1,933 research outputs found
An experimental investigation of the combustion performance of human faeces
Poor sanitation is one of the major hindrances to the global sustainable development goals. The Reinvent the Toilet Challenge of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is set to develop affordable, next-generation sanitary systems that can ensure safe treatment and wide accessibility without compromise on sustainable use of natural resources and the environment. Energy recovery from human excreta is likely to be a cornerstone of future sustainable sanitary systems. Faeces combustion was investigated using a bench-scale downdraft combustor test rig, alongside with wood biomass and simulant faeces. Parameters such as air flow rate, fuel pellet size, bed height, and fuel ignition mode were varied to establish the combustion operating range of the test rig and the optimum conditions for converting the faecal biomass to energy. The experimental results show that the dry human faeces had a higher energy content (∼25 MJ/kg) than wood biomass. At equivalence ratio between 0.86 and 1.12, the combustion temperature and fuel burn rate ranged from 431 to 558 °C and 1.53 to 2.30 g/min respectively. Preliminary results for the simulant faeces show that a minimum combustion bed temperature of 600 ± 10 °C can handle faeces up to 60 wt.% moisture at optimum air-to-fuel ratio. Further investigation is required to establish the appropriate trade-off limits for drying and energy recovery, considering different stool types, moisture content and drying characteristics. This is important for the design and further development of a self-sustained energy conversion and recovery systems for the NMT and similar sanitary solutions
LC-MS/MS Method for the determination of carbamathione in human plasma
Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry methodology is described for the determination of S-(N,N-diethylcarbamoyl)glutathione (carbamathione) in human plasma samples. Sample preparation consisted of a straightforward perchloric acid medicated protein precipitation, with the resulting supernatant containing the carbamathione (recovery ∼98%). For optimized chromatography/mass spec detection a carbamathione analog, S-(N,N-di-i-propylcarbamoyl)glutathione, was synthesized and used as the internal standard. Carbamathione was found to be stable over the pH 1-8 region over the timeframe necessary for the various operations of the analytical method. Separation was accomplished via reversed-phase gradient elution chromatography with analyte elution and re-equilibration accomplished within 8 minutes. Calibration was established and validated over the concentration range of 0.5-50 nM, which is adequate to support clinical investigations. Intra- and inter-day accuracy and precision determined and found to be < 4% and < 10%, respectively. The methodology was utilized to demonstrate the carbamathione plasma-time profile of a human volunteer dosed with disulfiram (250 mg/d). Interestingly, an unknown but apparently related metabolite was observed with each human plasma sample analyzed
Non-isothermal thermogravimetric kinetic analysis of the thermochemical conversion of human faeces
The “Reinvent the Toilet Challenge” set by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation aims to bring access to adequate sanitary systems to billions of people. In response to this challenge, on-site sanitation systems are proposed and being developed globally. These systems require in-situ thermal treatment, processes that are not well understood for human faeces (HF). Thermogravimetric analysis has been used to investigate the pyrolysis, gasification and combustion of HF. The results are compared to the thermal behaviour of simulant faeces (SF) and woody biomass (WB), along with the blends of HF and WB. Kinetic analysis was conducted using non-isothermal kinetics model-free methods, and the thermogravimetric data obtained for the combustion of HF, SS and WB. The results show that the devolatilisation of HF requires higher temperatures and rates are slower those of WB. Minimum temperatures of 475 K are required for fuel ignition. HF and SF showed similar thermal behaviour under pyrolysis, but not under combustion conditions. The activation energy for HF is 157.4 kJ/mol, relatively higher than SS and WB. Reaction order for HF is lower (n = 0.4) to WB (n = 0.6). In-situ treatment of HF in on-site sanitary systems can be designed for slow progressive burn
Pyrolysis characteristics and kinetics of human faeces, simulant faeces and wood biomass by thermogravimetry–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry methods
