80 research outputs found

    Fuzzy logic circulation types based on the Osuchowska-Klein classification system created for Poland

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    Fuzzy logic was applied as a methodology to create an objective calendar of daily atmospheric circulation based on an existing atmospheric circulation classification system for Poland called the Osuchowska-Klein method, which includes 13 circulation patterns. In this study, circulation patterns given by Osuchowska-Klein were expressed as normalized values of sea level pressure in a regular 5^{o}×5^{o} grid over the area of interest. Cases of daily atmospheric circulation (i.e., normalized values for the same domain) observed from January 1948 to December 2007 were defined in the same manner. The patternmatching procedure employed in the study was made objective with the application of fuzzy logic sets in a few steps as follows: (1) discrimination and grouping of grid points as well as their classification in order to clearly define each Osuchowska-Klein circulation pattern, (2) calculation of the similarity between observed normalized pressure and that of the pattern at each selected grid point using a membership function, (3) determination of the degree of fulfillment for every class of grid points, (4) determination of the degree of a case and pattern, (5) selection of the circulation type for a particular day based on the degree of fulfillment for each pattern. The largest value of the degree of fulfillment indicates the type of circulation pattern on any given day. Finally, a validation of the obtained results is discussed. This was accomplished using the chi-square test and a comparison of consistency between the traditional and objective approach types. The results do show some differences between the subjective and objective methods, however, they are not major differences, especially when taking into account the fact that the two methods are quite different, as well as the complex nature of pressure systems

    Problematyka filozofii jednoczącej u człowieka dorosłego

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    The significance of TNF-α gene polymorphisms in preterm delivery

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    Introduction: Nowadays the strong genetic background of preterm delivery (PTD) in connection with immune answer has been indicated. The purpose of the study was the assessment of frequency of TNF-α -238G>A, -308G>A, -376G>A gene polymorphisms in the etiology of preterm delivery. Material and methods: The study group consisted of 150 women with PTD (22+0 - 36+6 gw.), the controls of 150 women who delivered at term (>37 gw.). PTD group was divided into subgroups: a/ delivery between 22-28 gw., b/ 28-32 gw., and c/ 32-36+6 gw. Genetic analysis was performed by PCR/RLFP method. Results: Overrepresentation of -238GA genotype (12.7 vs. 4.7%, p=0.011) and -238A allele (7.7 vs. 2.3%, p=0,002) in PTD group has been observed. In PTD 28-32 gw. subgroup, higher frequency of -238GA genotype (31.6 vs. 4,7%, p=0.00095), and mutated -238A allele (21.1 vs. 2.3%, p=0.00004) was noted. Moreover in PTD 28-32 gw. subgroup we have noted higher presence of heterozygous -376GA genotype (10.5 vs. 1,3%, p=0,063) and mutated -376A allele (5.3 vs. 0,7%, p=0.064). Analysis of TNF-α polymorphisms co-occurrence showed statistically significant overrepresentation of genotypes containing mutated -238A allele in PTD group (-238GA/-308GG/-376GG: 8.0 vs. 2,7%, p=0.035). Haplotype analysis revealed statistically significant difference between PTD and controls in the incidence of -376G/-308G/-238A haplotype containing mutated -238A allele (0.063067 vs. 0.016634, p=0.030).Conclusion: The study indicated the strong association of mutated -238A allele of TNF-α gene with increased risk of PTD. Analysis of genotypes and alleles prevalence in PTD women divided according to gestational age suggests the possible role of mutated variants of -238G>A and -376G>A TNF-α polymorphisms in Polish women delivering between 28 and 32 gw

    Zwłóknienie zaotrzewnowe - opis przypadku i przegląd literatury

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    The purpose of the study was to present the symptoms, diagnostic methods, and treatment in retroperitoneal fibrosis (RPF). We present a case of a 53-year-old woman admitted to the hospital due to low back and abdominal pain complaints lasting a year. Ultrasonography revealed a myoma located along the right bank of the uterus. Six months after myoma enucleation, the patient underwent relaparotomy due to intensifying pain. The surgery revealed the presence of highly vascularized tissue; ureteral structure and topography of the right retroperitoneal were abolished, and anatomical borders were obliterated. Ureteral right catheter was placed, retroperitoneal adhesions were released and tissue fragments were collected from the retroperitoneal space for intraoperative histopathological examination. The result of histopathological examination indicated the presence of eosinophilia, adult fibroblasts proliferation, lymphocyte and plasmocyte infiltration, which confirmed the diagnosis of RPF. Corticosteroid therapy, which was applied during the postoperative period, minimized the pain.Celem pracy było przedstawienie objawów klinicznych, metod diagnostyki i leczenia w przypadku zwłóknienia zaotrzewnowego (RPF – retroperitoneal fibrosis). Przedstawiono przypadek 53-letniej pacjentki, która zgłosiła się do szpitala z powodu nasilonych dolegliwości bólowych w dolnej części pleców i podbrzuszu trwających od roku. W badaniu ultrasonograficznym przezpochwowym stwierdzono obecność mięśniaka zlokalizowanego wzdłuż prawego brzegu trzonu macicy. Po 6 miesiącach od operacji wyłuszczenia mięśniaka, z powodu narastających dolegliwości bólowych pacjentka przebyła relaparotomię. W czasie operacji stwierdzono obecność bardzo dobrze unaczynionej tkanki w przestrzeni zaotrzewnowej po stronie prawej, struktura moczowodu oraz topografia tej okolicy zniesiona, granice anatomiczne zatarte. Po zacewnikowaniu prawego moczowodu i uwolnieniu zrostów, pobrano fragmenty tkanki z przestrzeni zaotrzewnowej do badania histopatologicznego śródoperacyjnego. Wynik badania histopatologicznego wskazał na proliferację dojrzałych fibroblastów, obecność nacieków z limfocytów, plazmocytów oraz eozynofilię, co potwierdziło rozpoznanie RPF. Zastosowana w okresie pooperacyjnym sterydoterapia zminimalizowała dolegliwości bólowe u pacjentki

