123 research outputs found

    Chronic contractile dysfunction without hypertrophy does not provoke a compensatory transcriptional response in mouse hearts

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    Diseased myocardium from humans and experimental animal models shows heightened expression and activity of a specific subtype of phospholipase C (PLC), the splice variant PLCβ1b. Previous studies from our group showed that increasing PLCβ1b expression in adult mouse hearts by viral transduction was sufficient to cause sustained contractile dysfunction of rapid onset, which was maintained indefinitely in the absence of other pathological changes in the myocardium. We hypothesized that impaired contractility alone would be sufficient to induce a compensatory transcriptional response. Unbiased, comprehensive mRNA-sequencing was performed on 6 biological replicates of rAAV6-treated blank, PLCβ1b and PLCβ1a (closely related but inactive splice variant) hearts 8 weeks after injection, when reduced contractility was manifest in PLCβ1b hearts without evidence of induced hypertrophy. Expression of PLCβ1b resulted in expression changes in only 9 genes at FDR<0.1 when compared with control and these genes appeared unrelated to contractility. Importantly, PLCβ1a caused similar mild expression changes to PLCβ1b, despite a complete lack of effect of this isoform on cardiac contractility. We conclude that contractile depression caused by PLCβ1b activation is largely independent of changes in the transcriptome, and thus that lowered contractility is not sufficient in itself to provoke measurable transcriptomic alterations. In addition, our data stress the importance of a stringent control group to filter out transcriptional changes unrelated to cardiac function

    Gender and sexual orientation differences in cognition across adulthood : age is kinder to women than to men regardless of sexual orientation

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    Despite some evidence of greater age-related deterioration of the brain in males than in females, gender differences in rates of cognitive aging have proved inconsistent. The present study employed web-based methodology to collect data from people aged 20-65 years (109,612 men; 88,509 women). As expected, men outperformed women on tests of mental rotation and line angle judgment, whereas women outperformed men on tests of category fluency and object location memory. Performance on all tests declined with age but significantly more so for men than for women. Heterosexuals of each gender generally outperformed bisexuals and homosexuals on tests where that gender was superior; however, there were no clear interactions between age and sexual orientation for either gender. At least for these particular tests from young adulthood to retirement, age is kinder to women than to men, but treats heterosexuals, bisexuals, and homosexuals just the same

    PI3K(p110 alpha) Protects Against Myocardial Infarction-Induced Heart Failure Identification of PI3K-Regulated miRNA and mRNA

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    Objective: Myocardial infarction (MI) is a serious complication of atherosclerosis associated with increasing mortality attributable to heart failure. Activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase [PI3K(p110α)] is considered a new strategy for the treatment o

    Guidelines for Modeling and Reporting Health Effects of Climate Change Mitigation Actions.

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    BACKGROUND: Modeling suggests that climate change mitigation actions can have substantial human health benefits that accrue quickly and locally. Documenting the benefits can help drive more ambitious and health-protective climate change mitigation actions; however, documenting the adverse health effects can help to avoid them. Estimating the health effects of mitigation (HEM) actions can help policy makers prioritize investments based not only on mitigation potential but also on expected health benefits. To date, however, the wide range of incompatible approaches taken to developing and reporting HEM estimates has limited their comparability and usefulness to policymakers. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this effort was to generate guidance for modeling studies on scoping, estimating, and reporting population health effects from climate change mitigation actions. METHODS: An expert panel of HEM researchers was recruited to participate in developing guidance for conducting HEM studies. The primary literature and a synthesis of HEM studies were provided to the panel. Panel members then participated in a modified Delphi exercise to identify areas of consensus regarding HEM estimation. Finally, the panel met to review and discuss consensus findings, resolve remaining differences, and generate guidance regarding conducting HEM studies. RESULTS: The panel generated a checklist of recommendations regarding stakeholder engagement: HEM modeling, including model structure, scope and scale, demographics, time horizons, counterfactuals, health response functions, and metrics; parameterization and reporting; approaches to uncertainty and sensitivity analysis; accounting for policy uptake; and discounting. DISCUSSION: This checklist provides guidance for conducting and reporting HEM estimates to make them more comparable and useful for policymakers. Harmonization of HEM estimates has the potential to lead to advances in and improved synthesis of policy-relevant research that can inform evidence-based decision making and practice. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP6745

