2,080 research outputs found

    Langevin Dynamics simulations of a 2-dimensional colloidal crystal under confinement and shear

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    Langevin Dynamics simulations are used to study the effect of shear on a two-dimensional colloidal crystal confined by structured parallel walls. When walls are sheared very slowly, only two or three crystalline layers next to the walls move along with them, while the inner layers of the crystal are only slightly tilted. At higher shear velocities, this inner part of the crystal breaks into several pieces with different orientations. The velocity profile across the slit is reminiscent of shear-banding in flowing soft materials, where liquid and solid regions coexist; the difference, however, is that in the latter case the solid regions are glassy while here they are crystalline. At even higher shear velocities, the effect of the shearing becomes smaller again. Also the effective temperature near the walls (deduced from the velocity distributions of the particles) decreases again when the wall velocity gets very large. When the walls are placed closer together, thereby introducing a misfit, a structure containing a soliton staircase arises in simulations without shear. Introducing shear increases the disorder in these systems until no solitons are visible any more. Instead, similar structures like in the case without misfit result. At high shear rates, configurations where the incommensurability of the crystalline structure is compensated by the creation of holes become relevant

    Short term X-ray rms variability of Cyg X-1

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    A linear dependence of the amplitude of broadband noise variability on flux for GBHC and AGN has been recently shown by Uttley & McHardy (2001). We present the long term evolution of this rms-flux-relation for Cyg X-1 as monitored from 1998-2002 with RXTE. We confirm the linear relationship in the hard state and analyze the evolution of the correlation for the period of 1996-2002. In the intermediate and the soft state, we find considerable deviations from the otherwise linear relationship. A possible explanation for the rms-flux-relation is a superposition of local mass accretion rate variations.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the 4th Microquasar Workshop, eds. Ph Durouchoux, Y. Fuchs and J. Rodriguez, published by the Center for Space Physics: Kolkat

    Polarized Gamma-ray Emission from the Galactic Black Hole Cygnus X-1

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    Because of their inherently high flux allowing the detection of clear signals, black hole X-ray binaries are interesting candidates for polarization studies, even if no polarization signals have been observed from them before. Such measurements would provide further detailed insight into these sources' emission mechanisms. We measured the polarization of the gamma-ray emission from the black hole binary system Cygnus X-1 with the INTEGRAL/IBIS telescope. Spectral modeling of the data reveals two emission mechanisms: The 250-400 keV data are consistent with emission dominated by Compton scattering on thermal electrons and are weakly polarized. The second spectral component seen in the 400keV-2MeV band is by contrast strongly polarized, revealing that the MeV emission is probably related to the jet first detected in the radio band.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Science in April 22nd 2011, available on Science Express Web site (March 24th edition

    New insights into ultraluminous X-ray sources from deep XMM-Newton observations

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    The controversy over whether ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) contain a new intermediate-mass class of black holes (IMBHs) remains unresolved. We present new analyses of the deepest XMM-Newton observations of ULXs that address their underlying nature. We examine both empirical and physical modelling of the X-ray spectra of a sample of thirteen of the highest quality ULX datasets, and find that there are anomalies in modelling ULXs as accreting IMBHs with properties simply scaled-up from Galactic black holes. Most notably, spectral curvature above 2 keV in several sources implies the presence of an optically-thick, cool corona. We also present a new analysis of a 100 ks observation of Holmberg II X-1, in which a rigorous analysis of the temporal data limits the mass of its black hole to no more than 100 solar masses. We argue that a combination of these results points towards many (though not necessarily all) ULXs containing black holes that are at most a few 10s of solar mass in size.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of "The X-ray Universe 2005", San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Spain), 26-30 September 200

    Chandra and RXTE spectroscopy of the accreting msec pulsar IGR J00291+5934

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    We report on an observation of the recently discovered accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar IGR J00291+5934 performed with the RXTE-Proportional Counter Array (PCA) and Chandra-High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (HETGS). The RXTE data are from a twoweek follow-up of the source, while the Chandra observation took place around the end of the follow-up, about 12 days after the discovery of the source, when the source flux had decreased already by a factor of ten. The analysis of the Chandra data allowed us to extract the most precise X-ray position of IGR J00291+5934, RA = 00h 29m 03.08s, and Dec =+59◦ 34 19.2 (0.6 error), compatible with the optical and radio ones. We find that the spectra of IGR J00291+5934 can be described by a combination of a thermal component and a power-law. Along the outburst detected by PCA, the power-law photon index showed no particular trend, while the thermal component (∼1 keV, interpreted as a hot spot on the neutron star surface) became weaker until non-detection. In the simultaneous observation of the weak Chandra /RXTE spectrum, there was no longer any indication of the ∼1 keV thermal component, while we detected a colder thermal component (∼0.4 keV) that we interpret as the emission from the cold disc. A hint of a 6.4 keV iron line was detected, together with an excess around 6.8 keV and absorption feature around 7.1 keV. The last two features have never been detected in the spectra of accretion-driven millisecond pulsars before and, if confirmed, would suggest the presence of an expanding hot corona with high outflow velocities

    Variability in high-mass X-ray binaries

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    Strongly magnetized, accreting neutron stars show periodic and aperiodic variability over a wide range of time scales. By obtaining spectral and timing information on these different time scales, we can have a closer look into the physics of accretion close to the neutron star and the properties of the accreted material. One of the most prominent time scales is the strong pulsation, i.e., the rotation period of the neutron star itself. Over one rotation, our view of the accretion column and the X-ray producing region changes significantly. This allows us to sample different physical conditions within the column but at the same time requires that we have viewing-angle-resolved models to properly describe them. In wind-fed high-mass X-ray binaries, the main source of aperiodic variability is the clumpy stellar wind, which leads to changes in the accretion rate (i.e., luminosity) as well as absorption column. This variability allows us to study the behavior of the accretion column as a function of luminosity, as well as to investigate the structure and physical properties of the wind, which we can compare to winds in isolated stars.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomische Nachrichten (proceedings of the XMM-Newton Workshop 2019

