26 research outputs found

    The Mediating Role of Networking Competence in The Relationship Between Market Knowledge Capability on SMES Performance

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    PurposeThis article investigated market knowledge capability’ role in enhancing performance and the impact of networking competence on SMEs’ performance.Method: The samples studied were 162 export-oriented furniture SMEs from Sukoharjo. The purposive sampling technique collected the data. Only 142 samples were declared complete and feasible to continue hypothesis testing. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was implemented to check the hypothesis model.Result: This study found that the market knowledge capability constructs positively and significantly affected SMEs’ performance. Market knowledge positively influenced networking competence, while networking competence positively and significantly affected SMEs’ performance

    The Effect of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Learning on Students’ Problem Solving Skill

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    Problem solving is one of the abilities that must be mastered in the 21st century, lack of mastery of students’ concepts in work and energy material has an impact on students' problem solving abilities. This research aims to measure students' problem solving skill on work and energy material. The research was used quasi-experiment with the design of a nonequivalent control group design. The subject of the research consist of 70 students at the 10th grade of one of high school in Kabupaten Tangerang with technique was used purposive sampling. The research used 10 essay questions as test instrument problem solving skill with 5 indicators of problem solving skill, namely visualize the problem, describe the problem in physics description, plan the solution, execute the plan and check and evaluate. The research result shows that is a effect of STEM learning on student’s problem solving skill proven by student’s problem solving skill of the experimental group increased higher (N-Gain 0.71 high category) compares to the control group (N-Gain 0,38 middle category)


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    Determinan Minat Mahasiswa Mengikuti Brevet Pajak

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    This study aims to examine the effect of tax knowledge motivation, career motivation, quality motivation, social motivation, economic motivation and achievement motivation on students' interest in taking tax brevets. The samples in this study were obtained from accounting collage students class of 2019-2022 throughout Indonesia by using convenience sampling method. The number of samples used was 221 respondents. This research method use multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study show that tax knowledge motivation, career motivation, quality motivation and achievement motivation have a positive effect on students' interest in taking tax brevets. Therefore, social motivation and economic motivation have no effect on students' interest in taking tax brevets. This research is expected to provide additional information for tertiary institutions regarding the high interest of students in taking tax brevets. This research is also expected to influence accounting students to take tax brevets so that they can improve their competence in the field of taxation


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    Abstract Despite the widespread use of multimedia in everyday life, it is rarely used as a teaching tool in the educational process. Is it possible to improve students' writing skills, especially those in their second semester of the Indonesian Language Department at Unasman Indonesia? This research Two cycles of research were conducted using classroom action research. Padlet was used three times per week to facilitate student interaction. Planning, executing, observing, and reflecting were the steps in the process. The observation checklist, the questionnaire, and the padlet writing test were the instruments used in this study. The introduction of Padlet was made at the beginning of the class, and all subsequent interactions were conducted via Padlet rather than in the classroom. As a result of the findings, it can be concluded that using Padlet as a medium can help students improve their writing skills. Researchers can conclude that 30 students of the English Language Education Study Program at the Faculty of Languages and Communication Science of Sultan Agung Islamic University Semarang in the class of 2020/2021 have a wide range of opinions about the use of Padlet media in learning Writing II. Generally, the majority of students find the use of this medium to be a positive experience. Keyword: Padlet, Engage, Covid, Technology and Writing Skil

    Simulation of mechanical stimulation effect on bone density changes due to age-based finite element method (FEM)

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    The getting older of people age, the density of bone will be further reduced. The process speed of bone formation decreases progressively after reaching peak bone mass in the age range 25-30 years. The reduction in bone density is known as osteoporosis. This phenomenon occurs due to an interruption on remodelling bone due to some conditions. Therefore, this study is going to simulate the effect of mechanical stimuli on femur bone density using walking and standing mechanical stimuli. In this study, there are four stages passed. First, build the femur bone construction which consists of two layers (cortical and trabecular). Then input the properties of bone based on age (Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio). Then calculate the stress, strain and strain rate and calculate the bone density using thermodynamic equation of V. Klika and F. Marsik with Runge-Kutta method of 4th orde. The bone density given standing mechanical stimuli (1290 N) for age 25 is 0.7963 g/cm2 and walking mechanical stimuli (1741.5 N) is 1.0698 g/cm2. Then the bone density given standing mechanical stimuli (1200 N) for age 51 is 0.7703 g/cm2 and walking mechanical stimuli (1620 N) is 0.9885 g/cm2