    An update of the Worldwide Integrated Assessment (WIA) on systemic insecticides. Part 2: impacts on organisms and ecosystems

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    New information on the lethal and sublethal effects of neonicotinoids and fipronil on organisms is presented in this review, complementing the previous WIA in 2015. The high toxicity of these systemic insecticides to invertebrates has been confirmed and expanded to include more species and compounds. Most of the recent research has focused on bees and the sublethal and ecological impacts these insecticides have on pollinators. Toxic effects on other invertebrate taxa also covered predatory and parasitoid natural enemies and aquatic arthropods. Little, while not much new information has been gathered on soil organisms. The impact on marine coastal ecosystems is still largely uncharted. The chronic lethality of neonicotinoids to insects and crustaceans, and the strengthened evidence that these chemicals also impair the immune system and reproduction, highlights the dangers of this particular insecticidal classneonicotinoids and fipronil. , withContinued large scale – mostly prophylactic – use of these persistent organochlorine pesticides has the potential to greatly decreasecompletely eliminate populations of arthropods in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. Sublethal effects on fish, reptiles, frogs, birds and mammals are also reported, showing a better understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity of these insecticides in vertebrates, and their deleterious impacts on growth, reproduction and neurobehaviour of most of the species tested. This review concludes with a summary of impacts on the ecosystem services and functioning, particularly on pollination, soil biota and aquatic invertebrate communities, thus reinforcing the previous WIA conclusions (van der Sluijs et al. 2015)

    Persuasive Conduct: Alignment and Resistance in Prospecting “Cold” Calls

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    Social psychology has theorized the cognitive processes underlying persuasion, without considering its interactional infrastructure – the discursive actions through which persuasion is accomplished interactionally. Our paper aims to fill this gap, by using Discursive Psychology and Conversation Analysis to examine 153 ‘cold’ calls, in which salespeople seek to secure meetings with prospective clients. We identify two sets of communicative practices that comprise persuasive conduct: (1) pre-expanding the meeting request with accounts that secure prospects’ alignment to this course of action without disclosing its end-result and (2) minimizing the imposition of the meeting to reduce the prospect’s opportunities for refusal. We conclude that persuasive conduct consists in managing the recipiency of the meeting requests by promoting alignment and hampering resistance. Overall, this paper contributes to the wider discursive psychological project of ‘respecifying’ psychological phenomena like attitudes, memory, and emotion from the realm of social cognition to the realm of social interaction

    CropPol: a dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination

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    Seventy five percent of the world's food crops benefit from insect pollination. Hence, there has been increased interest in how global change drivers impact this critical ecosystem service. Because standardized data on crop pollination are rarely available, we are limited in our capacity to understand the variation in pollination benefits to crop yield, as well as to anticipate changes in this service, develop predictions, and inform management actions. Here, we present CropPol, a dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination. It contains measurements recorded from 202 crop studies, covering 3,394 field observations, 2,552 yield measurements (i.e. berry weight, number of fruits and kg per hectare, among others), and 47,752 insect records from 48 commercial crops distributed around the globe. CropPol comprises 32 of the 87 leading global crops and commodities that are pollinator dependent. Malus domestica is the most represented crop (32 studies), followed by Brassica napus (22 studies), Vaccinium corymbosum (13 studies), and Citrullus lanatus (12 studies). The most abundant pollinator guilds recorded are honey bees (34.22% counts), bumblebees (19.19%), flies other than Syrphidae and Bombyliidae (13.18%), other wild bees (13.13%), beetles (10.97%), Syrphidae (4.87%), and Bombyliidae (0.05%). Locations comprise 34 countries distributed among Europe (76 studies), Northern America (60), Latin America and the Caribbean (29), Asia (20), Oceania (10), and Africa (7). Sampling spans three decades and is concentrated on 2001-05 (21 studies), 2006-10 (40), 2011-15 (88), and 2016-20 (50). This is the most comprehensive open global data set on measurements of crop flower visitors, crop pollinators and pollination to date, and we encourage researchers to add more datasets to this database in the future. This data set is released for non-commercial use only. Credits should be given to this paper (i.e., proper citation), and the products generated with this database should be shared under the same license terms (CC BY-NC-SA). This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Sequencing of prostate cancers identifies new cancer genes, routes of progression and drug targets