    Complement activation in multiple sclerosis plaques: an immunohistochemical analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: Inflammation and complement activation are firmly implicated in the pathology of multiple sclerosis; however, the extent and nature of their involvement in specific pathological processes such as axonal damage, myelin loss and disease progression remains uncertain. This study aims to bring clarity to these questions. RESULTS: We describe a detailed immunohistochemical study to localise a strategically selected set of complement proteins, activation products and regulators in brain and spinal cord tissue of 17 patients with progressive multiple sclerosis and 16 control donors, including 9 with central nervous system disease. Active, chronic active and chronic inactive multiple sclerosis plaques (35 in total) and non-plaque areas were examined.Multiple sclerosis plaques were consistently positive for complement proteins (C3, factor B, C1q), activation products (C3b, iC3b, C4d, terminal complement complex) and regulators (factor H, C1-inhibitor, clusterin), suggesting continuing local complement synthesis, activation and regulation despite the absence of other evidence of ongoing inflammation. Complement staining was most apparent in plaque and peri-plaque but also present in normal appearing white matter and cortical areas to a greater extent than in control tissue. C1q staining was present in all plaques suggesting a dominant role for the classical pathway. Cellular staining for complement components was largely restricted to reactive astrocytes, often adjacent to clusters of microglia in close apposition to complement opsonised myelin and damaged axons. CONCLUSIONS: The findings demonstrate the ubiquity of complement involvement in multiple sclerosis, suggest a pathogenic role for complement contributing to cell, axon and myelin damage and make the case for targeting complement for multiple sclerosis monitoring and therapy

    A Simple Tetraminocalix[4]arene as a Highly Efficient Catalyst under "On-Water" Conditions through Hydrophobic Amplification of Weak Hydrogen Bonds

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    8The simple tetraminocalix[4]arene 1, which contains weak H-bond-donor NH2 groups, is reported to be a highly efficient organocatalyst for the Vinylogous Mukaiyama Aldol Reaction (VMAR) of 2-(trimethylsilyloxy)furan 5 with α-ketoesters 6 a-l under "on-water" conditions owing to the hydrophobic amplification of weak H-bond interactions. The catalytic efficiency of calixarene catalyst 1 was shown to be closely related to its recognition abilities towards the reactants 5 and 6 through a multipoint recognition model. The proposed model provided good explanations for the differences on the reaction rate acceleration and on the stereoselectivity observed with different substrates.partially_openembargoed_20180509De Rosa, Margherita; La Manna, Pellegrino; Soriente, Annunziata; Gaeta, Carmine; Talotta, Carmen; Hickey, Neal; Geremia, Silvano; Neri, PlacidoDe Rosa, Margherita; La Manna, Pellegrino; Soriente, Annunziata; Gaeta, Carmine; Talotta, Carmen; Hickey, JAMES NEIL; Geremia, Silvano; Neri, Placid

    Variation in tap water consumption indicators in small poviat town

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    Worshippers of the Sun from Szklarska Poręba. A new religious movement in the face of modernity.

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    Tematem pracy jest Związek Wyznaniowy Wyznawców Słońca ze Szklarskiej Poręby, który zarejestrował w 2013 r. swoją działalność w Rejestrze kościołów i innych związków wyznaniowych. Skupiają się na zagadnieniach związanych z ekologią i szacunkiem do natury, wiarą w energie, harmonijnym rozwojem (ducha i ciała) oraz na uznaniu Słońca za najwyższego Boga i źródło wszelkiego życia.W pracy opisany zostaję proces rejestracji Związku, przemiany społeczne, które go ukształtowały oraz współczesna działalność wyznawców. Szczególną uwagę poświęcam specyfice czasów współczesnych i ich oddziaływaniu na religie i duchowość.The subject of my thesis is the religious association of the Sun, based in Szklarska Poręba (south-western Poland), formally registered in 2013. The group has a deep respect for nature and the environment, believes in various spiritual energies and promotes harmonious development of the spirit and body. They consider the Sun to be the highest God and the source of all life.The thesis describes the registration process of the group, the social changes that shaped the movement and its contemporary activities. I focus on the specificity of modern times and their impact on religion and spirituality