269 research outputs found

    Preceding rule induction with instance reduction methods

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    A new prepruning technique for rule induction is presented which applies instance reduction before rule induction. An empirical evaluation records the predictive accuracy and size of rule-sets generated from 24 datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. Three instance reduction algorithms (Edited Nearest Neighbour, AllKnn and DROP5) are compared. Each one is used to reduce the size of the training set, prior to inducing a set of rules using Clark and Boswell's modification of CN2. A hybrid instance reduction algorithm (comprised of AllKnn and DROP5) is also tested. For most of the datasets, pruning the training set using ENN, AllKnn or the hybrid significantly reduces the number of rules generated by CN2, without adversely affecting the predictive performance. The hybrid achieves the highest average predictive accuracy

    Modelo de Machine Learning usando un clasificador de máquinas de soporte vectorial para la detección y clasificación del cáncer de seno usando imágenes mamográficas

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    Este proyecto de investigación de tesis abordó el tema de la detección y clasificación del cáncer de seno a través de uso de un modelo de Machine Learning (ML); debido a los incrementos de los casos de cáncer de mama en los últimos años en el Perú, es necesario contemplar la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas tecnológicas para el apoyo en las tomas de decisiones. El objetivo planteado para esta investigación fue el desarrollo de un modelo de ML que utilice un clasificador de Máquinas de Soporte Vectorial (SVM) el cual clasifique el cáncer de seno por medio del uso de imágenes mamográficas. Se planteó el uso de una metodología con un enfoque de tipo cuantitativo con el diseño de investigación de tipo exploratorio y cuasi experimental. Para el desarrollo del proyecto de investigación se utilizó los dataset MiniMIAS, DDSM, BCDR e imágenes del Hospital Regional “Manuel Núñez Butron” Puno, se consideró las etapas de preprocesamiento, extracción de características y clasificación para el entrenamiento del modelo de ML. Para el clasificador SVM se seleccionó el kernel de función de base radial (RBF) con los parámetros de C=100 y γ=2^(-9). Los resultados obtenidos a la propuesta del modelo de ML, se consiguió un 90% de exactitud (accuracy) y las métricas de precisión, sensibilidad y f1 es desarrollada por cada clase respectivamente, para benigno (88.6%, 83.8%, 86.1%), maligno (83.9%, 96.3%, 89.7%) y la clase normal (94.3%, 89.2%, 91.7%); para las pruebas del modelo entrenado a través del uso de otros dataset se obtuvieron que DDSM resulto con un 89%, BCDR obtuvo un 84% y HRMNB un 83%. Las conclusiones obtenidas para el proyecto de investigación se afirma que la propuesta del modelo de ML logró realizar la detección y clasificación del cáncer de mama de manera satisfactoria con un grado de exactitud aceptable.Tesi

    The use of a behaviour test for the selecting of dogs for service and breeding.

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    Abstract The behaviour test results of 1310 German shepherds and 797 Labrador retrievers, 450-600 days of age, were evaluated. The purpose was to investigate whether the behaviour tests, previously used at the Swedish Dog Training Centre, could be used to select dogs for different kinds of work and for breeding. Ten behavioural characteristics were scored based on the dogs' reactions in seven different test situations. All tests were conducted by one experienced person. Marked differences in mental characteristics were found between breeds and sexes, but particularly between various categories of service dogs. Regardless of differences in the behaviour profiles of these service categories, there were marked similarities between different categories of service dogs compared with dogs found to be unsuitable for training as service dogs. To interpret the data, an index value was created, based on the test results for each individual dog, and was found to be an excellent instrument for selecting dogs for different types of work. For both breeds the factor analysis resulted in four factors. In comparing the different characteristics, the same pattern was found in both breeds, with the exception of the characteristic prey drive, which seems to be irrelevant for Labrador retrievers. The conclusion is that a subjective evaluation of complex behaviour parameters can be used as a tool for selecting dogs suitable as service dogs. The results also show that the use and correct interpretation of behaviou