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    Prostate cancer represents a substantial clinical challenge because it is difficult to predict outcome and advanced disease is often fatal. We sequenced the whole genomes of 112 primary and metastatic prostate cancer samples. From joint analysis of these cancers with those from previous studies (930 cancers in total), we found evidence for 22 previously unidentified putative driver genes harboring coding mutations, as well as evidence for NEAT1 and FOXA1 acting as drivers through noncoding mutations. Through the temporal dissection of aberrations, we identified driver mutations specifically associated with steps in the progression of prostate cancer, establishing, for example, loss of CHD1 and BRCA2 as early events in cancer development of ETS fusion-negative cancers. Computational chemogenomic (canSAR) analysis of prostate cancer mutations identified 11 targets of approved drugs, 7 targets of investigational drugs, and 62 targets of compounds that may be active and should be considered candidates for future clinical trials

    Международный музыкальный конкурс в формировании имиджа страны проведения (на примере Евровидения 2017)

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    Аннотация выпускной квалификационной работы Орлов Никита Сергеевич «МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ МУЗЫКАЛЬНЫЙ КОНКУРС В ФОРМИРОВАНИИ ИМИДЖА СТРАНЫ ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ ЕВРОВИДЕНИЯ-2017)» Н. рук. - Быкова Елена Владимировна, доктор филологических наук, доцент Кафедра связей с общественностью Очная форма обучения Актуальность: международный музыкальный конкурс Евровидение как самое масштабное регулярное высокотехнологичное телевизионное и медиа-событие, которое . Е ежегодно акцентирует внимание аудитории на национально-культурных особенностях страны-организатора конкурса, формирует значительные туристические потоки и тем самым способствует формированию имиджа территории. Более того, победа страны-участницы конкурса Евровидения зачастую отражает идеолого-политический вектор Европы и по сути дела выполняет функцию политического PR страны-победителя и страны-хозяйки мероприятия. Следовательно анализ используемых на мероприятии коммуникативных технологий является актуальным и востребованным для событийного и устроительного PR Объект исследования: коммуникационные активности международного музыкального конкурса (на примере Евровидения в Киеве в 2017 г.). Предмет исследования: функция статусного PR-мероприятия в формировании имиджа страны. Цель исследования: доказать, что международный музыкальный конкурс Евровидение способствует формированию имиджа страны проведения. Задачи исследования: разработать терминологический аппарат исследования на основе научной литературы по имиджмейкингу, брендингу и ивент-менеджменту; определить актуальные коммуникационные технологии, применяемые в рамках специальных событий для формирования имиджа страны; описать роль Европейского Вещательного Союза как организатора Евровидения в формировании имиджа страны проведения конкурса; оценить эффективность реализованных коммуникативных технологий формирования имиджа страны в рамках Евровидения; дать рекомендации по формированию имиджа страны с помощью Евровидения. Теоретическая база: научные труды Е. Быковой, Д. Гавры, А. Панкрухина, Б. Дженеса, Е. Кавериной, У. Хальцбаура, Дж. Голдблатта а также труды Д. Пассмана о музыкальном бизнесе, П. Джордана о продвижении имиджа стран с помощью Евровидения и др. Эмпирическая база: PR-документы, размещенные на сайте Евровидения и Европейского Вещательного Союза; более полутора миллиона статей об Украине в европейских СМИ, размещенные в базе проекта мониторинга международного имиджа Украины «Oko»; данные базы материалов СМИ и социальных медиа Factiva; данные Google.Analytics. Практическая значимость: исследование доказывает, что международный музыкальный конкурс Евровидение формирует имидж страны проведения независимо от успешности использования конкретных технологий формирования имиджа страны. Тезисы исследования были апробированы на международном научном форуме «Медиа в современном мире. 57-е Петербургские чтения», опубликованы в сборнике материалов статей форума и имеют статус научной статьи, размещенной в базе РИНЦ. Структура