1,473 research outputs found

    Positional trueness of three removable die designs with different root geometries manufactured using stereolithographic 3D printing.

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    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Three-dimensional (3D) printed casts are a suitable alternative to dental stone casts. Contemporary dental design computer programs permit designing definitive casts with removable dies with different root geometries and retention mechanisms. Studies on the positional trueness of 3D-printed removable dies with different root geometries are lacking. PURPOSE The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the 3D displacements of three 3D-printed removable die designs with different root geometries. MATERIAL AND METHODS The digital file of a dental stone alveolar cast with root-form removable dies (MOD UJ IV Fixed Prosthetics; Ivoclar AG) was used as a reference to create 3 removable die and alveolar cast designs (Root Form, RF; Conical, CON; Cylindric, CYL) with different root geometries in 2 dental design computer programs (DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka; exocad; GmbH; InLab CAD 22.0; Dentsply Sirona). 3 equidistant Ø1-mm spheres (C, Cervical; M, Middle; O, Occlusal) were designed on the buccal surface of the coronal portion of the removable die to evaluate their displacement. A total of 45 alveolar casts with 45 removable dies were fabricated using a stereolithographic 3D printer (Form 3; Formlabs); each die group consisted of 15 specimens. After fabrication and postprocessing, the specimens were scanned, and their digital files were analyzed in a metrology-grade computer program to evaluate the displacement of the removable dies with respect to the position of the die in the master reference file. Subsequently, the data were analyzed using a 3-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by step-down Bonferroni-corrected pairwise comparisons (α=.05). RESULTS Two statistically significant 2-way interactions were detected between the independent variables, die design and direction (P<.001), and location and direction (P<.001). The post hoc analysis identified significant differences between the displacement values of RF and CYL (P<.001) and RF and the CON (P<.001) designs on the Y axis. The measured displacements were statistically different between the C and O locations on the Y axis (P=.001) and the M and O locations on the Z axis (P=.006). CONCLUSIONS The root geometry of a 3D-printed removable die and alveolar cast can affect seating, and variable degrees of tipping of the removable die can be seen. The seating and congruence of the removable die with the interocclusal space and relationships observed intraorally should be confirmed before adjusting indirect restorations


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    The invaluable commented checklist of the vascular flora of the ultramafic rocks of northeastern Portugal of Pinto da Silva (1970) has been recently reviewed by Aguiar and Monteiro-Henriques (ined.). These authors’ accept 568 taxa, 29% of which (164 taxa) are new additions to the original catalogue of Pinto da Silva (1970). A subset of it with the most frequent and floristically relevant species is presented in Table 6. New additions have been highlighted with an asterisk (*). The most noticeable neophytes have been included and marked with an open rhombus (◊). A few synonyms have been added to facilitate the reading of the list of Pinto da Silva (1970). Familiar circumscription and higher taxa are according, respectively, to APG III (2009) and Chase & Reveal (2009). The main sources of infrafamiliar taxonomic information were the Flora Iberica (Castroviejo 1981+), Nova Flora de Portugal (Franco 1971; 1984; Franco & Rocha Afonso (1994; 1998), The Checklist of the Portuguese Vascular Flora (Sequeira et al. 2011) and, among others, the taxonomic revisions of Romero et al. (1988) (Agrostis), Díaz Lifante & Valdés (1996) (Asphodelus), La Guardia & Blanca (1987) (Scorzonera), Schippmann (1991) and Voght (1991) (Leucanthemum). We followed different taxonomic or nomenclatural criteria from Flora Iberica or Nova Flora de Portugal in Armeria langei subsp. marizii, Anthyllis sampaioana, A. vulneraria subsp. lusitanica, Alyssum serpyllifolium subsp. lusitanicum, Asplenium adiantum-nigrum subsp. corunnense, Carlina hispanica, Centaurea langei, Festuca elegans subsp. merinoi, Helianthemum apenninum subsp. rothmaleri, Tuberaria guttata and Trifolium striatum var. brevidens. The preparation of a checklist of ultramafic vascular flora is a difficult task. First of all, flora checklists are unfinished assignments because plants come and go with time. On the other hand, the northeastern Portugal ophiolites lithology is heterogeneous and complex. Peridotites, and similar ultramafic rocks, appear in stretched outcrops dispersed among macromorphologically similar basic rocks. The soils that have covered the ultramafic rocks many times catch materials from nearby mafic and leucocratic rocks. Finally, deep soils, rich in organic matter, derived from ultramafic rocks, usually have a similar flora to other nearby lithologies. The serpentine effect is in practice impossible to spatialize and quantify; consequently an ultramafic vascular flora checklist brings together plants of rather diverse ecology, and is by itself of limited scientific value