    Impact of killer-immunoglobulin-like receptor and human leukocyte antigen genotypes on the efficacy of immunotherapy in acute myeloid leukemia

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    Interactions between killer-immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) and their HLA class I ligands are instrumental in natural killer (NK) cell regulation and protect normal tissue from NK cell attack. Human KIR haplotypes comprise genes encoding mainly inhibitory receptors (KIR A) or activating and inhibitory receptors (KIR B). A substantial fraction of humans lack ligands for inhibitory KIRs (iKIRs), that is, a 'missing ligand' genotype. KIR B/x and missing ligand genotypes may thus give rise to potentially autoreactive, unlicensed NK cells. Little is known regarding the impact of such genotypes in untransplanted acute myeloid leukemia (AML). For this study, NK cell phenotypes and KIR/HLA genotypes were determined in 81 AML patients who received immunotherapy with histamine dihydrochloride and low-dose IL-2 for relapse prevention (NCT01347996). We observed that presence of unlicensed NK cells impacted favorably on clinical outcome, in particular among patients harboring functional NK cells reflected by high expression of the natural cytotoxicity receptor (NCR) NKp46. Genotype analyses suggested that the clinical benefit of high NCR expression was restricted to patients with a missing ligand genotype and/or a KIR B/x genotype. These data imply that functional NK cells are significant anti-leukemic effector cells in patients with KIR/HLA genotypes that favor NK cell autoreactivity

    Inträdesbarriärer till lantbruksbranschen

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    Andelen svenska lantbrukare i övre medelåldern ökar, samtidigt minskar andelen lantbrukare under 35 års ålder. Detta problem återfinns i hela västvärlden och har nu uppmärksammats även från politiskt håll. Nyligen framlades ett åtgärdsprogram om hur Centerpartiet vill föryngra lantbrukskåren, författarna ville därför undersöka de faktiska barriärerna som hindrar yngre från att komma in i branschen. Genom undersökning av inträdesbarriärer för småföretagare, där det finns betydligt mer studier, har författarna kunnat urskilja ett antal barriärer som skulle kunna vara hinder för succession även i lantbruksbranschen. Den mest allmänt diskuterade är kapitalbehovet, men det finns fler. Några exempel som kan nämnas är hur inkomstpotentialen ser ut i framtiden, möjlighet att vara ledig och sociala barriärer. Något som också påverkar möjligheterna för yngre att starta är utbudet på marknaden, då många äldre väljer att behålla företaget så länge som möjligt. För att studera denna problematik, om in- och utträdesbarriärer i lantbruksbranschen, har författarna genomfört intervjuer som grundar sig på den litteraturgenomgång som genomförts. Intervjumetoden har varit en kvalitativ undersökning med öppet ställda frågor, för att få så informativa svar som möjligt. Respondenterna har i första hand bestått av ägarna till nystartade lantbruksföretag men även ytterligare referensgrupper för att få flera perspektiv. På detta sätt har respondenterna kunnat berätta vad de själva har upplevt som hinder för att starta i branschen. Slutsatserna av studien är att kapitalbehovet upplevs som det spontant största hindret, samtidigt som det finns många åsikter om hur man kan ta sig förbi denna barriär. Författarna har upptäckt att även sociala barriärer uppfattas som ett stort hinder när frågan om sociala barriärer ställts till respondenterna. Det här är ett problem som hamnat i skymundan och som respondenterna inte reflekterat över i samma utsträckning som ekonomin. Detta kan vara en bidragande orsak till att många väntar med att starta ett eget lantbruksföretag tills att företagaren har bildat familj. Det här leder till att det är en ganska hög ingångsålder i branschen, vilket i sin tur leder till att medelåldern blir hög. Barriärer i form av myndighetskrav, kostnadsnackdelar (oberoende av storlek), kunskapsbrist och kommunikation med mera, upplevdes inte som hinder för nystart i branschen som helhet, även om det kan vara det i andra branscher. Ett område som, enligt studien, behöver utvecklas för att underlätta succession i lantbruksbranschen är system för marknadsplatser, då många upplevt att det är svårt att få kontakt mellan en säljare och köpare av en befintlig verksamhet.The proportion of Swedish late middle age farmers increases, while the proportion of farmers under the age of 35 is reducing. This problem can be found throughout the western hemisphere, and is now recognized even politically. Recently Centerpartiet presented a program on how to rejuvenate the farming profession. The authors of this thesis therefore wanted to examine the actual barriers that prevent young people from entering the industry. Through examination of the entry barriers for small businesses, where more studies have been made, the authors have been able to identify a number of barriers, which could be obstacles to succession in the industry. The most widely discussed is the issue of funding, but there are also many other barriers. Some examples of these are what the income potential would be in the future, the ability to take time off from work and social barriers. Something that also affects the possibility for younger people to start is the market supply, many elderly choose to keep their company as long as possible. This reduces the number of businesses for sale, and creates difficulties in the handover during the succession, leading to companies having to close down. In order to study the problems of entry and exit barriers in the agricultural sector, the authors conducted interviews based on the literature review conducted. The interview method was a qualitative survey, with open-ended questions to obtain the most informative answers possible. The respondents were mainly comprised of owners to newly started agricultural businesses but also additional focus groups to broaden the perspective. In this way, the respondents have been able to explain what they themselves have experienced as obstacles, when starting in the industry. The study concludes that funding is spontaneously perceived as the main obstacle, and that there are many opinions on how to get past that barrier. The authors have discovered that social barriers are also perceived as a major obstacle when the question about social barriers is given to the respondents. This is a problem that is pushed into the background and the respondents did not reflect over it in the same extent as the economics. This may be a contributing factor to why many postpone the start there own farming business until they have started a family. This leads to a fairly high entry age in the industry, which in turn results in the average age becoming high. Entry barriers in the form of legal requirements, cost disadvantages (regardless of size), lack of knowledge and communication etc. were not seen as obstacles to establishing in the field as a whole, even though it may be an obstacle in other industries. One area that, according to the study needs to be developed to make it easier for succession in the agricultural sector are systems for marketplaces, as many experienced that it is difficult to establish contact between a seller and a buyer of an existing business

