24 research outputs found

    Nutrient stripping: the global disparity between food security and soil nutrient stocks

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    1. The Green Revolution successfully increased food production but in doing so created a legacy of inherently leaky and unsustainable agricultural systems. Central to this are the problems of excessive nutrient mining. If agriculture is to balance the needs of food security with the delivery of other ecosystem services, then current rates of soil nutrient stripping must be reduced and the use of synthetic fertilisers made more efficient. 2. We explore the global extent of the problem, with specific emphasis on the failure of macronutrient management (e.g. nitrogen, phosphorus) to deliver continued improvements in yield and the failure of agriculture to recognise the seriousness of micronutrient depletion (e.g. copper, zinc, selenium). 3. Nutrient removals associated with the relatively immature, nutrient-rich soils of the UK are contrasted with the mature, nutrient-poor soils of India gaining insight into the emerging issue of nutrient stripping and the long-term implications for human health and soil quality. Whilst nutrient deficiencies are rare in developed countries, micronutrient deficiencies are commonly increasing in less-developed countries. Increasing rates of micronutrient depletion are being inadvertently accomplished through increasing crop yield potential and nitrogen fertiliser applications. 4. Amongst other factors, the spatial disconnects caused by the segregation and industrialisation of livestock systems, between rural areas (where food is produced) and urban areas (where food is consumed and human waste treated) are identified as a major constraint to sustainable nutrient recycling. 5. Synthesis and applications. This study advocates that agricultural sustainability can only be accomplished using a whole-systems approach that thoroughly considers nutrient stocks, removals, exports and recycling. Society needs to socially and environmentally re-engineer agricultural systems at all scales. It is suggested that this will be best realised by national-scale initiatives. Failure to do so will lead to an inevitable and rapid decline in the delivery of provisioning services within agricultural systems

    Future agriculture with minimized phosphorus losses to waters: research needs and direction

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    The series of papers in this issue of AMBIO represent technical presentations made at the 7th International Phosphorus Workshop (IPW7), held in September, 2013 in Uppsala, Sweden. At that meeting, the 150 delegates were involved in round table discussions on major, predetermined themes facing the management of agricultural phosphorus (P) for optimum production goals with minimal water quality impairment. The six themes were (1) P management in a changing world; (2) transport pathways of P from soil to water; (3) monitoring, modeling, and communication; (4) importance of manure and agricultural production systems for P management; (5) identification of appropriate mitigation measures for reduction of P loss; and (6) implementation of mitigation strategies to reduce P loss. This paper details the major challenges and research needs that were identified for each theme and identifies a future roadmap for catchment management that cost-effectively minimizes P loss from agricultural activities

    Are stakeholders ready to transform phosphorus use in food systems A transdisciplinary study in a livestock intensive system.

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    Publication history: Accepted - 18 January 2022; Published online - 12 February 2022.Food systems worldwide are vulnerable to Phosphorus (P) supply disruptions and price fluctuations. Current P use is also highly inefficient, generating large surpluses and pollution. Global food security and aquatic ecosystems are in jeopardy if transformative action is not taken. This paper pivots from earlier (predominantly conceptual) work to develop and analyse a P transdisciplinary scenario process, assessing stakeholders potential for transformative thinking in P use in the food system. Northern Ireland, a highly livestock-intensive system, was used as case study for illustrating such process. The stakeholder engagement takes a normative stance in that it sets the explicit premise that the food system needs to be transformed and asks stakeholders to engage in a dialogue on how that transformation can be achieved. A Substance Flow Analysis of P flows and stocks was employed to construct visions for alternative futures and stimulate stakeholder discussions on system responses. These were analysed for their transformative potential using a triple-loop social learning framework. For the most part, stakeholder responses remained transitional or incremental, rather than being fundamentally transformative. The process did unveil some deeper levers that could be acted upon to move the system further along the spectrum of transformational change (e.g. changes in food markets, creation of new P markets, destocking, new types of land production and radical land use changes), providing clues of what an aspirational system could look like. Replicated and adapted elsewhere, this process can serve as diagnostics of current stakeholders thinking and potential, as well as for the identification of those deeper levers, opening up avenues to work upon for global scale transformation.This research forms part of the RephoKUs project (The role of Phosphorus in the Resilience and Sustainability of the UK food system), funded by the Global Food Security’s ‘Resilience of the UK Food System' Programme with funding from the UK’s Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council (BBSRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the Scottish Government (Grant No. BB/R005842/1