    Fiber-Optic Sensor for Aircraft Lightning Current Measurement

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    An electric current sensor based on Faraday rotation effect in optical fiber was developed for measuring aircraft lightning current. Compared to traditional sensors, the design has many advantages including the ability to measure total current and to conform to structure geometries. The sensor is also small, light weight, non-conducting, safe from interference, and free of hysteresis and saturation. Potential applications include characterization of lightning current waveforms, parameters and paths, and providing environmental data for aircraft certifications. In an optical fiber as the sensing medium, light polarization rotates when exposed to a magnetic field in the direction of light propagation. By forming closed fiber loops around a conductor and applying Ampere s law, measuring the total light rotation yields the enclosed current. A reflective polarimetric scheme is used, where polarization change is measured after the polarized light travels round-trip through the sensing fiber. The sensor system was evaluated measuring rocket-triggered lightning over the 2011 summer. Early results compared very well against a reference current shunt resistor, demonstrating the sensor's accuracy and feasibility in a lightning environment. While later comparisons show gradually increasing amplitude deviations for an undetermined cause, the overall waveforms still compared very well

    Optimizing precision irrigation of a vineyard to improve water use efficiency and profitability by using a decision-oriented vine water consumption model

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    While the agronomic and economic benefits of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) strategies have long been established in red wine grape varieties, spatial variability in water requirements across a vineyard limits their practical application. This study aims to evaluate the performance of an integrated methodology—based on a vine water consumption model and remote sensing data—to optimize the precision irrigation (PI) of a 100-ha commercial vineyard during two consecutive growing seasons. In addition, a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) was conducted of the tested strategy. Using an NDVI generated map, a vineyard with 52 irrigation sectors and the varieties Tempranillo, Cabernet and Syrah was classified in three categories (Low, Medium and High). The proposed methodology allowed viticulturists to adopt a precise RDI strategy, and, despite differences in water requirement between irrigation sectors, pre-defined stem water potential thresholds were not exceeded. In both years, the difference between maximum and minimum water applied in the different irrigation sectors varied by as much as 25.6%. Annual transpiration simulations showed ranges of 240.1–340.8 mm for 2016 and 298.6–366.9 mm for 2017. According to the CBA, total savings of 7090.00 € (2016) and 9960.00 € (2017) were obtained in the 100-ha vineyard with the PI strategy compared to not PI. After factoring in PI technology and labor costs of 5090 €, the net benefit was 20.0 € ha−1 in 2016 and 48.7 € ha−1 in 2017. The water consumption model adopted here to optimize PI is shown to enhance vineyard profitability, water use efficiency and yield.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lightning Current Measurement with Fiber-Optic Sensor

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    A fiber-optic current sensor is successfully developed with many potential applications for electric current measurement. Originally developed for in-flight lightning measurement, the sensor utilizes Faraday Effect in an optical fiber. The Faraday Effect causes linear light polarization in a fiber to rotate when the fiber is exposed to a magnetic field. The polarization change is detected using a reflective polarimetric scheme. Forming fiber loops and applying Ampere's law, measuring the total light rotation results in the determination of the total current enclosed. The sensor is conformable to complex structure geometry. It is also non-conductive and immune to electromagnetic interference, saturation or hysteresis. Installation is non-intrusive, and the sensor can be safely routed through flammable areas. Two similar sensor systems are described in this paper. The first system operates at 1310nm laser wavelength and is capable of measuring approximately 300 A - 300 kA, a 60 dB range. Laboratory validation results of aircraft lighting direct and in-direct effect current amplitudes are reported for this sensor. The second system operates at 1550nm wavelength and can measure about 400 A - 400 kA. Triggered-lightning measurement data are presented for this system. Good results are achieved in all cases

    Fiber-Optic Current Sensor Validation with Triggered Lightning Measurements

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    A fiber optic current sensor based on the Faraday Effect is developed that is highly suitable for aircraft installation and can measure total current enclosed in a fiber loop down to DC. Other attributes include being small, light-weight, non-conducting, safe from electromagnetic interference, and free of hysteresis and saturation. The Faraday Effect causes light polarization to rotate when exposed to a magnetic field in the direction of light propagation. Measuring the induced light polarization rotation in fiber loops yields the total current enclosed. Two sensor systems were constructed and installed at Camp Blanding, Florida, measuring rocket-triggered lightning. The systems were similar in design but with different laser wavelengths, sensitivities and ranges. Results are compared to a shunt resistor as reference. The 850nm wavelength system tested in summer 2011 showed good result comparison early. However, later results showed gradual amplitude increase with time, attributed to corroded connections affecting the 50-ohm output termination. The 1550nm system also yielded good results in the summer 2012. The successful measurements demonstrate the fiber optic sensor's accuracies in capturing real lightning currents, and represent an important step toward future aircraft installation