Human faeces (HF) are treated as wastes in many parts of the world, a resource that can be converted to energy and fuels. To enhance the understanding of fuel conversion processes and decomposition characteristics, this study investigated the pyrolysis behaviour and evolved gas profiles of HF using thermogravimetry with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry methods. Kinetic parameters were deduced using model-free kinetic models. Results are compared with simulant faeces (SF), wood biomass (WB) and HF–WB blends. The pyrolysis of HF involved two decomposition peaks — a fronting peak with weight loss of ∼. The apparent activation energy for HF varied from 122–382 kJ/mol at conversion rates of 10%–90% using Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose model. Some of the key pyrolysis products for HF at 370 °C were 4-methoxy-phenol, n-hexadecanoic acid, phenol, 4-methyl- and indole isomer (pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyridine). At 530 °C, evolved gases were largely fragmented with high proportions of alkanes and alkenes including 3-dodecane, 2-undecane, 6-tridecene, 2-propenylidene-cyclobutene. These products differed to WB that are largely hydroxyphenyls and methoxyphenols with guaiacyl or syringil structures. Blending with WB improved pyrolysis of HF, irrespective of the proportions of blen
Turbulent molecular gas and star formation in the shocked intergalactic medium of Stephan's Quintet
We report on single-dish radio CO observations towards the inter-galactic
medium (IGM) of the Stephan's Quintet (SQ) group of galaxies. Extremely bright
mid-IR H2 rotational line emission from warm molecular gas has been detected by
Spitzer in the kpc-scale shock created by a galaxy collision. We detect in the
IGM CO(1-0), (2-1) and (3-2) line emission with complex profiles, spanning a
velocity range of 1000 km/s. The spectra exhibit the pre-shock recession
velocities of the two colliding gas systems (5700 and 6700 km/s), but also
intermediate velocities. This shows that much of the molecular gas has formed
out of diffuse gas accelerated by the galaxy-tidal arm collision. A total H2
mass of 5x10^9 Msun is detected in the shock. The molecular gas carries a large
fraction of the gas kinetic energy involved in the collision, meaning that this
energy has not been thermalized yet. The turbulent kinetic energy of the H2 gas
is at least a factor of 5 greater than the thermal energy of the hot plasma
heated by the collision. The ratio between the warm H2 mass derived from
Spitzer IRS spectroscopy and the H2 mass derived from CO fluxes is ~0.3 in the
IGM of SQ, which is 10-100 times higher than in star-forming galaxies. In the
shocked region, the ratio of the PAH-to-CO surface luminosities, commonly used
to measure the star formation efficiency of the H2 gas, is lower (up to a
factor 75) than the observed values in star-forming galaxies. We suggest that
turbulence fed by the galaxy-tidal arm collision maintains a high heating rate
within the H2 gas. This interpretation implies that the velocity dispersion on
the scale of giant molecular clouds in SQ is one order of magnitude larger than
the Galactic value. The high amplitude of turbulence may explain why this gas
is not forming stars efficiently. [abridged version]Comment: Revised abstract and small editing to match published version. 15
pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap
A multimodal toolkit for thermal performance feedback in conceptual design modelling
This paper presents a multimodal toolkit for rapid performance-driven façade design that includes both virtual and physical performance feedback. The toolkit has been user tested in the SmartGeometry 2013 event by the Thermal Reticulations workshop cluster. Although the workshop participants were predominately digital design focused, the authors observed several distinct approaches to the tool selection and workflow involving both physical and virtual simulations, with a favoring to tools that produce fast visual outcomes. The approaches to tool selection are presented here as case studies with their workflow mapped for discussion. We conclude that access to a diverse range of simulation tools for design evaluation is advantageous to the creativity of the design process
Managing power dissipation in closed-loop reverse electrodialysis to maximise energy recovery during thermal-to-electric conversion
Whilst the efficiency of reverse electrodialysis (RED) for thermal-to-electrical conversion has been theoretically demonstrated for low-grade waste heat, the specific configuration and salinity required to manage power generation has been less well described. This study demonstrates that operating RED by recycling feed solutions provides the most suitable configuration for energy recovery from a fixed solution volume, providing a minimum unitary cost for energy production. For a fixed membrane area, recycling feeds achieves energy efficiency seven times higher than single pass (conventional operation), and with an improved power density. However, ionic transport, water flux and concentration polarisation introduce complex temporal effects when concentrated brines are recirculated, that are not ordinarily encountered in single pass systems. Regeneration of the concentration gradient at around 80% energy dissipation was