    Spectral state dependence of the 0.4-2 MeV polarized emission in Cygnus X-1 seen with INTEGRAL/IBIS, and links with the AMI radio data

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    Polarization of the >~400 keV hard tail of the microquasar Cygnus X-1 has been independently reported by INTEGRAL/IBIS, and INTEGRAL/SPI and interpreted as emission from a compact jet. These conclusions were, however, based on the accumulation of all INTEGRAL data regardless of the spectral state. We utilize additional INTEGRAL exposure accumulated until December 2012, and include the AMI/Ryle (15 GHz) radio data in our study. We separate the observations into hard, soft, and intermediate/transitional states and detect radio emission from a compact jet in hard and intermediate states, but not in the soft. The 10-400 keV INTEGRAL (JEM-X and IBIS) state resolved spectra are well modeled with thermal Comptonization and reflection components. We detect a hard tail in the 0.4-2 MeV range for the hard state only. We extract the state dependent polarigrams of Cyg X-1, which all are compatible to no or undetectable level of polarization except in 400-2000 keV range in the hard state where the polarization fraction is 75±\pm32 % and the polarization angle 40.0 +-14 deg. An upper limit on the 0.4-2 MeV soft state polarization fraction is 70%. Due to the short exposure, we obtain no meaningful constraint for the intermediate state. The likely detection of a >400 keV polarized tail in the hard state, together with the simultaneous presence of a radio jet, reinforce the notion of a compact jet origin of the 400 keV emission.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Short-period X-ray oscillations in super-soft novae and persistent SSS

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    Transient short-period <100s oscillations have been found in the X-ray light curves of three novae during their SSS phase and in one persistent SSS. We pursue an observational approach to determine possible driving mechanisms and relations to fundamental system parameters such as the white dwarf mass. We performed a systematic search for short-period oscillations in all available XMM-Newton and Chandra X-ray light curves of persistent SSS and novae during their SSS phase. To study time evolution, we divided each light curve into short time segments and computed power spectra. We then constructed dynamic power spectra from which we identified transient periodic signals even when only present for a short time. From all time segments of each system, we computed fractions of time when periodic signals were detected. In addition to the previously known systems with short-period oscillations, RS Oph (35s), KT Eri (35s), V339 Del (54s), and Cal 83 (67s), we found one additional system, LMC 2009a (33s), and also confirm the 35s period from Chandra data of KT Eri. The amplitudes of oscillations are of order <15% of the respective count rates and vary without any clear dependence on the X-ray count rate. The fractions of the time when the respective periods were detected at 2-sigma significance (duty cycle) are 11.3%, 38.8%, 16.9%, 49.2%, and 18.7% for LMC 2009a, RS Oph, KT Eri, V339 Del, and Cal 83, respectively. The respective highest duty cycles found in a single observation are 38.1%, 74.5%, 61.4%, 67.8%, and 61.8%.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Unveiling the nature of IGR J17177-3656 with X-ray, NIR and Radio observations

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    We report on the first broad-band (1-200 keV) simultaneous Chandra-INTEGRAL observations of the recently discovered hard X-ray transient IGR J17177-3656 that took place on 2011, March 22, about two weeks after the source discovery. The source had an average absorbed 1-200 keV flux of about 8x10^(-10) erg cm^(-2) s^(-1). We extracted a precise X-ray position of IGR J17177-3656, RA=17 17 42.62, DEC= -36 56 04.5 (90% uncertainty of 0.6"). We also report Swift, near infrared and quasi simultaneous radio follow-up observations. With the multi-wavelength information at hand, we propose IGR J17177-3656 is a low-mass X-ray binary, seen at high inclination, probably hosting a black hole.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    A Chandra observation of the millisecond X-ray pulsar IGR J17511-3057

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    IGR J17511-3057 is a low mass X-ray binary hosting a neutron star and is one of the few accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars with X-ray bursts. We report on a 20ksec Chandra grating observation of IGR J17511-3057, performed on 2009 September 22. We determine the most accurate X-ray position of IGR J17511-3057, alpha(J2000) = 17h 51m 08.66s, delta(J2000) = -30deg 57' 41.0" (90% uncertainty of 0.6"). During the observation, a ~54sec long type-I X-ray burst is detected. The persistent (non-burst) emission has an absorbed 0.5-8keV luminosity of 1.7 x 10^36 erg/sec (at 6.9kpc) and can be well described by a thermal Comptonization model of soft, ~0.6keV, seed photons up-scattered by a hot corona. The type-I X-ray burst spectrum, with average luminosity over the 54sec duration L(0.5-8keV)=1.6 x 10^37 erg/sec, can be well described by a blackbody with kT_(bb)~1.6keV and R_(bb)~5km. While an evolution in temperature of the blackbody can be appreciated throughout the burst (average peak kT_(bb)=2.5(+0.8/-0.4)keV to tail kT_(bb)=1.3(+0.2/-0.1)keV), the relative emitting surface shows no evolution. The overall persistent and type-I burst properties observed during the Chandra observation are consistent with what was previously reported during the 2009 outburst of IGR J17511-3057.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ (2012-06-08
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