackled using hybrid approaches and innovative techniques. The comprehensive TCM KG our built contributes to bridging the gap in TCM knowledge and serves as a valuable resource for specialists and non-specialists alike