работы: Работа состоит из введения, 3 глав: «функция специального события в формировании имиджа страны», «Евровидение как специальное событие Европейского Вещательного Союза» и «коммуникационный потенциал Евровидения как площадки для формирования имиджа страны», заключения, списка использованной литературы из 67 позиций и 12 приложений. Общий объем 76 страниц.Abstract of graduating qualification thesis Mikita Arlou INTERNATIONAL MUSIC CONTEST IN HOST COUNTRY IMAGE FORMATION (ON THE EXAMPLE OF EUROVISION 2017) Supervisor associate professor Elena Bykova, doctor of philology Department of PR in business full-time study Relevance: the international music contest Eurovision as the most wide scale regular high tech TV and Media event which annually emphasizes audience attention on national cultural features of the host country, forms tourist flows which have huge influence on territorial image formation. Besides the win of a participating in the Eurovision country often shows the ideological and political European vector and in fact serves as political PR of the winning or host country. Consequently the analysis of applied communication technologies is relevant and in-demand for event PR. Research object: communication activities of international music contest (on the example of Eurovision in Kyiv in 2017). Research subject: function of status PR event in country image formation. The aim of research: to prove that international music contest Eurovision contributes host country image formation. The tasks of research: to develop research terminology based on scientific literature on image making, branding and event management; to define actual communication technologies applied in special PR events on country image formation; to describe European Broadcasting Union role in host country image formation; to appreciate effectiveness of applied communication technologies on host country image formation in Eurovision; to give recommendations for host country image formation with the help of Eurovision. Theoretical base: scientific works written by E. Bykova, D. Gavra, A. Pankrukhin, B. Jenes, E. Kaverina, U. Halcbaur, J. Goldblatt and D. Passman´s works on music business and P. Jordan on county image building with the help of Eurovision, etc. The empirical base: PR documents from official Eurovision and European Broadcasting Union websites; more than 1.5 million articles on Ukraine in European media stored in the base of international Ukrainian image monitoring project Oko; content of the mass media and social media base Factiva; Google.Analytics data. Practical significance: the research proves that international music contest Eurovision is relevant for the host country image formation independently of the success level of applied country image formation communication technologies. Approbation: General positions of current thesis were aprobated on international scientific forum Media in modern world and were published at the collection of articles of the forum and have the status of a scientific article posted in the RINC database. Thesis structure: Research consists of introduction, 3 chapters: Special event function in country image formation, Eurovision as EBU special event and communication potential of Eurovision as a platform for image formation; conclusion, literature list from 67 positions and 12 attachments. The total volume is 76 pages

    Qualitative impact assessment of land management interventions on ecosystem services (‘QEIA’). Report-2: integrated assessment

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    This project assessed the impacts of 741 potential land management actions, suitable for agricultural land in England, on the Farming & Countryside Programme’s Environmental Objectives (and therefore Environment Act targets and climate commitments) through 53 relevant environmental and cultural service indicators. The project used a combination of expert opinion and rapid evidence reviews, which included 1000+ pages of evidence in 10 separate reports with reference to over 2400 published studies, and an Integrated Assessment comprising expert-derived qualitative impact scores. The project has ensured that ELM schemes are evidence-based, offer good value for money, and contribute to SoS priorities for farming