231 research outputs found

    The cosmic history of hot gas cooling and radio active galactic nucleus activity in massive early-type galaxies

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    We study the X-ray properties of 393 optically selected early-type galaxies (ETGs) over the redshift range of z≈ 0.0–1.2 in the Chandra Deep Fields (CDFs). To measure the average X-ray properties of the ETG population, we use X-ray stacking analyses with a subset of 158 passive ETGs (148 of which were individually undetected in X-ray). This ETG subset was constructed to span the redshift ranges of z= 0.1–1.2 in the ≈4 Ms CDF-South and ≈2 Ms CDF-North and z= 0.1–0.6 in the ≈250 ks Extended-CDF-South where the contribution from individually undetected active galactic nuclei (AGN) is expected to be negligible in our stacking. We find that 55 of the ETGs are detected individually in X-ray, and 12 of these galaxies have properties consistent with being passive hot-gas-dominated systems (i.e. systems not dominated by an X-ray bright AGN). On the basis of our analyses, we find little evolution in the mean 0.5–2 keV to B-band luminosity ratio (LX/LB∝ [1 +z]1.2) since z≈ 1.2, implying that some heating mechanism prevents the gas from cooling in these systems. We consider that feedback from radio-mode AGN activity could be responsible for heating the gas. We select radio AGN in the ETG population using their far-infrared/radio flux ratio. Our radio observations allow us to constrain the duty cycle history of radio AGN activity in our ETG sample. We estimate that if scaling relations between radio and mechanical power hold out to z≈ 1.2 for the ETG population being studied here, the average mechanical power from AGN activity is a factor of ≈1.4–2.6 times larger than the average radiative cooling power from hot gas over the redshift range z≈ 0–1.2. The excess of inferred AGN mechanical power from these ETGs is consistent with that found in the local Universe for similar types of galaxies

    Mid-infrared luminous quasars in the GOODS–Herschel fields: a large population of heavily obscured, Compton-thick quasars at z ≈ 2

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    We present the infrared (IR) and X-ray properties of a sample of 33 mid-IR luminous quasars (νL6 μm ≥ 6 × 1044 erg s−1) at redshift z ≈ 1–3, identified through detailed spectral energy distribution analyses of distant star-forming galaxies, using the deepest IR data from Spitzer and Herschel in the GOODS–Herschel fields. The aim is to constrain the fraction of obscured, and Compton-thick (CT, NH > 1.5 × 1024 cm−2) quasars at the peak era of nuclear and star formation activities. Despite being very bright in the mid-IR band, ≈30 per cent of these quasars are not detected in the extremely deep 2 and 4 Ms Chandra X-ray data available in these fields. X-ray spectral analysis of the detected sources reveals that the majority (≈67 per cent) are obscured by column densities NH > 1022 cm−2; this fraction reaches ≈80 per cent when including the X-ray-undetected sources (9 out of 33), which are likely to be the most heavily obscured, CT quasars. We constrain the fraction of CT quasars in our sample to be ≈24–48 per cent, and their space density to be Φ = (6.7 ± 2.2) × 10−6 Mpc−3. From the investigation of the quasar host galaxies in terms of star formation rates (SFRs) and morphological distortions, as a sign of galaxy mergers/interactions, we do not find any direct relation between SFRs and quasar luminosity or X-ray obscuration. On the other hand, there is tentative evidence that the most heavily obscured quasars have, on average, more disturbed morphologies than the unobscured/moderately obscured quasar hosts, which preferentially live in undisturbed systems. However, the fraction of quasars with disturbed morphology amongst the whole sample is ≈40 per cent, suggesting that galaxy mergers are not the main fuelling mechanism of quasars at z ≈ 2

    The 4 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South number counts apportioned by source class : pervasive active galactic nuclei and the ascent of normal galaxies

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    We present 0.5-2 keV, 2-8 keV, 4-8 keV, and 0.5-8 keV (hereafter soft, hard, ultra-hard, and full bands, respectively) cumulative and differential number-count (log N-log S) measurements for the recently completed ≈4 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South (CDF-S) survey, the deepest X-ray survey to date. We implement a new Bayesian approach, which allows reliable calculation of number counts down to flux limits that are factors of ≈1.9-4.3 times fainter than the previously deepest number-count investigations. In the soft band (SB), the most sensitive bandpass in our analysis, the ≈4 Ms CDF-S reaches a maximum source density of ≈27,800 deg-2. By virtue of the exquisite X-ray and multiwavelength data available in the CDF-S, we are able to measure the number counts from a variety of source populations (active galactic nuclei (AGNs), normal galaxies, and Galactic stars) and subpopulations (as a function of redshift, AGN absorption, luminosity, and galaxy morphology) and test models that describe their evolution. We find that AGNs still dominate the X-ray number counts down to the faintest flux levels for all bands and reach a limiting SB source density of ≈14,900 deg-2, the highest reliable AGN source density measured at any wavelength. We find that the normal-galaxy counts rise rapidly near the flux limits and, at the limiting SB flux, reach source densities of ≈12,700 deg-2 and make up 46% ± 5% of the total number counts. The rapid rise of the galaxy counts toward faint fluxes, as well as significant normal-galaxy contributions to the overall number counts, indicates that normal galaxies will overtake AGNs just below the ≈4 Ms SB flux limit and will provide a numerically significant new X-ray source population in future surveys that reach below the ≈4 Ms sensitivity limit. We show that a future ≈10 Ms CDF-S would allow for a significant increase in X-ray-detected sources, with many of the new sources being cosmologically distant (z >~ 0.6) normal galaxies

