99 research outputs found

    Khaul and Maqam Thariqath in Sufism: the Analysis of Implementation Inside the Live of Sufi Thariqath Naqshabandiyah at Dawe Kudus Boarding School

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    The core of all religions are surrender to The God, as the Creator of all universe. The term of surrender generically called Islam in the Arabic terminology. Personal surrender to God The Ultimate Being, as the most right a part of self religious attitude. This attitude do not consider which any form of the people religious formation. Furthermore, apart form from this religious personality really rejected. According to the conceptualization of religious personality above, the sufism prosecuted to spell out all it\u27s doctrines related to cultural and social analysis. The sufism assumpt about religious multiculturality as the only form of religion in the world, while the nature it\u27s similar, that worship in source of anything. The Sufi as they stay in some stage on viewing about God, he will look at Him as essence not as the outer side of His perception. This reasearch stand by qualitative approach. The result of research aim about correlation between religion and society are creates the influence of the two sides. The religion influence the society otherwise the society influence the religion. This reciprocal influences, between the development of society and the improvement of religion, as social and cultural realities that\u27s need to be wider understand and deep perception

    Competency of residents and interns in pneumothorax diagnosis on chest radiography: an observer performance study

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    Aim: This study aimed to investigate the competency of residents and interns in diagnosing pneumothorax on chest radiography (CXR) as well as to identify potential areas requiring training on this subject. Materials and Methods: A case set including a total of 40 chest radiographies that were in the digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) format were loaded to the DICOM-compatible software tool-Viewer for Digital Evaluation of X-ray images (ViewDEX). Fifty-three observers, including 25 residents and 28 interns, interpreted the images by answering all the questions determined for each case. Results: The overall accuracy rate to diagnose pneumothorax on CXR was 79% in the study cohort, with 79.5% and 78.6% for residents and interns, respectively. No significant difference was observed between residents and interns when compared in terms of accuracy rates (regardless of the residents' specialties; p=0.600). When the residents' specialties were considered, the diagnostic accuracy rate was found to be significantly different between the groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: The results of our study in terms of the overall accuracy rates of residents and interns in pneumothorax diagnosis on CXR are comparable to the previous studies in literature. However, comparison to another national study was not feasible due to the lack of published studies on this topic in Turkey. We believe that our study may serve as a starting point by raising the awareness on the subject and promote further studies in our country

    Synthesis and Evaluation of Protein-Phenylboronic Acid Conjugates as Lectin Mimetics

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    Glycan-binding molecules, such as lectins, are very important tools for characterizing, imaging, or targeting glycans and are often involved in either physiological or pathological processes. However, their availability is far less compared to the diversity of native glycans. Therefore, development of lectin mimetics with desired specificity and affinity is in high demand. Boronic acid reacts with 1,2- and 1,3-diols of saccharides in aqueous media through reversible boronate ester formation and are regarded as synthetic lectin mimetics. In this study, bovine serum albumin (BSA)-phenylboronic acid (PBA) conjugates were synthesized in a density-controlled manner by targeting both aspartic and glutamic acids to afford lectin mimetics with multivalent PBA, as multivalency is a key factor for glycan recognition in both specificity and affinity. The resultant BSA-PBA conjugates were characterized by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis. Their macrophage cell surface glycan-binding capacity was characterized by a competitive lectin-binding assay examined by flow cytometry, and 3-(4,5-di-methylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 -diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay showed biocompatibility. These novel lectin mimetics will find a broad range of applications as they can be wittingly modified, altering binding specificity and capacity

    Heavy Workload of Nurses and Effects of It on Sleep/Rested Levels

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    DergiPark: 378985tmsjAims: In this definitive cross-sectional survey study, it has been aimed to research the effect of nurse workload increase on degradation of the sleep quality and daytime sleepiness.Methods: 204 volunteer nurses who work in Trakya University Faculty of Medicine Hospital clinics have attended to this study. In the survey , TISS-28 (Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System-28) for workload, Epworth Sleepiness Scale for evaluating the sleepiness and Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index have been used. TISS28 scale data has been divided into 4 sub-groups and compared to the rates it has got from the Epworth Sleepiness Scale and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and a meaningful relationship between them has been looked for.Results: In relation to workload nearly half of the cluster (n:82) can be seen in the 2nd sub-group (p lt;0.05). We can accept that general nurse population spends a standart shift. In addition, there is a distinct statistical relationship between the degredation of sleepiness( Pittsburgh and Epworth) with the increase in the nurse workload(TISS-28). Conclusion: The increase of the nurse workload causes the degradation of the sleep status ad worsens the rested status. The degradation of the rested status and the sleep routines of the nurses, threats their health in the physical and mental way and on the other hand reduces the work effectiveness in the hospitals and causes a lot of stress and the other stress related problems in the work areas. In order to prevent this, the work condition of the nurses should be improved, their shift hours and workloads should be adjusted so as to not to disrupt their sleep statu

    Automated text analysis and international relations: the introduction and application of a novel technique for Twitter