    Economic policy uncertainty and stock return momentum

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    This paper investigates the relationship between economic policy uncertainty (EPU), an index capturing newspaper coverage of policy-related issues, and momentum profits. Momentum remains an unexplained anomaly. Our findings reveal a statistically negative association between EPU and hedge momentum portfolios. The short side portfolio dominates this effect as compared to the long side. EPU is statistically significant after controlling for macroeconomic variables. Further-more, the paper conducts a battery of time series analysis, which highlights that EPU has a causal relationship with the hedge portfolio in the short run. On the other hand, the hedge portfolio has along-term relationship with EPU, not the other way around.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Application of multi-regression machine learning algorithms to solve ocean water mass mixing in the Atlantic Ocean

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    The distribution of any non-conservative variable in the deep open ocean results from the circulation and mixing of water masses (WMs) of contrasting origin and from the initial preformed composition, modified during ongoing simultaneous biological and/or geochemical processes. Estimating the contribution of the WMs composing a sample is useful to trace the distribution of each water mass and to quantitatively separate the physical (mixing) and biogeochemical components of the variability of any, non- conservative variable (e.g., dissolved organic carbon, prokaryote biomass) in the ocean. Other than potential temperature and salinity, additional semi-conservative and non-conservative variables have been used to solve the mixing of more than three water masses using Optimum Multi-Parameter (OMP) approaches. Successful application of an OMP analysis requires knowledge of the characteristics of the water masses in their source regions as well as their circulation and mixing patterns. Here, we propose the application of multi-regression machine learning models to solve ocean water mass mixing. The models tested were trained using the solutions from OMP analyses previously applied to samples from cruises in the Atlantic Ocean. Extremely Randomized Trees algorithm yielded the highest score (R2 = 0.9931; mse = 0.000227). Our model allows solving the mixing of water masses in the Atlantic Ocean using potential temperature, salinity, latitude, longitude and depth. Therefore, basic hydrographic data collected during typical research cruises or autonomous systems can be used as input variables and provide results in real time. The model can be fed with new solutions from compatible OMP analyses as well as with new water masses not previously considered in it. Our tool will provide knowledge on water mass composition and distribution to a broader community of marine scientists not specialized in OMP analysis and/or in the oceanography of the studied area. This will allow a quantitative analysis of the effect of water mass mixing on the variables or processes under study

    Complexes of Pd(II) and Pt(II) with 9-aminoacridine: reactions with DNA and study of their antiproliferative activity

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    Four new metal complexes {M = Pd(II) or Pt(II)} containing the ligand 9-aminoacridine (9AA) were prepared. The compounds were characterized by FT-IR and 1H, 13C, and 195Pt NMR spectroscopies. Crystal structure of the palladium complex of formulae [Pd(9AA)(μ-Cl)]2 · 2DMF was determined by X-ray diffraction. Two 9-acridine molecules in the imine form bind symmetrically to the metal ions in a bidentate fashion through the imine nitrogen atom and the C(1) atom of the aminoacridine closing a new five-membered ring. By reaction with phosphine or pyridine, the Cl bridges broke and compounds with general formulae [Pd(9AA)Cl(L)] (where L = PPh3 or py) were formed. A mononuclear complex of platinum of formulae [Pt(9AA)Cl(DMSO)] was also obtained by direct reaction of 9-aminoacridine and the complex [PtCl2(DMSO)2]. The capacity of the compounds to modify the secondary and tertiary structures of DNA was evaluated by means of circular dichroism and electrophoretic mobility. Both palladium and platinum compounds proved active in the modification of both the secondary and tertiary DNA structures. AFM images showed noticeable modifications of the morphology of the plasmid pBR322 DNA by the compounds probably due to the intercalation of the complexes between base pairs of the DNA molecule. Finally, the palladium complex was tested for antiproliferative activity against three different human tumor cell lines. The results suggest that the palladium complex of formula [Pd(9AA)(μ-Cl)]2 has significant antiproliferative activity, although it is less active than cisplatin