    Guiding phosphorus stewardship for multiple ecosystem services

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    The essential role of phosphorus (P) for agriculture and its impact on water quality has received decades of research attention. However, the benefits of sustainable P use and management for society due to its downstream impacts on multiple ecosystem services are rarely acknowledged. We propose a conceptual framework—the “phosphorus-ecosystem services cascade” (PESC)—to integrate the key ecosystem processes and functions that moderate the relationship between P released to the environment from human actions and ecosystem services at distinct spatial and temporal scales. Indirect pathways in the cascade via soil and aquatic processes link anthropogenic P to biodiversity and multiple services, including recreation, drinking water provision, and fisheries. As anthropogenic P cascades through catchments, it often shifts from a subsidy to a stressor of ecosystem services. Phosphorus stewardship can have emergent ecosystem service co-benefits due to synergies with other societal or management goals (e.g., recycling of livestock manures and organic wastes could impact soil carbon storage). Applying the PESC framework, we identify key research priorities to align P stewardship with the management of multiple ecosystem services, such as incorporating additional services into agri-environmental P indices, assessing how widespread recycling of organic P sources could differentially impact agricultural yields and water quality, and accounting for shifting baselines in P stewardship due to climate change. Ultimately, P impacts depend on site-specific agricultural and biogeophysical contexts, so greater precision in targeting stewardship strategies to specific locations would help to optimize for ecosystem services and to more effectively internalize the downstream costs of farm nutrient management

    Food System Resilience: Concepts, Issues, and Challenges

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    Food system resilience has multiple dimensions. We draw on food system and resilience concepts and review resilience framings of different communities. We present four questions to frame food system resilience (Resilience of what? Resilience to what? Resilience from whose perspective? Resilience for how long?) and three approaches to enhancing resilience (robustness, recovery, and reorientation—the three “Rs”). We focus on enhancing resilience of food system outcomes and argue this will require food system actors adapting their activities, noting that activities do not change spontaneously but in response to a change in drivers: an opportunity or a threat. However, operationalizing resilience enhancement involves normative choices and will result in decisions having to be negotiated about trade-offs among food system outcomes for different stakeholders. New approaches to including different food system actors’ perceptions and goals are needed to build food systems that are better positioned to address challenges of the future. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Volume 47 is October 2022. Please see http://www.annualreviews.org/page/journal/pubdates for revised estimates

    Phosphorus the pollutant

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    Struvite: a slow-release fertiliser for sustainable phosphorus management

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    Background and Aim: Recycled sources of phosphorus (P), such as struvite extracted from wastewater, have potential to substitute for more soluble manufactured fertilizers and help reduce the long-term threat to food security from dwindling finite reserves of phosphate rock (PR). This study aimed to determine whether struvite could be a component of a sustainable P fertiliser management strategy for arable crops.Methods: A combination of laboratory experiments, pot trials and mathematical modelling of the root system examined the P release properties of commercial fertiliser-grade struvite and patterns of P uptake from a low-P sandy soil by two different crop types, in comparison to more soluble inorganic P fertilisers (di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) and triple super phosphate (TSP)). Results: Struvite had greatly enhanced solubility in the presence of organic acid anions; buckwheat, which exudes a high level of organic acids, was more effective at mobilising struvite P than the low level exuder, spring wheat. Struvite granules placed with the seed did not provide the same rate of P supply as placed DAP granules for early growth, but fertiliser mixes containing struvite and DAP applied to spring wheat demonstrated optimal early P-uptake and higher rates of P-fertiliser recovery.Conclusions: We conclude that the potential resource savings and efficiency benefits of utilising a recycled slow release fertiliser like struvite offers a more sustainable alternative to only using conventional, high solubility, PR-based fertilisers.?<br/