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    Social media platforms, thanks to their inherent nature of quick and far-reaching dissemination of information, have gradually supplanted the conventional media and become the new loci of political communication. These platforms not only ease and expedite communication among crowds, but also provide researchers huge and easily accessible information. This huge information pool, if it is processed with a systematic analysis, can be a fruitful data source for researchers. Systematic analysis of data from social media, however, poses various challenges for political analysis. Significant advances in automated textual analysis have tried to address such challenges of social media data. This paper introduces one such novel technique to assist researchers doing textual analysis on Twitter. More specifically, we develop a clustering methodology based on Longest Common Subsequence Similarity Metric, which automatically groups tweets with similar content. To illustrate the usefulness of this technique, we present some of our findings from a project we conducted on Turkish sentiments on Twitter towards Syrian refugees

    Gallic acid-loaded microemulsion and microemulsion gel: Development, characterization, and evaluation of antioxidant effectiveness

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    128-135In this study, it was aimed to develop, characterize, and improve the antioxidant activity of gallic acid (GA) by formulating it into microemulsion (ME) and microemulsion gel (MEg). Blank MEs were prepared using different proportions of oil/water/surfactant, which provide stable and transparent ME production. Their droplet sizes, zeta potentials and stabilities after holding, centrifugation, and freeze-thawing processes were determined. F2 and F5 coded MEs were selected among the blank MEs and GA was loaded into these formulations. Besides the characterization studies, pH and viscosity measurement, in vitro release, cytotoxicity test, cell permeation, and antioxidant activity studies were performed. In vitro released amount of GA was enhanced by formulating it into ME and MEg at the end of six hours and it showed a scavenging effect of DPPH● and ABTS●+ radicals. In conclusion, increased efficacy, reduced toxicity, and prolonged antioxidant activity have been achieved with the use of new, non-toxic, and stable ME and MEg loaded with GA and it is thought that these formulations create the potential for topical application

    Gallic acid-loaded microemulsion and microemulsion gel: Development, characterization, and evaluation of antioxidant effectiveness

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    In this study, it was aimed to develop, characterize, and improve the antioxidant activity of gallic acid (GA) by formulating it into microemulsion (ME) and microemulsion gel (MEg). Blank MEs were prepared using different proportions of oil/water/surfactant, which provide stable and transparent ME production. Their droplet sizes, zeta potentials and stabilities after holding, centrifugation, and freeze-thawing processes were determined. F2 and F5 coded MEs were selected among the blank MEs and GA was loaded into these formulations. Besides the characterization studies, pH and viscosity measurement, in vitro release, cytotoxicity test, cell permeation, and antioxidant activity studies were performed. In vitro released amount of GA was enhanced by formulating it into ME and MEg at the end of six hours and it showed a scavenging effect of DPPH● and ABTS●+ radicals. In conclusion, increased efficacy, reduced toxicity, and prolonged antioxidant activity have been achieved with the use of new, non-toxic, and stable ME and MEg loaded with GA and it is thought that these formulations create the potential for topical application

    Urban Landscapes

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    The issue focuses on philosophies and designs that shape our cities on a broader scale; exploring different approaches between architecture, built environment, and nature; from material to medicinal plants, from plant scale to urban and social sciences. The issue examines the natural and built environment in Istanbul through the relationship between urban planning, urban space, architecture, and landscape architecture. It focuses on designs made in different parts of Istanbul between natural areas and built areas in the city. The urban landscape is an effective and important design process that includes the interaction of architecture, city planning, and landscape architecture disciplines and creates the living environment of people within and between buildings. It has a complementary and important effect in the process of providing and maintaining the physical, physiological, psychological, and social needs of its users. It covers structural design and furniture location selection and design as well as planting. The special issue on Urban Landscape covers this concept; It has a content setup that starts from the upper scale and shrinks towards the building scale.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Is Melatonın Possıbly The New Hope In Pcos-Related Infertılıty? An Experımental Study