    Black Hole Growth Is Mainly Linked to Host-galaxy Stellar Mass Rather Than Star Formation Rate

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    We investigate the dependence of black-hole accretion rate (BHAR) on host-galaxy star formation rate (SFR) and stellar mass (M∗) in the CANDELS/GOODS-South field in the redshift range of 0.5≤z<2.0. Our sample consists of ≈18000 galaxies, allowing us to probe galaxies with 0.1≲SFR≲100 M⊙ yr−1 and/or 108≲M∗≲1011 M⊙. We use sample-mean BHAR to approximate long-term average BHAR. Our sample-mean BHARs are derived from the Chandra Deep Field-South 7 Ms observations, while the SFRs and M∗ have been estimated by the CANDELS team through SED fitting. The average BHAR is correlated positively with both SFR and M∗, and the BHAR-SFR and BHAR-M∗ relations can both be described acceptably by linear models with a slope of unity. However, BHAR appears to be correlated more strongly with M∗ than SFR. This result indicates that M∗ is the primary host-galaxy property related to black-hole growth, and the apparent BHAR-SFR relation is largely a secondary effect due to the star-forming main sequence. Among our sources, massive galaxies (M∗≳1010M⊙) have significantly higher BHAR/SFR ratios than less-massive galaxies, indicating the former have higher black-hole fueling efficiency and/or higher SMBH occupation fraction than the latter. Our results can naturally explain the observed proportionality between MBH and M∗ for local giant ellipticals, and suggest their MBH/M∗ is higher than that of local star-forming galaxies. Among local star-forming galaxies, massive systems might have higher MBH/M∗ compared to dwarfs

    An ALMA Survey of Submillimeter Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South: The AGN Fraction and X-Ray Properties of Submillimeter Galaxies

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    The large gas and dust reservoirs of submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) could potentially provide ample fuel to trigger an active galactic nucleus (AGN), but previous studies of the AGN fraction in SMGs have been controversial largely due to the inhomogeneity and limited angular resolution of the available submillimeter surveys. Here we set improved constraints on the AGN fraction and X-ray properties of the SMGs with Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and Chandra observations in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South (E-CDF-S). This study is the first among similar works to have unambiguously identified the X-ray counterparts of SMGs; this is accomplished using the fully submillimeter-identified, statistically reliable SMG catalog with 99 SMGs from the ALMA LABOCA E-CDF-S Submillimeter Survey. We found 10 X-ray sources associated with SMGs (median redshift z = 2.3), of which eight were identified as AGNs using several techniques that enable cross-checking. The other two X-ray detected SMGs have levels of X-ray emission that can be plausibly explained by their star formation activity. Six of the eight SMG-AGNs are moderately/highly absorbed, with N H > 1023 cm?2. An analysis of the AGN fraction, taking into account the spatial variation of X-ray sensitivity, yields an AGN fraction of 17−6+16%17^{+16}_{-6}\% for AGNs with rest-frame 0.5-8?keV absorption-corrected luminosity ?7.8 × 1042?erg?s?1; we provide estimated AGN fractions as a function of X-ray flux and luminosity. ALMA's high angular resolution also enables direct X-ray stacking at the precise positions of SMGs for the first time, and we found four potential SMG-AGNs in our stacking sample

    X-Ray Spectral Constraints for z ≈ 2 Massive Galaxies: The Identification of Reflection-dominated Active Galactic Nuclei

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    We use the 4 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South (CDF-S) survey to place direct constraints on the ubiquity of z 2 heavily obscured active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in K 10 keV observatories. On the basis of these analyses, we estimate the space density for typical (intrinsic X-ray luminosities of L 2-10 keV 1043 erg s–1) heavily obscured and Compton-thick AGNs at z 2. Our space-density constraints are conservative lower limits but they are already consistent with the range of predictions from X-ray background models

