1,893 research outputs found

    The Multiwavelength Survey By Yale-Chile (MUSYC) Wide K-Band Imaging, Photometric Catalogs, Clustering, And Physical Properties Of Galaxies At Z Similar To 2

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    We present K-band imaging of two similar to 30' x 30' fields covered by the Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC) Wide NIR Survey. The SDSS 1030+05 and Cast 1255 fields were imaged with the Infrared Side Port Imager (ISPI) on the 4 m Blanco telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) to a 5 sigma point-source limiting depth of K similar to 20 (Vega). Combining these data with the MUSYC optical UBVRIz imaging, we created multiband K-selected source catalogs for both fields. These catalogs, together with the MUSYC K-band catalog of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDF-S) field, were used to select K 20 BzK galaxies over an area of 0.71 deg(2). This is the largest area ever surveyed for BzK galaxies. We present number counts, redshift distributions, and stellar masses for our sample of 3261 BzK galaxies (2502 star-forming [sBzK] and 759 passively evolving [pBzK]), as well as reddening and star formation rate estimates for the star-forming BzK systems. We also present two-point angular correlation functions and spatial correlation lengths for both sBzK and pBzK galaxies and show that previous estimates of the correlation function of these galaxies were affected by cosmic variance due to the small areas surveyed. We have measured correlation lengths r(0) of 8.89 +/- 2.03 and 10.82 +/- 1.72 Mpc for sBzK and pBzK galaxies, respectively. This is the first reported measurement of the spatial correlation function of passive BzK galaxies. In the Lambda CDM scenario of galaxy formation, these correlation lengths at z similar to 2 translate into minimum masses of similar to 4 x 10(12) and similar to 9 x 10(12) M(circle dot) for the dark matter halos hosting sBzK and pBzK galaxies, respectively. The clustering properties of the galaxies in our sample are consistent with their being the descendants of bright Lyman break galaxies at z similar to 3, and the progenitors of present-day > 1L* galaxies.Astronom

    The XXL Survey V: Detection of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect of the Redshift 1.9 Galaxy Cluster XLSSU J021744.1-034536 with CARMA

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    We report the detection of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect of galaxy cluster XLSSU J021744.1-034536, using 30 GHz CARMA data. This cluster was discovered via its extended X-ray emission in the XMM-Newton Large Scale Structure survey, the precursor to the XXL survey. It has a photometrically determined redshift z=1.91−0.21+0.19z=1.91^{+0.19}_{-0.21}, making it among the most distant clusters known, and nominally the most distant for which the SZ effect has been measured. The spherically integrated Comptonization is Y500=(3.0±0.4)×10−12Y_{500}=(3.0\pm0.4)\times 10^{-12}, a measurement which is relatively insensitive to assumptions regarding the size and redshift of the cluster, as well as the background cosmology. Using a variety of locally calibrated cluster scaling relations extrapolated to z~2, we estimate a mass M500∌(1M_{500} \sim (1-2)×1014Msun2)\times 10^{14}M_{sun} from the X-ray flux and SZ signal. The measured properties of this cluster are in good agreement with the extrapolation of an X-ray luminosity-SZ effect scaling relation calibrated from clusters discovered by the South Pole Telescope at higher masses and lower redshifts. The full XXL-CARMA sample will provide a more complete, multi-wavelength census of distant clusters in order to robustly extend the calibration of cluster scaling relations to these high redshifts.Comment: ApJ, in press. 9 pages, 4 figures, 4 table

    Three intervening galaxy absorbers towards GRB060418: faint and dusty?

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    We present an analysis of three strong, intervening Mg II absorption systems (z_abs = 0.603, 0.656, 1.107) towards the optical afterglow of gamma-ray burst (GRB) 060418. From high resolution UVES spectra we measure metal column densities and find that the highest redshift absorber exhibits a large amount of dust depletion compared with DLAs seen in QSO spectra. The intervening z_abs = 1.107 absorber is also unusual in exhibiting a clear 2175 A bump, the first time this feature has been definitively detected in a GRB spectrum. The GRB afterglow spectrum is best fit with a two component extinction curve: an SMC extinction law at z=1.49 (the redshift of the host) with E(B-V) = 0.07+-0.01 and a Galactic extinction curve at z ~ 1.1 with E(B-V) = 0.08+-0.01. We also present a moderately deep NTT R-band image of the GRB060418 field and spectroscopy of four galaxies within 1 arcminute. None of these objects has a redshift that matches any of the intervening absorbers, and we conclude that the galaxies responsible for the two intervening Mg II absorbers at z ~ 0.6 have luminosities ~<0.3 L^star.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (Letters), 5 pages. Updated with more accurate host positio