    The influence of land use activities towards Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) feeder bus service ridership

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    The Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) feeder bus service is a complementary public transport service provided to encourage ridership of MRT rail services in Malaysia. In brief, this feeder bus service plays a role in connecting people to and from MRT stations. The objective of this study is to determine the passenger volume generated at each MRT feeder bus stop location in the study area, and relate it to surrounding land use activities. Using the rule of thumb in public transportation systems, 200 m and 400 m radial buffers were identified as catchment areas of the bus stops. The key finding from this study is the relationship between volume of passenger and land use activities. This study concludes that land use activities influence MRT ridership, and that the presence of shelters or waiting poles is important to encourage ingress or egress

    Manajemen Pembelajaran dalam Pengembangan Proyek Penguatan Pelajar Pancasila Rahmatan Lil Al-Amin (P5RA) di MAN 1 Nganjuk

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    Sejarah Artikel Diterima: 2023-07-12 Direvisi: 2023-08-22 Dipublikasi: 2023-09-02 Kata kunci: Manajemen Pembelajaran; Kurikulum Merdeka; P5RA. Menajemen pembelajaran sangat penting kedudukannya dalam rangka meningkatkan efektivitas proses belajar mengajar. Manajemen pembelajaran dalam Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila Rahmatan Lil Al-amin sebagai upaya pencapaian kompetensi dan karakter yang sesuai dengan profil pancasila melalui pembelajaran berbasis proyek. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah di MAN 1 Nganjuk. Subjek peneletian ini adalah pengelolaan pembelajaran untuk projek penguatan profil pelajar pancasila dalam Kurikulum Merdeka. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan pembelajaran dalam projek penguatan pelajar pancasila melalui fungsi-fungsi manajemen dimulai dari perencanaan, implementasi dan evaluasi

    A new quasi-brittle damage model implemented under quasi-static condition using bond-based peridynamics theory for progressive failure

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    A novel quasi-brittle damage model implemented under quasistatic loading condition using bond-based peridynamics theory for progressive failure is proposed to better predict damage initiation and propagation in solid materials. Since peridynamics equation of motion was invented in dynamic configuration, this paper applies the adaptive dynamic relaxation equation to achieve steady-state in peridynamics formulation. To accurately characterise the progressive failure process in cohesive materials, we incorporate the dynamic equation with the novel damage model for quasi-brittle materials. Computational examples of 2D compressive and tensile problems using the proposed model are presented. This paper presents advancement by incorporating the adaptive dynamic equation approach into a new damage model for quasi-brittle materials. This amalgamation allows for a more accurate representation of the behavior of damaged materials, particularly in static or quasi-static loading situations, bringing the framework closer to reality. This research paves the way for the peridynamics formulation to be employed for a far broader class of loading condition behaviour than it is now able to

    1D peridynamics subjected to quasi-static load with adaptive dynamic relaxation

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    Peridynamics is a nonlocal theory of continuum mechanics, which was developed by Silling (2000). However, the utilization of explicit time integration in the peridynamics implementation introduces difficulties when it comes to problem involving quasi- static conditions. As a consequences, there exist a necessity obtain a steady-state solutions in an effort to validate the peridynamic predictions against analytical or experimental measurements. In this paper, by implementing the bond-based peridynamics method in an in- house Matlab code, combined with the utilisation of Adaptive Dynamic Relaxation, we analyse a 1-dimensional bar problem and compare with the classical analytical solution. The comparison plot between peridynamics solver and analytical solution obtained showed a very good agreement. The numerical example illustrates that successful material deformation can be achieved by using bond-based peridynamics with adaptive dynamic relaxation