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    Polikistik over sendromu (PKOS) %6-8 prevalansı ile üreme periyodundaki kadınlarda en sık görülen endokrin bozukluktur. Prevalansına rağmen etiyolojik koşulları tam olarak anlaşılmamıştır. Melatoninin PCOS patofizyolojisinde önemli bir rol aldığı önerilmiştir. Epifiz bezinden salgılanan temel hormon olan melatonin, memelilerde sirkadiyen ritimi, uyku ve üreme değişimlerini düzenlemektedir ve farklı dokularda oksidatif stres ve hücre ölümlerine karşı koruyucu bir ajan olarak tanımlanmıştır. Sirkadiyen ritimi kontrol etmesinin yanı sıra melatonin, reaktif oksijen ve nitrojenleri nötralize eder ve immün sistemi sistemi aktive eder. Bu nedenle, melatonin ovaryum fonksiyonuna direk etki eder. Ovaryumda melatonin etkisine, Melatonin 1 reseptörü aracılık eder. Çalışmalarda, PKOS un patofizyolojisi ve etiyoloji üzerinde MT reseptör genlerinin önemli bir rolü olduğu önerilmiştir. GDF 9 ve BMP 15 içeren farklı büyüme faktörleri PKOS un olası etki mekanizmalarını etkilemektedirler. Çalışmamızın amacı, ekzojen melatoninin MT1 reseptörü ve GDF 9, BMP 15 parakrin sinyal molekülleri üzerine etkisinin ratlardaki PKOS modelinde belirlemektir. Letrozol, non-aromataz enzim inhibitörüdür. Aromataz, PKOS indüksiyonunda östrojen sentezleyen enzimdir. Çalışmamızda letrozol ratlarda PKOS u indüklemek için kullanıldı. Deneyde 6-8 haftalık 32 dişi Sprague Dawley rat türü, eşit 4 gruba ayrıldı (n=8). 1. Grup: Sham kontrol (%1 CMC/gün/ 3hafta), 2. Grup: Melatonin uygulanan grup (2mg/kg/gün/3 hafta,%1 CMC/gün/ 3hafta), 3. Grup: Deneysel PKOS grubu (1mg/kg/gün/3 hafta Letrozol), 4.Grup: Deneysel PKOS+ melatonin (1mg/kg/gün/3 hafta Letrozol + 2mg/kg/gün/3 hafta melatonin). Süre bitiminde alınan ovaryum dokuları % 10 luk nötral formalinde 72 saat tespit edildi, rutin ışık mikroskobik takip prosedüründen sonra, parafin bloklar oluşturuldu. Parafin bloklardan 4-5 mikron kalınlığında kesitler alındı. Bu kesitler için Hematoksilen Eozin boyama uygulandı. Eksojen melatoninin MT1 reseptörüne, GDF 9 ve BMP 15 parakrin sinyal moleküllerine etkisini incelemek için de immunohistokimya protokolü uygulandı. Preparatlar, Leica DCM 4000 (Germany) bilgisayar destekli görüntüleme sisteminde, mikroskop altında değerlendirildi ve sisteme bağlı Leica Q Vin 3 programında resimlendirildi. Son olarak, eksojen melatoninin, GDF 9, BMP 15 ve MT1, üzerine etkisini incelemek için, RT-PCR ve western blot metodu uygulandı. Sonuç olarak melatoninin PKOS ta GDF 9 yolağı üzerinde daha etkili olabiliceği kanısına varılmıştır.Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age with a 6-8 % prevelance. Despite its prevalence, the etiology of PCOS is still poorly understood. It has been suggested that the hormone melatonin might play an important role in the pathophysiology of PCOS. Melatonin, the principal hormone of the pineal gland, regulates mammalian circadian rhythms, sleep, and reproductive cycles and it has been described as a protective agent against cell death and oxidative stress in different tissues. In addition to controlling circadian rhythms, melatonin neutralizes reactive oxygen and nitrogen, and activates the immune system. Thus, melatonin has a direct effect on ovarian function. The function of melatonin in ovary is mainly mediated by melatonin receptor 1. Studies suggest that MT1 genes play an important role in the etiology and pathophysiology of PCOS. Different growth factors including GDF 9 and BMP 15 are associated with PCOS. The purpose of our study is to determine the effects of exogenous melatonin on MT1 receptor and ovarian paracrine signal molecules GDF 9 and BMP 15 expressions in rat PCOS model. Letrozole is a non-steroidal aromatase inhibitör. Aromatase is an enzyme that synthesizes estrogen which induces PCOS. In our study Letrozole was used to induce PCOS in the rats. Thirty-two 6-8 week old female Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into 4 equal groups (n=8). Group 1: Sham control group (1% CMC/day for 3 weeks), group 2: melatonin-injected group (2mg/kg/day melatonin, 1% CMC/day for 3 weeks for 3 weeks), group 3: experimental PCOS group (1mg/kg/day letrozole for 3 weeks), group 4: experimental PCOS + melatonin-injected group (1mg/kg/day letrozole for 3 weeks + 2mg/kg/day melatonin for 3 weeks). Ovaries were removed and fixed in 10 % neutral buffered formalin for 72 hours. After routine light microscopic processing, tissues were embedded into paraffin blocks. 4-5 micron thick sections cut from the paraffin blocks. These sections were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin. Immunohistochemistry protocol was applied to investigate the effect of exogenous melatonin on MT1 receptor and GDF 9 and BMP 15 paracrine signal molecules. Preparations were evaluated with light microscope supported by Leica DCM 4000 (Germany) computer and photographed by Leica Q Vin 3 program connected to computer system. Finally, to examine the influence of exogenous melatonin on GDF 9, BMP 15 and MT1 receptor molecules, RT-PCR and western blot method used. As a result, it is concluded that melatonin may be more effective on GDF 9 pathway in PCOS

    Türkiye’deki mimarların motivasyonu ve iş tatmini.

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the motivation and the job satisfaction of architects working at an architectural design office in Turkey. The theoretical framework of this research focuses on a hypothesis which claims that the motivation of an employee affects their job satisfaction, and therefore it has an impact on the employee performance. Since performance of design teams affects the project success, and project success is crucial to achieve an organizational success, it is crucial to investigate the motivation factors and its impact on job satisfaction. A questionnaire was conducted regarding the framework of this research. The data was collected, and regression models were constructed to analyze the findings.Thesis (M.S.) -- Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Building Science in Architecture