deemed most economically pragmatic, due to the increased resistance to mass transport beyond this threshold. However, this leads to significant exergy destruction that could be improved by interventions to better control ionic build up in the dilute feed. Further improvements to energy efficiency were fostered through optimising current density for each brine concentration independently. Whilst energy efficiency was greatest at lower brine concentrations, the work produced from a fixed volume of feed solution was greatest at higher saline concentrations. Since the thermal-to-electrical conversion proposed is governed by volumetric heat utilisation (distillation to reset the concentration gradient), higher brine concentrations are therefore recommended to improve total system efficiency. Importantly, this study provides new evidence for the configuration and boundary conditions required to realise RED as a practical solution for application to sources of low-grade waste heat in industr
an overview of the MHONGOOSE survey: Observing nearby galaxies with MeerKAT
© Copyright owned by the author(s). MHONGOOSE is a deep survey of the neutral hydrogen distribution in a representative sample of 30 nearby disk and dwarf galaxies with H I masses from ∼ 106 to ∼ 1011 M, and luminosities from MR ∼ 12 to MR ∼ −22. The sample is selected to uniformly cover the available range in log(MHI). Our extremely deep observations, down to H I column density limits of well below 1018 cm−2 — or a few hundred times fainter than the typical H I disks in galaxies — will directly detect the effects of cold accretion from the intergalactic medium and the links with the cosmic web. These observations will be the first ever to probe the very low-column density neutral gas in galaxies at these high resolutions. Combination with data at other wavelengths, most of it already available, will enable accurate modeling of the properties and evolution of the mass components in these galaxies and link these with the effects of environment, dark matter distribution, and other fundamental properties such as halo mass and angular momentum. MHONGOOSE can already start addressing some of the SKA-1 science goals and will provide a comprehensive inventory of the processes driving the transformation and evolution of galaxies in the nearby universe at high resolution and over 5 orders of magnitude in column density. It will be a Nearby Galaxies Legacy Survey that will be unsurpassed until the advent of the SKA, and can serve as a highly visible, lasting statement of MeerKAT’s capabilities
Integration of a 3D hydrogel matrix within a hollow core photonic crystal fibre for DNA probe immobilization
In this paper, we demonstrate the integration of a 3D hydrogel matrix within a hollow core photonic crystal fibre (HC-PCF). In addition, we also show the fluorescence of Cy5-labelled DNA molecules immobilized within the hydrogel formed in two different types of HC-PCF. The 3D hydrogel matrix is designed to bind with the amino groups of biomolecules using an appropriate cross-linker, providing higher sensitivity and selectivity than the standard 2D coverage, enabling a greater number of probe molecules to be available per unit area. The HC-PCFs, on the other hand, can be designed to maximize the capture of fluorescence to improve sensitivity and provide longer interaction lengths. This could enable the development of fibre-based point-of-care and remote systems, where the enhanced sensitivity would relax the constraints placed on sources and detectors. In this paper, we will discuss the formation of such polyethylene glycol diacrylate (PEGDA) hydrogels within a HC-PCF, including their optical properties such as light propagation and auto-fluorescence
Continuum emission in NGC1068 and NGC3147: Indications for a turnover in the core spectra
We present new interferometric observations of the continuum emission at mm
wavelengths in the Seyfert galaxies NGC1068 and NGC3147. Three mm continuum
peaks are detected in NGC1068, one centered on the core, one associated with
the jet and the third one with the counter-jet. This is the first significant
detection of the radio jet and counter-jet at mm wavelengths in NGC1068. While
the fluxes of the jet components agree with a steep spectral index extrapolated
from cm-wavelengths, the core fluxes indicate a turnover of the inverted cm-
into a steep mm-spectrum at roughly 50GHz which is most likely caused by
electron-scattered synchrotron emission. As in NGC 1068, the spectrum of the
pointlike continuum source in NGC3147 also shows a turnover between cm and
mm-wavelengths at 25GHz resulting from synchrotron self-absorption different to
NGC1068. This strongly resembles the spectrum of SgrA*, the weakly active
nucleus of our own galaxy, and M81*, a link between SgrA* and Seyfert galaxies
in terms of activity sequence, which may display a similar turnover.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&
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