    Test-retest reliability and predictive validity of a juvenile guide dog behavior test

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    The ability to measure stable and consistent behavioral traits in dogs would facilitate selection and assessment of working dogs, such as guide dogs. Ideally, these measures should predict suitability for the working role from a young age. This study assessed test-retest reliability of a juvenile guide dog behavior test and predictive validity using qualification or withdrawal from guide dog training. Ninety-three guide dog puppies (52 female; 41 male) were tested at 5 (mean 4.78; ±0.73 SD) and 8 (mean 7.98; ±0.78 SD) months of age. The dogs were exposed to a sequence of 11 stimuli designed to assess the dogs’ reactions to meeting a stranger, obedience commands, body sensitivity, scavenging, and “animal” and human distractions. The behavior of dogs was digitally recorded and analyzed using an ethogram incorporating both frequency of behavior and specific reactions to stimuli. Test-retest reliability indicated interindividual consistency in many of the behavioral measures such as jumping, barking, and “low” greeting posture, as defined in our ethogram. Behavior measures that did not show interindividual consistency between tests included obedience responses, lip licking, body shaking, and scratching. Binary logistic regression models revealed 7 behavioral measures at 5 months and 5 measures at 8 months that were significantly associated with qualification or withdrawal. Uncorrelated measures and principal component scores of correlated measures were combined in a logistic regression model that showed great potential for predicting the probability of a dog qualifying or being withdrawn from guide dog training

    Estudio de pre-factibilidad para la instalación de una planta productora de envases de plástico pet clamshell para frutas en el canal moderno de distribución del mercado local