    The Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC): Deep Near-Infrared Imaging and the Selection of Distant Galaxies

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    We present deep near-infrared JHK imaging of four 10'x10' fields. The observations were carried out as part of the Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC) with ISPI on the CTIO 4m telescope. The typical point source limiting depths are J~22.5, H~21.5, and K~21 (5sigma; Vega). The effective seeing in the final images is ~1.0". We combine these data with MUSYC UBVRIz imaging to create K-selected catalogs that are unique for their uniform size, depth, filter coverage, and image quality. We investigate the rest-frame optical colors and photometric redshifts of galaxies that are selected using common color selection techniques, including distant red galaxies (DRGs), star-forming and passive BzKs, and the rest-frame UV-selected BM, BX, and Lyman break galaxies (LBGs). These techniques are effective at isolating large samples of high redshift galaxies, but none provide complete or uniform samples across the targeted redshift ranges. The DRG and BM/BX/LBG criteria identify populations of red and blue galaxies, respectively, as they were designed to do. The star-forming BzKs have a very wide redshift distribution, a wide range of colors, and may include galaxies with very low specific star formation rates. In comparison, the passive BzKs are fewer in number, have a different distribution of K magnitudes, and have a somewhat different redshift distribution. By combining these color selection criteria, it appears possible to define a reasonably complete sample of galaxies to our flux limit over specific redshift ranges. However, the redshift dependence of both the completeness and sampled range of rest-frame colors poses an ultimate limit to the usefulness of these techniques.Comment: 17 pages in emulateapj style, 13 figures. Submitted to the Astronomical Journal. Data will be made available upon publicatio

    Luminosity Functions of XMM-LSS C1 Galaxy Clusters

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    CFHTLS optical photometry has been used to study the galaxy luminosity functions of 14 X-ray selected clusters from the XMM-LSS survey. These are mostly groups and poor clusters, with masses (M_{500}) in the range 0.6 to 19x10 ^{13} M_solar and redshifts 0.05-0.61. Hence these are some of the highest redshift X-ray selected groups to have been studied. Lower and upper colour cuts were used to determine cluster members. We derive individual luminosity functions (LFs) for all clusters as well as redshift-stacked and temperature-stacked LFs in three filters, g', r' and z', down to M=-14.5. All LFs were fitted by Schechter functions which constrained the faint-end slope, alpha, but did not always fit well to the bright end. Derived values of alpha ranged from -1.03 to as steep as -2.1. We find no evidence for upturns at faint magnitudes. Evolution in alpha was apparent in all bands: it becomes shallower with increasing redshift; for example, in the z' band it flattened from -1.75 at low redshift to -1.22 in the redshift range z=0.43-0.61. Eight of our systems lie at z~0.3, and we combine these to generate a galaxy LF in three colours for X-ray selected groups and poor clusters at redshift 0.3. We find that at z~0.3 alpha is steeper (-1.67) in the green (g') band than it is (-1.30) in the red (z') band. This colour trend disappears at low redshift, which we attribute to reddening of faint blue galaxies from z~0.3 to z~0. We also calculated the total optical luminosity and found it to correlate strongly with X-ray luminosity (L_X proportional to L_OPT^(2.1)), and also with ICM temperature (L_OPT proportional to T^(1.62)), consistent with expectations for self-similar clusters with constant mass-to-light ratio. We did not find any convincing correlation of Schechter parameters with mean cluster temperature.Comment: 23 pages, 17 figure

    Kinome and Transcriptome Profiling Reveal Broad and Distinct Activities of Erlotinib, Sunitinib, and Sorafenib in the Mouse Heart and Suggest Cardiotoxicity From Combined Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibition

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    BACKGROUND: Most novel cancer therapeutics target kinases that are essential to tumor survival. Some of these kinase inhibitors are associated with cardiotoxicity, whereas others appear to be cardiosafe. The basis for this distinction is unclear, as are the molecular effects of kinase inhibitors in the heart. METHODS AND RESULTS: We administered clinically relevant doses of sorafenib, sunitinib (cardiotoxic multitargeted kinase inhibitors), or erlotinib (a cardiosafe epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor) to mice daily for 2 weeks. We then compared the effects of these 3 kinase inhibitors on the cardiac transcriptome using RNAseq and the cardiac kinome using multiplexed inhibitor beads coupled with mass spectrometry. We found unexpectedly broad molecular effects of all 3 kinase inhibitors, suggesting that target kinase selectivity does not define either the molecular response or the potential for cardiotoxicity. Using in vivo drug administration and primary cardiomyocyte culture, we also show that the cardiosafety of erlotinib treatment may result from upregulation of the cardioprotective signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 pathway, as co-treatment with erlotinib and a signal transducer and activator of transcription inhibitor decreases cardiac contractile function and cardiomyocyte fatty acid oxidation. CONCLUSIONS: Collectively our findings indicate that preclinical kinome and transcriptome profiling may predict the cardiotoxicity of novel kinase inhibitors, and suggest caution for the proposed therapeutic strategy of combined signal transducer and activator of transcription/epidermal growth factor receptor inhibition for cancer treatment

    “Submitting Love?”: a sensory sociology of Southbourne

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    This article seeks to remember the Southbourne building of Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom, which housed students, academics, and administrative staff until August 2014. Data were collected from an ethnographic observation study of students handing in completed coursework. Findings are presented in the form of an audio “soundscape” and a literary narrative. It is argued that these hypermodal tools should form a growing part of qualitative inquiry as sensory social research. The historic application and practical impediments of such sensorial and aural techniques are discussed, alongside the challenge they provide to the received practices concerning how journal articles can be experienced

    Serendipity and the SDSS: Discovery of the Largest Known Planetary Nebula on the Sky

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    Investigation of spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey reveals the presence of a region of ionized gas of >2 degrees diameter centered approximately at alpha = 10^h 37^m delta = -00^o 18' (J2000) (Galactic coordinates l=248, b=+48). [OIII] 4959,5007 emission is particularly strong and emission from H-alpha and [NII] 6548,6583 is also detectable over a substantial area on the sky. The combination of emission line ratios, the close to zero heliocentric radial velocity and the morphology of the structure are consistent with an identification as a very nearby planetary nebula. The proximity of the hot, DO white dwarf PG1034+001 further strengthens this interpretation. The object is: i) the largest planetary nebula on the sky, ii) certainly closer than any planetary nebula other than Sh 2--216, iii) the first to be unambiguously associated with a DO white dwarf. A parallax distance for PG1034+001 would establish whether the structure is in fact the closest, and one of the physically largest, planetary nebula known.Comment: 12 pages including 4 figures. ApJ Letters in pres

    Combined analysis of weak lensing and X-ray blind surveys

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    We present a joint weak lensing and X-ray analysis of 4 deg2^2 from the CFHTLS and XMM-LSS surveys. Our weak lensing analysis is the first analysis of a real survey using shapelets, a new generation weak lensing analysis method. We create projected mass maps of the images, and extract 6 weak-lensing-detected clusters of galaxies. We show that their counts can be used to constrain the power spectrum normalisation σ8=0.92−0.30+0.26\sigma_8 =0.92_{-0.30}^{+0.26} for Ωm=0.24\Omega_m=0.24. We show that despite the large scatter generally observed in the M-T relation derived from lensing masses, tight constraints on both its slope and normalisation M∗M_* can be obtained with a moderate number of sources provided that the covered mass range is large enough. Adding clusters from Bardeau et al. (2007) to our sample, we measure M∗=2.71−0.61+0.791014h−1M⊙M_* = 2.71_{-0.61}^{+0.79} 10^{14} h^{-1} M_\odot. Although they are dominated by shot noise and sample variance, our measurements are consistent with currently favoured values, and set the stage for future surveys. We thus investigate the dependence of those estimates on survey size, depth, and integration time, for joint weak lensing and X-ray surveys. We show that deep surveys should be dedicated to the study of the physics of clusters and groups of galaxies. For a given exposure time, wide surveys provide a larger number of detected clusters and are therefore preferred for the measurement of cosmological parameters such as σ8\sigma_8 and M∗M_*. We show that a wide survey of a few hundred square degrees is needed to improve upon current measurements of these parameters. More ambitious surveys covering 7000 deg2^2 will provide the 1% accuracy in the estimation of the power spectrum and the M-T relation normalisations.Comment: MNRAS in press Matches accepted version. References update