    The strategic significance of wastewater sources to pollutant phosphorus levels in English rivers and to environmental management for rural, agricultural and urban catchments

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    The relationship between soluble and particulate phosphorus was examined for 9 major UK rivers including 26 major tributaries and 68 monitoring points, covering wide-ranging rural and agricultural/urban impacted systems with catchment areas varying from 1 to 6000 km2 scales. Phosphorus concentrations in Soluble Reactive (SRP), Total Dissolved (TDP), Total (TP), Dissolved Hydrolysable (DHP) and Particulate (PP) forms correlated with effluent markers (sodium and boron) and SRP was generally dominant signifying the importance of sewage sources. Low flows were particularly enriched in SRP, TDP and TP for average SRP > 100 ÎŒg/l indicating low effluent dilution. At particularly low average concentrations, SRP increased with flow but effluent sources were still implicated as the effluent markers (boron in particular) increased likewise. For rural areas, DHP had proportionately high concentrations and SRP + DHP concentrations could exceed environmental thresholds currently set for SRP. Given DHP has a high bioavailability the environmental implications need further consideration. PP concentrations were generally highest at high flows but PP in the suspended solids was generally at its lowest and in general PP correlated with particulate organic carbon and more so than the suspended sediment in total. Separation of pollutant inputs solely between effluent and diffuse (agriculture) components is misleading, as part of the “diffuse” term comprises effluents flushed from the catchments during high flow. Effluent sources of phosphorus supplied directly or indirectly to the river coupled with within-river interactions between water/sediment/biota largely determine pollutant levels. The study flags the fundamental need of placing direct and indirect effluent sources and contaminated storage with interchange to/from the river at the focus for remediation strategies for UK rivers in relation to eutrophication and the WFD

    Do septic tank systems pose a hidden threat to water quality?

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    Aquatic ecosystems are being degraded by anthropogenic pollution on a global scale. Septic tank systems (STS), which are widely distributed in rural and peri-urban areas, are one potential source of water pollution. Although generally regarded as the most efficient method for onsite treatment of domestic wastewater, we question whether current regulation and management of these systems is sufficient to guarantee that they function effectively. Here, we present watershed-specific examples that illustrate some of the problems that arise when many years of inadequate regulation and management result in a legacy of failing STS that can become long-term, chronic sources of nutrient pollution. Our data suggest that more accurate accounting of the location, performance, and degree of failure of STS, and more research into their impacts on water quality, would improve source attribution of pollutants within rural watersheds. This would ensure that education of homeowners, mitigation, interdisciplinary research, and technological innovation could be targeted in a cost-effective way

    Nutrient hydrochemistry for a groundwater-dominated catchment: The Hampshire Avon, UK

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    The patterns in nitrate and phosphorus sources, loads and concentrations in a groundwater-dominated lowland catchment, the Hampshire Avon, are examined and water quality signatures are used to identify a typology of headwater stream types. The major separations in water quality are linked to geology and groundwater chemistry as modified by the impacts of point source sewage effluents. The water quality of the major tributaries and the main stem of the River Avon are linked to the relative contributions of these source types, the impact of further direct effluent inputs to the main channel and in-stream processing. The tributaries and main stem of the Avon act as net sinks for total reactive phosphorus (TRP). Low concentrations of TRP were found in the Chalk groundwater and the groundwater system acts as an efficient buffer, removing and retaining TRP from water draining from the catchment surface into the aquifer. Thermodynamic analysis of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) solubility controls indicates that this natural ‘self-cleansing mechanism’ system within the groundwater may be directly linked to CaCO3-P co-precipitation within the aquifer matrix