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    En el presente trabajo se muestra un estudio de pre factibilidad para la instalación de una planta productora de envases pet clamshell para frutas en el canal moderno, donde se evalúa la viabilidad técnica, económica-financiera y de mercado. Este producto busca promover la venta en pequeños empresarios de la industria frutícola. Los envases dentro de la industria frutícola permiten el desarrollo de nuevos mercados, por ello es importante tener un correcto diseño, aplicar correctamente los materiales que se utilicen en la fabricación de estos y obtener un empaque de calidad ya que tienen un impacto directo en la cadena de distribución proporcionando un producto fresco al consumidor y reduciendo las mermas de la empresa. Los avances tecnológicos han permitido tener diversos tipos de empaques para frutas tales como empaques al vacío, para atmosfera modificada, cajas, mallas, bolsas, entre otros que permiten la manipulación, transporte y exhibición de estos productos frescos. La presentación de la fruta causa impacto en el consumidor, por lo que debe ofrecer altos estándares visuales y los supermercados en Perú saben de ello. Los supermercados peruanos son eficientes en su exhibición y ordenamiento brindándonos a los clientes presentaciones envasadas en diversas porciones desde la pieza única hasta de 2 kilos, manejables y destinados a espacios pequeños, protegiendo y exhibiendo la fruta. Los clamshells son unos de los empaques que permite mayor protección durante la distribución. Por otro lado, actualmente es tendencia en los puntos de venta ya que es un envase rígido que protege a la fruta de la manipulación y se puede visualizar el estado de esta en todo momento.This Project aims to present a pre-feasibility study for the installation of a pet clamshell production plant for fruits in the modern channel, where the technical, economic-financial and market viability is evaluated. This product seeks to promote the sale in small entrepreneurs of the fruit industry. Packaging within the fruit industry allows the development of new markets, so it is important to have a correct design, correctly apply materials that are involved in the manufacture of these and get a quality packaging because they have a direct impact on the chain of distribution by providing a fresh product to the consumer and reducing the losses of the company. The technological advances have allowed to have different types of packaging for fruits such as vacuum packaging, modified atmosphere, boxes, meshes, bags, among others that allow handling, transport and display of these fresh products. The presentation of the fruit causes an impact on the consumer, so it must offer high visual standards and the supermarkets in Peru know about it. Peruvian supermarkets are efficient in their display and ordering, giving customers packed presentations in different portions from the single piece up to 2 kilos, manageable and intended for small spaces, protecting and exhibiting the fruit. The clamshells are one of the packages that allows greater protection during distribution. On the other hand, it is currently a trend in the outlets since it is a rigid container that protects the fruit from handling and can visualize the state of this at all times

    Application of survival analysis and multistate modeling to understand animal behavior: examples from guide dogs

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    Epidemiology is the study of patterns of health-related states or events in populations. Statistical models developed for epidemiology could be usefully applied to behavioral states or events. The aim of this study is to present the application of epidemiological statistics to understand animal behavior where discrete outcomes are of interest, using data from guide dogs to illustrate. Specifically, survival analysis and multistate modeling are applied to data on guide dogs comparing dogs that completed training and qualified as a guide dog, to those that were withdrawn from the training program. Survival analysis allows the time to (or between) a binary event(s) and the probability of the event occurring at or beyond a specified time point. Survival analysis, using a Cox proportional hazards model, was used to examine the time taken to withdraw a dog from training. Sex, breed, and other factors affected time to withdrawal. Bitches were withdrawn faster than dogs, Labradors were withdrawn faster, and Labrador × Golden Retrievers slower, than Golden Retriever × Labradors; and dogs not bred by Guide Dogs were withdrawn faster than those bred by Guide Dogs. Multistate modeling (MSM) can be used as an extension of survival analysis to incorporate more than two discrete events or states. Multistate models were used to investigate transitions between states of training to qualification as a guide dog or behavioral withdrawal, and from qualification as a guide dog to behavioral withdrawal. Sex, breed (with purebred Labradors and Golden retrievers differing from F1 crosses), and bred by Guide Dogs or not, effected movements between states. We postulate that survival analysis and MSM could be applied to a wide range of behavioral data and key examples are provided