7 research outputs found

    Characterization of non-expressed C4 genes in a case of complete C4 deficiency: identification of a novel point mutation leading to a premature stop codon

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    The genetic basis of complete C4 deficiency in a patient with SLE was investigated. Previous studies have demonstrated that this patient has two different major histocompatibility complex (MHC) haplotypes that each contain a major deletion and a non-expressed C4 gene. In the present study, non-expression of the C4 genes was explained by the finding of two distinct C4 gene mutations. A previously described two base pair insertion in exon 29 of the C4 gene was detected in the paternal MHC haplotype [HLA-A2, B40, SC00, DR6]. The maternal haplotype [HLA-A30, B18, F1C00, DR3] carried a C4 gene with a one base pair deletion in exon 20 generating a premature stop codon. This mutation was neither found in 10 individuals with known non-expressed C4 genes nor in 9 individuals homozygous for the complotype F1C30. The isotype and allotype specific regions of the patient's C4 genes were sequenced, and both contained C4A3a sequence. In conclusion, two different MHC haplotypes resembling the extended haplotypes [HLA-A2, B40, SC02, DR6] and [HLA-A30, B18, F1C30, DR3] both contained a non-expressed C4A gene that was due to either of two distinct mutations, demonstrating the heterogeneous genetic background of C4 deficiency

    An abnormal but functionally active complement component C9 protein found in an Irish family with subtotal C9 deficiency

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    Two independently segregating C9 genetic defects have previously been reported in two siblings in an Irish family with subtotal C9 deficiency. One defect would lead to an abnormal C9 protein, with replacement of a cysteine by a glycine (C98G). The second defect is a premature stop codon at amino acid 406 which would lead to a truncated C9. However, at least one of two abnormal proteins was present in the circulation of the proband at 0·2% of normal C9 concentration. In this study, the abnormal protein was shown to have a molecular weight approximately equal to that of normal C9, and to carry the binding site for monoclonal antibody (mAb) Mc42 which is known to react with an epitope at amino acid positions 412–426, distal to 406. Therefore, the subtotal C9 protein carries the C98G defect. The protein was incorporated into the terminal complement complex, and was active in haemolytic, bactericidal and lipopolysaccharide release assays. A quantitative haemolytic assay indicated even slightly greater haemolytic efficiency than normal C9. Epitope mapping with six antihuman C9 mAbs showed the abnormal protein to react to these antibodies in the same way as normal C9. However, none of these mAbs have epitopes within the lipoprotein receptor A module, where the C98G defect is located. The role of this region in C9 functionality is still unclear. In conclusion, we have shown that the lack of a cysteine led to the production of a protein present in the circulation at very much reduced levels, but which was fully functionally active

    Deficiencies of the Complement System

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