210 research outputs found

    Modeling optical inscription of complex surface patterns in azobenzene-containing materials

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    Azopolymers represent a wide class of polymeric systems in which the azobenzene chromophores are either incorporated into the main chain or covalently attached to it as a part of side chain. Light with an appropriate wavelength induces cyclic trans-cis isomerization, which results in preferred orientation of the trans-isomers perpendicular to the light polarization. Most azopolymer materials directionally deform in the presence of various light polarizations. In this thesis, a study is presented for photoinduced deformations in glassy side-chain azopolymers under different irradiation patterns. In particular, the photodeformations are investigated under homogeneous irradiation with linearly and circularly polarized light, and under inhomogeneous irradiation with intensity and polarization interference patterns. It is proposed to explain these mechanical deformations using the orientation approach, which takes into account the reorientation of the chromophores. Due to the rigid attachment of the chromophores with the main chain, the backbone segments in side-chain azopolymers should reorient into the polarization plane, which is accompanied by appearance of light induced stress. To describe the time evolution of light induced stresses, the side-chain azopolymers are modeled as an ensemble of rigid segments in presence of the effective orientation potential. Implementing the stress in a viscoplastic material model of the finite element software ANSYS, it is shown that a square azopolymer post elongates along the polarization for the linearly polarized light and contracts along the propagation direction for the circularly polarized light. Also, the deformations in the elongated oriented colloids under intensity interference patterns are modeled and it is found that the formation of beads and wave-like structures are in accordance with the experiment. The orientation approach also reproduces the peculiar structures at the edges of thin azopolymer film under polarization interference patterns. Hence, the orientation approach correctly predicts local variations of the light induced stress in each illumination pattern for both initially isotropic and highly oriented materials. With this, it is proved that the orientation approach implements a self-sufficient and convincing mechanism to describe photoinduced deformation in azopolymer materials, which does not rely on the photo-fluidization concept. The viscoplastic material modeling, developed in this thesis, can be used to describe the inscription of intricate surface structures under complex interference patterns

    A systematic review on Drug Re-profiling/Re-Purposing

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    Hardcore capability of drug repurposing has allowed rising population of diversified diseased patients to approach various medications with known safety profiles. In an ongoing scenario considering current pharmaceutical market, we have numerous drugs that are approved and repurposed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Developing and bringing a novel drug molecule from the laboratory to a market requires a lot of investment in terms of money, efforts, and time. On the other hand, repurposing a drug holds the capability of bringing out best cures with harmless, ease availability and inexpensive quality. Sildenafil, Chloroquine, Metformin are some examples of repurposed drug used in multiple disease models. Despite numerous challenges, drug repurposing stood to be a core component to any comprehensive drug re-discovering strategies which has been planned to bring benefit to the patients suffering from a wide variety of dreadful ailments. In this review, we have discussed the various repurposed drugs in numerous types of cancer, deadly novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and some orphan diseases. This paper holds various examples of drugs which are still under clinical trial and have high chances of being approved as repurposed drugs benefitting humankind

    Phytotherapy for Peptic-ulcer: An overview on important Indian herbal plants having flavonoid as antiulcer activity.

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    Peptic ulcers are described by erosions of the gastrointestinal mucosa that can reach the muscular layer. Peptic ulcers are a widespread health condition that affects millions of individuals and has a high recurrence rate. “No gastric acid, no peptic ulcer” is a flawed assumption. Excessive gastric acid secretion is only one factor in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease. Their etiology is multifactorial and develops when the balance of offensive and protective components is disrupted. Its treatment faces great difficulties due to the limited effectiveness and severe side effects of the currently available drugs. Natural products such as herbal plants and their isolated compounds have been widely used in experimental models of peptic ulcers. Flavonoids strengthened defensive factors had cytoprotective and rehabilitative actions. Flavonoids are among the molecules of greatest interest in biological assays due to their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties. The present study is a literature review of herbal plants having flavonoid that have been reported to show peptic ulcer activity in experimental models using the divergent mechanism of action

    A Novel Approach of Development of Web Pattern by Focusing on Web Structure Mining Techniques

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    The World Wide Web is a very useful and interactive resource of information like hypertext, multimedia etc. When we search any information on the Google, there are many URL’s has been opened. The bulk amount of information becomes very difficult for the users to find, extract and filter the relevant information, so that some techniques are used to solve these problems. The objective of current manuscript is focus on processing of structured and unstructured data mining. With the tremendous growth in website, web portal to provide downloaded data to the user. The semantic web is about machine-understandable web pages to make the web more intelligent and able to provide useful services to the users. The data structure definition and recognition is to estimate the accurate page ranking and to produce better result while searching operation with web data

    Critical care management of eclampsia patients - one year study

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    Background: Critically ill eclampsia patients present a unique challenge to the obstetrician, anesthesiologist and intensivists. In developing countries, maternal mortality is still high due to lack of good maternal antenatal services and obstetric intensive care. This study aims to provide a comprehensive review for the management and outcome of critically ill eclampsia patients admitted in the obstetric intensive care unit (ICU), GMC, Bhopal.Methods: This study was a hospital based cross sectional study. The study included 145 eclampsia patients who were admitted in obstetric ICU for critical care management. For each eligible patient, sociodemograhic profile, indications of ICU admission, data on ICU interventions and maternal outcome were documented.Results: During study period, total obstetric admission were 19,815 and 14,731 live births. Out of 348 eclampsia patients, 145 patients were admitted to the obstetric ICU, giving an ICU admission rate of 9.8/1000 live births. 98.03% patients were unbooked referred obstetric emergencies.The average duration of stay in obstetric ICU was 5.4+3.1 days. 72.9% patients had antepartum eclampsia, 17.2% patients had postpartum eclampsia and 10.8% patients had intrapartum eclampsia. 41% patients received mechanical ventilation, 90% patients received oxygen and advanced monitoring, 48.6% patients received vasoactive drugs and 53.7% patients received blood transfusions. There were 26 maternal deaths giving a case fatality rate of 17.93%.Conclusions: Early referral of eclampsia patients or at risk patients to a tertiary care centre may help to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment through a multidisciplinary team in an ICU setting can prevent complications and reduce morbidity and mortality