    Revisiting the Bs(∗)B^{(*)}_s-Meson Production at the Hadronic Colliders

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    The production of heavy-flavored hadron at the hadronic colliders provides a challenging opportunity to test the validity of pQCD predictions. There are two mechanisms for the Bs(∗)B^{(*)}_s hadroproduction, i.e. the gluon-gluon fusion mechanism via the subprocess g+g→Bs(∗)+b+sˉg+g\rightarrow B^{(*)}_s+b+\bar{s} and the extrinsic heavy quark mechanism via the subprocesses g+bˉ→Bs(∗)+sˉg+\bar{b}\to B^{(*)}_s +\bar{s} and g+s→Bs(∗)+bg+s\to B^{(*)}_s +b, both of which shall have sizable contributions in proper kinematic region. Different from the fixed-flavor-number scheme (FFNS) previously adopted in the literature, we study the Bs(∗)B^{(*)}_s hadroproduction under the general-mass variable-flavor-number scheme (GM-VFNS), in which we can consistently deal with the double counting problem from the above two mechanisms. Properties for the Bs(∗)B^{(*)}_s hadroproduction are discussed. To be useful reference, a comparative study of FFNS and GM-VFNS is presented. Both of which can provide reasonable estimations for the Bs(∗)B^{(*)}_s hadroproduction. At the Tevatron, the difference between these two schemes is small, however such difference is obvious at the LHC. The forthcoming more precise data on LHC shall provide a good chance to check which scheme is more appropriate to deal with the Bs(∗)B^{(*)}_s-meson production and to further study the heavy quark components in hadrons.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables. To match the published version. To be published in Eur.Phys.J.

    The LABOCA survey of the extended Chandra Deep Field South : two modes of star formation in active galactic nucleus hosts?

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    We study the co-existence of star formation and active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity in Chandra X-ray-selected AGN by analyzing stacked 870 Οm submillimeter emission from a deep and wide map of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS), obtained with the LABOCA instrument at the APEX telescope. The total X-ray sample of 895 sources with median redshift z ~ 1 drawn from the combined (E)CDFS X-ray catalogs is detected at >11σ significance at a mean submillimeter flux of 0.49 ¹ 0.04 mJy, corresponding to a typical star formation rate (SFR) around 30 M sun yr-1 for a T = 35 K, β = 1.5 graybody far-infrared spectral energy distribution. The good signal-to-noise ratio permits stacking analyses for major subgroups, splitting the sample by redshift, intrinsic luminosity, and AGN obscuration properties. We observe a trend of SFR increasing with redshift. An increase of SFR with AGN luminosity is indicated at the highest L 2-10 keV >~ 1044 erg s-1 luminosities only. Increasing trends with X-ray obscuration as expected in some AGN evolutionary scenarios are not observed for the bulk of the X-ray AGN sample but may be present for the highest intrinsic luminosity objects with L 2-10 keV >~ 1044 erg s-1. This behavior suggests a transition between two modes in the co-existence of AGN activity and star formation. For the bulk of the sample, the X-ray luminosity and obscuration of the AGN are not intimately linked to the global SFR of their hosts. The hosts are likely massive and forming stars secularly, at rates similar to the pervasive star formation seen in massive galaxies without an AGN at similar redshifts. In these systems, star formation is not linked to a specific state of the AGN and the period of moderately luminous AGN activity may not highlight a major evolutionary transition of the galaxy. The change indicated toward more intense star formation, and a more pronounced increase in SFRs between unobscured and obscured AGN reported in the literature at highest (L 2-10 keV >~ 1044 erg s-1) luminosities suggests that these luminous AGNs follow an evolutionary path on which obscured AGN activity and intense star formation are linked, possibly via merging. Comparison to local hard X-ray-selected AGN supports this interpretation. SFRs in the hosts of moderate luminosity AGN at z ~ 1 are an order of magnitude higher than at z ~ 0, following the increase in the non-AGN massive galaxy population. At high AGN luminosities, hosts on the evolutionary link/merger path emerge from this secular level of star formation

    The ARGO-YBJ Experiment Progresses and Future Extension

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    Gamma ray source detection above 30TeV is an encouraging approach for finding galactic cosmic ray origins. All sky survey for gamma ray sources using wide field of view detector is essential for population accumulation for various types of sources above 100GeV. To target the goals, the ARGO-YBJ experiment has been established. Significant progresses have been made in the experiment. A large air shower detector array in an area of 1km2 is proposed to boost the sensitivity. Hybrid detection with multi-techniques will allow a good discrimination between different types of primary particles, including photons and protons, thus enable an energy spectrum measurement for individual specie. Fluorescence light detector array will extend the spectrum measurement above 100PeV where the second knee is located. An energy scale determined by balloon experiments at 10TeV will be propagated to ultra high energy cosmic ray experiments
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