    Intrapartum amnioinfusion in meconium stained amniotic fluid at term pregnancy

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    Background: In our country a major cause of perinatal mortality and morbidity is meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) in new-born. The aim of this study is to assess feto-maternal outcome following intrapartum amnioinfusion in patients with meconium stained amniotic fluid and the rate of ceaserean deliveries following intrapartum amnioinfusion in patients with meconium stained amniotic fluid.Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted on 252 patients with pregnancy at or beyond 37 weeks in active labour with moderate to thick meconium stained amniotic fluid following spontaneous rupture or ARM. In such cases amnioinfusion was performed. Continuous electronic FHR monitoring was performed. Emergency LSCS was done when fetal Bradycardia was recorded or in case of non-progress of labor. Fetomaternal outcome will be noted.Results: In present study most, women had normal vaginal delivery 157 (62.30%) followed by LSCS 93 (36.91%) followed by forceps/vaccum delivery 02 (0.07%). No maternal complication was seen in 230 women (91.26%). Accidenatal hemorrhage was seen in 01 (0.39%) which was managed by emergency LSCS. Out of 252 neonates, 183 asymptomatic neonates at birth, 69 needed resuscitation and in which 52 neonates recovered and shifted back to mother and 17 neonates referred and admitted in NICU for MAS in which 07 were recovered and 10 neonates (3.96%) died due to MAS.Conclusions: Intrapartum amnio infusion in meconium stained amniotic fluid by diluting the meconium and by decreasing the cord compression decreases the incidence of foetal distress and there by decreases the rate of caesarean section, these all leads to decrease the incidence of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality

    Trends in marine fish production in Tamil Nadu using regression and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model

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    Tamil Nadu is situated in the south eastern coast of the Indian peninsula with a coastal line of 1076 km (13% of the country’s coast line), 0.19 million sq.km of EEZ (9.4 % of total national EEZ) and a continental shelf of about 41,412 sq. km. This is one of the country’s leading state in marine fish production and ranks third in marine fish production. In Tamil Nadu, Ramanathapuram district is a leading maritime district followed by Nagapattinam and Thoothukudi. The objective of this study was to investigate the trends in marine fish production in Tamil Nadu. Yearly fish production data for the period of 1988-1989 to 2012-2013 were analyzed using time-series method called Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model and Regression analysis (curve estimation). In our study, the developed best ARIMA model for Tamil Nadu marine fish production was found to be ARIMA (1, 1, 1) which have the minimum BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion). ARIMA model had got a slightly higher forecasting accuracy rate for forecasting marine fish production of Tamil Nadu than Regression trend analysis. The independent sample test showed there was no significant difference between the two models. The limitations of ARIMA model include its requirement of a long time series data for better forecast. It is basically linear model assuming that data are stationary and have a limited ability to capture non-stationarities and nonlinearities in series data. Both the models indicated that Tamil Nadu marine fish production has plateaued and fishermen should be encouraged to adopt sustainable fishing practices

    Hormonal profile and haematological parameters of male wistar albino rats treated with methanloic extract of Parthenium hysterophorus L.

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    Changes in hormonal and haematological level were assessed in male wistar albino rats treated with methanolic extract of Parthenium hysterophorus L. The result showed that methanolic extract treatment caused a significant (p < 0.01) reduction of 20 % and 40% in total RBC count (6.25 ± 0.025 to 5 ± 0.5 x 106/µL) and haemoglobin (17.1 ± 0.1892 to 10.2 ± 0.79 g / dL) respectively in treated rats over control. Unlike haematological parameters, hormonal profile showed a significant increase of 40% (p < 0.05), 200% (p < 0.01), 100% (p < 0.01) and 45.08% (p < 0.001) in follicle stimulating hormone, leutinizing hormone, prolactin and testosterone respectively. The reduction of blood parameters is due to less haemopoiesis or induction of anemia. The increase in hormone level may be a cause of prostate cancer in wistar albino rats

    ANN based short-term traffic flow forecasting in undivided two lane highway

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    Abstract Short term traffic forecasting is one of the important fields of study in the transportation domain. Short term traffic forecasting is very useful to develop a more advanced transportation system to control traffic signals and avoid congestions. Several studies have made efforts for short term traffic flow forecasting for divided and undivided highways across the world. However, all these studies relied on the dataset which are greatly varied between countries due to the technology used for transportation data collection. India is a developing country in which efforts are being done to improve the transportation system to avoid congestion and travel time. Two-lane undivided highways with mixed traffic constitute a large portion of Indian road network. This study is an attempt to develop a short term traffic forecasting model using back propagation artificial neural network for two lane undivided highway with mixed traffic conditions in India. The results were compared with random forest, support vector machine, k-nearest neighbor classifier, regression tree and multiple regression models. It was found that back-propagation neural network performs better than other approaches and achieved an R2 value 0.9962, which is a good score
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